View Full Version : "Defenses When MJ Played Were So Physical And Tough"

02-19-2019, 08:42 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll:

02-19-2019, 08:44 PM
Holy cow how bad are these YMCA defenders?! :roll:

02-19-2019, 08:46 PM
MJ fam avoiding this like the plague :roll: :roll: :roll:

02-19-2019, 08:47 PM
MJ fam avoiding this like the plague :roll: :roll: :roll:

Lookin like a YMCA how to defend video :roll:

02-19-2019, 08:58 PM



Time to put an end to the myth that defenses were so great back then.:roll:

02-19-2019, 08:58 PM
Saw this the other day on twitter but think it was different clips. Fking gold:yaohappy:

02-19-2019, 09:08 PM
Seriously though. We know that a midget CEO can beat MJ and once we actually did a thorough breakdown of the defenses MJ played it really is just a joke:oldlol:


02-19-2019, 11:12 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll:

02-20-2019, 12:01 AM
One of the comments

"The truth is, it makes the game [where] players have to be more skillful. Nowadays, literally anybody can get out there and get to the basket and you can't touch anybody. Back then, if guys put their hands on you, you had to have the skill to be able to go both ways, change direction, post up, you had to have a mid-range game because you didn't want to go all the way to the basket because you would get knocked ass over tea kettle. So I think playing the game back then required MUCH MORE SKILL."

--Kobe Bryant, on 80s-90s basketball

02-20-2019, 02:45 AM
:roll: :roll: :roll:



02-20-2019, 08:49 AM
A. On most of those clips MJ is 'creating' opportunities for himself via a move. Either a fake, jab step, moving without the ball or simply being smart and taking advantage of gaps or defensive lapses. Again, that takes skills, fundamentals and a high IQ. He reads and reacts accordingly.

B. Those clips show MJ's crazy speed and 1st step, something NOBODY today has at his size. He is lightning fast and the defence is caught flat footed as it's too late for them not just to see him making the move but to react on time. Not only is he fast, he reads and reacts before the defense has time to set properly.

C. The paint is almost always filled with multiple defenders. MJ's high IQ allows him to read the defense and his skill level allows him to get a good shot by using either fakes, jabs, crossovers, pumps, footwork etc. He's lightning fast so that allows him to get his shot off before the collapsing defense can react. Don't be fooled, just having a body there presents and obstacle, whether they reacted on time or not. He's making moves in many of these clips that avoid doubles, is it his fault?

D. Some of those clips are from broken plays or fast breaks, this happens in almost every single game. We can compile this for any player getting quick easy buckets. Easy to cherry pick some clips. When I make videos I don't cherry pick plays from compilations, I create videos from entire game recaps giving one an overall glimpse. Highlight clips are often misleading to any player since they only show when they score and not when they don't.

E. Not every single possession was filled with hand checking. I doubt anyone ever stated as such. Not every single possession was hard hitting physical fouls, doubt anyone ever stated that. When we do reference the past eras it's due to how much more there was back then and how the rules were interpreted. While not every possession was a hand check, it wasn't called 8 outta 10 times when it was used. This gave the defender the advantage, it allowed him to put more pressure and at least slow down the offensive player because they wouldn't be called for a foul. If you're not called for a foul it allows the defender more flexibility over the course of the game. There was also less tick tack fouls called. YES there was instances in which they were called, but far far less than today which gave the defense the advantage.

A quick example... if Harden played in the 90s or 80s he'd get about half the FTs he currently gets as most of his calls wouldn't be considered fouls. If a defender is allowed to play closer defense and hand check more his opportunities to defend properly are automatically higher. That is what most people are arguing.

'Some' of the fouls that are considered flagrant today wouldn't be considered as such back then. Some of those fouls wouldn't eject a player back then, let alone suspend them. This gives the defenders more freedom and liberty to hit harder and play dirtier.

Here's an example of 'some' old school defense. And YES this was 'normal' back then. Most of this would've been called a foul today and led to suspensions, flagrant fouls, fines etc. Ya'll honestly think Harden would be scoring as much back then? :lol


And that's just a small small example.

02-20-2019, 09:12 AM
In the following compilation, the offensive player is allowed free reign to do whatever he desires 90% of the time. He isn't touched and his moves aren't obstructed whatsoever. The defender plays him passively and gives him space. Not only that but the paint is wide open with almost nobody even touching the paint in 90% of these clips. This player has half the speed that Mj had yet he's able to get to the paint without the defense doing much about it.


