View Full Version : Favorite Tarantino Movie?

01-28-2019, 05:58 AM
Pulp Fiction comes to mind first. I think I

01-28-2019, 06:03 AM
Jackie Brown (sleeper GOAT)
Pulp Fiction
Inglorious Basterds

Pretty much everything except Kill Bill. Idk why I always cringed at those.

01-28-2019, 06:08 AM
Jackie Brown def a sleeper GOAT. For a time I liked it more than Pulp Fiction. Everything with the trio of Jackson, DeNiro, and the blonde bimbo was great.

01-28-2019, 06:15 AM
1. Pulp Fiction
2. Reservoir Dogs
3. Inglorious Basterds
4. Hateful 8/Kill Bill series
5. Death Proof

01-28-2019, 06:19 AM

"You know, you smoke too much of that shit. That shit's gon rob you of your ambition"

"Not if your ambition is to get high and watch TV"

Long Duck Dong
01-28-2019, 08:23 AM
1. Reservoir Dogs
2. Pulp Fiction
3. True Romance *
4. Inglorious Bastards
5. Natural Born Killers *

01-28-2019, 08:35 AM
Pulp Fiction comes to mind first. I think I’m going to go with Hateful Eight though. Some recency bias may be a factor here but I thought it was a great movie.

pulp was his best movie but it gets really played out after seeing it a few times.

his best movie for replay value is django

01-28-2019, 08:36 AM
1. Reservoir Dogs
2. Pulp Fiction
3. True Romance *
4. Inglorious Bastards
5. Natural Born Killers *

all tarantino did for natural born killers was write the screen play and it was "heavily revised"

he had little to do with the movie

01-28-2019, 09:16 AM
Favorite, not what i think is perhaps the best, but the ones that entertained me the most for various reasons:

1. Kill Bill - entire thing...

Lets be real here, remember when you first saw it? Dont forget that feeling... Most entertaining thing youve ever seen right and it hit home with me specifically... as i think almost all people who saw it the first time didnt understand what it all was actually (entire thing is a mashup of old school martial art flicks really) until they were told & they/you still probably have not seen those movies Tarantino was inspired by.... I HAVE, before Tarantino was even relevant.... its the best revenge movie ever ive seen because it is all actually the coolest mashup of all the revenge/kungfu/samurai etc. flicks ive ever seen, as an old school martial art movie buff himself & myself he surprised me alot, so many damn references & guest appearances from all my favorite old school chinese & japanese martial art flicks i grew up with... fist of the white lotus, samurai fiction, zatoichi, lady snowblood, sanjuro, samurai reincarnation, goke, ichi, war of the gargantus, shikoku, battle royale, lone wolf, fudoh, black lizard, 5 venoms, 5 fingers of death and so on and so on.... and those are just the martial art flicks, then there is all the old school spaghetti western stuff and so on... which i also love... and all the music...

You dudes just dont/didnt get it to fully appreciate it...

First time i saw it all i was thinking like Tarantino was thinking about me when he made Kill Bill or something, it was weird... didnt know he was such a HUGE actual fan of those flicks, he has seen it all...

But i think it would have been even better if i gave him some better/more old school flick references/ideas especially i know everything about the martial arts flicks world!

I think if QT made a real actual old school type of martial art flick, it would have been the greatest thing ever, do it QT!!

2. Pulp Fiction.
3. Hateful Eight (the cool arse back n forth dialogue was too cool to be ignored.)
4. Reservoir Dogs / From Dusk till Dawn (yep, i enjoyed that one actually)
5. Death Proof / Django / Jackie Brown.

Long Duck Dong
01-28-2019, 09:23 AM
all tarantino did for natural born killers was write the screen play and it was "heavily revised"

he had little to do with the movie

Like you said, he wrote the movie. I wouldn't say that's little to do with it. And of course it was heavily revised. It was an insanely violent script for a major motion picture. Even after it was made, an additional 4 minutes of violence had to be cut. The film is worth seeing just for Tommy Lee Jones and Robert Downey Jr's Wayne Gayle role. It kinda wanders off in stupidity at certain points but I loved the movie. The concept of Mickey and Mallory Knox had to have been very edgy back then. If Tarantino had directed it, and it managed to get released, I have no doubt it would have been my favorite film of his.

