View Full Version : Oxford To Completely Change Its Classics Degree Because Men Get Better Grades

02-13-2019, 06:53 AM
No, this is not an article out of The Onion :roll:
[QUOTE]One of Oxford University's oldest degrees is to be overhauled in bid to boost number of female students getting top grades.

Classics dons who marked last year's exam papers said[B] the gender gap is

02-13-2019, 07:20 AM
i don't get it. so they're gonna start teaching about barbie dolls, baking cakes and vacuuming?

02-13-2019, 07:27 AM
because it's not enough the gender gap for total students is like 60/40 in favor of women, now we also must rig the result so they can be on top:lol

Ben Simmons 25
02-13-2019, 08:12 AM
2019, ladies and gentlemen.

Where objective reality must be changed to be less sexist.

02-13-2019, 09:48 AM
But... how do you accomplish this? What changes can be made that would make it more accessible for women? This is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. One of the absolute dumbest, ever.

Ben Simmons 25
02-13-2019, 10:49 AM
Make every test give +10 percentage points if you

02-13-2019, 11:35 AM
I'm also curious as to why we are kicking their ass so bad. I wouldn't expect that in this domain. Math and hard sciences, yes I expect us to dominate. I don't get why we outperform them here.

Ben Simmons 25
02-13-2019, 12:43 PM
Look, I'm not some sexist asshole that says all women should get in the kitchen.

At the end of the day, EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE, should be judged off of merit AS AN INDIVIDUAL, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation or anything else you can think of that has no actual bearing on objective reality.

That being said... and this has been said before... men are just better than women.

As absolutes across the board at every aspect of life? Of course not. No. But... it's generally true enough of a statement that I feel confident saying it.

02-13-2019, 01:13 PM

02-13-2019, 01:33 PM
I'm also curious as to why we are kicking their ass so bad. I wouldn't expect that in this domain. Math and hard sciences, yes I expect us to dominate. I don't get why we outperform them here.

Women do have intelligence but they are more of schemers, not analytical and insightful thinkers.

02-13-2019, 01:47 PM
Look, I'm not some sexist asshole that says all women should get in the kitchen.

At the end of the day, EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE, should be judged off of merit AS AN INDIVIDUAL, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation or anything else you can think of that has no actual bearing on objective reality.

That being said... and this has been said before... men are just better than women.

As absolutes across the board at every aspect of life? Of course not. No. But... it's generally true enough of a statement that I feel confident saying it.

Hard disagree. This imho is very much related to our other discussion, not to digress.

I do believe we out-perform women at most things that are measurable. There are a few exceptions to this - women can usually distinguish more color variations than men can, and have been shown to have superior memory with facial recognition... and I'm less confident of this one but I believe I have learned at some point that while we have better spatial reasoning, women have better spatial memory. But of course, in the most rigorous science/math pursuits, we destroy them... as we obviously do in everything athletic.

It's easy to Google this and verify it: When it comes to IQ, both sexes have the same mean, but men have far larger variance. In other words, the average woman is as smart as the average man, but we have many more geniuses and many more retards than they do.

I believe IQ is a very narrow way to try and quantify what is "intelligence" (this again relates to our other discussion).

Then there's something I have observed which I haven't ever read about, but I feel confident saying it anyway: men outperform women at virtually any singular pursuit, while women outperform men when forced to multitask.

Long Duck Dong
02-13-2019, 04:24 PM
Academic and physical standards are being lowered everywhere in the name of diversity. Idiocracy is a wonderful thing


The road to hell is paved with good intentions

02-13-2019, 04:27 PM
liberals :roll:

02-13-2019, 04:40 PM
Hard disagree. This imho is very much related to our other discussion, not to digress.

I do believe we out-perform women at most things that are measurable. There are a few exceptions to this - women can usually distinguish more color variations than men can, and have been shown to have superior memory with facial recognition... and I'm less confident of this one but I believe I have learned at some point that while we have better spatial reasoning, women have better spatial memory. But of course, in the most rigorous science/math pursuits, we destroy them... as we obviously do in everything athletic.

It's easy to Google this and verify it: When it comes to IQ, both sexes have the same mean, but men have far larger variance. In other words, the average woman is as smart as the average man, but we have many more geniuses and many more retards than they do.

