View Full Version : Is cleanliness a financial or mental issue?

01-03-2019, 06:09 PM
I used to work in property renovations and I can tell you alot of people live in in filth. Broken appliances, stained carpets, too many pets, unhealthy foods, etc

People talk about wages, jobs, education, homelessness, but a topic I never hear people talk about is clean living conditions. My experience is only the Midwest , I imagine New York California, border towns and the south are even worse.

At what point do people not care about cleaning their selves or living conditions?

01-03-2019, 06:18 PM
it's mental .. but I guess that could be tied to the financial .. making them listness and just not giving a shit but you don't have to be well off to be a clean person .. that's an excuse

01-03-2019, 06:19 PM
parenting and cultural imo

I grew up in a melting pot around Cleveland with lots of Puerto Rican, Blacks and Whites

Some parents just raise their kids in filth or proper hygiene and the cycle repeats

Lived with some dirty ass kids and roommates who grew up with filthy rich parents who had no idea how to fold clothes, clean bathrooms ETC. Stanky ass kids, jars of jelly left open, ants all in our kitchen. I can't take that shit

01-03-2019, 06:21 PM
mental and situational, but there certainly is a correlation with finances. believe it or not, there are middle class dudes that are total slobs. my aunt was a maid and would always tell me how despite earning a lot of money, a lot of single males homes she cleaned, were absolute slobs. that's more of a situational case: single male that likely works a lot of hours. i find myself in a situation like that now bc i work 12-14 hours a day and am too fukkin tired to clean after i get off a shift. i'll clean and tidy up on my off days but there's no way i'm tyding up after a shift, plus the mancamp has free cleaning service provided twice a week so i don't bother.

mental would be individuals or couples who are repeating the cycle they learned from their dirty parents. they have elected to have a dirty household and finances are not generally a barrier if you earn a decent wage in the states.

but i've been to poverty stricken cities in mexico where dirt poor people would have very clean homes and porches despite being extremely poor.

01-03-2019, 06:21 PM
It's a mental issue, for sure

but where did the mental issue come from? Like scuzzy said, parenting, like with most things, has a big impact

it's not the be all end all though. Personal laziness extends beyond parental upbringing.. either you're a dirty piece of shit or you're not.. throw your ****ing wrappers away and clean your ****ing room.. idc where or how you grew up, that's something you just do

finances have little to do with it imo.

It's more that people who tend to be dirty and lazy also tend to be poor because.. they're lazy.... but the finances didn't create the laziness, it's the other way around

01-03-2019, 06:26 PM
It's a mental issue, for sure

but where did the mental issue come from? Like scuzzy said, parenting, like with most things, has a big impact

it's not the be all end all though. Personal laziness extends beyond parental upbringing.. either you're a dirty piece of shit or you're not.. throw your ****ing wrappers away and clean your ****ing room.. idc where or how you grew up, that's something you just do

finances have little to do with it imo.

It's more that people who tend to be dirty and lazy also tend to be poor because.. they're lazy.... but the finances didn't create the laziness, it's the other way around
we'd be great roommates bro

I can tell you have your shit together

01-03-2019, 06:30 PM
My wife's mom was a bit of a clean freak, she was a stay at home mom and every day she would clean the house a least a couple of hours, scrub the whole bathroom, sweep, mop, dust and clean the walls, moving all the furniture around...

It translated to my wife and her sisters but they don't go that far, they'll do deep cleaning on the weekend but sweeping and mopping is done every day.

01-03-2019, 06:35 PM
we'd be great roommates bro

I can tell you have your shit together
no question about it

we'd probably end up taking over the world or some shit

the smarts, the work ethics, and the brotherly bond would be too much for other companies to handle

01-04-2019, 09:01 AM
i respect neat freaks.

if i visit your house and it's a total mess, yes, i do make all sorts of fair or unfair judgements about you and your life. :oldlol:

and nope, i don't think economics have much to do with it neither.

01-04-2019, 09:21 AM
Definitely mental. My dad is the type of guy to mess up a room, go into the room and stumble over the shit saying "God damn this house. ****ing pigs, I get no help. I wasn't raised like this". I could go on lol.

He's been banging his head against the wall like this for like 30+ years. So basically ever since he's been living on his own and wasn't beaten to be clean. His parents were brutal, even for the time. People who live like this are likely to be ****ed financially just because of their shitty habits and tendency to blame others

01-04-2019, 09:23 AM
cleanliness can be a mental issue in a positive way and a negative way

i have a bit of ocd so anything out of place drives me insane. i'm constantly adjusting things ... thrown out a bunch of shit because it was slightly flawed ... probly grands worth of jerseys, cards, artwork

i can't even sell it to someone cause i'd know they have something flawed because of me

just a scratch on a blu ray or dvd and i toss it out

01-04-2019, 11:03 AM
The correlation may go other way. Instead of the poverty causing people not to care anymore, it may be that the habits that cause a person to be that dirty prevent them from getting good consistent work. Either way it's not going to be a 100% match. And anecdotally I know a ton of people who aren't well off who are almost pathologically clean. And the thing about single, middle class men being messy is probably more often than not true, but a lot of that just stems from how much time they have working enough to be middle class and being single and not having someone else to help with that stuff.

01-04-2019, 12:40 PM
What are some consequences of being dirty that make the inconvenience of having a shower a much more attractive option?

Example: Disease, microorganisms.

01-04-2019, 01:14 PM
Everyone is different. Some people are straight ocd about cleaning. Others couldn

01-04-2019, 01:30 PM
There are 2 types of dirty. Grimy and clutter. Grimy where you don’t shower and your place is covered in dust and filth is strictly mental. Clutter where you are hoarding and not throwing stuff away is mental as well, but does have a little to do with culture and the socioeconomic system.

01-04-2019, 01:49 PM
It's a standards issue. It's what your perception of clean is.