Lakers Legend#32
01-28-2019, 04:46 PM
Pulp Fiction
No movie he has made since has come close to it.

01-28-2019, 04:50 PM
Like you said, he wrote the movie. I wouldn't say that's little to do with it.

do you know what "heavily revised" means

01-28-2019, 04:50 PM
Jackie Brown (sleeper GOAT)
Pulp Fiction
Inglorious Basterds

Pretty much everything except Kill Bill. Idk why I always cringed at those.
jackie brown was a sleeper for sure, but i wouldn't rank it above reservoir or pulp fiction.

was never a big fan of the kill bill series

01-28-2019, 05:14 PM
My ranking:
Django Unchained
Pulp Fiction
Inglourious Basterds
Hateful Eight
Kill Bill

-I didn't like Pulp Fiction as much as others, certainly not the top 10 greatest movie level hype. I also saw it 4-5 years ago and barely remember it. I will re-watch it sometime to see what I think now, but this time with subtitles so I can focus on the dialogue more.

-I saw Kill Bill two years ago, and I felt it was cliched and didn't think very highly of it. It was decent but ehhhh... I rate it 8/10, which is nothing special. I don't expect to re-watch it.

-Didn't like Reservoir Dogs. I was bored through huge chunks of it. Not going to re-watch.

-I liked Inglorious Basterds, Hateful Eight and Django Unchained. I won't re-watch any, but I liked them.

01-28-2019, 05:23 PM
Tarantino's best movie is True Romance, because he didn't direct it. :hammerhead:

Smook A.
01-28-2019, 06:39 PM
Pulp Fiction, Django Unchained, and Reservoir Dogs are my favorite

01-28-2019, 09:01 PM
1. Pulp Fiction
2. Inglorious Basterds
3. Hateful Eight
4. Jackie Brown
5. Kill Bill volume 2

I ****ing hated Django, sorry lads.

01-29-2019, 03:40 AM
Natural Born Killers was disowned by QT

He felt it was stylized more than just what he intended in mind

Thats why he was credited only for the story but the screenplay was credited to Oliver Stone

back to topic, aside from Pulp personally i liked Jackie Brown

The soundtrack was a kicka$$

07-01-2021, 08:41 AM
Django unchained and Inglorious Basterds

07-01-2021, 09:42 AM
1.) Pulp Fiction
2.) Reservoir Dogs
3.) Kill Bill 1/2
4.) Inglorious Basterds
5.) Jackie Brown (sleeper for sure. I don't think I've ever wanted to f*ck a woman I've seen in a movie as badly as I wanted to f*ck Pam Grier).
6.) Django Unchained
7.) The Hateful Eight
8.) Death Proof

I haven't seen Once Upon a Time in Hollywood yet.

07-01-2021, 12:08 PM
Inglorious Bastards
Hateful 8

All tied at #1 for me depending on my mood.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood at #2

The rest are below for me - Tarantino is one of the best stage setters and storytellers IMO. Vastly superior to the assembly line hollywood and disney movies that come out.

Lakers Legend#32
07-01-2021, 02:50 PM
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood would be a close second to Pulp Fiction.

07-01-2021, 03:09 PM
Pulp Fiction & Reservoir Dogs are his masterpieces. Django Unchained & Inglorious Basterds were both very good. The rest of his movies are all well made and I wouldn't call them bad, but I honestly wasn't crazy about the Kill Bill movies, Hateful Eight, or Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, while Death Proof was just a stupid movie :lol Only one I haven't seen is Jackie Brown

07-01-2021, 03:37 PM
Once upon a Time in Hollywood #1.

I watched it on my laptop in a public library at one of those middle tables where you're self-conscious about people seeing what you're watching. Was interrupted multiple times by phone calls. Despite all this, almost every scene of that movie has a permanent home in my brain. Just an unforgettable film from start to finish. Never seen anything like it.

Pulp Fiction is also outstanding. I didn't really care about the characters or the plot, though. But the best thing about Pulp Fiction is the way it *moves*. I don't know how else to describe it. It's like a grocery list written with a calligraphy pen.

I also like Kill Bill.

The other ones I don't really care for.

