View Full Version : The Crooked Democrats Are In Charge of the House

01-02-2019, 07:02 PM
law & order: crooked dem intent


already on the agenda:

fight corruption (campaign finance, lobbying, voting rights) (https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/11/30/18118158/house-democrats-anti-corruption-bill-hr-1-pelosi)

reopen/fund the govt (https://www.npr.org/2018/12/31/681215100/democrats-plan-vote-to-reopen-government-on-jan-3-when-they-take-over-house)

make $15/hr the national minimum wage (https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/democrats-to-prioritize-15-federal-minimum-wage-with-house-takeover_us_5c13f74be4b049efa75223bb)

getting maga's tax returns (https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/02/politics/trump-tax-returns-democrats/index.html)

and generally harass the emperor (https://www.cnn.com/2018/12/28/politics/house-democrats-investigations-lawyers-hiring/index.html). etc.

check and balances are back in our system for the first time in years. gop don't have much to show for their time in power- no wall, no obamacare repeal/replace. just a deficit busting ill-conceived trickle down redo, a trade war, 3 govt shutdowns including the current one.

are you excited, scurred, indifferent?

thots? :confusedshrug:

Gus Hemmingway
01-02-2019, 07:07 PM
- death
- taxes
- orange man bad
- muh glory 90's years


01-02-2019, 07:11 PM
- death
- taxes
- orange man bad
- muh glory 90's years


thanks for your contribution, fam. :confusedshrug:

Ben Simmons 25
01-02-2019, 07:20 PM
orange man bad

01-02-2019, 07:32 PM
orange man bad

interesting. do you think the crooked dems will expose said badness and hold orange man accountable? or will it be yet another nothingburger that results in many guilty pleas, convictions, flipping, etc?


01-02-2019, 07:40 PM

01-02-2019, 07:48 PM

yes, but does his badness rise to the level of say impeachment or criminal litigation proceedings?

how bad of a man is the orange one really?


01-02-2019, 09:13 PM
Smart move by Democrats splitting the shutdown funding into 2 separate bills. First bill includes funding for 6 of the 7 agencies shutdown. The terms were agreed to on bipartisan basis so Republicans have to pass that or they would get full blame for continuing shutdown. Only bill that probably won't pass would be for Homeland Security. I think $1.3 billion is more than enough - Democrats should push it to $2.5 billion that Pence proposed. Take $2.5bill or leave it. Make that the final and hard stance.

Trump is trying so hard to get funding for wall only so he can meet one of his campaign promises, but it should never happen. He can take his clothes off and dance around the oval room table screaming and yelling manically with his belly flopping, but no wall funding. Period. Even if it keeps Homeland security shutdown for rest of the year, so be it..

Patrick Chewing
01-02-2019, 09:45 PM
What a cringe photo. Do the Republicans have a photo like that??

01-02-2019, 10:42 PM
What a cringe photo. Do the Republicans have a photo like that??

as far as cringe goes, i think everyone would agree that this pic which hangs in the oval office wins the first-third prize.



the crooked ones not even technically in power yet. already doin' work.


Top Democrats have announced a series of major changes to House rules, including implementing a rule that automatically raises the debt ceiling and creating a new committee on climate change.


Rep. Maxine Waters, the first woman and first African-American to chair the House Financial Services Committee, is planning to use her new power to push for more women and minorities in the top ranks of corporate America


Patrick Chewing
01-02-2019, 10:50 PM

:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

Long Duck Dong
01-03-2019, 12:41 AM
Maxine Waters fighting corruption?


01-03-2019, 01:26 AM
Maxine Waters...lol. An actual socialist.

01-03-2019, 02:31 AM
So basically, make the poor more reliant on the government.

Got it.

Lakers Legend#32
01-03-2019, 02:52 AM
law & order: crooked dem intent

Trump's Ass Is Ours.

01-03-2019, 03:15 AM
$15 min wage for who? Great Falls, MT or San Francisco, CA?

"Believe it or not, before minimum-wage laws took effect, a black teenager was actually more likely to have a job than a white teen. I repeat

01-03-2019, 05:13 AM
[QUOTE=Cleverness]$15 min wage for who? Great Falls, MT or San Francisco, CA?

"Believe it or not, before minimum-wage laws took effect, a black teenager was actually more likely to have a job than a white teen. I repeat

Ben Simmons 25
01-03-2019, 09:03 AM
Huh? So a higher minimum wage leads to racism? :biggums:

No but a higher minimum wage hurts the poorest people which disproportionately impacts black people.

The announced purpose of this bill is to raise living standards for all Americans. This is certainly an admirable goal, however, to believe that Congress can raise the standard of living for working Americans by simply forcing employers to pay their employees a higher wage is equivalent to claiming that Congress can repeal gravity by passing a law saying humans shall have the ability to fly.

Economic principles dictate that when government imposes a minimum wage rate above the market wage rate, it creates a surplus ``wedge'' between the supply of labor and the demand for labor, leading to an increase in unemployment.

Employers cannot simply begin paying more to workers whose marginal productivity does not meet or exceed the law-imposed wage. The only course of action available to the employer is to mechanize operations or employ a higher-skilled worker whose output meets or exceeds the ``minimum wage.'' This, of course, has the advantage of giving the skilled worker an additional (and government-enforced) advantage over the unskilled worker.

For example, where formerly an employer had the option of hiring three unskilled workers at $5 per hour or one skilled worker at $16 per hour, a minimum wage of $6 suddenly leaves the employer only the choice of the skilled worker at an additional cost of $1 per hour. I would ask my colleagues, if the minimum wage is the means to prosperity, why stop at $6.65--why not $50, $75, or $100 per hour?

Those who are denied employment opportunities as a result of the minimum wage are often young people at the lower end of the income scale who are seeking entry-level employment. Their inability to find an entry-level job will limit their employment prospects for years to come. Thus, raising the minimum wage actually lowers the employment opportunities and standard of living of the very people proponents of the minimum wage claim will benefit from government intervention in the economy!

Furthermore, interfering in the voluntary transactions of employers and employees in the name of making things better for low wage earners violates citizens' rights of association and freedom of contract as if to say to citizens ``you are incapable of making employment decisions for yourself in the marketplace.''

Mr. Speaker, I do not wish my opposition to this bill to be misconstrued as counseling inaction. Quite the contrary, Congress must enact ambitious program of tax cuts and regulatory reform to remove government-created obstacles to job growth.

However, Mr. Speaker, Congress should not fool itself into believing that the package of tax cuts included in this bill will compensate for the damage inflicted on small businesses and their employees by the minimum wage increase. This assumes that Congress is omnipotent and thus can strike a perfect balance between tax cuts and regulations so that no firm, or worker, in the country is adversely affected by Federal policies.

If the 20th Century taught us anything it was that any and all attempts to centrally plan an economy, especially one as large and diverse as America's, are doomed to fail.

In conclusion, I would remind my colleagues that while it may make them feel good to raise the Federal minimum wage, the real life consequences of this bill will be vested upon those who can least afford to be deprived of work opportunities. Therefore, rather than pretend that Congress can repeal the economic principles, I urge my colleagues to reject this legislation and instead embrace a program of tax cuts and regulatory reform to strengthen the greatest producer of jobs and prosperity in human history: the free market.

01-03-2019, 11:06 AM
Smart move by Democrats splitting the shutdown funding into 2 separate bills. First bill includes funding for 6 of the 7 agencies shutdown. The terms were agreed to on bipartisan basis so Republicans have to pass that or they would get full blame for continuing shutdown. Only bill that probably won't pass would be for Homeland Security. I think $1.3 billion is more than enough - Democrats should push it to $2.5 billion that Pence proposed. Take $2.5bill or leave it. Make that the final and hard stance.

Trump is trying so hard to get funding for wall only so he can meet one of his campaign promises, but it should never happen. He can take his clothes off and dance around the oval room table screaming and yelling manically with his belly flopping, but no wall funding. Period. Even if it keeps Homeland security shutdown for rest of the year, so be it..

Whether its Demo's or Reps OP thinks only one party is corrupt... :facepalm
I am in favor of the wall , but it has to cover the WHOLE border , not just part of it.
I mean come on , some of these people have traveled hundreds of miles to get to the border , you think if they know the wall ends 50-100's of miles away , they would not go that way :confusedshrug:
BUILD the whole wall.

01-03-2019, 11:44 AM
I am in favor of the wall , but it has to cover the WHOLE border , not just part of it.
I mean come on , some of these people have traveled hundreds of miles to get to the border , you think if they know the wall ends 50-100's of miles away , they would not go that way :confusedshrug:
BUILD the whole wall.

and who's gonna pay for it?!


01-03-2019, 12:42 PM
Dems fighting corruption :roll: :roll: :roll:

01-03-2019, 12:44 PM
Dems fighting corruption :roll: :roll: :roll:
Almost as hilarious as that Trump promise of draining the swamp, huh...

01-03-2019, 12:52 PM
Dems fighting corruption :roll: :roll: :roll:

the new dream team (https://www.vox.com/2019/1/3/18134919/congress-house-2019-committee-investigations-trump-impeachment)


01-03-2019, 12:54 PM
Almost as hilarious as that Trump promise of draining the swamp, huh...

It just goes to show what a depressing cesspool Washington is. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

01-03-2019, 01:03 PM
It just goes to show what a depressing cesspool Washington is. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

how's the vote rigging/fraud investigation going in your backyard? have they drained the nc swamp yet? :confusedshrug:

01-03-2019, 01:36 PM
how's the vote rigging/fraud investigation going in your backyard? have they drained the nc swamp yet? :confusedshrug:

It's a total shit show. We don't even have an elections board. The Republicans in the General Assembly are crooked as shit but one must remember that they replaced the Democrats who were also crooked as shit. The former Democratic speaker of the house went to jail for taking bribes and the last Democrat governor before Cooper was disbarred. Our Dem Mayor of Charlotte 2 terms ago served time for.....wait for it.....taking bribes.

01-03-2019, 01:39 PM
It's a total shit show. We don't even have an elections board. The Republicans in the General Assembly are crooked as shit but one must remember that they replaced the Democrats who were also crooked as shit. The former Democratic speaker of the house went to jail for taking bribes and the last Democrat governor before Cooper was disbarred. Our Dem Mayor of Charlotte 2 terms ago served time for.....wait for it.....taking bribes.

so nc dems like cash bribes and nc repubs like fixing elections.

that's some world class swamp land you got yourselves down there. :lol

01-03-2019, 02:35 PM
BUILD the whole wall.

