View Full Version : If you're a player who already won a ring as 2nd option...

02-01-2019, 09:07 PM
...which scenario would you prefer:

(a) try to win as 1st option, or
(b) team up with another 1st option guy for a better probability (although not certain) to add to the 2nd option ring tally?

How long do you keep trying with scenario (a) before you quit and go back to scenario (b), and if you go to scenario (b) would you ever team up with the 1st option player you won a ring before as 2nd option, or with another 1st option player?

I know it all depends on how a player values personal legacy relative to ring count, but thats why it would be interesting to hear some thoughts on the matter.

elementally morale
02-01-2019, 10:14 PM
It depends on how much money I've earned and if I failed as a 1st option.

2nd option as a young Kobe? I want to be 1st option. 2nd option as Clyde Drexler? Gimme 2nd.

02-01-2019, 10:20 PM
It depends on how much money I've earned and if I failed as a 1st option.

2nd option as a young Kobe? I want to be 1st option. 2nd option as Clyde Drexler? Gimme 2nd.
The idea is you have always been 2nd option and never tried being 1st option on a condender, not vice versa. And moneywise its the same for you.

Personally, I would try to win as #1 until the end. If you already won a ring as #2, more #2 rings don't move the needle too much. But thats just me, someone might prefer the rings.

02-01-2019, 10:49 PM
I honestly don't know why any athlete would care about that. You're making money that will let you live comfy for life, you can get any girl you want, you are winning, all from playing the game that you love.