I haven't seen Once Upon a Time in Hollywood yet.
I am sad for you. Really-- make it the next thing you watch. It's my favorite movie of the last 5 years.

I don't even know how to explain all the different levels it gets me on. There just isn't anything like it. It's magic.

07-01-2021, 04:25 PM
I haven't watched all but I would rank those that I've watch as

- Pulp fiction
- Django Unchained
- Inglorious Basterds
- Reservoir Dogs
- The Hateful Eight
- Kill Bill

07-01-2021, 07:36 PM
pulp fiction
Once Upon A Time
kill bill v1
reservoir dogs
death proof
Jackie brown
kill bill vol 2

Doomsday Dallas
07-01-2021, 09:36 PM
Good to see folks putting Pulp Fiction #1 and Once Upon A Time as #2

1. Pulp
2. Once Upon A Time
3. Django
4. Kill Bill
5. Hateful 8
6. Dogs
7. Inglorious
8. Death Proof
9. Jackie Brown
10. Kill Bill 2

Bastards wasn't high on my list like it was for others... but still a good film.

07-01-2021, 10:57 PM
his movies don't age well.. theyre historically great when they come out but then it just feels cheesy watching them after 2 or 3 times... I think its because of the random dialog the characters go over about totally meaningless shit. like after you memorize it you don't wanna hear it again

I think natural born killers is his only movie that I can still go back and watch 100 times and he only wrote the story I believe

but as for how great the first viewings were I rank them

#1 pulp fiction
#2 kill Bill 1 and 2
#3 reservoir dogs
#4 Englorious basterds
#5 Django
#6 natural born killers (written)
#7 Jacky brown
#8 true romance (written)
#9 hateful 8

everything else is complete dog shit. especially once upon a time in Hollywood. no story whatsoever to it. just cool scenes.. meh

he ruined death proof with the feminist ending

grindhouse sucked

dusk till dawn was great till the zombies showed up

qt is the goat. even your movie takes are trash

shit man, get a grip of your self :oldlol:

do one thing in your life right.

07-02-2021, 03:12 AM


Doomsday Dallas
07-03-2021, 03:53 PM


Doomsday Dallas
07-03-2021, 03:56 PM

Doomsday Dallas
07-07-2021, 11:22 PM

QT brilliantly explains part of the reason why the Matrix was as kick ass as it was back in 1999.

07-08-2021, 02:05 AM

QT brilliantly explains part of the reason why the Matrix was as kick ass as it was back in 1999.

I agree with him.

07-08-2021, 02:43 AM
Tarantino is awesome but he ended up getting too full of himself.. I legit watched once upon a time in hollywood like 6 times and still don't know what the movies about

who's the main villain.. Manson who's never around. the 3 people that get killed at the end that didn't really have any impact on the movie prior. the screaming movie b*tch that gets mad at Brad Pitt. the mama bear chick?

I dont get it.. like what are they trying to achieve that anyone is holding them back from. all I see is their own ineptitude and unprofessionalism holding them back.

Brad and Leo are the leads but why. and why should anyone feel anything for Sharon tate. she seems like a self absorbed brat.

its just some cool scenes slapped together. it's visually good but horribly written. like are we really supposed to get behind a 3 hour movie just to see Leo kick his bad habits and put on one good scene for a movie so that little girl can make him cry saying it's the best acting she's ever seen. is it just a stroke fest to Leo's career as an underappreciated actor. didn't he already get his Oscar. and what's with the over the top kurt Russell impersonation.

I heard Tarantino ego was so out of control that he cut the best scene in the movie that made him and Leo cry watching it back where he has a phone conversation with the young girl actress. he just said "well it doesn't go with the mood"... WHAT MOOD?

CONFUSION? .. and he trashes Bruce Lee then says he did it cause "f*ck you thats why" lmao.. what an ego maniac. f*ck Bruce Lee. don't give 2 sh*ts about the guy but at least have some meaning behind it

Doomsday Dallas
07-13-2021, 12:49 AM

07-13-2021, 06:09 AM

Tarantino is a throwback to old Hollywood. He's one of the golden sons and he knows his history. No one can **** with him. Total legend and probably the gatekeeper of Hollywood chic at this point.

07-13-2021, 06:14 AM
I like what they said, its all superheroes and virtue signalling.