This compilation if just over 10 minutes long and it looks like a looped .gif of 2 plays: step back and drive

Again, look at how much space and how complacent the defender is :biggums: That's the reason he's able to dribble 10 times before he makes a move. This isn't a rare instance, he's not the only player that's played this way. This happens in most basketball plays today, most players get defended this way, the paint is usually that wide open.

But the defense MJ faced was weak? :roll:

I can do this all day.

02-20-2019, 09:18 AM
This post took me 30 minutes too.

02-20-2019, 09:28 AM


Weak b*tt cheek defense.

02-20-2019, 09:31 AM
soft defense

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79AEcctiOzU :lol

02-20-2019, 09:31 AM
Imagine trying to judge defense based on scoring highlights :rolleyes: where by definition the defense failed

how about showing the possessions where MJ didn't score?

02-20-2019, 09:33 AM
Charmin defense https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZzYjbVFa9A :roll:

02-20-2019, 09:37 AM
Soft weak defense folks!!




02-20-2019, 09:45 AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujtZZ5n4AeA&t=46s :lol

P*ssy defense... never gets doubled or trapped.

02-20-2019, 09:46 AM
Thread backfire

But that's to be expected from the moronic OP

02-20-2019, 09:52 AM
They show him dunking on Zo and say no help was there till he got to the basket...as if a 3 time DPOY shot blocker at the basket isn

02-20-2019, 09:53 AM


02-20-2019, 09:55 AM
LOL!!! Andgar23 thanks for saving me the trouble!!! Here are some more vids youngins:



Michael and the Bulls had to deal with the punishment of the Bad Boys and Riley's Knicks from 1988 to 1993!!! Not once did Jordan cry to management with the "I need more spacing for driving" or "I need another all-star" bullsh!t, he just got in the gym, got stronger, put his head down and drove down their friggin throats!!!

Put any of these modern soft as! rule enhanced manufactured puss!es like Durant, Dumbrook, Haren, Curry and even LeBron "I don't want to play in the post" James in place of Michael on those Bulls teams with NO SPACING, hand checking and NO FLAGRANT FOULS/LAX FLAGRANT FOUL RULES and they would probably quit by halftime!!!

Here's Steve Kerr, the coach of the PRESENT CHAMPIONS, expanding on how the league altered everything for Steph Curry and the rest of these AAU clowns:


Period, end of sentence.

02-20-2019, 09:56 AM
Meanwhile the advanced 2010s defense:



02-20-2019, 10:01 AM

Weak a## defense :lol

02-20-2019, 10:06 AM
Charmin defense https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZzYjbVFa9A :roll:
This one's really good. A star player airballing a reverse layup before the foul occurs :oldlol: How can there be such a gap of talent for an entire decade?


Weak a## defense :lol
And this video argues that 90s defense was better because the shooters were so shitty they fukced up the spacing. It doesn't allude to it. It straight out SAYS IT. :roll:

02-20-2019, 10:13 AM
Thanks again Andgar23!!!!

Another video that puts the BS myth to bed that you could put Bill Cartwright, Horace Grant and Brad Sellers 30 feet away from the basket and the defender had to stick to them like glue leaving wide open lanes for Jordan.

Illegal defense allowed you to lax off 3 point shooters if you felt like it like the Pistons and ALL TEAMS did in that era just, thus allowing the perimeter defense to close out quicker and crowd the paint with 3, 4 and sometimes 5 people. Tommy Heinson coined the phrase "One foot in the paint defense" back in 1984.

02-20-2019, 10:15 AM
Ok...ok.. so I posted 'clip' montages to prove a point. Anyone can make a video to prove a point. Here's from 1 game.


MJ is hand checked on 'most' plays. As stated earlier, not every play will get hand checked because it's impossible to always do so. But it was used on most possessions. We see MJ being hand checked in most of these possessions here. But as pointed out before: he's too fast, too strong.

We see MJ getting doubled every chance they get, but he's splitting the doubles, he's beating traps, he's jumping over them, going around them, he's outsmarting them and simply out playing them.

MJ is also moving 'without' the ball and getting himself scoring opportunities, in most of those he's escaping defenders grabbing and hitting him as he tries to get open. You won't see that in most highlight clips as they only show when he scores and not how he gets open.

