View Full Version : The MAGA Hat Kid Is Suing Washington Post For $250 Million

02-20-2019, 04:29 AM
Drama! :rockon: :rockon:

The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Kentucky by Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann, 16, seeks $250 million in damages, the amount that Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon.com and the world’s richest person, paid for the Post in 2013.

The lawsuit claims that the newspaper “wrongfully targeted and bullied” the teen to advance its bias against President Donald Trump because Sandmann is a white Catholic who wore a Make America Great Again souvenir cap on a school field trip to the March for Life anti-abortion rally in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 18.

The Washington Post’s Vice President for Communications Kristine Coratti Kelly said: “We are reviewing a copy of the lawsuit and we plan to mount a vigorous defense.”

In a photo that went viral from the incident, Sandmann is seen standing face to face with Native American activist Nathan Phillips. Sandmann stares smiling at him while Phillips sings and plays his drum.

The incident sparked outrage on social media.





02-20-2019, 05:42 AM
Good for him, anything that stops the left from propagating lies against honest citizens is a good thing.

I can tell you one thing--if this kid were black, there would be ZERO backlash against him.

02-20-2019, 05:59 AM
Idc either way but if he has a case good for him. Media needs to get shiig strait instead of the click bait reporting I see to much no matter what country

Lakers Legend#32
02-20-2019, 10:02 AM
How many right-wing organizations are financing his case?

Patrick Chewing
02-20-2019, 11:52 AM
This is the greatest thing that can happen to today's media if he wins. Doesn't matter where you lean politically, but it's no secret that the majority of the media slants heavily to the Left, and the media nowadays solely cares about the headlines and not the actual story.

It will take a major news outlet like this one to get the shit sued out of them to hopefully awaken all the other ones out there to get back to actually reporting factual news and not just print sensational headlines.

02-20-2019, 12:51 PM
I don't know if the Post suggested the kid was antagonizing the drummer or they just posted the unflattering picture, but if they just posted the pic i don't see how they would liable for anything.

02-20-2019, 12:56 PM
This is the greatest thing that can happen to today's media if he wins. Doesn't matter where you lean politically, but it's no secret that the majority of the media slants heavily to the Left, and the media nowadays solely cares about the headlines and not the actual story.

It will take a major news outlet like this one to get the shit sued out of them to hopefully awaken all the other ones out there to get back to actually reporting factual news and not just print sensational headlines.

why do people ignore fox/disney? Like that doesn't exist or something? Or Rupert Murdoch is just really a closeted liberal? I don't get it.

02-20-2019, 12:56 PM
get that money breh, secure the bag.

on a related note, the maga fam posters that were calling Kapernick a sellout for taking a settlement are advocating this kid to do the same...that's magafags in a nutshell for you :roll:

Patrick Chewing
02-20-2019, 01:26 PM
why do people ignore fox/disney? Like that doesn't exist or something? Or Rupert Murdoch is just really a closeted liberal? I don't get it.

Yeah, that's one network. That's it. One.

Meanwhile, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, WaPo, NYT, etc. all lean Left.

02-20-2019, 03:08 PM
get that money breh, secure the bag.

on a related note, the maga fam posters that were calling Kapernick a sellout for taking a settlement are advocating this kid to do the same...that's magafags in a nutshell for you :roll:

How is he a sellout? He never took a politics stance against something like Colin did in the public. He was just there. You really embarrassed yourself in the original thread about this kid...you really wanna try again?

02-20-2019, 03:17 PM
How is he a sellout? He never took a politics stance against something like Colin did in the public. He was just there. You really embarrassed yourself in the original thread about this kid...you really wanna try again?why are you so triggered hawk?

ummm the whole ordeal is about his smug face with a maga cap, he most definitely took a political stance. now he's not protesting the anthem, but this is definitely political since the news outlet who published his face and put him in this whole mess is a left leaning company. wasn't he at a protest as well? he's most definitely protesting something by being there and wearing the hat.

here's what will most likely happen, he will settle for x amount, in return, he will drop the suit. both situations are political, and both will leave with a bag full of money to stop the law suits.

one kneeled. one stood in protest.

apples and oranges, but both are fruits. get that money kid. :applause:

02-20-2019, 03:42 PM
why are you so triggered hawk?

ummm the whole ordeal is about his smug face with a maga cap, he most definitely took a political stance. now he's not protesting the anthem, but this is definitely political since the news outlet who published his face and put him in this whole mess is a left leaning company. wasn't he at a protest as well? he's most definitely protesting something by being there and wearing the hat.

here's what will most likely happen, he will settle for x amount, in return, he will drop the suit. both situations are political, and both will leave with a bag full of money to stop the law suits.

one kneeled. one stood in protest.

apples and oranges, but both are fruits. get that money kid. :applause:

You're an embarrassment. The kid is 15 years old and had his life ruined because he was a mentally stable teenager while a bunch of black racist fake jews were hurling epithets at his group.

