View Full Version : Why Were the Irish Once Hated in America, and Abroad

01-29-2019, 05:40 AM
Sadly I have to preface this by saying this is NOT some "All lives matter" "B b b but the Irish" type of nonsense. This is not to take away from what people of color have gone through in the past, or feel the echoes of today. For one example in America over time the Irish just...blended in after being discriminated against. Today for the most part they're celebrated for the very things they were once looked down on for, ALA Mcgregor.



"I am haunted by the human chimpanzees I saw along that hundred miles of horrible country...to see white chimpanzees is dreadful; if they were black one would not see it so much, but their skins, except where tanned by exposure, are as white as ours.

01-29-2019, 05:57 AM
150 years ago the US was prudish. the irish were looked at as demon spawns because of their care free attitude/alcoholism

the protestants hated the catholic

the average american today wouldn't understand because immigration changed the US back into what they were trying to get away from in the first place when they migrated from europe

now we're all a bunch of care free sinful alcoholics and catholicism is actually more popular among americans than the protestant church

01-29-2019, 06:14 AM
They were poor immigrants who came over in droves. Some Americans had similar sentiments that people have to the Mexicans today as for taking work from the working class. This summer my girlfriend and I went to Mexico for her sisters wedding and stayed for a week. She married this guy from Ireland and their whole family was from NY or Ireland and all were in the trades and they could definitely party. Very good people though it was a lot of fun.

01-29-2019, 07:14 AM
They were poor immigrants who came over in droves. Some Americans had similar sentiments that people have to the Mexicans today as for taking work from the working class. This summer my girlfriend and I went to Mexico for her sisters wedding and stayed for a week. She married this guy from Ireland and their whole family was from NY or Ireland and all were in the trades and they could definitely party. Very good people though it was a lot of fun.

and look at how much more sinful the US is as a general population because of it

in 20 years you'll have drug cartels in the southern US beheading people in your neighborhood

you won't even think anything of it cause it'll be a weekly occurrence... then 150 years from now when everyones doing it you'll forget who introduced the idea and create a thread asking why people ever vilified mexicans coming to america

Patrick Chewing
01-29-2019, 10:54 AM
Probably cause they emigrated en masse in huge quantities and formed massive ghettos at the time. Different religion, different way of speaking, most of them had lice and other diseases, and again, most of them were paid poor wages taking jobs away from every day Americans who would have made more money doing the same job.

"I don't see no Americans. I see trespassers." (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ThaS47rqlE)

01-29-2019, 12:27 PM
Ha, just watched Gangs of New York for the first time since it came out and as others already pointed out, the discrimination was born mostly out of the enormous amount of poor immigrants that came from Ireland in a short amount of time and because they were Catholics.

Racism is a symptom of ignorance and arrogance.

Patrick Chewing
01-29-2019, 12:47 PM
Ha, just watched Gangs of New York for the first time since it came out and as others already pointed out, the discrimination was born mostly out of the enormous amount of poor immigrants that came from Ireland in a short amount of time and because they were Catholics.

Racism is a symptom of ignorance and arrogance.

Bill wasn't wrong. Allowing hordes of poor people into the country only makes it worse. Has nothing to do with racism (which does not apply) or bigotry. It has to do with Economy and well-being.

And of course, to the politicians, allowing hordes of poor people into this country equates to nothing but votes. Fast forward to today. Nothing has changed in 200 years.

01-29-2019, 01:19 PM
Ha, just watched Gangs of New York for the first time since it came out and as others already pointed out, the discrimination was born mostly out of the enormous amount of poor immigrants that came from Ireland in a short amount of time and because they were Catholics.

Racism is a symptom of ignorance and arrogance.


01-29-2019, 03:25 PM
Ha, just watched Gangs of New York for the first time since it came out and as others already pointed out, the discrimination was born mostly out of the enormous amount of poor immigrants that came from Ireland in a short amount of time and because they were Catholics.

Racism is a symptom of ignorance and arrogance.

Not exactly.

The sentiment youre describing is stereotyping/discrimination etc., which is not the same as racism.

Racism is the belief that separate races occupy distinct strata and have relative relationships to one another (inferior, superior, etc).

In a broad sense with no context, of course there is no “better or worse.”. However in different social conditions, races as a whole do peform differently. Would you dispute that people of african american ancestry will, on the whole, perform better as runningbacks than other groups? If so, that is racism. You are stratifying races by ability. However it is also clearly accurate, as the history of slave importation in the US has produced a subset of people better suited to that role as a group than others.

Is it racist to say “Jews are born accountants and bankers?” Yes it is. Youre suggesting superiority in a particular circumstance. However, as a group, they occupied this niche in Europe for several centuries. You can bet your bottom dollar social evolution funneled jews toward a distinct predisposition for these vocations.

Asian infants are more reticent than white infants, white infants are more reticent than african infants. Levels of social reservation vary even among babies. It’s been tested. This will, on average, impact the roles and pathways groups will pursue in a society - altho circumstantial factors play a huge part as well, no question about it. Denying one is as silly as denying the other - no?

To assume every individual within a group will reflect the traits of the group as a whole is indeed a fallacy. Obviously not every person is a stereotype of their background. To assume so would be ignorant and presumptuous. But it would not be racism. Racism is the stratifying of groups on a macro level for different functions. And while some general preconceptions may be wrong, some are undoubtedly right, and there is no inherent “good or bad” nature to the concept.

“Racism” is neither ignorant nor arrogant. But to understand this you have to know the actual definition of racism. Which you dont, owing to your ignorance and arrogance.

01-29-2019, 03:27 PM

This is exactly the kind of person I would expect to reinforce a factually wrong statement, just because it makes for a

Long Duck Dong
01-29-2019, 03:50 PM
Geez I feel so victimized. I guess now I get an excuse to walk around through life with a chip on my shoulder

Patrick Chewing
01-29-2019, 04:04 PM
[QUOTE=Akrazotile]Not exactly.

The sentiment youre describing is stereotyping/discrimination etc., which is not the same as racism.

Racism is the belief that separate races occupy distinct strata and have relative relationships to one another (inferior, superior, etc).

In a broad sense with no context, of course there is no

Patrick Chewing
01-29-2019, 04:05 PM
Geez I feel so victimized. I guess now I get an excuse to walk around through life with a chip on my shoulder

I think you should ask for reparations too.

01-29-2019, 04:23 PM
But Kblaze told me whites cant be racist against other white

01-29-2019, 04:34 PM
Because they were seen as the swine of 'whites'.

The shit I've read between the England-Ireland conflict is straight out of a horror novel.

But Kblaze told me whites cant be racist against other white

Kblaze says a lot of things.

People think because he's a mod that also means he's a savant :oldlol: Great poster, better than most on here, but I've disagreed with over half the ignorant takes he's had. That goes for probably 90% of people on here though.

01-29-2019, 04:34 PM
irish can drink anyone under the table.... of course i am pissed

that is why they are great celtic dancers , and celtic bballers.

01-29-2019, 04:42 PM
But Kblaze told me whites cant be racist against other white
