View Full Version : This player empowerment movement will destroy the NBA ecosystem

01-29-2019, 03:21 AM
eventually. There's no point in being fan of teams when players control everything. The central conceit of being a fan of a team is the premise that the team can eventually build a contending team. this entire premise is destroyed when players choose where they want to play and who they want to play, where teams have no power in this equation. So why root for a team? when the success of teams is not based on anything the teams do but just the whims of the players.

teams are no longer the unit of fandom. this will just a further a league thats based around players rather than teams, which will lead to only a few valuable franchises.

01-29-2019, 03:24 AM
Unfortunately there's a lot of millennial retards like Manny98 that have no problem with this. And all it took to change this environment was one of them; LeBron himself.

Thanks for ruining the NBA, douchebags.

01-29-2019, 03:25 AM
Teams have been taking advantage of players loyalty for years, Bron paved the way for players to take their legacies by the balls.

How many players have ended up ring-less because they stuck through with a team out of loyalty when the team did close to fuvk all for them. Anthony Davis gave New Orleans 6 and a half years, and they're out here releasing statements talking about we are disappointed in AD's decision. Be disappointed in yourselves for not being able to put a consistent contender around a generational big man

01-29-2019, 03:33 AM
Lebron never demanded a trade. Every time he left a team it was during free agency

01-29-2019, 03:37 AM
I'll ask you one very, very simple question. Why do you think players are demanding/requesting trades?

Are they in favorable positions and wish to decrease their quality of life?


Are they in unfavorable positions and wish to increase their quality of life?

Please. Think hard. Read more, post less.

01-29-2019, 03:39 AM
Teams have been taking advantage of players loyalty for years,

completely irrelevant. I'm not talking about morality I'm talking about the quality of the NBA product. NBA is basically minimizing the value of their franchises and making it a league of players, that's a complete shift in organizational philosophy. It leads to a scenario where it simply doesn't make sense to be a "Pelicans" fan for instance. because the average team for all intents and purposes doesnt matter. the players do.

the tension between players and teams is one that exist in all sports leagues but nba has absolutely gone bonkers in tilting it towards the players.

01-29-2019, 03:39 AM
Teams have been taking advantage of players loyalty for years, Bron paved the way for players to take their legacies by the balls.

How many players have ended up ring-less because they stuck through with a team out of loyalty when the team did close to fuvk all for them. Anthony Davis gave New Orleans 6 and a half years, and they're out here releasing statements talking about we are disappointed in AD's decision. Be disappointed in yourselves for not being able to put a consistent contender around a generational big man

Yep. People clown on a player if he doesnt have “rings,” but then seethe when he goes to an organization better equipped to contend for them.

Not every guy starts out with a big market franchise and a visionary like Dr Jerry Buss in charge and a HOF coach like Phil Jackson. In that circumstance, yes, it would be hugely embarrassing for a player to miss the playoffs in his prime. But not every guy gets those dream situations.

People wanna put pressure on guys to win no matter what? Dont be surprised when they go to an organization that gives them a chance to do it.

01-29-2019, 06:00 AM
Are you going to force a player to take more money? Are you going to force a player to sign somewhere he doesn't want to?

01-29-2019, 09:02 AM
it already destroyed the NBA ecosystem.

And i don't buy into the notion that if a player doesn't win a ring he's mistreated by his team. WTF kind of stupidity is that.

01-29-2019, 09:08 AM
[QUOTE=Akrazotile]Yep. People clown on a player if he doesnt have

01-29-2019, 09:22 AM
Teams have been taking advantage of players loyalty for years, Bron paved the way for players to take their legacies by the balls.

And that ended in 3*/9, 2 finals sweeps and the two biggest point differential losses in the history of the league :lol

Ben Simmons 25
01-29-2019, 09:30 AM
The players didn’t do this.

The teams didn’t do this.

The league didn’t do this.

The media did this.

The fans did this.

More so than any other sport, star players take disproportionate blame for not winning titles or get disproportionate accreditation for winning titles.

OP... you, yourself, parrot “3 for 9” all day every day and you have the audacity to pretend to not know why the league is trending in this direction?

What did you really think was going to happen when simple minded buffoons ceaseslessly give shit to guys if they don’t win rings IN A TEAM SPORT?


There’s been like one guy in league history... ONE... that should be given as much credit as possible for his rings and that’s Bill Russell... yet dipshits like the OP want to label guys like Karl Malone and Charles Barkley as career losers because of their ring count and then blame the players for taking as much control as they can... please... try looking into a mirror you ignorant bitch.