I believe IQ is a very narrow way to try and quantify what is "intelligence" (this again relates to our other discussion).

Then there's something I have observed which I haven't ever read about, but I feel confident saying it anyway: men outperform women at virtually any singular pursuit, while women outperform men when forced to multitask.

your still feeling some after effects of your sister's bullying im afraid

confront it

02-13-2019, 05:12 PM
your still feeling some after effects of your sister's bullying im afraid

confront it

Sorry to burst your bubble but that was a made-up story. And in the story I called her my step-sister.

But it's true. We aren't better than women... we are just better at a lot of particular things :lol

02-13-2019, 05:13 PM
Sorry to burst your bubble but that was a made-up story. And in the story I called her my step-sister.

But it's true. We aren't better than women... we are just better at a lot of particular things :lol


i dont believe you. this is kinda pathetic now

02-13-2019, 05:15 PM
That story was for Justin. I wanted him to see me as more pathetic than himself. It worked. He called me pathetic and told me he assumed I was ugly. It made me smile.

Ben Simmons 25
02-13-2019, 05:46 PM
I do believe we out-perform women at most things that are measurable.

Correct. Supporting of my statement. Thank you...

There are a few exceptions to this - women can usually distinguish more color variations than men can, and have been shown to have superior memory with facial recognition... and I'm less confident of this one but I believe I have learned at some point that while we have better spatial reasoning, women have better spatial memory. But of course, in the most rigorous science/math pursuits, we destroy them... as we obviously do in everything athletic.

Ok? Facial recognition, color variations and spatial memory... lol...

It's easy to Google this and verify it: When it comes to IQ, both sexes have the same mean, but men have far larger variance. In other words, the average woman is as smart as the average man, but we have many more geniuses and many more retards than they do.

I believe IQ is a very narrow way to try and quantify what is "intelligence" (this again relates to our other discussion).

Then there's something I have observed which I haven't ever read about, but I feel confident saying it anyway: men outperform women at virtually any singular pursuit, while women outperform men when forced to multitask.

Ok, their "raw" IQ, if you will, may be the same... and I absolutely believe the smartest men blow the smartest women away and the dumbest men are dumber than the dumbest woman. I can get behind all of that. But... emotional intelligence... men are so superior to women it's not even close.

And they may even be better at multitasking... but the last time I checked, and it wasn't today, human beings flat out can't multitask with a net result being equal to or superior to what doing all of those tasks individually yields. Humans are not wired that way. They do better task by task. Another check mark for men.

You haven't really supported your argument with anything particularly substantive. You've actually just agreed with me while disagreeing in spirit.

Let me put it another way... if men could reproduce while being gay and women could reproduce while being gay, everything else the exact same as it is now, and you divided the sexes up in two and you geographically separated them, the men's society would flourish and the women's society would be absolute trash.

You need both, but if you had to get rid of one or the other, men would be way more successful short term and long term.

Men are better than women.

02-13-2019, 06:50 PM
Correct. Supporting of my statement. Thank you...

Ok? Facial recognition, color variations and spatial memory... lol...

Ok, their "raw" IQ, if you will, may be the same... and I absolutely believe the smartest men blow the smartest women away and the dumbest men are dumber than the dumbest woman. I can get behind all of that. But... emotional intelligence... men are so superior to women it's not even close.

And they may even be better at multitasking... but the last time I checked, and it wasn't today, human beings flat out can't multitask with a net result being equal to or superior to what doing all of those tasks individually yields. Humans are not wired that way. They do better task by task. Another check mark for men.

You haven't really supported your argument with anything particularly substantive. You've actually just agreed with me while disagreeing in spirit.

Let me put it another way... if men could reproduce while being gay and women could reproduce while being gay, everything else the exact same as it is now, and you divided the sexes up in two and you geographically separated them, the men's society would flourish and the women's society would be absolute trash.

You need both, but if you had to get rid of one or the other, men would be way more successful short term and long term.

Men are better than women.

The biggest difference between us in this discussion, as well as the one about fear of death, is that you believe truth is always able to be measured, quantified, or defined. I believe that there is an equal balance of truth which is able to be so defined with that which is ineffable. Men are clearly better than women at the vast majority of measurable tasks. I would never argue that. We dominate them in a lot of very obvious ways. But your insistence that we are therefore better is a lot like your conviction of the atheistic ethos - the notion that truth without definition is not truth at all.