Building a contiguous wall across the entirety of the southern border isn't particularly feasible, and would be extremely expensive.

Ben Simmons 25
01-03-2019, 02:38 PM
We don't need a wall... we just need to shoot to kill.

That would stop the behavior.

If you want to come here, great! Let's do it. But you're going to do so legally and we're not going to accept 100% of applicants 100% of the time. If you try to cross illegally, there's a good chance you're going to get gunned down where you stand and left to be eaten by coyotes.

Just like taking our own personal druggies out into the center of town and shooting them in the head in front of everyone would drastically reduce the consumption of drugs.

But... people don't like those types of solutions because they don't make us feel good. But that would work and solve the overwhelming extreme vast majority of our problems surrounding these issues. People would flat out stop trying to cross our borders illegally.

01-03-2019, 02:40 PM
Building a contiguous wall across the entirety of the southern border isn't particularly feasible, and would be extremely expensive.

The bigger problem is that you have entire states like CA which unapologetically make themselves rich on the illegal labor of impoverished, undocumented immigrants.

No matter what steps the federal government takes, places like California will seek to circumvent those measures and find ways to import their wage slaves, while dressing it up in a social justice context that easily fools the likes of *ahem* some people.*

*The preceding post was about you.

01-03-2019, 02:47 PM
so nc dems like cash bribes and nc repubs like fixing elections.

that's some world class swamp land you got yourselves down there. :lol


01-03-2019, 02:49 PM
We don't need a wall... we just need to shoot to kill.

That would stop the behavior.

If you want to come here, great! Let's do it. But you're going to do so legally and we're not going to accept 100% of applicants 100% of the time. If you try to cross illegally, there's a good chance you're going to get gunned down where you stand and left to be eaten by coyotes.

Just like taking our own personal druggies out into the center of town and shooting them in the head in front of everyone would drastically reduce the consumption of drugs.

But... people don't like those types of solutions because they don't make us feel good. But that would work and solve the overwhelming extreme vast majority of our problems surrounding these issues. People would flat out stop trying to cross our borders illegally.

Wow great poast edgelord.

*tips fedora*

Ben Simmons 25
01-03-2019, 02:58 PM
Wow great poast edgelord.

*tips fedora*

I'm not saying it to be edgy and I'm not joking.

The bullets would be significantly cheaper and significantly more effective than a wall ever could be. It would not take millions of illegals being killed before the word spread and the behavior all but stopped.

01-03-2019, 03:18 PM
I'm not saying it to be edgy and I'm not joking.

The bullets would be significantly cheaper and significantly more effective than a wall ever could be. It would not take millions of illegals being killed before the word spread and the behavior all but stopped.

You’ll have to excuse tpols.

Quashing the deleterious effects of illegal immigration is not a PC, group-approved concept in left wing America. Therefore tpols will not be providing any solutions, ideas, or recommendations on the subject. He will only provide criticism, in accordance with the demands his peer group has placed on him as a requisite for acceptance.

01-03-2019, 03:32 PM
Wow great poast edgelord.

*tips fedora*

you must keep in mind this is probably a person who legit thought mexico was gonna buy him a big beautiful coast to coast wall.

rationality isn't really a top priority for such a person.

looks like crooked nancy is officially back in the top spot.

01-03-2019, 03:34 PM
Whether its Demo's or Reps OP thinks only one party is corrupt... :facepalm
I am in favor of the wall , but it has to cover the WHOLE border , not just part of it.
I mean come on , some of these people have traveled hundreds of miles to get to the border , you think if they know the wall ends 50-100's of miles away , they would not go that way :confusedshrug:
BUILD the whole wall.

It would cost minimum of $25 billion.. probably more like $35 billion and maintenance costs, which always tend to run up.

It's not stopping most of the illegal immigrants because there are plenty of other ways of getting in. Many get in legally in planes and overstay visas, many come in boats, many cross the border hidden in cars/trucks/bigger vehicles, they will also attempt to dig a tunnel under the wall or over the walls. It's a complete waste of money..

01-03-2019, 03:36 PM
The bigger problem is that you have entire states like CA which unapologetically make themselves rich on the illegal labor of impoverished, undocumented immigrants.

No matter what steps the federal government takes, places like California will seek to circumvent those measures and find ways to import their wage slaves, while dressing it up in a social justice context that easily fools the likes of *ahem* some people.*

*The preceding post was about you.

Bit like Trump's businesses??

Lamar Doom
01-03-2019, 03:44 PM

01-03-2019, 03:48 PM
I think you're spot on here. Anyone suggesting that simply shooting illegal immigrants and publicly executing drug addicts isn't the solution to america's issues is mired in hyper sensitive PC bullshit and simply seeking the approval of fellow sheep. Keep those genius solutions coming, difference makers. :rolleyes:


01-03-2019, 03:48 PM
You’ll have to excuse tpols.

Quashing the deleterious effects of illegal immigration is not a PC, group-approved concept in left wing America. Therefore tpols will not be providing any solutions, ideas, or recommendations on the subject. He will only provide criticism, in accordance with the demands his peer group has placed on him as a requisite for acceptance.

Yup... **** a wall...anything short of indiscriminate firing squads is just too damn PC. we need some good ole fashion ww2 machine gun nests set up pronto and anyone who disagrees is a pansy liberal amirite, Plato?

01-03-2019, 03:52 PM
They're all crooked. It's government. Every government is crooked.

Ben Simmons 25
01-03-2019, 03:52 PM
It’s not a perfect solution and I’d prefer non violent means.

A wall to that scale would ALWAYS be circumvented somehow.

But guess what?

We live in an imperfect world that requires imperfect actions, sometimes.

What is your solution? Let me guess... just let it go unchecked and or it’s not actually a problem? Ha.

They come freely now because at worst they’ll be arrested, held for a bit and sent back only to keep doing it until they actually make it over. It is a problem.

It’s a much smaller problem than central bankers ruining the world but it’s a problem nonetheless and nobody’s really doing anything about it.

01-03-2019, 03:55 PM
Yup... **** a wall...anything short of indiscriminate firing squads is just too damn PC. we need some good ole fashion ww2 machine gun nests set up pronto and anyone who disagrees is a pansy liberal amirite, Plato?

If they're never providing alternative solutions, which was the crux of my point, then yeah, probably.

Life isn't always easy, pretty, or fair. That's reality. When difficult solutions are required, people like you and lamar poon and maxfly will ALWAYS line up to oppose the solutions, so that you can look like good guys. But you're never coming up with any (realistic, legitimate) solutions of your own. You just wait for others to do the tough, unpopular dirty work and then you criticize it for your own social glorification. You stand on the sidelines and talk talk talk, because you dont have the guts to act, but you need to make it look like you had a "superior moral reason" for not taking the necessary action you were to weak to take in the first place.

That's why liberal men get paired up with screeching purple-haired feminist whales. Because women who have options want leaders, not posers. While men who can't lead get stuck with the hippos. So have fun with that.

Ben Simmons 25
01-03-2019, 03:56 PM
If they're never providing alternative solutions, which was the crux of my point, then yeah, probably.

Life isn't always easy, pretty, or fair. That's reality. When difficult solutions are required, people like you and lamar poon and maxfly will ALWAYS line up to oppose the solutions, so that you can look like good guys. But you're never coming up with any (realistic, legitimate) solutions of your own. You just wait for others to do the tough, unpopular dirty work and then you criticize it for your own social glorification. You stand on the sidelines and talk talk talk.

That's why liberal men get paired up with screeching purple-haired feminist whales. Because women who have options want leaders, not posers. While men who can't lead get stuck with the hippos. So have fun with that.

Haha, amazingly accurate.

01-03-2019, 03:59 PM
If they're never providing alternative solutions, which was the crux of my point, then yeah, probably.

Life isn't always easy, pretty, or fair. That's reality. When difficult solutions are required, people like you and lamar poon and maxfly will ALWAYS line up to oppose the solutions, so that you can look like good guys. But you're never coming up with any (realistic, legitimate) solutions of your own. You just wait for others to do the tough, unpopular dirty work and then you criticize it for your own social glorification. You stand on the sidelines and talk talk talk, because you dont have the guts to act, but you need to make it look like you had a "superior moral reason" for not taking the necessary action you were to weak to take in the first place.

That's why liberal men get paired up with screeching purple-haired feminist whales. Because women who have options want leaders, not posers. While men who can't lead get stuck with the hippos. So have fun with that.

I've given my take on solutions already plenty of times but also enjoy shooting down dumb propositions. You and the crew give me lots of target practice. :rockon:

01-03-2019, 04:00 PM
Haha, amazingly accurate.

Thanks. Of course it doesnt come close to a Lamar Doom insert-something-sarcastic-with-zero-substance emo retort.

I'll always be second best.

01-03-2019, 04:01 PM
I've given my take on solutions already plenty of times but also enjoy shooting down dumb propositions. You and the crew give me lots of target practice. :rockon:


01-03-2019, 04:03 PM
I'm not saying it to be edgy and I'm not joking.

The bullets would be significantly cheaper and significantly more effective than a wall ever could be. It would not take millions of illegals being killed before the word spread and the behavior all but stopped.
There's a certain thing called basic human rights.

Those kinds of measures happen in places like South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran, China etc and if you haven't noticed a pattern, they also happen to have severe human rights violations. Yeah sure they are effective but at what cost? You start accepting those kinds of measures, where do you stop? After the illegals getting shot at the border and druggies getting executed in the main town plaza, who's next? Thieves? Adulterers? Mentally ill?

Its not gonna happen and if it does, then the US would be an entirely different country than what it is today and it would be one we wouldn't recognize and most probably one we wouldn't want to live in.

01-03-2019, 04:05 PM

I don't save my poasts links and certainly wont go digging for you lol... Reach into that deep memory bank of yours

01-03-2019, 04:10 PM
There's a certain thing called basic human rights.

Those kinds of measures happen in places like South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran, China etc and if you haven't noticed a pattern, they also happen to have severe human rights violations. Yeah sure they are effective but at what cost? You start accepting those kinds of measures, where do you stop? After the illegals getting shot at the border and druggies getting executed in the main town plaza, who's next? Thieves? Adulterers? Mentally ill?

