View Full Version : Rank the top ten players of the 1980s

01-13-2019, 10:08 PM
Take the decade as a whole. How far can a one man army get?

1. Larry Bird
2. Magic Johnson
3. Julius Erving
4. Moses Malone
5. Michael Jordan
6. Isiah Thomas
7. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
8. Dominique Wilkins
9. Alex English
10. Hakeem Olajuwon

Honorable mentions: George Gervin, James Worthy, Robert Parish, Clyde Drexler, John Stockton, Bernard King, Kevin McHale, Joe Dumars

01-13-2019, 10:20 PM
1. Magic
2. Bird
3. Isiah Thomas
4. Moses
5. Jordan
6. Erving
7. Kareem
8. Hakeem
9. Wilkins
10. Gervin

Honorable mention McHale and Worthy

01-13-2019, 10:23 PM
During the 93' Finals, Magic and Isiah said that if you removed mj/magic/isiah from their teams, the lakers/pistons would annihilate the bulls

in other words, the laker/pistons casts were much better

So doesn't that mean if MJ had the same help Isiah/magic had in the 80's, he would've destroyed them?..

01-13-2019, 10:24 PM
During the 93' Finals, Magic and Isiah said that if you removed mj/magic/isiah from their teams, the lakers/pistons would annihilate the bulls

in other words, the laker/pistons casts were much better

So doesn't that mean if MJ had the same help they had, he'd destroy them?

How much more help does MJ need?

01-13-2019, 10:29 PM
How much more help does MJ need?
Can you read?

Magic and Isiah said they had much better casts than mj

And mj already destroyed both as it was, with weaker casts in 91 - the Pistons had 3x all-stars at every starting spot.. isiah/dumars/rodman were 27-29 years old....

And magic had 2 deluxe bigs (divac/perkins) who were better than anything the bulls had after the magic/mj and worthy/pippen matchups.. and they had 90' all-star ac green who lost playing time in 91' to Perkins/dicac

01-13-2019, 10:35 PM
1. Bird
2. Magic
3. Moses
4. Jordan
5. Kareem
6. Dr. J
7. Isiah
8. Hakeem
9. Gervin
10. Wilkins

01-13-2019, 10:38 PM
During the 93' Finals, Magic and Isiah said that if you removed mj/magic/isiah from their teams, the lakers/pistons would annihilate the bulls

in other words, the laker/pistons casts were much better

So doesn't that mean if MJ had the same help Isiah/magic had in the 80's, he would've destroyed them?..

Of course this obessive mentally ill fakkot just goes off on some pathetic
Jordan tangent instead of just sticking to the subject and posting a normal response.

01-13-2019, 10:42 PM
#1 Larry Bird
#2 Magic Johnson
#3 Kareem Abdul Jabbar
#4 Arvydas Sabonis
#5 Moses malone
#6 Julius Erving
#7 Isiah Thomas
#8 Michael Jordan
#9 Kevin Mchale
#10 Oscar Schmidt

in hindsight jordan was top 3-4 sure but i'm basing mine off not knowing anything past 1989

01-13-2019, 10:42 PM
Of course this obessive mentally ill fakkot just goes off on some pathetic
Jordan tangent instead of just sticking to the subject and posting a normal response.

did he call it? No, he did not call it. 30-0.

01-13-2019, 10:44 PM
#1 Larry Bird
#2 Magic Johnson
#3 Kareem Abdul Jabbar
#4 Arvydas Sabonis
#5 Moses malone
#6 Julius Erving
#7 Isiah Thomas
#8 Michael Jordan
#9 Kevin Mchale
#10 Oscar Schmidt

in hindsight jordan was top 3-4 sure but i'm basing mine off not knowing anything past 1989

Interesting take on including Sabonis, but I would have to exclude someone like that because the Soviet Union would not let him play in the NBA then.

01-13-2019, 10:47 PM
ain't no Ben Wallace that's fo sho

01-13-2019, 10:49 PM

01-13-2019, 11:01 PM

01-13-2019, 11:25 PM
1. Bird
2. Magic
3. Moses
4. Kareem
5. Erving
6. Jordan
7. Zeke
8. Dominique

I don't know who to pick for last 2 spots but my candidates are McHale, Dantley and English.

01-13-2019, 11:52 PM
Dantley's defense sucked. So did Dominique's, though. Alex English scored the most points in the decade, so he's clearly one.

01-19-2019, 05:49 PM
I meant jokes, not rings. 6 jokes in the post.

01-19-2019, 06:09 PM
During the 93' Finals, Magic and Isiah said that if you removed mj/magic/isiah from their teams, the lakers/pistons would annihilate the bulls

in other words, the laker/pistons casts were much better

So doesn't that mean if MJ had the same help Isiah/magic had in the 80's, he would've destroyed them?..
Not necessarily

01-19-2019, 06:31 PM
Dr. J

01-20-2019, 06:32 AM
1. Bird
2. Magic
3. Moses
4. Kareem
5. Jordan
6. Erving
7. Zeke
8. Wilkins
9. English
10. Hakeem

HM: Chuck, McHale, Gervin, Worthy

01-20-2019, 09:30 AM
1. Bird
2. Magic
3. Kareem
4. Moses
5. Dr. J
6. Zeke
7. Gervin/Jordan
9. Moncrief/Hakeem

01-20-2019, 09:42 AM
I would not rank players I see that represent the 70’s and 90’s, even though they were clearly have a case for the 80’s top-10. Example Jordan represent the 90’s even though he can is a top-10 in the 80’s. Same with Jabbar and Erving, both represents 70’s more than the 80’s.

Here’s my top-10 (not in order)

M. Johnson
L. Bird
M. Malone
I. Thomas
K. McHale
A. Dantley
S. Moncrief
A. English
D. Wilkins
B. King

01-20-2019, 09:47 AM
1. Bird
2. Magic
3. Moses
4. Jordan
5. Kareem
6. Dr. J
7. Isiah
8. Hakeem
9. Gervin
10. Wilkins
same here

01-20-2019, 10:56 AM
Jordan by the late 80's was already the best player ever.

But if you go by body of work for the decade then its Bird.