I also do not agree with your hypothetical. I think both societies would fail.

02-13-2019, 06:56 PM
But... emotional intelligence... men are so superior to women it's not even close.

I wanted to single out this part because I am curious. Does this opinion come from personal experience? Did you have a reasonable father and a lunatic mother... or something like that? There are mature men and women, there are immature men and women... I intuitively disagree with you, but I think that might come from my own personal bias: my mother is a saint, extremely mature and emotionally stable, and very supportive of others. My dad is, on the other hand, a 70 year old toddler, an absolute emotional mess with no self control or dignity.

I'm not sure I would confidently state that women have better emotional intelligence, but I also see no reason to believe the opposite.

Ben Simmons 25
02-13-2019, 07:11 PM
The biggest difference between us in this discussion, as well as the one about fear of death, is that you believe truth is always able to be measured, quantified, or defined. I believe that there is an equal balance of truth which is able to be so defined with that which is ineffable. Men are clearly better than women at the vast majority of measurable tasks. I would never argue that. We dominate them in a lot of very obvious ways. But your insistence that we are therefore better is a lot like your conviction of the atheistic ethos - the notion that truth without definition is not truth at all.

I also do not agree with your hypothetical. I think both societies would fail.

It is able to be measured, quantified AND defined. 100% this is true. However, the problem that we face is that we're not advanced enough to be able to measure all of it and understand all of it. Objective truth isn't relative, subjective, and nonexistent. It's objective and it does exist. We're just not smart enough to know all of it... yet... but maybe one day.

I wanted to single out this part because I am curious. Does this opinion come from personal experience? Did you have a reasonable father and a lunatic mother... or something like that? There are mature men and women, there are immature men and women... I intuitively disagree with you, but I think that might come from my own personal bias: my mother is a saint, extremely mature and emotionally stable, and very supportive of others. My dad is, on the other hand, a 70 year old toddler, an absolute emotional mess with no self control or dignity.

I'm not sure I would confidently state that women have better emotional intelligence, but I also see no reason to believe the opposite.

Actually, no. It has nothing to do with my parents... they are both emotionally challenged in very noticeable and very different ways. I would say that my dad probably is more level headed despite his emotional damage, however.

Ultimately... no, I've arrived at this conclusion from countless real world experiences with coworkers and friends. Males tend to be far more relaxed and practical as bosses and coworkers while women tend to be far more uptight and irrational, particularly when put into positions of power/authority. There are no absolutes when speaking on such things, I want to stress I am merely speaking in generalities. I also find that women work better for men and men work better for women, generally speaking... but at the end of the day... men are overall more rational and levelheaded. It's not close.

It's not their fault... it's just biology.

02-13-2019, 07:20 PM
It is able to be measured, quantified AND defined. 100% this is true. However, the problem that we face is that we're not advanced enough to be able to measure all of it and understand all of it. Objective truth isn't relative, subjective, and nonexistent. It's objective and it does exist. We're just not smart enough to know all of it... yet... but maybe one day.

Intellectual prison cell. Alienated and trapped within the machinations of rational thought.

I wish there was a way to convey to you how absurd it actually is. This notion that all truth is able to be measured, deduced, defined or proven. What a shame that science came to be regarded as so much more than it actually is.

Ben Simmons 25
02-13-2019, 07:28 PM
Intellectual prison cell. Alienated and trapped within the machinations of rational thought.

I wish there was a way to convey to you how absurd it actually is. This notion that all truth is able to be measured, deduced, defined or proven. What a shame that science came to be regarded as so much more than it actually is.

"Able to" does not mean that we are capable or that we will ever be capable.

Let's switch to basketball for a second.

Let's say that we were all powerful and could manipulate space/time in any way that we see fit. If we were able to run through an untold number of scenarios that placed every player in NBA history on every single team of every single season in NBA history with every single set of possible teammates, we would find that there is ONE of those guys that would result in the most wins and championships when adding up all of possible exponential number of scenarios. Objectively speaking, that guy is the GOAT.

However, even if we could simulate such a thing, the computing power required is unfathomable in our current existence. It might as well be "impossible."

