View Full Version : What happened to all the police shooting everyone narrative being pushed by the media

Ben Simmons 25
02-17-2019, 12:19 PM
I mean, surely, if the media isn't talking about it on the daily and pumping it into the collective consciousness on the daily, it must not be happening anymore, right!?! Surely the media was pushing this story for noble reasons because it was just some groundbreaking thing, right? Surely they WEREN'T doing it to push a fear based narrative to drum up their own ratings, RIGHT!?!?!

Things got better because of media exposure and "activists"!


Oh, wait...



:roll: :roll: :roll:

02-17-2019, 02:14 PM
Left wing

02-17-2019, 03:21 PM
tbh nothing will change with the way these things play out. even the bad apples rarely ever get prosecuted.

an officer in my home state tazed a man (both officer and suspect where white) 11 times, yes, 11 times. footage shows the officer continuing to taze the man in the balls even after he was in cuffs and laying on the ground not resisting.

local media covered it decent enough that after the PD tried to silence it and make it go away, the Arizona governer was like "nah, we need a real investigation on this"

so after the governor urged the local AG to get off his ass and do something, the FBI is getting involved to take a better look at the investigation. finally, a republican governor with balls :applause:

Long Duck Dong
02-17-2019, 04:12 PM
tbh nothing will change with the way these things play out. even the bad apples rarely ever get prosecuted.

an officer in my home state tazed a man (both officer and suspect where white) 11 times, yes, 11 times. footage shows the officer continuing to taze the man in the balls even after he was in cuffs and laying on the ground not resisting.

local media covered it decent enough that after the PD tried to silence it and make it go away, the Arizona governer was like "nah, we need a real investigation on this"

so after the governor urged the local AG to get off his ass and do something, the FBI is getting involved to take a better look at the investigation. finally, a republican governor with balls :applause:

Are you talking about the Glendale incident? There were 3 officers who tased this guy with one being Hispanic. This guy literally knocked unconscious an officer with a bag full of water bottles. He was also a career criminal, very muscular and totally uncooperative.

The only reason this is a big deal is because they pulled down his pants and tazed him in the balls to settle him down. :oldlol: He had a shitload of meth in the car, it's unclear if he was amped at the time. Also the whole incident appears to have been started because he refused to show ID. Again regular citizens that are passengers in cars do not have to show ID to police unless they are suspected of a crime. Not sure if felons in AZ do though.

Here's why people don't give a fvck about this case. White people don't give a shyt about lifelong criminal drug addicts who don't have the self control to settle disputes with police in a civilized manner. If the police did wrong so be it, but there ain't going to be a lot of white ppl making a victim of a scumbag in their race.

The reason this got pushed so hard is probably not because of public outrage, rather by his lawyers seeking a big payout in the civil lawsuit they have against the department.

02-18-2019, 05:53 AM
It's an epidemic, yo, didn't you know? It's a bunch of pink faced pigs in ten gallon hats prowling the streets looking for innocent little watermelon faced black boys to blast.

02-18-2019, 07:26 AM
I was actually thinking about this yesterday or the day before. Why are "they" not reporting on police shootings anymore? Is it boredom, moving on to new things to get ratings.

It's because Hilary is not currently running for President. The agenda is currently not needed at the moment by the powerful people behind the scenes that manipulate both sides. Who try to get blacks in an uproar through manipulation, and antagonize whites. The process actually hurting blacks the most.

There are evil people out there.

Need to go to war against Iraq? Lets report very negative isolated news about a random psychotic Iraqi killing babies or something. (Though in reality it was actually fake news. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ2qb7UcdOE)