Here's a good example of MJ's fast read and reaction time:

MJ is battling for position with Wilkins and he's reading the defense as he's fighting. He notices the defensive help rotating and avoids it by making a quick move to the opposite side to avoid Daugherty rotating from baseline.

Yet people will say "oh weak defense"



But... but... modern defense is awesome and advanceddddddddd!!!!

02-20-2019, 10:19 AM
That sort of proves the point FGAri!

Jordan dominated a period were the rules DID NOT FAVOR his athletic driving style, while today's offensive soft "stars" have being gifted EVERY RULE ALTERATION I in the book for the last 20 years to favor theirs.

That's why everybody and their mother knows today's pathetic incarnation of the NBA would not even be a challenge to Jordan, he would probably get bored seeing how easy it is to score the basketball. Kind of like Ayrton Senna would throw his helmet in disgust if he had to drive the overly technological altered driver aiding sanitized F1 cars of today.

No challenge.

02-20-2019, 10:31 AM


Entire game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGPsQNm1eek :roll:

I can literally do this for almost every single game played in the modern era.

Wide open lanes
No touching = easy offensive flow
No pressure
Almost NO double teams

Players look AFRAID to play defense, it's pathetic.


He 'casually' brings the ball down the court, dribbles 1000 times, uses illegal screen and the defender runs away from him. :roll:


Advanced defense ya'll.

The defense literally stands there hopelessly waiting for the offensive player to do something. At times the offensive player holds the ball for 3 seconds before they even start to dribble. When they do dribble they take 10 dribbles and the defense is just standing there. No pressure, no doubles, no hand checking, no nothing... just standing there. And that's almost every possession.

Again.. I can do this for almost every single game.

02-20-2019, 10:36 AM
That sort of proves the point FGAri!

Jordan dominated a period were the rules DID NOT FAVOR his athletic driving style, while today's offensive soft "stars" have being gifted EVERY RULE ALTERATION I in the book for the last 20 years to favor theirs.

That's why everybody and their mother knows today's pathetic incarnation of the NBA would not even be a challenge to Jordan, he would probably get bored seeing how easy it is to score the basketball. Kind of like Ayrton Senna would throw his helmet in disgust if he had to drive the overly technological altered driver aiding sanitized F1 cars of today.

No challenge.

MJ vs modern defence



02-20-2019, 10:45 AM

Ya'll knew it was coming



WTF is this shit!!!!!!



No wonder people think the game was easy for MJ, Lebron makes it look so hard and complicated. That would've been either:

A. An easy spin move for MJ
B. A fadeaway bucket.

That foo holds it for 30 seconds on an iso and does that sh*t whatever that is:roll:


02-20-2019, 10:47 AM
That sort of proves the point FGAri!

Jordan dominated a period were the rules DID NOT FAVOR his athletic driving style, while today's offensive soft "stars" have being gifted EVERY RULE ALTERATION I in the book for the last 20 years to favor theirs.

That's why everybody and their mother knows today's pathetic incarnation of the NBA would not even be a challenge to Jordan, he would probably get bored seeing how easy it is to score the basketball. Kind of like Ayrton Senna would throw his helmet in disgust if he had to drive the overly technological altered driver aiding sanitized F1 cars of today.

No challenge.
you're a genius :bowdown:

02-20-2019, 11:06 AM
:roll: :roll: :roll:

BS thread - No need to watch those arbitrary clips. The game of basketball evolves for sure - still a beautiful game. But in terms in defense it was tougher to score in 90s than nowadays, now you can't touch anybody with the ball.

MJ would own the league with current rules. Why- because he got world class athleticism combined with skills. You can't take that from him. Prime MJ is at such level that can play in any area under any circumstances.

I have said it many times - it is not nostalgia, it is the reality. I know it is hard for young guys here to understand it, but it is true. Even Kobe addmits that MJ was better in his prime ,he modeled his game upon MJ and he exceled in the modern era. MJ was 20 ppg scorrer at 40, when people like Kobe, Carter and Dirk were playing. And Carter and Dirk still play today ...

Today there is one guy I am waiting to see in NBA ... Zion.

02-20-2019, 11:07 AM
Bron gets shut down by a beige dwarf





People talk about Bron's amazing IQ. Yet he doesn't recognize the advantage he has over Curry. Not only that, his post game is horrible. His lack of skill forces him to simply bully his way to the basket and even then he's not smart nor quick enough to read the defense and beat the beige dwarf. Instead of scoring in the post he passes for last minute 3pt heaves since he dribbles forever.