But the reality of the situation is... at the core... at the cold hard truth of it all? There is only one guy that would come out at the top of that list. And that guy is the objective GOAT. Unfortunately, we are unable to measure and discern such things with our current if not neverending limitations, but... that doesn't mean that the cold hard truth doesn't exist. We just can't know. The fact that we can't know is an indescribably very different thing from it not existing at all.

02-14-2019, 02:03 AM
That sounds illegal to regulate it differently.

hold this L
02-14-2019, 02:39 AM
It's hilarious how sexist and stupid this is. Just imagine the same situation flipped upside down..

Oxford To Completely Change Its Classics Degree Because Women Get Better Grades

If this happened, imagine the complete hysterical outrage that would shortly ensue right afterwards. The school would have to apologize shortly right after, lose sponsors and this would be on CNN/ other moronic networks with sexism and men getting away with it, again.

I'm starting to get sick of the lack of Darwanism that we no longer display as a species. There always seems to be some sort of excuse for failure to compete.

Hard disagree. This imho is very much related to our other discussion, not to digress.

I do believe we out-perform women at most things that are measurable. There are a few exceptions to this - women can usually distinguish more color variations than men can, and have been shown to have superior memory with facial recognition... and I'm less confident of this one but I believe I have learned at some point that while we have better spatial reasoning, women have better spatial memory. But of course, in the most rigorous science/math pursuits, we destroy them... as we obviously do in everything athletic.

It's easy to Google this and verify it: When it comes to IQ, both sexes have the same mean, but men have far larger variance. In other words, the average woman is as smart as the average man, but we have many more geniuses and many more retards than they do.

I believe IQ is a very narrow way to try and quantify what is "intelligence" (this again relates to our other discussion).

Then there's something I have observed which I haven't ever read about, but I feel confident saying it anyway: men outperform women at virtually any singular pursuit, while women outperform men when forced to multitask.
Yeah men are basically all over the place, in that you get a lot dumber and smarter while women are more consistent from what I have read. In terms of mentality, explains why men have so many serial killers, suicide bombers, etc. on the negative spectrum and more on the positive spectrum when it comes to things like inventors. I don't even know which is better when you look at it, I guess it depends on who you ask. :confusedshrug: One thing you forgot that women crush men is being better parents. One of the most important things. How many millions of dead beat fathers do we have here?

Ben Simmons 25
02-14-2019, 09:45 PM
One thing you forgot that women crush men is being better parents. One of the most important things. How many millions of dead beat fathers do we have here?

Women absolutely do not crush men at being better parents. Women are less likely to abandon their children because of biology, but they don't actually do a better job at raising them.

Single moms and single dads raise kids that are about as equally successful, but kids raised with both parents do significantly better in life, statistically speaking.

Moms do NOT do a better job at raising them... they're just more likely to stick it out from the get go.

A boy or a girl raised without a father is going to have a plethora of emotional issues as an adult.

I also suspect that we have multiple men raised by single women on this board and that's why they frequently exhibit feminist ideologies/viewpoints... not because they're dumb enough to think what they're saying is factually correct or that they truly believe women are equal to men... rather... it's an emotional objection to the lack of a father as an adolescent and a "I got your back mom" type of mentality that they subconsciously carry around without even realizing it.

02-14-2019, 10:42 PM
I also suspect that we have multiple men raised by single women on this board and that's why they frequently exhibit feminist ideologies/viewpoints... not because they're dumb enough to think what they're saying is factually correct or that they truly believe women are equal to men... rather... it's an emotional objection to the lack of a father as an adolescent and a "I got your back mom" type of mentality that they subconsciously carry around without even realizing it.

That's a safe assumption in this day and age though, isn't it?

Ben Simmons 25
02-14-2019, 10:51 PM
That's a safe assumption in this day and age though, isn't it?

Yes. As many issues as I have with my parents, I am thankful for them and I
was lucky to get to 15 before they split and especially thankful I got to be around my mom's dad/my grandfather also who was an extremely strong male role model.

My sister was naturally way more wild than me and she was only 10... she didn't get so lucky.

02-14-2019, 11:14 PM
I'm 100% positive that if all women magically vanished men would still find a way to reproduce through science. The only thing women have over men is the ability to grow a human inside them.

