View Full Version : Westbrook and Durant performed better than Lebron in their first finals

01-13-2019, 12:27 PM
They were both 23, Westbrook in his fourth season like Lebron was in his first finals, while Durant was in his fifth.

And they were playing Lebron's team! Also, they both did a lot better against the Spurs in the WCF.

2007 Finals
Lebron: 22/7/6.8 on 35.6 FG%, 20 3P%, 69 FT%

2012 Finals
Westbrook: 27/6.4/6.6 on 43.3 FG%, 13.3 3P%, 82.4 FT%
Durant: 30.6/6/2.2 on 56.8 FG%, 39.4 3P%, 83.9 FT%


01-13-2019, 12:33 PM

Around that time, LeBron's jumper or lack thereof exposed him. Pop literally daring him to shoot for an entire series was something I hadn't seen or since.

01-13-2019, 12:37 PM
NICE! They must have won with those impressive stats

01-13-2019, 12:38 PM
They were both 23, Westbrook in his fourth season like Lebron was in his first finals, while Durant was in his fifth.

And they were playing Lebron's team! Also, they both did a lot better against the Spurs in the WCF.

2007 Finals
Lebron: 22/7/6.8 on 35.6 FG%, 20 3P%, 69 FT%

2012 Finals
Westbrook: 27/6.4/6.6 on 43.3 FG%, 13.3 3P%, 82.4 FT%
Durant: 30.6/6/2.2 on 56.8 FG%, 39.4 3P%, 83.9 FT%


Yeah. What is funny is that you will hear people say

01-13-2019, 12:39 PM
NICE! They must have won with those impressive stats

Well, they didn't get swept and the refs failed to blow the whistle when Lebron clearly fouled KD on a jumper at the end of game 2 that the Heat ended up winning in OT.

The loss wasn't on Westbrook and KD underperforming. Harden shot poorly and Scott Brooks failed to make adjustments.

Hey Yo
01-13-2019, 12:49 PM
[QUOTE=warriorfan]Yeah. What is funny is that you will hear people say [B]

Dray n Klay
01-13-2019, 01:04 PM
If LeBron had another star to take the pressure of him, his efficiency would’ve soared

01-13-2019, 01:21 PM
[QUOTE=Dray n Klay]If LeBron had another star to take the pressure of him, his efficiency would

01-13-2019, 01:23 PM
So wait...

Lebron needed a sidekick to shoot well against champs?

Let's look at his pre-decision stats against champs ... Wow ur right - lebron shot horrifically against champs until he got Wade. So ur right - he needs a sidekick to shoot well against champs
Why did Boston sweep prime MJ and then get taken the distance by a team with 0 all-stars? I keep asking you but you keep dodging. Why is that?

01-13-2019, 01:42 PM
Well I guess LeBron will have to settle for performing better against a 73 win team than either of them did

01-13-2019, 01:50 PM
Why did Boston sweep prime MJ and then get taken the distance by a team with 0 all-stars? I keep asking you but you keep dodging. Why is that?

Was that the year where Mike averaged 44, 6 and 6 or 36, 7 and 6?

Dude lost but he definitely didn't go down without doing everything he could as a 22 year old kid.

01-13-2019, 01:58 PM
Was that the year where Mike averaged 44, 6 and 6 or 36, 7 and 6?

Dude lost but he definitely didn't go down without doing everything he could as a 22 year old kid.
22 is not your prime. I'll excuse MJ for shitting the bed as a toddler. I'm talking when he was 24. MJ spread his ass cheeks that year.

01-13-2019, 02:22 PM
22 is not your prime. I'll excuse MJ for shitting the bed as a toddler. I'm talking when he was 24. MJ spread his ass cheeks that year.

At 24... Okay so I was right then

36, 7 and 6 then... 3rd year in the league while playing on a meh team.

I suppose that qualifies as an ass raping as you've aluded :rolleyes:

01-13-2019, 02:32 PM
At 24... Okay so I was right then

36, 7 and 6 then... 3rd year in the league while playing on a meh team.