He's also going after the celebrities who tried to dox and shame him.

Amazing someone like Trayvon Martin is a martyr while this kid has had his life thoroughly ruined for being mature and reasonable.

02-20-2019, 03:43 PM
why are you so triggered hawk?

ummm the whole ordeal is about his smug face with a maga cap, he most definitely took a political stance. now he's not protesting the anthem, but this is definitely political since the news outlet who published his face and put him in this whole mess is a left leaning company. wasn't he at a protest as well? he's most definitely protesting something by being there and wearing the hat.

here's what will most likely happen, he will settle for x amount, in return, he will drop the suit. both situations are political, and both will leave with a bag full of money to stop the law suits.

one kneeled. one stood in protest.

apples and oranges, but both are fruits. get that money kid. :applause:

He took a political stance by standing there with his smug face and a maga cap? lol you're only say that because he's a white dude and you hate Trump. You're clearly triggered by that. He's literally just standing there smiling and the guy starts banging a drum in his face.

It's political because the left leaning company published his face (their decision...not his).Colin was already a public figure when he kneeled. He put himself in the spotlight on his own accord. He knew he would cause controversy and risked his job doing it. That's why he's a sellout.

This guy got slandered and defamed and will stay with him for his life crippling his ability to make money where he would've without the video. Colin knew there could be consequences with his employer but did it anyway. Not to mention Colin had already made millions while this kid has nothing. Totally different scenarios.

You got made to look like an idiot in that thread by jumping way too early to conclusions because it fit your agenda. You'll never admit it though.

02-20-2019, 03:54 PM
He took a political stance by standing there with his smug face and a maga cap? lol you're only say that because he's a white dude and you hate Trump. You're clearly triggered by that. He's literally just standing there smiling and the guy starts banging a drum in his face.

It's political because the left leaning company published his face (their decision...not his).Colin was already a public figure when he kneeled. He put himself in the spotlight on his own accord. He knew he would cause controversy and risked his job doing it. That's why he's a sellout.

This guy got slandered and defamed and will stay with him for his life crippling his ability to make money where he would've without the video. Colin knew there could be consequences with his employer but did it anyway. Not to mention Colin had already made millions while this kid has nothing. Totally different scenarios.

You got made to look like an idiot in that thread by jumping way too early to conclusions because it fit your agenda. You'll never admit it though.
i was wrong in that thread. but i'm not wrong here, i'm not claiming they are exactly the same situations, but both are for political reasons. and the kid voluntarily made the decision to wear a maga hat to a march (harsh lesson but i'm sure he'll think twice about how life works now). i wouldn't wish him the negative attention he got, so he certainly deserves a payday, but the hypocrisy of the maga fam is that kapernick is a sell out for taking money when he also deserved it: he was blackballed by the league for taking a stance. sure, he's an adult and made that decision, still didn't deserve it, neither did this kid. i admit i jumped to conclusions on that thread, my apologies to that kid. that's a sh1tty situation and i really hope he gets paid big time, not that the money will square things, but at least he can be financially ok.

02-20-2019, 04:14 PM
:oldlol: @ Highway for comparing this kid to Kaepernick. These kids were just waiting for a bus and not only do they get ambushed by a bunch of crazy lunatics they also get slandered over and over by the national media. There's absolutely no comparison.

02-20-2019, 04:17 PM
i was wrong in that thread. but i'm not wrong here, i'm not claiming they are exactly the same situations, but both are for political reasons. and the kid voluntarily made the decision to wear a maga hat to a march (harsh lesson but i'm sure he'll think twice about how life works now). i wouldn't wish him the negative attention he got, so he certainly deserves a payday, but the hypocrisy of the maga fam is that kapernick is a sell out for taking money when he also deserved it: he was blackballed by the league for taking a stance. sure, he's an adult and made that decision, still didn't deserve it, neither did this kid. i admit i jumped to conclusions on that thread, my apologies to that kid. that's a sh1tty situation and i really hope he gets paid big time, not that the money will square things, but at least he can be financially ok.

"How life works now"

Why should he be persecuted for wearing a MAGA hat? That's a problem with the current culture in my opinion.

Kaepernick took a risk with his private employer so it has nothing to do with "deserve." He made a personal choice. If the league doesn't want to sign him because he's full of drama, why is that being blackballed? He took a risk...there are consequences.