Its not gonna happen and if it does, then the US would be an entirely different country than what it is today and it would be one we wouldn't recognize and most probably one we wouldn't want to live in.

We should send Ben and Plato to the Philippines where anybody can be accused of being a drug dealer and summarily executed without any type of investigation or trial.

What a paradise!

Ben Simmons 25
01-03-2019, 04:11 PM
There's a certain thing called basic human rights.

Those kinds of measures happen in places like South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran, China etc and if you haven't noticed a pattern, they also happen to have severe human rights violations. Yeah sure they are effective but at what cost? You start accepting those kinds of measures, where do you stop? After the illegals getting shot at the border and druggies getting executed in the main town plaza, who's next? Thieves? Adulterers? Mentally ill?

Its not gonna happen and if it does, then the US would be an entirely different country than what it is today and it would be one we wouldn't recognize and most probably one we wouldn't want to live in.

The US is already trending in the direction of a country I don’t want to live in, regardless. It has been for some time.

A significant portion of what our founders shed their blood for has already been eradicated and it slowly sinks further over the decades.

01-03-2019, 04:12 PM
There's a certain thing called basic human rights.

not in the philippines there isn't. i think certain posters in this thread would like living there a whole lot more than living in the land of libruhl bill of rights.


duterte 2020 :rockon:

01-03-2019, 04:26 PM
I don't save my poasts links and certainly wont go digging for you lol... Reach into that deep memory bank of yours

Then pray tell us here and now, what measures do you propose as effective deterrents for illegal immigration?

01-03-2019, 04:29 PM
We should send Ben and Plato to the Philippines where anybody can be accused of being a drug dealer and summarily executed without any type of investigation or trial.

What a paradise!

First of all I don't and never have supported shooting people at the border (altho perhaps with rubber bullets?) My point was that for you there are no good solutions because there are no perfect fairytale solutions. And you dont have the guts to accept real life solutions to real life problems. You let others keep you safe then you criticize how they do it to justify your weakness.

Lakers Legend#32
01-03-2019, 04:33 PM
No more Republican enablers for Trump looking the other way.
2019 is gonna be the worst year of Fat Donnie's life.

01-03-2019, 05:06 PM
It’s not a perfect solution and I’d prefer non violent means.

A wall to that scale would ALWAYS be circumvented somehow.

But guess what?

We live in an imperfect world that requires imperfect actions, sometimes.

What is your solution? Let me guess... just let it go unchecked and or it’s not actually a problem? Ha.

They come freely now because at worst they’ll be arrested, held for a bit and sent back only to keep doing it until they actually make it over. It is a problem.

It’s a much smaller problem than central bankers ruining the world but it’s a problem nonetheless and nobody’s really doing anything about it.

Double layered metal fence with barbed wire on top works just as well as a wall.. Former can be done inside of maybe $5 billion for entirety of the border while latter costs upwards of $30 billion or more.

Trump wants $5 billion for just 200 miles of wall (total length: 1,980 miles). We all know he will keep coming back for more :sleeping

01-03-2019, 05:11 PM
Double layered metal fence with barbed wire on top works just as well as a wall.. Former can be done inside of maybe $5 billion for entirety of the border while latter costs upwards of $30 billion or more.

Trump wants $5 billion for just 200 miles of wall (total length: 1,980 miles). We all know he will keep coming back for more :sleeping

Do we have any Dems with a fence proposal on the table at the moment? Im legit asking.

Do we have any Dems that have put forth a serious plan for anything specific regarding the border recently?

There very well may be, Im sure if there are it just doesnt get publicized. Otoh I wouldnt be surprised if there isnt a single Dem compromise or counter-offer proposed. They know their base well.

What is the status on wall-alternatives when it comes to the left side of the aisle? What are the main proposals? Do you know? Does anyone? Fill us in.

Ben Simmons 25
01-03-2019, 05:14 PM
A wall... a fence... whatever... it’s going to always be defeated. But a fence would be better than nothing. Funny how a piece of carpet or two and a ladder would defeat it though lol. Or a shovel...

The wall covering the entire border was always a joke and unrealistic.

Executions are the best solution I’ve seen so far unfortunately. They aren’t our citizens.

If someone has a non violent solution that’ll actually work I’m all ears.

01-03-2019, 05:23 PM
A wall... a fence... whatever... it’s going to always be defeated. But a fence would be better than nothing. Funny how a piece of carpet or two and a ladder would defeat it though lol. Or a shovel...

The wall covering the entire border was always a joke and unrealistic.

Executions are the best solution I’ve seen so far unfortunately. They aren’t our citizens.

If someone has a non violent solution that’ll actually work I’m all ears.

Perhaps not nonviolent but less violent. You cant shoot people at the border, you know that. It’s more unrealistic as a proposal than a fence is for keeping people out. Youre putting too much power in the hands of guards, youre endangering kids whose parents might tell them to climb the fence and the kid has no idea the US has a shoot-on-sight policy. There are too many issues.

On the other hand, people caught here illegally get fingerprinted, and sent back with a warning. If they return illegally, they lose one of those fingers and get sent back. Show up again? Lose a second finger. Stuff like that.

I agree with you we’re way too lenient. We can definitely start tightening the screws without resorting to spraying bullets at anyone approaching the border. But I have no problem with real deterrents and real punishments.

01-03-2019, 05:33 PM
Then pray tell us here and now, what measures do you propose as effective deterrents for illegal immigration?

It appears tpols took a little hiatus after this question. Surprise, surprise.

No big deal, we’ve all got things to do. Let’s just make sure we ask him to address this once he returns. He might “forget.”

Ben Simmons 25
01-03-2019, 05:34 PM
I’m not sure that I do know that because... pragmatically speaking, what can we do? Send them away to try again or lock them up to become a tax burden on us?

Violence is the only answer that I see unfortunately.

01-03-2019, 05:44 PM
I’m not sure that I do know that because... pragmatically speaking, what can we do? Send them away to try again or lock them up to become a tax burden on us?

Violence is the only answer that I see unfortunately.

Im not saying there cant be physical punishment for repeat offenders. Im saying shooting people indiscriminately at the border will never be a policy. Im not arguing whether it’s effective, Im arguing whether itll ever happen. Im pretty sure it wont.

We can still look for serious but less extreme punishment for willful violators.

01-03-2019, 06:35 PM
fools the likes of *ahem* some people.*

*The preceding post was about you.

I take it that was directed at me.

01-03-2019, 06:36 PM
The border issue to me is just the right wing version of global warming. Are people coming in we dont want? Sure. Is earth warming? Yea. Can we realistically prevent either one? No. So am I inclined to spend untold billions to put a band-aid on cancer?


We have thousands of miles of border, thousands more miles of coast, and planes fly right over both with overstayed visas being the easiest way in. We have what...10 million already here? How many citizens are the children of them by now?

Even if you could catch them all you would never be able to transport, hold, or process them. Its just unrealistic....so we go with...not letting more in...which will never work. We wanna spend dozens of billions to slow a trickle to a smaller trickle...when even the small trickle ends up gallons over time. OF the 10-11 million....2 million are from places a wall doesnt do shit about. Asia, europe, canada, and Africa. And a greater percent would just change to the methods they use. You have people coming over in cargo ships for next to nothing....half of them just end up modern day slaves.

America is the promised land. People will die to get here. And there are too many ways in. Its too close. Not like its some vast desert.

San Diego and Tiajuana is pretty much one city with a fence up between them....



This is a national park in Texas. The people crossing are Americans going to mexico:


Thats the border.

You get down there...its just one place...with occasional fencing between them.

Its damn near like that Library in Vermont that was built on the border so some sections are in Canada.

Its a bunch of towns half filled with mexicans....who know people on both sides....probably because all of it was mexico before the Mexican american war.

This problem would have been a lot easier if the "All mexico" movement in congress had gained momentum and we just took all of mexico after the war. Have a much smaller border to deal with. But they didnt want all those mexicans to be citizens so this is what you get.


When a third of America was mexico....you are gonna have mexicans. Youre gonna have a huge chunk of your country indifferent to the "problem" of mexicans getting in....and eventually youre gonna have states pretty much populated by the original people. Only 3 states have more people period....than California has latinos.

This is a battle you lose...because people in North Dakota cant stop mexicans from helping other mexicans. You have families on both ends which make it easy to bring over visitors...who then just stay illegally. New Mexico is 47% hispanic...NOT counting illegals. Anyone think it isnt over 50% in reality?

Wonder how you get a tunnel built with so many mexicans owning houses down the street from the border? San diego is 40% hispanic. If you got a wall that worked(which it wont) all you would do is drive the creation of a network of tunnels....well...a bigger network. Cartels would jump at the chance to spend their billions on a more cost effective way to smuggle long term. Forget the border crossings. Spend that quick 120 million on a tunnel like el Chapo had. They would have that bitch looking like Homer simpsons driving to work in the Stonecutters episode:


You know why a wall is great defense of say.....a castle? Everyone inside is pulling together. On one team. Keeping the enemy out.

A wall around America?

Its built in places...where a huge portion of the people INSIDE the wall...arent gonna help you defend it.

If you could make the border like....somewhere in Alabama? Ok. You would have a gang of southern whites not playing that shit. They would take pride in the border. Rat out people helping the other team. Guard it themselves.

Put a wall in NEW MEXICO to stop MEXICANS and you are throwing good money after bad.

Youre never gonna reduce illegal entry enough with a wall to justify the trouble of trying. And youre never gonna stop global warming by harming american business when the rest of the earth is going the other direction.

We built a land of riches next to the slums.

The poor people want in. But the border isnt a sub division. Its 6% of all the worlds land. And all of ours is useful. It isnt half frozen like Russia and Canada.

America is too big to put a fence around.

The coast is too big. The land borders. The planes fly over them. not to mention...too many already here will just storm the gates from inside and raise the drawbridge.

This castle cant be held by force.

Put the money to better use.

01-03-2019, 06:37 PM
That's why liberal men get paired up with screeching purple-haired feminist whales. Because women who have options want leaders, not posers. While men who can't lead get stuck with the hippos. So have fun with that.

Go to Golden corral or walmart in the south at 2pm on a saturday.

See who the conservative men are trotting out as their trophies.

