View Full Version : Laker young guns doing great despite $30 million taking a holiday and Rondo out.

01-20-2019, 12:49 AM
This stretch of play by the Lakers missing a $30 million in payroll player + alpha male Rondo has been a great eye opener for many on the potential our young juniors are showing. Zubac/Kuzma/Ingram are future all-stars in the making.

Considering the close, high heat, competitive race going out West, missing alpha male, clutch and soul leader Rondo, the $30 million per year piece AND perhaps more importantly: The fact that the offense being run by Walton is tailor made, not for our young promising stars, (to fit their strengths and weaknesses) but tailored around the $30 million decaying rotting corpse piece - I thinks it's pretty safe to say we should be making the playoffs easily if we're able to find a serviceable talent to the tune of $30 million a year not prone to injuries (hopefully younger).

Hec, there is no reason to believe this current cast, as handicapped as is, wouldn't be performing better if Walton and the coaching crew were able to retool the offense towards the strengths of our young assets... (a hard - given the stakes and close competition in the West - but necessary change) to be able to run smoothly without the $30 million baggage piece.

01-20-2019, 12:49 AM

Gus Hemmingway
01-20-2019, 12:52 AM
Saturday midnight essays from Cape Coral Florida coming in HOT boys


01-20-2019, 12:59 AM