MJ did the opposite. He took advantage of mismatches and reacted immediately.

There's no comparison.

02-20-2019, 11:12 AM
That sort of proves the point FGAri!

Jordan dominated a period were the rules DID NOT FAVOR his athletic driving style, while today's offensive soft "stars" have being gifted EVERY RULE ALTERATION I in the book for the last 20 years to favor theirs.

That's why everybody and their mother knows today's pathetic incarnation of the NBA would not even be a challenge to Jordan, he would probably get bored seeing how easy it is to score the basketball. Kind of like Ayrton Senna would throw his helmet in disgust if he had to drive the overly technological altered driver aiding sanitized F1 cars of today.

No challenge.
G and K are sufficiently far enough apart on a keyboard or phone that I find it hard to believe you made a typo, Slowtime80'. Also, Senna's disgust with increasing technological aid in cars is ironic considering he might be alive today if he had...more technological aid in his car.

02-20-2019, 11:16 AM
Jesus andgar straight up EVISCERATED OP and this thread

Hey Yo
02-20-2019, 11:40 AM



Time to put an end to the myth that defenses were so great back then.:roll:
"Look at this shit! Fvckin' Jerry Seinfeld sets a pick and MJ gets a wide open jumper"


02-20-2019, 01:03 PM
Bron gets shut down by a beige dwarf





People talk about Bron's amazing IQ. Yet he doesn't recognize the advantage he has over Curry. Not only that, his post game is horrible. His lack of skill forces him to simply bully his way to the basket and even then he's not smart nor quick enough to read the defense and beat the beige dwarf. Instead of scoring in the post he passes for last minute 3pt heaves since he dribbles forever.

MJ did the opposite. He took advantage of mismatches and reacted immediately.

There's no comparison.

Dont' get me wrong. I don't like OP'S clips too because it doesn't represent the more compelling playoff games were defenses are tighter just like what you showed- the FINALS. and yet....
Lebron had a 62% TS%, his team despite shooting poorly from the 3pt area at 29% had an ORTG OF 108.5, compare that to MJ's last ring where his team's ORTG was 105.5.
Lebron's teams success were predicated also on his team's ability to punish teams with their 3pt shooting. 5th best in the league without Kyrie because they shot 36%=6th best in league.
The year before, they were 3rd best in ORTG mostly bec they ranked 2nd best in 3pt%.
Well, Lebron is such fool then for relying on 3pt shooting? And yet GSW also relies on it =3rd best in ORTG =1st in 3pt%(39%) last season.
2 years ago, 1st in ORTG =3rd best in 3pt%(38%).
Just imagine if GSW just shot 29% just like Cav's 2017-18 finals too.:eek:

02-20-2019, 01:16 PM

These are skills that nobody comes close to in today's era. Tmac and Kobe were the closest, and yet even they weren't as smart, as quick and as good.

It doesn't matter if he was hand checked, if he was doubled or tripled, if the lanes were clogged, if they sagged or played him close, if they fouled him etc.

Those skills translate into any era.

MJ shouldn't be penalized because he was so good he made it look easy.

Shaquille O'Neal
02-20-2019, 01:17 PM
A. On most of those clips MJ is 'creating' opportunities for himself via a move. Either a fake, jab step, moving without the ball or simply being smart and taking advantage of gaps or defensive lapses. Again, that takes skills, fundamentals and a high IQ. He reads and reacts accordingly.

B. Those clips show MJ's crazy speed and 1st step, something NOBODY today has at his size. He is lightning fast and the defence is caught flat footed as it's too late for them not just to see him making the move but to react on time. Not only is he fast, he reads and reacts before the defense has time to set properly.

C. The paint is almost always filled with multiple defenders. MJ's high IQ allows him to read the defense and his skill level allows him to get a good shot by using either fakes, jabs, crossovers, pumps, footwork etc. He's lightning fast so that allows him to get his shot off before the collapsing defense can react. Don't be fooled, just having a body there presents and obstacle, whether they reacted on time or not. He's making moves in many of these clips that avoid doubles, is it his fault?