01-03-2019, 06:41 PM
It would cost minimum of $25 billion.. probably more like $35 billion and maintenance costs, which always tend to run up.

It's not stopping most of the illegal immigrants because there are plenty of other ways of getting in. Many get in legally in planes and overstay visas, many come in boats, many cross the border hidden in cars/trucks/bigger vehicles, they will also attempt to dig a tunnel under the wall or over the walls. It's a complete waste of money..

On top of the eminent domain purchases and legal fights necessary to secure a decent portion of the land on which a contiguous wall would need to be built. As I've mentioned elsewhere, illegal immigration is a concern, but there are more intelligent ways to address the problem.

01-03-2019, 06:47 PM
I wonder what happens if someone steps up with an offer of 10 billion....to build a network of trade schools employing nothing but veterans with a special emphasis on any who have fallen into poverty....to train americans to do jobs making good money in fields most dont have the skills to enter.

Say fund the government now....we help the homeless veterans and wounded warriors learn to be electricians and train the poor to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

Republicans sign off?

How do you turn that down?

01-03-2019, 07:15 PM
Go to Golden corral or walmart in the south at 2pm on a saturday.

See who the conservative men are trotting out as their trophies.

Whales, yes. Screeching, purple-haired feminazis? Not so much.

As far as your points about the border: You're right, it's an extremely challenging issue from a physical standpoint. That's why it would make much more sense to be TOUGH about enforcing laws regarding immigrant presence. Huge fines for employing illegals. Severe penalties for the illegals who defraud the process with fake/stolen documents (very common). ICE presence in areas with significant illegal populations.

These would all work just as well, are you on board? Most left wing voters/politicians are not. They oppose the wall, but they also oppose tougher restrictions and penalties. They simply will not take the same stance as conservatives on something, because then they lose all their "Im so progressive and enlightened" leverage. That's what is most important to them. That's their social currency.

They're simply not going to cooperate for the good of the country, ever.

01-03-2019, 07:17 PM
I wonder what happens if someone steps up with an offer of 10 billion....to build a network of trade schools employing nothing but veterans with a special emphasis on any who have fallen into poverty....to train americans to do jobs making good money in fields most dont have the skills to enter.

Say fund the government now....we help the homeless veterans and wounded warriors learn to be electricians and train the poor to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

Republicans sign off?

How do you turn that down?

What does one thing have to do with another?

The charity you propose is great. What's it got to do with the government's priorities?

Will the Dems agree to build the wall if a bunch of conservatives promise to go vegan?

Maybe I'm missing something obvious but your question doesnt seem to make a lot of sense.

01-03-2019, 07:20 PM
On top of the eminent domain purchases and legal fights necessary to secure a decent portion of the land on which a contiguous wall would need to be built. As I've mentioned elsewhere, illegal immigration is a concern, but there are more intelligent ways to address the problem.

Yes, you've grudgingly conceded it's an issue when backed into a corner on the subject.

But you haven't actually mentioned these "more intelligent ways."

If you tell us what measures you would actually support, you'll be the first leftie on ISH to do so.

Ben Simmons 25
01-03-2019, 07:22 PM
They simply will not take the same stance as conservatives on something, because then they lose all their "Im so progressive and enlightened" leverage. That's what is most important to them. That's their social currency.

They're simply not going to cooperate for the good of the country, ever.

https://i.postimg.cc/QVL96VHB/68747470733a2f2f63646e2e6265747465727474762e6e6574 2f656d6f74652f.png

It's true.

But to be fair... the Repubs aren't extremely cooperative for the good of the country either.

Both parties can suck my dick and the people that mindlessly align themselves with either one, of which there are several in this thread, can REALLY suck my dick.

I don't like either party in Washington but I really can't stand a significant portion of the left.

01-03-2019, 07:25 PM
https://i.postimg.cc/QVL96VHB/68747470733a2f2f63646e2e6265747465727474762e6e6574 2f656d6f74652f.png

It's true.

But to be fair... the Repubs aren't extremely cooperative for the good of the country either.

Both parties can suck my dick and the people that mindlessly align themselves with either one, of which there are several in this thread, can REALLY suck my dick.

The politicians aren't, for sure. 95% of republican politicians are puppets and charlatans. No question.

But the typical Republican voter at least has pride in America and wants to protect its interests on a basic level. The typical Democrat voter resents America and wants to feel superior by undermining it with cringey contrarianism.

Ben Simmons 25
01-03-2019, 07:29 PM
The politicians aren't, for sure. 95% of republican politicians are puppets and charlatans. No question.

But the typical Republican voter at least has pride in America and wants to protect its interests on a basic level. The typical Democrat voter resents America and wants to feel superior by undermining it with cringey contrarianism.

I agree with this entire post.

01-03-2019, 07:47 PM
I agree with this entire post.


Bro, what brand of razor do you currently use to shave with?

Asking for a friend.

01-03-2019, 07:50 PM
gop had complete control of the gov for 2 years up until like 6 hours ago.

but only in the last few days has [B]the wall

01-03-2019, 07:57 PM
gop had complete control of the gov for 2 years up until like 6 hours ago.

but only in the last few days has the wall™ (steel slat barrier™?) become an issue big enough to shutter the gov.

you can't make this shit up, folks.

marks gonna mark (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AO9909uexu8). :roll:

We already know GOP politicians are frauds. Everyone here is already aware of that.

The question is what is your solution? Elect Dems? If that's your solution then you're either low IQ or trolling.

The only solution is cooperation at the grass roots level. But people aren't interested in cooperating.

Round and round we go :confusedshrug:

01-03-2019, 08:01 PM
The question is what is your solution?

first this (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=13538452&postcount=20) happened.

then through pure serendipity this (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=459345) happens only a few hours later.

pure serendipity.

what a time to be an easy mark.


Ben Simmons 25
01-03-2019, 08:31 PM

Bro, what brand of razor do you currently use to shave with?

Asking for a friend.

I'm not buying your razors because then you'd have my real name and address. No thanks. :D

01-03-2019, 08:32 PM
Whales, yes. Screeching, purple-haired feminazis? Not so much.

As far as your points about the border: You're right, it's an extremely challenging issue from a physical standpoint. That's why it would make much more sense to be TOUGH about enforcing laws regarding immigrant presence. Huge fines for employing illegals. Severe penalties for the illegals who defraud the process with fake/stolen documents (very common). ICE presence in areas with significant illegal populations.

These would all work just as well, are you on board? Most left wing voters/politicians are not. They oppose the wall, but they also oppose tougher restrictions and penalties. They simply will not take the same stance as conservatives on something, because then they lose all their "Im so progressive and enlightened" leverage. That's what is most important to them. That's their social currency.

They're simply not going to cooperate for the good of the country, ever.

Get "TOUGH" is nothing. Its cotton candy filler talk that means nothing. The question always comes back to...how? Get tough on 10 mililon people? What does that entail? You would have to sell off Rhode island to fund an agency to police that many people in any way that wouldnt be purely symbolic.

There are already hard penalties. You can get 6 months in jail for the third offense of hiring illegals. Plus...the ones hiring them are the business owners, agricultural industry, and white middle class...aka...the republican base. How many poor welfare recipients you think have a gang of mexicans working for them? Go on....lock up the farmers and small business owners. Please. See how it goes.

Put ice where illegals are? So.....the entire southwest I assume?

Again....how many people do you think it takes to police all these illegals? And whats the plan? Lets say you had the manpower to capture them....what then? Where do you store them? Where do you ship them exactly? What....you just forcibly give them to countries that will say no? You clearly withdraw from the international refugee treaties because all of them would just claim amnesty and back up courts for 300 years. So what then?

Send 10 million people to mexico? On what vehicles? You would shut down the border just off ICE traffic. Trains? death marches like they did the mexicans who were still in america in the late 1800s? Which again ignores....you would spend decades hunting international databases to figure out where to send that many people. How do you round them up anyway?

Suspicion of harboring an illegal satisfy the 4th amendment when you have to kick in 3 million doors and rip fathers from the arms of their children on tv? Where do you get the money for all the lawsuits when you get it wrong?

You cant really get "tough". You can just say to get tough to get cheers from republican crowds who dont have a ****ing clue how to do it either.

All the "solutions" are bandaids.

2019 is too late to get tough. You cant fix any of this.

You would have had to do all that shit in 1919. Maybe before that.

You would have had to be downright evil like they did to curb chinese workers coming into california. Pass those racist laws on chinamen per square foot and shit.

You cant get away with being as harsh as you have to be to make a real difference in 2019.

The difference between the lefts solution and yours?

A bandaid and a Tylenol....vs just a bandaid.

Illegal immigration is HIV. You can maybe try to be safe going forward, take your pills, and not let it develop into AIDS.....but you got that shit homie. For life. Should have thought of that when you were going in everything raw in the early 90s.

There is no cure.

Ben Simmons 25
01-03-2019, 08:35 PM
That's bullshit. Magic Johnson's massive pile of money cured him.

01-03-2019, 08:36 PM
Freddie Mercury made the mistake of not keeping all of his in one place.

01-03-2019, 08:36 PM
the house is currently voting on measures to reopen the gov.

while we wait for results, enjoy young ocasio-cortez dancing to some reggaeton (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtPSGnTWzio) :dancin :hammertime:

01-03-2019, 08:39 PM
I'm not buying your razors because then you'd have my real name and address. No thanks. :D

Well you could pay through GoFundMe without supplying your name, and I could send them to any address you want. I could even hold onto them until the next time you're swingin through beautiful Austin, Texas. :hammertime:

I mean it's all good tho, I'm not gonna beg ya to buy em or anything. Let me ask you this:

You like e-books?

01-03-2019, 08:43 PM
first this (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=13538452&postcount=20) happened.

then through pure serendipity this (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=459345) happens only a few hours later.

pure serendipity.

what a time to be an easy mark.


That's great, I'm glad you agree with those approaches. And by all means, we SHOULD hold Big Don Thick accountable for business transgressions.

But if you really care about the issue, you should ALSO speak up about it when it doesn't directly relate to "getting even with Donny."

By all means, when Trump transgresses, bring it up. But if you never pipe up on the issue UNLESS it relates to Trump, it robs your credibility. If you actually want things done, you need to be vocal so other lefties will see their peers taking that side of it, and then they won't be so scared to do so as well.