The kid really didn't take anywhere close to the risk so it's not hypocritical. False equivalency.

02-20-2019, 04:18 PM
:oldlol: @ Highway for comparing this kid to Kaepernick. These kids were just waiting for a bus and not only do they get ambushed by a bunch of crazy lunatics they also get slandered over and over by the national media. There's absolutely no comparison.

The guy has a clear mental illness. I highly doubt he is capable of introspection.

02-20-2019, 04:23 PM
"How life works now"

Why should he be persecuted for wearing a MAGA hat? That's a problem with the current culture in my opinion.

Kaepernick took a risk with his private employer so it has nothing to do with "deserve." He made a personal choice. If the league doesn't want to sign him because he's full of drama, why is that being blackballed? He took a risk...there are consequences.

The kid really didn't take anywhere close to the risk so it's not hypocritical. False equivalency.
you're the one implying that. i simply said the world is fvcked and if you wear a maga hat or antifa hat in public, you're bound to run into a lunatic that doesn't like it. never said he deserved it.

if i walk around at night in a shady neighborhood, i'm not going to be surprised if i get mugged or shot. there's a leap of logic you have to make when wearing a hat that makes a political statement.

02-20-2019, 04:25 PM
you're the one implying that. i simply said the world is fvcked and if you wear a maga hat or antifa hat in public, you're bound to run into a lunatic that doesn't like it. never said he deserved it.

if i walk around at night in a shady neighborhood, i'm not going to be surprised if i get mugged or shot. there's a leap of logic you have to make when wearing a hat that makes a political statement.

Ok that's actually a reasonable position then. It didn't come off that way based on this post and previous posts you've made.

Reasonable people shouldn't get triggered by a hat though and should just continue to move on with their lives.

02-20-2019, 04:31 PM
Ok that's actually a reasonable position then. It didn't come off that way based on this post and previous posts you've made.

Reasonable people shouldn't get triggered by a hat though and should just continue to move on with their lives.
i agree. not even trolling when i say he's going to be scared for life.

when i was in florida, an uber driver tried pandering to me (totally unsolicited btw) about trump's wall being bs. he probably saw my complexion and thought i would enjoy talking sh1t about trump. it didn't work on me though, i feel like that's uneducated, so i just changed the subject. also, i work with a lot of people that support trump, and they are all decent folk. no one gets in each others faces to talk about politics. we're all friendly, might make some jokes here and there but it's nothing ill-intentioned.

02-20-2019, 05:17 PM
i agree. not even trolling when i say he's going to be scared for life.

when i was in florida, an uber driver tried pandering to me (totally unsolicited btw) about trump's wall being bs. he probably saw my complexion and thought i would enjoy talking sh1t about trump. it didn't work on me though, i feel like that's uneducated, so i just changed the subject. also, i work with a lot of people that support trump, and they are all decent folk. no one gets in each others faces to talk about politics. we're all friendly, might make some jokes here and there but it's nothing ill-intentioned.

I hear you man. I hate people who want to talk to me about Trump because I'm an American in an uber. I just list the policies I agree with him on and the policies I disagree with. They get completely caught off guard since they expect me to talk to about his twitter or the wall.

Had a somalian guy call me out once when I was trying to be objective and he was like, "nah man give your opinion. Just say it!" :oldlol:

Lakers Legend#32
02-21-2019, 01:52 AM
Yeah, that's one network. That's it. One.

Meanwhile, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, WaPo, NYT, etc. all lean Left.

Whatever FOX News tells you.

Patrick Chewing
02-21-2019, 02:03 AM
Whatever FOX News tells you.

You just proved my point. Do you have any other network or publication you can mention besides Fox??

Go look up who Lara Logan is you imbecile. She's in the news lately and for a good reason. 85% of journalists in this country are registered Democrats.

02-21-2019, 02:57 AM
get that money son grab a slice.


Lakers Legend#32
02-21-2019, 05:09 PM
Go look up who Lara Logan is you imbecile. She's in the news lately and for a good reason. 85% of journalists in this country are registered Democrats.

The majority of editors, publishers, and owners are conservative. They are the ones who decide what actually gets published. But right-wing talk radio will never tell you this.

Patrick Chewing
02-21-2019, 06:02 PM
The majority of editors, publishers, and owners are conservative. They are the ones who decide what actually gets published. But right-wing talk radio will never tell you this.

Just not true. Even the Murdochs who own Fox News are Liberal.

A little research goes a long way.

Lakers Legend#32
02-21-2019, 11:46 PM
Just not true. Even the Murdochs who own Fox News are Liberal.

A little research goes a long way.

Must be why conservatives never watch FOX News anymore.