I suppose that qualifies as an ass raping as you've aluded :rolleyes:
I'd take 24 year old MJ over 34 year old MJ. Wouldn't you?

01-13-2019, 05:06 PM
Well I guess LeBron will have to settle for performing better against a 73 win team than either of them did

That 73 team must not be good as you make them out to be if all it took was a player that lost in 6 finals to lead his team to victory over them. Might want to try coming at it from another angle there chap.

01-13-2019, 05:12 PM
They also performed better than Kobe in his first finals as well :confusedshrug:

01-13-2019, 05:16 PM
Legoat beat three MVP

01-13-2019, 05:20 PM
Yeah. What is funny is that you will hear people say “LeBron was too young” when 2007 is brought up, yet they will give him full credit in 2012 for beating kids the same age.

Have you noticed many people pretending the Spurs didnt earn the title in 07. I havent. Nobody in your entire life lost credit for a ring because the opponents team was young.

01-13-2019, 06:04 PM
NICE! They must have won with those impressive stats


01-13-2019, 06:06 PM
I also heard Durant and LeBron both faced this 73-win super team in 2016.

I also heard Durant was up 3-1 against them. Does anyone know what happened next?


01-13-2019, 06:27 PM
Does anyone know what happened next?

Do you have a link I can click? All I could find during the football commercial was this:


01-13-2019, 06:28 PM
I also heard Durant and LeBron both faced a 73-win super team in 2016.

I also heard Durant was up 3-1 against them. Does anyone know what happened next? :confusedshrug: Anyone?

01-13-2019, 06:52 PM

01-13-2019, 07:01 PM



01-13-2019, 07:07 PM
I'd take 24 year old MJ over 34 year old MJ. Wouldn't you?
For just 1 season, I'd take 97' MJ over 87' and it's not remotely close.. any cast

01-13-2019, 07:16 PM
They also had a superior team to that 07 Cavs roster.:lol

Spurs only had to guard LeBron and pray the scrubs didn't beat them.

Just another G-League caliber roster that would never have seen the playoffs if not for lebron.

01-13-2019, 07:22 PM
For just 1 season, I'd take 97' MJ over 87' and it's not remotely close.. any cast
Nope. Without David Stern pulling the strings in the shadows, I'm going with '87 MJ.

01-13-2019, 07:43 PM
... and this shows what? lol

lebron was trash in the 07 finals, anyone was better

01-13-2019, 07:43 PM
Nope. Without David Stern pulling the strings in the shadows, I'm going with '87 MJ.
I might have overstated it a bit by saying "not remotely close"

But I could see myself choosing 97' over 87' in a lot of 1-year scenarios

87' jordan wasted a ton of energy and a lot of it wasn't as focused or strategic

Whereas 97' jordan was his best combination of energy efficiency and domination

compare to 96, which wasn't as energy efficient because he was often pushing too hard and trying to athletically overpower guys, but he wasn't young Mike anymore.. by 97', he'd slowed things down a bit to match his dampened athleticism and was really at the peak of his powers as a far as accessing the perfect move to dust the defender.. no wasted energy..

And he had goat strategy.. we can't remove the triangle entirely from this hypothetical - 97' MJ had the triangle in his bones - he scored from spots that the triangle put him in, and therefore in ways the triangle dictated.. so even without executing the actual X's and O's of the triangle, 97' MJ would be getting to those same spots and playing the same way - that's just how he scored in 97'.. his teammates would play off him accordingly, yielding a better team than 87' MJ's energy inefficiency and inferior strategy

01-13-2019, 07:44 PM



You can hop on KD's dick all you want, it won't remove LeBron from being above Wilt and Russell all time :lol

01-13-2019, 07:46 PM
You can hop on KD's dick all you want, it won't remove LeBron from being above Wilt and Russell all time :lol
Wilt beat the biggest dynasty of all time, so how is lebron over wilt?

I'm not even bringing Russell into this.. just wilt. How is he over wilt when wilt can match his perceived "beat a goat team" claim?