Remember, most people dont think. They follow. If you think something is right, don't count on others to figure it out for themselves. SPEAK UP, JUNYA!

01-03-2019, 08:46 PM
Youre from austin?

I visited a couple times. I never realized how many mexicans are some places. I went into a Sams and couldnt find a white person. I walked around amazed and this woman I was with(from there) told me on that side of town you could throw a rock...hit a mexican..have it bounce off and hit two more. On my way out I bought a plate of terribly underseasoned BBQ from a hispanic guy who was just grilling right by the entrance like that was ok.

On that trip I learned that your fight was lost.

Texas is mexico with a heavy dollop of America spooned on top.

In 100 more years...its just gonna be mexico with an american flag.

Ben Simmons 25
01-03-2019, 08:49 PM
Freddie Mercury made the mistake of not keeping all of his in one place.

Freddie Mercury had AIDS by the time he figured out something was wrong. It was too late. Magic Johnson had HIV and his massive pile of money cured him.

01-03-2019, 08:50 PM
That's great, I'm glad you agree with those approaches. And by all means, we SHOULD hold Big Don Thick accountable for business transgressions.

But if you really care about the issue, you should ALSO speak up about it when it doesn't directly relate to "getting even with Donny."

By all means, when Trump transgresses, bring it up. But if you never pipe up on the issue UNLESS it relates to Trump, it robs your credibility. If you actually want things done, you need to be vocal so other lefties will see their peers taking that side of it, and then they won't be so scared to do so as well.

Remember, most people dont think. They follow. If you think something is right, don't count on others to figure it out for themselves. SPEAK UP, JUNYA!

bruh, i don't tell you how to sell razors.

don't tell me how to do my job, bruh.


01-03-2019, 08:59 PM
Youre from austin?

I visited a couple times. I never realized how many mexicans are some places. I went into a Sams and couldnt find a white person. I walked around amazed and this woman I was with(from there) told me on that side of town you could throw a rock...hit a mexican..have it bounce off and hit two more. On my way out I bough a plate of terribly underseasoned BBQ from a hispanic guy who was just grilling right by the entrance like that was ok.

On that trip I learned that your fight was lost.

Texas is mexico with a heavy dollop of America spooned on top.

In 100 more years...its just gonna be mexico with an american flag.

First of all: Cringe.

Second of all, you don't have a clue what you're talking about. Austin has been rapidly gentrifying for two decades, with tons of people (like myself) flooding in from California. Most of them white.

Here's the demographic info from the 2010 census:

White: 68.3% (non-Hispanic: 48.7%)
Hispanic or Latino: 35.1%
African American: 8.1%
Asian: 6.3%

And since that time, white representation has gone up. Here's some further reading for you from http://www.austintexas.gov/page/top-ten-demographic-trends-austin-texas

The Whitening of the urban core is indeed striking. Almost all of central east Austin and vast stretches of south central Austin became Whiter during the decade. So what’s happened since 2010? More than likely, we’ve experienced a continuation and even a possible acceleration of this trend.

The city’s African American share of total population will more than likely continue its shallow slide even as the absolute number of African Americans in the city continues to increase. The import of this decrease in share should not be underestimated as just a few decades ago African Americans made-up around 15% of the city’s population and just a few decades from now African Americans could represent a mere 5% of the city’s population and constitute the smallest minority group in the city.

I mean there are little pockets of ghettoness here and there, and that's probably the area your friend took you to, but overall the city is quite clean, modern, and nice. That's my priority, not its racial makeup. However since you felt compelled to bring it up, thought you might like to actually be clued in on the facts so you won't sound like a bozo if this comes up anywhere else.

01-03-2019, 09:03 PM
These are the 10 best places to live in the US in 2018

Austin, Texas. Magalie L'AbbT | Getty Images. ...
Colorado Springs, Colorado. MargaretW | Getty Images. ...
Denver, Colorado. Jon Paciaroni | Getty Images. ...
Des Moines, Iowa. Monte Goodyk | Getty Images. ...
Fayetteville, Arkansas. ...
Portland, Oregon. ...
Huntsville, Alabama. ...
Washington, D.C.



And that's just one ranking of many. We tend to top these kinds of lists routinely.

01-03-2019, 09:15 PM
while we wait for results, enjoy young ocasio-cortez dancing to some reggaeton (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtPSGnTWzio) :dancin :hammertime:

she should be doing hardcore porn in that latina category .. not in congress .. what a waste

01-03-2019, 09:35 PM
Yes, you've grudgingly conceded it's an issue when backed into a corner on the subject.

But you haven't actually mentioned these "more intelligent ways."

If you tell us what measures you would actually support, you'll be the first leftie on ISH to do so.

I have elsewhere... as have others. The problem is that many don't want to talk about implementing better technology on the border to catch people who cross illegally as well as more immigration judges and lawyers to expedite asylum requests and to deport people who have been denied, a reasonable resolution to DACA, and heavier fines and penalties for companies that knowingly employ individuals who are hear illegally.

At some point, we'll also have to address a reasonable pathway to legal status for many here illegally without criminal records.

01-03-2019, 09:39 PM
I have elsewhere... as have others. The problem is that many don't want to talk about implementing better technology on the border to catch people who cross illegally as well as more immigration judges and lawyers to expedite asylum requests and to deport people who have been denied, a reasonable resolution to DACA, and heavier fines and penalties for companies that knowingly employ individuals who are hear illegally.

At some point, we'll also have to address a reasonable pathway to legal status for many here illegally without criminal records.

And then what do we do when we catch them?

01-03-2019, 09:46 PM
I have elsewhere... as have others. The problem is that many don't want to talk about implementing better technology on the border to catch people who cross illegally as well as more immigration judges and lawyers to expedite asylum requests and to deport people who have been denied, a reasonable resolution to DACA, and heavier fines and penalties for companies that knowingly employ individuals who are hear illegally.

At some point, we'll also have to address a reasonable pathway to legal status for many here illegally without criminal records.
perhaps they want to prevent them from having the ability to cross illegally?

01-03-2019, 09:53 PM
perhaps they want to prevent them from having the ability to cross illegally?

By building an overly expensive structure that is more stunt than policy... a structure that Mexico was supposed to pay for, only for them to laugh and wave us off...

01-03-2019, 09:54 PM
By building an overly expensive structure that is more stunt than policy... a structure that Mexico was supposed to pay for, only for them to laugh and wave us off...

What do we do when we catch them?

Patrick Chewing
01-03-2019, 09:55 PM
I have elsewhere... as have others. The problem is that many don't want to talk about implementing better technology on the border to catch people who cross illegally

Which is what?

01-03-2019, 09:58 PM
And then what do we do when we catch them?

The same thing we do currently when they circumvent barriers.

01-03-2019, 10:01 PM
The same thing we do currently when they circumvent barriers.

But that isnt working, right?

So you want better technology, so that we can do what isnt working... more often?

01-03-2019, 10:03 PM
Which is what?

Facial recognition hardware and software, drones, multi-spectrum cameras, etc...

01-03-2019, 10:06 PM
By building an overly expensive structure that is more stunt than policy... a structure that Mexico was supposed to pay for, only for them to laugh and wave us off...

we sure got cucked bigly on that one.

mexico's just watching us and our shutdown fiasco over the wall they were supposed to pay for every night like



01-03-2019, 10:17 PM
But that isnt working, right?

So you want better technology, so that we can do what isnt working... more often?

Most who are caught while crossing illegally are generally jailed and deported quickly. We want to decrease the number who evade detection and capture.

01-03-2019, 10:20 PM
Facial recognition hardware and software, drones, multi-spectrum cameras, etc...

This is like San Fran being “technologically progressive” while having the most homeless people in the country.

Like liberals thinking Apple and Google are progressive companies because they make tech stuff.

Your solution doesnt solve the problem. You just like equating technology with progressivism so you can throw some tech in there and feel better about the fact you havent fixed the root issue because you dont have the balls to do it.

You are the quintessential progressive. Your parroting and group conformity (omg Trump is so stupid, capitalism is stupid, christian is stupid but islam is awesome blah blah) is an elaborate mask to distract people from realizing you dont have balls.

Ive read the arguments youve made on politics for a couple months now. You arent smart. Youre very pretentious. You type the way a person who squints their eyes and purses their lips talks.

Youre on a teenage-level intellectual plane, but you live in an echo chamber where that’s what impresses, and youre simply parroting.

I can tell man. I can read you like a book plain and simple. Youre not funny, intelligent, athletic, handsome, charming, etc. So youre relying on pretentious liberal gobbledygook to impress people. You hope if you repeat what’s circulated as “progressive” most people wont know the difference. And in your irl social circles youre probably right.

But actually youre soft, have small balls, and arent an impressive intellect. Your whole pretense is just a deflection from this basic truth.

I mean it is what it is. Sorry to put you down like that but I think it’s important for people to realize what’s actually going on in these discussions.

01-03-2019, 10:21 PM
Most who are caught while crossing illegally are generally jailed and deported quickly. We want to decrease the number who evade detection and capture.

What happens if they come back again? Do we increase the punishment?

Or do we just fly them back home on some brand new, up-to-the-minute high tech aircraft?

Patrick Chewing
01-03-2019, 10:24 PM
Facial recognition hardware and software, drones, multi-spectrum cameras, etc...

And how does this prevent people from crossing the border illegally?

01-03-2019, 10:45 PM
consequential first few hours.

house votes to reopen government (https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/house-democrats-prepare-vote-to-reopen-government-as-cracks-appear-in-gop-opposition/2019/01/03/24151490-0f96-11e9-8938-5898adc28fa2_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.96176a245082)

^if cocaine mitch and/or the emperor block/veto this, then the shutdown is officially, on the record, on them.

new house rules passed (https://www.npr.org/2019/01/02/681547346/democrats-announce-major-changes-to-u-s-house-rules)

indictments incoming.

Kara Scannell

New Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff says he’s preparing for the committee to vote to send the committee’s unredacted interview transcripts to special counsel Robert Mueller.

helluva first day. :applause:

01-03-2019, 11:04 PM
it's gonna be an ugly two years .. dems just can't help themselves .. it's going to fk them in the ass in the 2020 :rockon: :pimp:

Ben Simmons 25
01-03-2019, 11:20 PM
What happens if they come back again?

They 100% won't come back if they have to pinky promise. Pinky promises are serious.

