View Full Version : Why is LeBron all of a sudden struggling?

02-25-2019, 02:17 PM
What is different about this year compared to every other year he has been in the league?

Oh right he doesnt have to play Knicks, Bulls, Pacers, Nets, Hawks, Magic 50 times a year.

02-25-2019, 02:18 PM
He's always struggled... Goes back to 2007.

02-25-2019, 02:19 PM
Bran is literally irrelevant without running away

02-25-2019, 02:25 PM
low-IQ environment.

what else do you expect from the org that paid him 150mill+ for his decline years....

02-25-2019, 02:29 PM
OP you should apply for a job with the lakers front office.

might get a gig - you obviously don't know anything about basketball but that's fine you should fit right in. :cheers:

Mr. Jabbar
02-25-2019, 02:29 PM

02-25-2019, 02:30 PM
Its too bad he can't go against the retarded Raptors every year. Stick to the Maple Leafs fakkit you unathletic dweeb :lol :lol :lol

Dont all Toronto teams suck?

02-25-2019, 02:31 PM
A Raptors/Canadian telling people what basketball is :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

What a nerd.
speak english.

let me know if you need remedial english lessons air2paki my son.

02-25-2019, 02:35 PM
air2paki literally the worst talent evaluator of all-time telling others that they suck at basketball.

oh MY that is rich! :oldlol: :roll:

02-25-2019, 02:41 PM
Canadian talking about bball. Isnt Toronto full of indians like yourself? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

I heard it is... Isn't there a suburb called Browntown and Bramladesh that's like half of Torontos population? Lol

02-25-2019, 02:41 PM
Canadian Raptors fan talking about basketball. That's rich :lol :lol :lol :lol

You have never seen success in your city you dumb canadian fukwit :roll:
you need to give me some competition because the shit you've been coming up with has been weak, weak, weak

right now I just feel like it's all 2 ez.

02-25-2019, 02:44 PM
I heard it is... Isn't there a suburb called Browntown and Bramladesh that's like half of Torontos population? Lol

One suburb is half of Toronto's population? Nah bruh :roll:

02-25-2019, 02:45 PM
The crazy thing is were still in the regular season... How hilarious would it be to see bran face a wild wild west playoff gauntlet? :lol

Mr. Jabbar
02-25-2019, 02:46 PM
you need to give me some competition because the shit you've been coming up with has been weak, weak, weak

right now I just feel like it's all 2 ez.

I find your avy to be offensive and violent, please change it.

02-25-2019, 02:49 PM
I find your avy to be offensive and violent, please change it.

The Canadian will apologize for that offensive avy. New regulations will be put in place and strict guidelines will be enforced. That's the sterile Canadian way of life. Try buying booze there... You only get two stores for alcohol lol.

Mr. Jabbar
02-25-2019, 02:50 PM
The Canadian will apologize for that offensive avy. New regulations will be put in place and strict guidelines will be enforced. That's the sterile Canadian way of life. Try buying booze there... You only get two stores for alcohol lol.

Is this true? Is Canada soy boy land?

02-25-2019, 02:54 PM
I find your avy to be offensive and violent, please change it.
I have no problem changing my avatar.

I just chose this avatar because I feel like it represents me and some of the immature stans I go back and forth with once in a while.

I'm chris childs of course.

02-25-2019, 02:57 PM
I found a pic of red's family photo

I don't know why you're laughing at them - it seems pretty obvious that they aren't from here...

meanwhile you're a homegrown air2paki with a negative basketball IQ...

02-25-2019, 03:00 PM
I found a pic of red's family photo


Canada. The new India.

02-25-2019, 03:03 PM
first it was curling and being a hockey fan now you're accusing me of being indian or from bangladesh - which is it?

I don't think curling is a very popular sport in the latter two regions.... :oldlol:

02-25-2019, 03:05 PM
OP you're all over the place and very scatterbrained - sort of the like the person who keeps drafting those duds that you seem to be obsessed with promoting.

I wasn't kidding earlier it really wouldn't hurt to apply for a job with the lakers F.O.