D. Some of those clips are from broken plays or fast breaks, this happens in almost every single game. We can compile this for any player getting quick easy buckets. Easy to cherry pick some clips. When I make videos I don't cherry pick plays from compilations, I create videos from entire game recaps giving one an overall glimpse. Highlight clips are often misleading to any player since they only show when they score and not when they don't.

E. Not every single possession was filled with hand checking. I doubt anyone ever stated as such. Not every single possession was hard hitting physical fouls, doubt anyone ever stated that. When we do reference the past eras it's due to how much more there was back then and how the rules were interpreted. While not every possession was a hand check, it wasn't called 8 outta 10 times when it was used. This gave the defender the advantage, it allowed him to put more pressure and at least slow down the offensive player because they wouldn't be called for a foul. If you're not called for a foul it allows the defender more flexibility over the course of the game. There was also less tick tack fouls called. YES there was instances in which they were called, but far far less than today which gave the defense the advantage.

A quick example... if Harden played in the 90s or 80s he'd get about half the FTs he currently gets as most of his calls wouldn't be considered fouls. If a defender is allowed to play closer defense and hand check more his opportunities to defend properly are automatically higher. That is what most people are arguing.

'Some' of the fouls that are considered flagrant today wouldn't be considered as such back then. Some of those fouls wouldn't eject a player back then, let alone suspend them. This gives the defenders more freedom and liberty to hit harder and play dirtier.

Here's an example of 'some' old school defense. And YES this was 'normal' back then. Most of this would've been called a foul today and led to suspensions, flagrant fouls, fines etc. Ya'll honestly think Harden would be scoring as much back then? :lol


And that's just a small small example.

Very intelligent post. Where did you come from?

02-20-2019, 01:17 PM
Dont' get me wrong. I don't like OP'S clips too because it doesn't represent the more compelling playoff games were defenses are tighter just like what you showed- the FINALS. and yet....
Lebron had a 62% TS%, his team despite shooting poorly from the 3pt area at 29% had an ORTG OF 108.5, compare that to MJ's last ring where his team's ORTG was 105.5.
Lebron's teams success were predicated also on his team's ability to punish teams with their 3pt shooting. 5th best in the league without Kyrie because they shot 36%=6th best in league.
The year before, they were 3rd best in ORTG mostly bec they ranked 2nd best in 3pt%.
Well, Lebron is such fool then for relying on 3pt shooting? And yet GSW also relies on it =3rd best in ORTG =1st in 3pt%(39%) last season.
2 years ago, 1st in ORTG =3rd best in 3pt%(38%).
Just imagine if GSW just shot 29% just like Cav's 2017-18 finals too.:eek:

Why the f*ck are you posting tax return forms in a basketball forum?

Shaquille O'Neal
02-20-2019, 01:23 PM
Bron gets shut down by a beige dwarf





People talk about Bron's amazing IQ. Yet he doesn't recognize the advantage he has over Curry. Not only that, his post game is horrible. His lack of skill forces him to simply bully his way to the basket and even then he's not smart nor quick enough to read the defense and beat the beige dwarf. Instead of scoring in the post he passes for last minute 3pt heaves since he dribbles forever.

MJ did the opposite. He took advantage of mismatches and reacted immediately.

There's no comparison.

All Lebron fans need to read and watch these. :applause:

Shaquille O'Neal
02-20-2019, 01:24 PM
Why the f*ck are you posting tax return forms in a basketball forum? :roll::cheers:

02-20-2019, 01:27 PM
Cotdam, someone bring a bodybag...andgar923 cold murdered OP's ass :eek:

02-20-2019, 01:32 PM

These are skills that nobody comes close to in today's era. Tmac and Kobe were the closest, and yet even they weren't as smart, as quick and as good.

It doesn't matter if he was hand checked, if he was doubled or tripled, if the lanes were clogged, if they sagged or played him close, if they fouled him etc.

Those skills translate into any era.

MJ shouldn't be penalized because he was so good he made it look easy.

Yo Andgar

Check this mix out:

One of the sickest MJ compilations I've seen in a while. The second part of the vid spotlights his footwork/skills but with quicker AND more cerebral plays than the one you linked.

02-20-2019, 01:45 PM
Class is in session before I need to make lunch.


Off the ball movement.

Many... errr... most players today can't move without the ball. It may look easy for most but it's an art and a skill that takes time to learn. You need a high IQ, footwork, skill and timing. Sadly it's a lost art today where the majority don't know how to use it.