01-03-2019, 11:31 PM
They 100% won't come back if they have to pinky promise. Pinky promises are serious.

I dont believe that.

Maybe try contracting a progressive company like snapchat to provide hologram replicas of each illegal’s promise not to come back. Then we have it on the record and it will definitely solve the problem.

01-03-2019, 11:39 PM
put this pointless bickering aside.

i think we can all agree that the only real way to deal with the illegal immigration problem is getting a semi-literate game show host to boss mexico into buying us a coast to coast wall. a big beautiful wall or steel slat barrier as a last minute backup.

now that the crooked dems control the house of representatives, i'm more positive than ever that this will happen.

keep hope alive.


01-03-2019, 11:40 PM
The Hill

JUST IN: Dem introduces bills to eliminate electoral college, stop presidents from pardoning themselves http://hill.cm/DXKUkoJ

whirlwind first day. :eek:

01-04-2019, 03:59 AM
whirlwind first day. :eek:

Doesn't that have to pass Republican Senate and possibly the Supreme Court?

01-04-2019, 05:20 AM
First of all: Cringe.

Second of all, you don't have a clue what you're talking about. Austin has been rapidly gentrifying for two decades, with tons of people (like myself) flooding in from California. Most of them white.

Here's the demographic info from the 2010 census:

White: 68.3% (non-Hispanic: 48.7%)
Hispanic or Latino: 35.1%
African American: 8.1%
Asian: 6.3%

And since that time, white representation has gone up. Here's some further reading for you from http://www.austintexas.gov/page/top-ten-demographic-trends-austin-texas

I mean there are little pockets of ghettoness here and there, and that's probably the area your friend took you to, but overall the city is quite clean, modern, and nice. That's my priority, not its racial makeup. However since you felt compelled to bring it up, thought you might like to actually be clued in on the facts so you won't sound like a bozo if this comes up anywhere else.

First of all it was before 2010. Second I have often said Austin is a nice city. And third I am from Chicago and I lived in the south and DC. It was the first time I had been out to the southwest. I had never and still have never seen anything like it.

I read the demographics last night. The part of Austin I was in? Right now 93% of all 10-14 year olds are Hispanic which suggests to me the numbers aren

01-04-2019, 05:25 AM
Coming out of the south....

You think I was prepared to see Mexicans walking the street at 6 am with carts of home made breakfast burritos to sell?

It was just a culture shock.

Woman I was there with cane back to South Carolina andbfelt the same way.

She had been in Texas so long she forgot there were places you might not see anyone Hispanic your entire day.

01-04-2019, 09:01 AM
whirlwind first day. :eek:

I hear they've promised everyone in America a pet unicorn so that's pretty cool.

01-04-2019, 11:05 AM
it's gonna be an ugly two years .. dems just can't help themselves .. it's going to fk them in the ass in the 2020 :rockon: :pimp:

Republican platform:

1. Continue policies that have resulted in lowest unemployment ever.
2. Trade deal with China.
3. Border security
4. Ending wars in Afghanistan and Syria.

Democratic platform:

Trump bad.

01-04-2019, 11:14 AM
I hear they've promised everyone in America a pet unicorn so that's pretty cool.

and who's gonna pay for it?!


Ben Simmons 25
01-04-2019, 11:15 AM
The recession is coming right now that started back in 2008 that’s going to end up being a Great Depression starting to just take shape in 2020 by a socialist president and it will all be blamed on trump, regardless of the accuracy of such.

The United States is a failed experiment. It was my home... and it was beautiful. In 10 years this place will be unrecognizable.

Orange man bad Orange man bad Orange man bad Orange man bad

01-04-2019, 11:45 AM
The recession is coming right now that started back in 2008 that’s going to end up being a Great Depression starting to just take shape in 2020 by a socialist president and it will all be blamed on trump, regardless of the accuracy of such.

The United States is a failed experiment. It was my home... and it was beautiful. In 10 years this place will be unrecognizable.

Orange man bad Orange man bad Orange man bad Orange man bad

I mean a smarpt public could actually do more to take more control for itself. But even most conservatives continue to supply revenue to the same institutions undermining their country. iInstitutions that can easily maintain left wing support by stylizing themselves with a twist of progressive flavor. Between that and conservatives’ apathy to act, the public’s just always takin it up the butt.

People like to clown my Blades of Freedom thing, but it’s actually the EXACT concept that would make an important difference. it’s the exact antidote a free market provides against abuse. I can say at least I tried to do something smart and bold to try to address my complaints. But most people cant be counted on to be smart and bold. The 1% can, and thats why they are where they are and everyone else isnt. If I wanted to I could have easily made it there myself, but it’s not what Ive always cared about. Instead Im perpetually trying to coach little leaguers, for bum pay :facepalm

01-04-2019, 12:14 PM
the house is currently voting on measures to reopen the gov.

while we wait for results, enjoy young ocasio-cortez dancing to some reggaeton (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtPSGnTWzio) :dancin :hammertime:

Apparently a trump troll leaked that video and its from 2010... Republican media are trying to use it as a smear thing like they uncovered dirt.

:lol :biggums:

She moving to smooth for the pasty GOP lifers.... Got our own resident dude wanking it out doe

01-04-2019, 01:08 PM
Doesn't that have to pass Republican Senate and possibly the Supreme Court?
It has to pass in the house with 288 votes, pass the senate with 67 votes and be approved by 38 states.

In short, it ain

01-04-2019, 02:28 PM
Got our own resident dude wanking it out doe

to be fair to el duderino, dem titties were sitting right in that vid.

this will most likely get rid of that hard on right quick doe.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suggests taxes as high as 70% on the wealthiest to pay for a "Green New Deal."

my gawd...

01-04-2019, 02:31 PM
Republican platform:

1. Continue policies that have resulted in lowest unemployment ever.
2. Trade deal with China.
3. Border security
4. Ending wars in Afghanistan and Syria.

Democratic platform:

Trump bad.
What specific policies has Trump pushed through that led to this low unemployment rate, legit question...trade deal with China? The trade deficit has only gotten worse even after the dumb tariff war :facepalm Border security? Please tell me you're not that easily duped :lol The GOP had absolute control of the government for two years and what exactly did Trump accomplish except for throwing a bunch of kids in cages? Mexico still ain't paying for the wall even after Trump promised a few hundred times that they would. :confusedshrug: Even after Mexico told Trump to fukk off, a new NAFTA deal was done so the US now has little to zero leverage on MX. Had the GOP really wanted a wall built with US taxpayer money, a bill would've easily been pushed through on straight party line vote but that didn't happen, did it? But now that the House belongs to the Dems, y'all now serious about border security, lol.

I actually support Trump on getting out of the ME, lets see if he delivers.

01-04-2019, 02:31 PM
Shifty Schiff and Maxine Waters are a freaking disgrace.

01-04-2019, 02:33 PM
[QUOTE=Akrazotile]This is like San Fran being

01-04-2019, 02:36 PM
What specific policies has Trump pushed through that led to this low unemployment rate, legit question...trade deal with China? The trade deficit has only gotten worse even after the dumb tariff war :facepalm Border security? Please tell me you're not that easily duped :lol The GOP had absolute control of the government for two years and what exactly did Trump accomplish except for throwing a bunch of kids in cages? Mexico still ain't paying for the wall even after Trump promised a few hundred times that they would. :confusedshrug: Even after Mexico told Trump to fukk off, a new NAFTA deal was done so the US now has little to zero leverage on MX. Had the GOP really wanted a wall built with US taxpayer money, a bill would've easily been pushed through on straight party line vote but that didn't happen, did it? But now that the House belongs to the Dems, y'all now serious about border security, lol.

I actually support Trump on getting out of the ME, lets see if he delivers.

He lowered taxes and eased regulations. That

01-04-2019, 02:37 PM
to be fair to el duderino, dem titties were sitting right in that vid.

this will most likely get rid of that hard on right quick doe.

my gawd...

You would give all yo money up for that tio :pimp:

01-04-2019, 02:38 PM
[QUOTE=Ben Simmons 25][B]The recession is coming right now that started back in 2008 that

01-04-2019, 02:40 PM
Doesn't that have to pass Republican Senate and possibly the Supreme Court?

Yeah, that's not going anywhere. It's a pretty silly piece of legislation.

01-04-2019, 02:44 PM
Lol, you spent more time attacking me than addressing my stance; that's been you schtick for quite some time. And I understand... this is the internet... you get your jollies from being abrasive and churlish. It's cool... but you spend an inordinate amount of time attacking other posters in general. Grown men with grown balls don't really behave that way. You should get your mind off my balls and focus on yours. It's more than apparent you could use some growth; seems like you're overcompensating. :oldlol:

You can tell yourself this all you want. But you know it isn't true.

Immigration is a much bigger issue long-term than Donald Trump's personal behavior. But getting you to even ADMIT illegal immigration is a problem is like pulling teeth. Then after you've scoffed at everyone else's solution and tried your best to avoid giving one yourself, you claim "we just... need better technology." To do what? "Capture people." Then do what with them? "Uhh.. same thing we do now." Send them back so they can return again with no deterrent? "Dude, ORANGE MAN IS BAD."

You do everything you can to deflect from a real conversation about real consequences for real problems, but you're the first one to jump up and down screaming about some affair Donald Trump had, or some pointless political gossip about Robert Mueller and Oliver Stone and whoever else is involved in the soap opera.

It's been demonstrated to you point blank that minimum wage is simply an illusion, but you keep clinging to it because you dont have the balls to acknowledge the simple logic. Because what does that leave you with? You think you're smart for bleeting liberal talking points, and if it turns out they're rubbish? You have nothing. And you are nothing. So you just go on plugging your ears and ignoring the truth.

Your a small-ball sheep and a fool. And I swear to you right now I'm not saying this because I like attacking people or it makes me feel good. I'm saying this because I call it like it is on here and everyone knows that. I'm telling you right now how it is. You have small balls and you're not smart. You're a poser.

Sorry man.

01-04-2019, 02:44 PM
[QUOTE=Akrazotile]He lowered taxes and eased regulations. That

01-04-2019, 02:50 PM
unemployment rate was 4.6% 2 years ago when we crowned our emperor. it's 3.9% now. a whopping 0.7% change in 2 years.

in '15, 'murrica was creating 226k jobs per month on average. in '16 it was 187k per month.

in '17 the rate was 182k per month, '18 it was 208k.

difference is negligible at best. the gawd's first 2 years are underperforming hussein's last 2 in reality.

but the budget deficit is widening at a bigly rate. finna hit a trill this fiscal year.