02-25-2019, 03:05 PM
Americans going to be BEGGING for Canadian refuge when the buffoon they elected leader leaves every American's asshole gaping :roll:

02-25-2019, 03:06 PM
Is Lebron struggling?

Mr. Jabbar
02-25-2019, 03:06 PM
I have no problem changing my avatar.

I just chose this avatar because I feel like it represents me and some of the immature stans I go back and forth with once in a while.

I'm chris childs of course.

Appreciate it.

You are welcomed to rock one of these familia avys as your cleansing begins


02-25-2019, 03:20 PM
mr jabbar because of your polite attitude and also because I'm very secure in myself due to an abnormally large package - your avatar change request has been granted.

Spurs m8
02-25-2019, 03:22 PM
mr jabbar because of your polite attitude and also because I'm very secure in myself due to an abnormally large package - your avatar change request has been granted.

Confirmed pin d1ck

Mr. Jabbar
02-25-2019, 03:23 PM
mr jabbar because of your polite attitude and also because I'm very secure in myself due to an abnormally large package - your avatar change request has been granted.

:cheers: :cheers: :rockon:

02-25-2019, 03:24 PM
Confirmed pin d1ck
ask your mother.

she'll confirm it for you REAL quick.

Spurs m8
02-25-2019, 03:24 PM
ask your mother.

she'll confirm it for you REAL quick.

My mother doesn't fvck p1n dick Indians tbh

02-25-2019, 03:26 PM
:cheers: :cheers: :rockon:

further inquiries can be directed to support@airtupac.is.a.fatass.com

02-25-2019, 03:27 PM
My mother doesn't fvck p1n dick Indians tbh
that's good to know.

now ask her and get that confirmation already. I already know that you're a curious and undeniable homo from your many posts.

Spurs m8
02-25-2019, 03:28 PM

02-25-2019, 03:30 PM
isn't it 6 or 7 am in Australia right now? what the fukk are you even on here for.

get your bitch-ass ready for school young man.

Spurs m8
02-25-2019, 03:33 PM
isn't it 6 or 7 am in Australia right now? what the fukk are you even on here for.

get your bitch-ass ready for school young man.

633am...on my way to work, champ

02-25-2019, 03:52 PM
He types like ajay1987. Its funny how these dweebs talk about ball when they've never played a lick of the sport and root for cuck teams.... this guy being a RAPTORS FAN lmfao.
I love how you equate playing the sport with rooting for teams. newsflash - playing for the lakers and stanning every shitty lakers prospect =/= the same thing :facepalm :oldlol:

I could root for "cuck teams" every day for the rest of my life and I'd still be better than you at every sport :roll:

633am...on my way to work, champ

atta boy :cheers:

No Sir
10-15-2020, 08:11 PM
The crazy thing is were still in the regular season... How hilarious would it be to see bran face a wild wild west playoff gauntlet? :lol

3 straight gentlemens sweeps :applause:. Hilarious indeed.

10-15-2020, 08:12 PM
Struggled his way right to a chip and fmvp :oldlol:

10-15-2020, 08:12 PM
3 straight gentlemens sweeps :applause:. Hilarious indeed.

Quite funny

Celtics 1825
10-16-2020, 01:10 AM
0 IQ take, not surprising considering who OP is

10-16-2020, 01:20 AM
isn't it 6 or 7 am in Australia right now? what the fukk are you even on here for.

get your bitch-ass ready for school young man.


10-16-2020, 01:23 AM
Struggled his way right to a chip and fmvp :oldlol:

He couldn't even make the playoffs with the winniest organization in NBA History until he got a top 5 player on his team. Even Magic made the playoffs each year with the Lakers and even Shaq or West.

10-16-2020, 11:42 AM
OP dreams of Lebron and has nightmares at night.
Lebron 》》》 Kobe. Live with it.

Lebron is now a bigger legend in LA.

10-16-2020, 01:21 PM
3 straight gentlemens sweeps :applause:. Hilarious indeed.