02-15-2019, 01:47 PM
Here comes the trolls who dont know the type of racism, and sexism that goes on at these universities. Coming from a dude who faced racism at college, I understand what these girls go through. The way I studied I should have been a 4.0 student but professors would be damned if I got more than a B. I had a business class where I got 100s on all the essays and participated 50% of the classes and I got a B grade. My marketing professor called my presentation a bible and I got 90s on all the exams. I got a B+ in that class... Some professors just had a hard time giving a black man an A at that time I guess

02-15-2019, 01:57 PM
Here comes the trolls who dont know the type of racism, and sexism that goes on at these universities. Coming from a dude who faced racism at college, I understand what these girls go through. The way I studied I should have been a 4.0 student but professors would be damned if I got more than a B. I had a business class where I got 100s on all the essays and participated 50% of the classes and I got a B grade. My marketing professor called my presentation a bible and I got 90s on all the exams. I got a B+ in that class... Some professors just had a hard time giving a black man an A at that time I guess

No way you can blame sexism on this one. Academia is dominated by lefties and more women go to university than men. You

02-15-2019, 02:19 PM
No way you can blame sexism on this one. Academia is dominated by lefties and more women go to university than men. You’re not the only person to get screwed by a professor btw...but nice try playing victim.

Professors have their own agendas... For me they just didnt want to see a black man dominate like I was doing.. How do you explain my literature class where I got 100 on the final exam, 100 on the presentation, and a 95 on the midterm but still got a B? I should have finished school a straight A student but the old white professors I had were not going to let it happen. Victim? Hardly... those classes changed my life but dont put it against a man or women to not want to see a certain race or sex succeed. Stop holding these professors to a such a high standard, they are regular human beings with their own agendas. In my field if they were truly successful in what they taught, they wouldnt be wasting their time teaching a class so there was always a certain level of jealousy when they realized how much smarter I was then them

02-15-2019, 02:31 PM
Professors have their own agendas... For me they just didnt want to see a black man dominate like I was doing.. How do you explain my literature class where I got 100 on the final exam, 100 on the presentation, and a 95 on the midterm but still got a B? I should have finished school a straight A student but the old white professors I had were not going to let it happen. Victim? Hardly... those classes changed my life but dont put it against a man or women to not want to see a certain race or sex succeed. Stop holding these professors to a such a high standard, they are regular human beings with their own agendas. In my field if they were truly successful in what they taught, they wouldnt be wasting their time teaching a class so there was always a certain level of jealousy when they realized how much smarter I was then them

I don

Ben Simmons 25
02-15-2019, 04:46 PM
Professors have their own agendas... For me they just didnt want to see a black man dominate like I was doing.. How do you explain my literature class where I got 100 on the final exam, 100 on the presentation, and a 95 on the midterm but still got a B? I should have finished school a straight A student but the old white professors I had were not going to let it happen. Victim? Hardly... those classes changed my life but dont put it against a man or women to not want to see a certain race or sex succeed. Stop holding these professors to a such a high standard, they are regular human beings with their own agendas. In my field if they were truly successful in what they taught, they wouldnt be wasting their time teaching a class so there was always a certain level of jealousy when they realized how much smarter I was then them

Your understanding of conjunctions, verbs, adjectives and adverbs is barely at a third grade level and you somehow think you should have been a straight a student and that you weren’t one because of your skin color?

A decent portion of the time, your sentences are bordering on being officially incoherent.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

hold this L
02-15-2019, 06:58 PM
Women absolutely do not crush men at being better parents. Women are less likely to abandon their children because of biology, but they don't actually do a better job at raising them.

Single moms and single dads raise kids that are about as equally successful, but kids raised with both parents do significantly better in life, statistically speaking.

Moms do NOT do a better job at raising them... they're just more likely to stick it out from the get go.

A boy or a girl raised without a father is going to have a plethora of emotional issues as an adult.

I also suspect that we have multiple men raised by single women on this board and that's why they frequently exhibit feminist ideologies/viewpoints... not because they're dumb enough to think what they're saying is factually correct or that they truly believe women are equal to men... rather... it's an emotional objection to the lack of a father as an adolescent and a "I got your back mom" type of mentality that they subconsciously carry around without even realizing it.
Right.. which makes them better. The chances that your mom will take care of you over your dad is much, much higher. You can make an argument that if it's 1 dad 1 mom, the dad has a higher chance to raise you better.. but you can't discount that overall speaking, moms are less likely to leave their kids behind.

Also, I was raised by both parents.