That's fine, and obviously a bunch of factors out of the President's control can influence these statistics as well. But in terms of general principle? Lowering taxes and limiting regulation are well known catalysts for job growth. Also, your stats don't account for where we could be if Trump hadn't done those things. Maybe unemployment would have started going back up instead of continuing to decrease. It's impossible to say. Nonetheless, low taxes and limited regulation correlate positively with economic growth and low unemployment. That's basic economics.

01-04-2019, 02:56 PM
But in terms of general principle? Lowering taxes and limiting regulation are well known catalysts for job growth.

throw principles out the window and give me cold hard facts.

show me historical data of lowering taxes spurring job growth vs raising them, especially the top tax rate.

Also, your stats don't account for where we could be if Trump hadn't done those things.

they do actually. i've posted projections for the budget deficit that the cbo put out before the goat maga tax bill blew up said deficit. in another thread, don't feel like looking it up but pretty sure it's in the 'road to a trillion dollar deficit' one.

Nonetheless, low taxes and limited regulation correlate positively with economic growth and low unemployment. That's basic economics.

again, show me the proof for this claim. not theory. proof.

01-04-2019, 03:04 PM
throw principles out the window and give me cold hard facts.

show me historical data of lowering taxes spurring job growth vs raising them, especially the top tax rate.

they do actually. i've posted projections for the budget deficit that the cbo put out before the goat maga tax bill blew up said deficit. in another thread, don't feel like looking it up but pretty sure it's in the 'road to a trillion dollar deficit' one.

again, show me the proof for this claim. not theory. proof.

Im not talking about the deficit, I was talking about unemployment which is what TheMan specifically referenced. It’s down under Trump and it’s impossible to project where it would be without his policy changes.

As far as proof of a basic economic concept, there are no historical circumstances where that one factor can be isolated. When innovation jump starts an economy, bureaucrats will often jump in opportunistically and raise taxes. The economy might still thrive, but it’s due to the innovation, not the taxes. Even if a chart isnt gonna prove that. That’s why you cant rely on charts for everything. Youve gotta use intuition and common sense as well, and most economists who do will tell you low taxes and light regulations positively affect job growth.

01-04-2019, 03:08 PM
and most economists who do will tell you low taxes and light regulations positively affect job growth.

name those nigguhs and link me to their research.

01-04-2019, 03:14 PM
name those nigguhs and link me to their research.



01-04-2019, 03:27 PM

perfectly boiled down in your wikilink:

However, many other ideas have scarcely been considered, such as the end of licensing, and the abolition of corporate income tax (in favor of an income tax on the stock holder). Though politicians often claim that they are working towards "free trade," an idea the book supports, few American politicians have considered taking his suggestion of phasing out all tariffs in 10 years.

all theory, no practice.

and it looks like, in practice, the top marginal tax rate at the time of the book's publication was in the 90s? :eek:


looks like, again in practice, the era known as the 'long boom' (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post%E2%80%93World_War_II_economic_expansion) coincided with very high marginal tax rates while the previous era, the great depression, was the exact inverse?

am i understanding this correctly? :confusedshrug:

01-04-2019, 03:33 PM
^^^ less regulation is a huge reason for the last great recession and both parties contributed to the loosening, Clinton's & bushes. When you have stock companies selling fraud on a massive scale you eventually get a bubble and a pop.

Come to think of it, the same exact thing happened in the 20s.


And there were people like Plato saying the same shit back then before having to wear cardboard for a shirt.

01-04-2019, 03:44 PM
^^^ less regulation is a huge reason for the last great recession and both parties contributed to the loosening, Clinton's & bushes. When you have stock companies selling fraud on a massive scale you eventually get a bubble and a pop.

Come to think of it, the same exact thing happened in the 20s.


Dow, S&P 500 post worst December since 1931, as Nasdaq has worst on record (http://www.fox29.com/news/dow-s-p-500-post-worst-december-since-1931-as-nasdaq-has-worst-on-record)

♪ "i see a bad moon rising" ♪ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BmEGm-mraE)

01-04-2019, 04:11 PM
^^^ less regulation is a huge reason for the last great recession and both parties contributed to the loosening, Clinton's & bushes. When you have stock companies selling fraud on a massive scale you eventually get a bubble and a pop.

Come to think of it, the same exact thing happened in the 20s.


And there were people like Plato saying the same shit back then before having to wear cardboard for a shirt.

If they said "low taxes and regulation leads to job growth" then they would have been correct. Even if they weren't arguing in favor of it.

I wasn't advocating any specific policies in this thread. You failing to interpret that is a result of your own poor reading comprehension and nothing else.

Low taxes and lean regulation leads to job growth in the immediate term. That is what I stated in this thread and nothing more. And it's a widely known truism.

There can be other consequences further down the line, which I conceded in my post. I even TOLD you I wasn't referring to separate consequences that might be unfavorable. It wasn't the discussion I was addressing. It was "what has Trump done that has led to job growth?"

Do you see how you failed to exhibit basic reading comprehension? You ran sprinting past the details so you could throw up a strawman and "bust me" on an issue I wasn't discussing. Classic tpols/blackdude strawman.

It's the reason most here take your political input as mere trolling and nothing more.

01-04-2019, 04:17 PM
Low taxes and lean regulation leads to job growth in the immediate term.

Yea and in the long term they lead to massive corporate fraud. And collapsed economies.

Which is why your dogmatic "always lower taxes and loosen regulation=good guise!" is a joke. But keep blowing that horn.

01-04-2019, 05:28 PM
you 17 angry dems with your witch hunt... it never ends. :facepalm

CNN Breaking News

A federal court extends Robert Mueller's federal grand jury so it can continue to investigate past an 18-month term that was about to expire https://cnn.it/2GWwzhf

BREAKING: Democrats will publicly release Mueller report. Chairman Nadler says “We will make sure it is public, make sure the American people know what’s in it.”

Nadler on CNN: "We are not going to wait for the Mueller report. There's plenty for the Judiciary Cmte. to look into right now, specifically the attempt to have a massive fraud on the American people ... rigging an ... election ... whether it's by hush payments or by collusion."

Nadler's proposed bill 'would allow Mueller, if he were to be dismissed, to challenge his firing in federal court, and it would preserve all of Mueller’s work compiled before the action.' https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-01-03/mueller-protection-bill-to-be-offered-by-new-judiciary-chairman …

01-04-2019, 05:30 PM
unemployment rate was 4.6% 2 years ago when we crowned our emperor. it's 3.9% now. a whopping 0.7% change in 2 years.

in '15, 'murrica was creating 226k jobs per month on average. in '16 it was 187k per month.

in '17 the rate was 182k per month, '18 it was 208k.

difference is negligible at best. the gawd's first 2 years are underperforming hussein's last 2 in reality.

but the budget deficit is widening at a bigly rate. finna hit a trill this fiscal year.

Akrazotile doesn't seem to comprehend that lowering taxes didn't do sh!t in decreasing unemployment that wasn't already happening. Unemployment was dropping continuously before Lil Donny ever took office and dropping before the new tax plan went into effect.

All it did is push up the deficit to around a trillion. That hurts and is very difficult to cut down on. It took Obama his full first term and well into his second term to start cutting down the deficit after Bush ran it up with 2 wars and recession that came under him - Clinton left the office with deficits under control and within reason before Bush ran it up. Lil Donny comes into office after Obama and runs it up to a trillion in his first year of his first term... Moron wants to further blow it up with his Great Wall of Trump and continued trade war with China. :facepalm

01-04-2019, 06:02 PM
Akrazotile doesn't seem to comprehend that lowering taxes didn't do sh!t in decreasing unemployment that wasn't already happening. Unemployment was dropping continuously before Lil Donny ever took office and dropping before the new tax plan went into effect.

All it did is push up the deficit to around a trillion. That hurts and is very difficult to cut down on. It took Obama his full first term and well into his second term to start cutting down the deficit after Bush ran it up with 2 wars and recession that came under him - Clinton left the office with deficits under control and within reason before Bush ran it up. Lil Donny comes into office after Obama and runs it up to a trillion in his first year of his first term... Moron wants to further blow it up with his Great Wall of Trump and continued trade war with China. :facepalm


Obama extended the Bush tax cuts during his first term because every economist told him "it's important for the economy."

High taxes don't suddenly become "good for the economy" when the recession ends, they simply don't hurt as badly. Therefore it becomes palatable for a politician to use them as a token sign of giving a shit about you, which Obama did for political theater when it became advisable. Unless you REALLY think Barry Obama and every corporate-backed politician in Washington raised taxes on the rich because they thought it was really good for YOU. Do you think that? Are you REALLY stupid enough to believe that?

The blunt and simple truth is, you're a fool. And I can't keep going back and forth with guys like you every day. You're not smart enough to see the bigger picture, it is what it is. But youre right: Some degree of regulation is ALWAYS needed to keep cunning, intelligent people from taking advantage of simple minded sheep like you. You realize that's what regulation is, right? You're paying someone to protect you because you need to be protected. You can't go out in a competitive world and make choices and decisions for yourself. Without regulation you'll be ruined in a week and everything will turn to chaos. Just like sheep are now domesticated to the point they can't go live in the wild by themselves. They'll be preyed on instantly. They need a shepherd, and a sheep dog to guide and protect them.

THAT'S you. That's where you are on the human totem pole. You're dumb, simple, gullible, and afraid. We need so much regulation BECAUSE people like you simply aren't as competent as others.

Just think about that every time you clamor for it.

01-04-2019, 06:16 PM
Tax revenue is up. Every year. Increasing deficit has nothing to do with the tax cuts but with spending too much.

Nobody ever paid the high 90% tax rate btw. You could spread your wealth around in other ways to avoid paying tax. Tax revenue is still higher today even with a lower tax rate.

If you clamor higher taxes, you'll have to explain why the government receiving more money is suddenly better for the economy and people's wages will suddenly increase. It's really a liberals version of "trickle down economics." And the government spending money on fake jobs and fake stimulation projects that aren't in demand don't count. That's some chinese shit.