Let's start.

1. Set plays. The most commonly used 'off the ball' play is a set play. This is when the play calls for players to run behind a series of screens to a specific spot in order to get an open look. A player needs to understand floor positioning, spacing, and read the defense. The player needs to have good timing and have the ability to shield off the defender using the screener.

2. Shaking the defender. While they normally use a screen to avoid a defender at times they need to get free from the defender. Defenders in the past were allowed to grab players more freely, defenders were able to hit and bump offensive players without less fouls being called on them which made it harder for the offensive player. The offensive player needed to be fast at shaking the defender and make quick cuts which required the following point...

3. Footwork. Offensive players often need wide receiver like footwork to shake and avoid the defense trying to stop them. They need to be able to move and elude the defender using quick feet, balance and agility.

4. High IQ. A player needs to be able to read the defense and react.

5. Skills. Once the offensive player catches the ball they need to have the skill set to catch and shoot the jumper. At times the defense will react and they will need to know how to use pump fakes, jab steps, spin moves, etc because not all shots coming off the screen will be wide open. Even when wide open, players need to know how to plant their steps and effectively catch and shoot by squaring up properly and maintaining balance, something not every player is good at.

Aside from moving off the ball in set plays, players need to move without the ball when plays are broken. At times the defense adjusts and the offensive play is disrupted, this makes it harder for the offensive team. A great off the ball player will find a way to read the defense and take advantage of the gaps, only elite scorers in history were able to do this with consistency. A player needs to have a high IQ, read and react fast in order to recognize these gaps. Once those gaps are found they need a high degree of skill level to finish.

MJ was one of the best all time at moving without the ball, if not THE best. People will look at MJ's open or semi contested jumpers and say "that's weak defense" because they don't understand the game. MJ was a nightmare to guard because he was constantly in motion and could attack from any and every angle at any given time. He had an extremely high IQ and had the skill and athleticism to take advantage of the defense.

So next time people claim MJ was getting easy buckets, the vast majority of them were MJ simply being better than the defense and using his off the ball skills to make the game easy for him instead of shooting simply shooting 3pt shots.

Perhaps Lebron should save the following video.


And another master explains:

02-20-2019, 01:51 PM
Yo Andgar

Check this mix out:

One of the sickest MJ compilations I've seen in a while. The second part of the vid spotlights his footwork/skills but with quicker AND more cerebral plays than the one you linked.
How'd I miss this on my subscriptions?


02-20-2019, 02:15 PM
MJ was simply too quick. Sure the OP's clips showed MJ getting some easy buckets aint nobody gonna refute that. But does the OP know 'why' most of them were so easy?

He was fast as f*ck.

If Wade was nicknamed 'Flash' what will MJ be? MJ was quicker and more explosive than Wade was and MJ didn't have the advantage to roam as freely as Wade.

MJ wasn't simply quick, he made 'decisions' quick which caught the defense off guard. So sure, some of those clips may appear to be defenders not defending but that's because MJ was so quick they didn't have time to set up and defend.

Here's a video showing how fast he was:


Jab step and BAM he's at the rim before the defenders can react.
He spins so fast defenders are caught standing still like cartoons and the big men don't have time to gather to jump. Moves too fast for the doubles to set up. Pump fakes so quick MJ is already 1-2 steps ahead before the defender can react.

Time and time again we see the defense trying to gather themselves to defend but they're too late as MJ is already at the rim.

The defensive team is trying to trap and double, but he's too fast. Example1:

Example 2:
Defender is on its way to double and trap, yet MJ simply blows by the in coming trap. He's too fast and doesn't give the defense enough time and he simply jumps before the big can set up properly to contest.

Very next play, lightning fast jab step. The defender is closing in, yet MJ recognizes the lane and gives a lightning fast jab step that the defense can't react quickly enough. But the OP will be screaming "weak defense!!!" at the top of his lungs and not understand why MJ got so open.

MJ catches the ball and makes a lighting quick spin move before the double team can trap him for a dunk. The defense didn't have time to adjust because he was too fast for them. Yet f*ck him for being smarter and faster than them. :rolleyes:

The examples are endless.

02-20-2019, 02:19 PM
Sorry for the typo FKAri, my mind went blank as I'm used to typing FG for field goal %.

Won't happen again, keep up the discussion!

02-20-2019, 02:24 PM
andgar923 destroyed the kid