View Full Version : Michael Jordan shooting free throws with his eyes closed.

01-11-2019, 07:39 PM
I suspect you may have seen it before and assumed it was "the" time he did it. No. He did it many times just ****ing with people. He would tell you before he did it.




He did it to Mutombo, Ewing, and Iverson...which just now makes me think he had a problem with Georgetown.

He also did it to **** with bad Ft shooters. I know I remember him joking about it to Shaq but I cant remember if he did it that time or not.

He just liked to get on peoples nerves with his greatness. Now dont take that to mean that ____ couldnt make a blind free throw. Im sure others did at times.

Gerald Wallace tried to get Kobe to do it but he demanded Gerald put some money up:

[QUOTE]Bryant hinted at a possible wager between the two in postgame comments, which Wallace confirmed. However, the Nets

01-11-2019, 09:26 PM
Reason #1,204,589 that MJ is the GOAT. :applause:

Ben Simmons 25
01-11-2019, 09:38 PM
Rodman tried it truly blind.

Michael lined up the shot in his mind and just as he was about to start to go through the motion, he'd close his eyes. Rodman shot it completely blind before even looking at the rim. It's a different thing entirely.

Michael wouldn't have made the shots had he done it the same way Rodman did. Michael's was set up for confidence and muscle memory. Rodman was just farting into the wind...

01-12-2019, 03:26 AM
MJ would be practicing free throws right about now.

It is claimed these are regular season, not preseason.

The free throw line is 15 feet from the basket.

01-12-2019, 03:43 AM
If there were not film, I am not sure I would believe this.

They are dumb

01-12-2019, 04:18 AM
Rodman tried it truly blind.

Michael lined up the shot in his mind and just as he was about to start to go through the motion, he'd close his eyes. Rodman shot it completely blind before even looking at the rim. It's a different thing entirely.

Michael wouldn't have made the shots had he done it the same way Rodman did. Michael's was set up for confidence and muscle memory. Rodman was just farting into the wind...

well, Rodman was a poor FT shooter to begin with, half of his FTs looked like that with his eyes open :lol

01-12-2019, 04:23 AM

01-12-2019, 01:10 PM
Rodman tried it truly blind.

Michael lined up the shot in his mind and just as he was about to start to go through the motion, he'd close his eyes. Rodman shot it completely blind before even looking at the rim. It's a different thing entirely.

Michael wouldn't have made the shots had he done it the same way Rodman did. Michael's was set up for confidence and muscle memory. Rodman was just farting into the wind...

Im sure it is muscle memory to some extent but people still dont generally have the confidence to do it.

Has me wondering if he ever missed one. I feel like the story would have been told somewhere.

01-12-2019, 01:28 PM
And for your amusement...Dennis Rodman trying it out:



01-12-2019, 01:29 PM
And he opens his eyes as he's shooting it.. :roll:

01-12-2019, 01:43 PM
pretty dope, one of the cooler Mj things. That's why he's among the most legendary trash talkers too.

01-12-2019, 02:45 PM
I really want to know the trash talk Michael got from McHale and Bird. He wouldnt try it with Bird...But I'm imagining him doing the closed eye free throw thing to him, but missing with Bird following it up by blowing him a kiss :lol

01-12-2019, 04:42 PM
I really want to know the trash talk Michael got from McHale and Bird. He wouldnt try it with Bird...But I'm imagining him doing the closed eye free throw thing to him, but missing with Bird following it up by blowing him a kiss :lol

I dont know that hed do it to someone like that. He picked on people he didnt see as his peers really. I dont think hed **** with Bird that way. He would be too into the game to play around I suspect.

01-12-2019, 05:04 PM
I dont know that hed do it to someone like that. He picked on people he didnt see as his peers really. I dont think hed **** with Bird that way. He would be too into the game to play around I suspect.
Yeah like I eluded to I think Jordan realized challenging Bird shooting anywhere isn't going to amount to much lol. He would pick his battles and talk shit accordingly.


I can see them saying something along the lines of "No matter how hard you try your team is going to make all that hard work of yours done for nothing". That would probably make my heart sink a little if I was Mike

Otherwise I dont know what they would specifically say to him about his game

01-12-2019, 05:55 PM
Yeah like I eluded to I think Jordan realized challenging Bird shooting anywhere isn't going to amount to much lol. He would pick his battles and talk shit accordingly.


I can see them saying something along the lines of "No matter how hard you try your team is going to make all that hard work of yours done for nothing". That would probably make my heart sink a little if I was Mike

Otherwise I dont know what they would specifically say to him about his game

There was and still is a healthy amount of respect between the two of them. MJ wasn't afraid to talk trash, though. He did it during the Olympics to everyone. Bird stayed out of it and eventually told Magic, "Magic, he's right. It's his time now."

01-13-2019, 12:35 PM
Im sure it is muscle memory to some extent but people still dont generally have the confidence to do it.

Has me wondering if he ever missed one. I feel like the story would have been told somewhere.

I agree, a lot of it must be attributable to muscle memory.

01-14-2019, 03:14 AM
Jordan has taken and made eyes closed FT's at least 6 times that I know of. He has also taken and made lefty FT's a few times in games. What's crazy is that his form was perfect.

01-14-2019, 03:24 AM
Shall we compare the GOAT MJ

01-14-2019, 03:55 AM
[QUOTE=Skip_Bayless]Shall we compare the GOAT MJ

01-14-2019, 04:36 AM
I think MJ practiced these stuff a lot. I knew someone who can make a no look hook shot from some spots at alarming consistency.

01-14-2019, 04:57 AM
a similar story with Magic taunting MJ while playing HORSE using any kind of shot attempt (hook shot, one handed, underhanded). I think it was during the Olympics practice

Goes to show you these ATGs basically mastered the fundamentals in full capacity to the point that you cannot pin point any holes in their game