01-04-2019, 06:22 PM
perfectly boiled down in your wikilink:

all theory, no practice.

and it looks like, in practice, the top marginal tax rate at the time of the book's publication was in the 90s? :eek:


looks like, again in practice, the era known as the 'long boom' (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post%E2%80%93World_War_II_economic_expansion) coincided with very high marginal tax rates while the previous era, the great depression, was the exact inverse?

am i understanding this correctly? :confusedshrug:

In that quote, Milton Friedman clamors to eliminate tariffs. I assume that's something you support? That's not theory...that is something in practice today.

01-04-2019, 06:23 PM
Tax revenue is up. Every year. Increasing deficit has nothing to do with the tax cuts but with spending too much.

Nobody ever paid the high 90% tax rate btw. You could spread your wealth around in other ways to avoid paying tax. Tax revenue is still higher today even with a lower tax rate.

If you clamor higher taxes, you'll have to explain why the government receiving more money is suddenly better for the economy and people's wages will suddenly increase. It's really a liberals version of "trickle down economics." And the government spending money on fake jobs and fake stimulation projects that aren't in demand don't count. That's some chinese shit.

These guys just have an innate need to believe someone is protecting them.

It's almost like... nevermind.

01-04-2019, 06:24 PM

Obama extended the Bush tax cuts during his first term because every economist told him "it's important for the economy."

High taxes don't suddenly become "good for the economy" when the recession ends, they simply don't hurt as badly. Therefore it becomes palatable for a politician to use them as a token sign of giving a shit about you, which Obama did for political theater when it became advisable. Unless you REALLY think Barry Obama and every corporate-backed politician in Washington raised taxes on the rich because they thought it was really good for YOU. Do you think that? Are you REALLY stupid enough to believe that?

The blunt and simple truth is, you're a fool. And I can't keep going back and forth with guys like you every day. You're not smart enough to see the bigger picture, it is what it is. But youre right: Some degree of regulation is ALWAYS needed to keep cunning, intelligent people from taking advantage of simple minded sheep like you. You realize that's what regulation is, right? You're paying someone to protect you because you need to be protected. You can't go out in a competitive world and make choices and decisions for yourself. Without regulation you'll be ruined in a week and everything will turn to chaos. Just like sheep are now domesticated to the point they can't go live in the wild by themselves. They'll be preyed on instantly. They need a shepherd, and a sheep dog to guide and protect them.

THAT'S you. That's where you are on the human totem pole. You're dumb, simple, gullible, and afraid. We need so much regulation BECAUSE people like you simply aren't as competent as others.

Just think about that every time you clamor for it.

Their entire economic foundation is based on short term keyneseian economics with no regard to what their policies do in the long term. There is no austrian or monetarist teachings of economics in public schools these days.

Somehow creating fake jobs with government money is somehow efficient and worth doing instead of creating real, sustainable jobs that the general public demands. And that kind of policy creates the BS culture we have today where people spend money like crazy instead of saving it.

01-04-2019, 06:26 PM
These guys just have an innate need to believe someone is protecting them.

It's almost like... nevermind.

These guys are clowns. You got Paul Krugman who excorciated Obama for not deficit spending even more and all of a sudden Trump is president and deficits are bad. These guys should be applauding the deficits.

01-04-2019, 06:35 PM
What specific policies has Trump pushed through that led to this low unemployment rate, legit question...

01-04-2019, 06:40 PM
you 17 angry dems with your witch hunt... it never ends. :facepalm
So, Nadler apparently doesn

01-04-2019, 06:45 PM
These guys are clowns. You got Paul Krugman who excorciated Obama for not deficit spending even more and all of a sudden Trump is president and deficits are bad. These guys should be applauding the deficits.

The eternal social conundrum.

Dumb people are never gonna just admit to themselves and others they're dumb (stalkerforlife notwithstanding). There's no point, they have nothing to gain from it.

They want results in life they're simply not equipped to compete for and earn. Therefore it's always "the system" that holds them back. If they can convince enough people of this, they might get some handouts from the government to even the playing field.

Hey, I could have been an NBA player. I'm just as good as the guys in there now, but my high school implemented a stupid system that always rewarded the taller guys. It was legit corrupt af and it's the only reason I didn't make it.

01-04-2019, 08:06 PM
Their entire economic foundation is based on short term keyneseian economics with no regard to what their policies do in the long term.

impeccable timing.

US national debt has increased $2 trillion since Donald Trump took office, new data shows

The US national debt has increased by more than $2 trillion dollars since Donald Trump entered the White House, according to new data.

Figures released by the Treasury Department showed the debt stood at $21.974 trillion at the end of 2018, more than $2 trillion higher than when Mr Trump took office.

[B]The debt stood represented 78 per cent of the US

01-04-2019, 08:12 PM
[QUOTE=NumberSix][B]So, Nadler apparently doesn

01-04-2019, 08:20 PM
impeccable timing.




This is the guy all mainstream economists worship. Trump's philosophy seems pretty much the same.

01-04-2019, 08:53 PM
i'm pretty sure the head of the judiciary committee understands better than you how this works. :lol
You’re right. He does know how it works. He’s just trying to talk tough about something he knows is going to happen anyway.

Him saying he’s going to make sure that the Mueller report comes out is like Trump saying he’s going to make sure the sun comes out tomorrow. It’s going to happen and he has nothing to do with it.

01-04-2019, 09:16 PM

Obama extended the Bush tax cuts during his first term because every economist told him "it's important for the economy."

High taxes don't suddenly become "good for the economy" when the recession ends, they simply don't hurt as badly. Therefore it becomes palatable for a politician to use them as a token sign of giving a shit about you, which Obama did for political theater when it became advisable. Unless you REALLY think Barry Obama and every corporate-backed politician in Washington raised taxes on the rich because they thought it was really good for YOU. Do you think that? Are you REALLY stupid enough to believe that?

The blunt and simple truth is, you're a fool. And I can't keep going back and forth with guys like you every day. You're not smart enough to see the bigger picture, it is what it is. But youre right: Some degree of regulation is ALWAYS needed to keep cunning, intelligent people from taking advantage of simple minded sheep like you. You realize that's what regulation is, right? You're paying someone to protect you because you need to be protected. You can't go out in a competitive world and make choices and decisions for yourself. Without regulation you'll be ruined in a week and everything will turn to chaos. Just like sheep are now domesticated to the point they can't go live in the wild by themselves. They'll be preyed on instantly. They need a shepherd, and a sheep dog to guide and protect them.

THAT'S you. That's where you are on the human totem pole. You're dumb, simple, gullible, and afraid. We need so much regulation BECAUSE people like you simply aren't as competent as others.

Just think about that every time you clamor for it.

Akrazytile: blah, blah, blah, yadda yadda yadda.. "You are dumb, you are stupid, you are ignorant, you are insane, you are a sheep, more blah blah blah nonsense garbage" rant from an unhinged unstable man melting down nonstop.

Lets return to my point before you went on a rant about Obama extending Bush tax cuts. I thought extending them was a mistake, but that's a whole different argument..

My point: deficits ran up under Bush, who threw us into 2 wars and a recession. It took years for Obama administration to get them under control. Trump comes in to office and once again spirals the deficits out of control with his utter recklessness. It is easy for any moron to blow up the deficits, but getting them under control is a whole different animal. It takes years to stabilize deficits and to reel them in. Trump's response? Blackdude posted "[Trump] had privately expressed little concern about the numbers because “I won’t be here”." That's the moron's reply.. "I won't be here".... At least the moron seems to realize how difficult deficits are to reel in. I'm not so certain that you can comprehend that simple fact, akrazytool.

01-04-2019, 09:52 PM
[QUOTE=bladefd]Akrazytile: blah, blah, blah, yadda yadda yadda.. "You are dumb, you are stupid, you are ignorant, you are insane, you are a sheep, more blah blah blah nonsense garbage" rant from an unhinged unstable man melting down nonstop.

Lets return to my point before you went on a rant about Obama extending Bush tax cuts. I thought extending them was a mistake, but that's a whole different argument..

My point: deficits ran up under Bush, who threw us into 2 wars and a recession. It took years for Obama administration to get them under control. Trump comes in to office and once again spirals the deficits out of control with his utter recklessness. It is easy for any moron to blow up the deficits, but getting them under control is a whole different animal. It takes years to stabilize deficits and to reel them in. Trump's response? Blackdude posted "[Trump] had privately expressed little concern about the numbers because

01-04-2019, 10:12 PM
Dude, what the hell are you talking about? Obama had WAY bigger deficits than Bush.

mostly true (https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2010/jan/29/barack-obama/obama-inherited-deficits-bush-administration/)

another one (https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/jan/20/barack-obama/barack-obama-claims-deficit-has-decreased-two-thir/)

01-04-2019, 10:25 PM
Dude, what the hell are you talking about? Obama had WAY bigger deficits than Bush.

Not in his latter years. Look at this graph:


Bush's last budget year was outrageous in the recession year, which is what Obama inherited in his first year as president before he even took office. It took years for Obama administration to reel the deficits in.

Ben Simmons 25
01-04-2019, 10:54 PM
Not in his latter years. Look at this graph:


Bush's last budget year was outrageous in the recession year, which is what Obama inherited in his first year as president before he even took office. It took years for Obama administration to reel the deficits in.

I like how your chart omit's Obama's last year in which it started climbing again.

Let's just ignore that though.

Spending is not a partisan issue. Stop trying to make it one.

And the recession / housing depression was created by Clinton and Bush... again... not a partisan issue. I love you raging asshole children that treat politicians like sports teams. Idiots.

Repubs spend too much on defense and Dems too much on social programs. Suck my dong.

01-05-2019, 10:52 AM
Not in his latter years. Look at this graph:


Bush's last budget year was outrageous in the recession year, which is what Obama inherited in his first year as president before he even took office. It took years for Obama administration to reel the deficits in.
Dude, Bush

01-05-2019, 01:31 PM
Saying "Crooked" Democrats is redundant because the crookedness is implied just by saying Democrat.

Patrick Chewing
01-05-2019, 01:39 PM
Saying "Crooked" Democrats is redundant because the crookedness is implied just by saying Democrat.


01-05-2019, 02:04 PM
Saying "Crooked" Democrats is redundant because the crookedness is implied just by saying Democrat.

did you learn nothing from the branding course at trump university? :facepalm