Yeah and sometimes both.

07-13-2021, 06:52 AM
I think Once Upon A Time in Hollywood just might be his worst movie... visually great & great acting i guess, i mean you can see its money behind the movie.... BUT, its the most boring & draged out QT movie ive seen aswell.... A QT movie with no QT style entertainment (some sort of fighting, chaos, violence, gore, action, badassery) is... boring, just QT trying something out.... its not like i dont like movies like that, with just dialogue, but it has to have meaning, writing, story, plot, characters.... its not like this was Shawshank Redemption or something.....

Liked mostly the ending, except for the fact its ending its also the most entertaining part of the movie, which even though was completely random & doesnt make sense was still the only place the real QT showed up (except for the Bruce Lee scene)....

07-13-2021, 07:12 AM
I think Once Upon A Time in Hollywood just might be his worst movie... visually great & great acting i guess, i mean you can see its money behind the movie.... BUT, its the most boring & draged out QT movie ive seen aswell.... A QT movie with no QT style entertainment (some sort of fighting, chaos, violence, gore, action, badassery) is... boring, just QT trying something out.... its not like i dont like movies like that, with just dialogue, but it has to have meaning, writing, story, plot, characters.... its not like this was Shawshank Redemption or something.....

Liked mostly the ending, except for the fact its ending its also the most entertaining part of the movie, which even though was completely random & doesnt make sense was still the only place the real QT showed up (except for the Bruce Lee scene)....

I guess. I enjoyed it. I mean, do you expect him to repeat himself over and over? You must be a simpleton. :lol

07-13-2021, 10:50 AM
I guess. I enjoyed it. I mean, do you expect him to repeat himself over and over? You must be a simpleton. :lol

answer my post instead

what's the plot

who's the villain

why should we feel for these characters

who's the love interest

why are there 2 protagonists

why should we care about Sharon tate or her husband

why are they even introduced if they have no connection to the story

why is Manson totally missing

why is every new character abandoned instead of having a story arch to them

why don't any characters have an impact or meaning to the ending

why are mama bear, the old man and p*ssy the main characters we're introduced to from the Manson ranch when they have no ending. why are 3 randoms the killers

why is Kurt Russell even in the movie to begin with

why is Bruce Lee mocked for no apparent reason

why is that lady yelling at Brad Pitt on the movie set never revisited

why is such a long story told about Leo just to explain his possession of a flame thrower

its literally the worst written movie of all time. it's a 5/10 movie and it only gets that due to its visuals and Brad Pitts scenes. it makes scarface look like an academy award winning script

07-13-2021, 11:49 AM
answer my post instead

what's the plot

who's the villain

why should we feel for these characters

who's the love interest

why are there 2 protagonists

why should we care about Sharon tate or her husband

why are they even introduced if they have no connection to the story

why is Manson totally missing

why is every new character abandoned instead of having a story arch to them

why don't any characters have an impact or meaning to the ending

why are mama bear, the old man and p*ssy the main characters we're introduced to from the Manson ranch when they have no ending. why are 3 randoms the killers

why is Kurt Russell even in the movie to begin with

why is Bruce Lee mocked for no apparent reason

why is that lady yelling at Brad Pitt on the movie set never revisited

why is such a long story told about Leo just to explain his possession of a flame thrower

its literally the worst written movie of all time. it's a 5/10 movie and it only gets that due to its visuals and Brad Pitts scenes. it makes scarface look like an academy award winning script


geez have you seen TMNT2: Secret of the OOze?

07-13-2021, 01:19 PM

geez have you seen TMNT2: Secret of the OOze?

if it was bebop and rocksteady instead of those other 2 random animal babies its probly an OK 90s kids movie and would have held up like the original

07-13-2021, 01:28 PM
if it was bebop and rocksteady instead of those other 2 random animal babies its probly an OK 90s kids movie and would have held up like the original

ooh, yes. mistakes were made.

07-13-2021, 06:09 PM

QT brilliantly explains part of the reason why the Matrix was as kick ass as it was back in 1999.

A good story carefully reveals its secrets. A lot of the time this gets spoiled with long trailers and TV spots where you basically know what half the movie is about before you see it.

Doomsday Dallas
07-18-2021, 12:30 PM