View Full Version : simon NEVER liked lebron and is Stalkerforlife (justin)'s alter ego

02-26-2019, 10:44 AM
1. saying he'l kill himself when lebrons gone

2. asking who has the most cancerous locker room

3. asking who doesn't give a f* on defense

4. giving the worst arguments/comparing lebron to post achilles kobe like "how many wins did he get in 2016"

5. saying openly every thread is him trolling/fishing like its the year 2005 or some sh*t. using outdated memes to look even more lame on purpose

6. making everyone hate lebron and making ISH the biggest kobe stan site on the web at a time when every other place bans us

7. telling stories about how a team of black guys ganged up on him and made him drop out of highschool/paralyzed him

8. posting pictures like this


no serious poster will admit this is them

this isn't a real guy. IMO its justin's alter ego and his depiction of a typical branvestite. he has a ton of free time and we never see him post. its very rare.. maybe one or 2 every other day. its because he spends all his time on his alts like scuzzy, dray n klay, akrozitile, alternativeacc

the other day he mistakingly posted a positive kobe thread saying he's top 4 with his stronglurk alt. not more than a few seconds later he replied with his stalker account saying "is op finally telling the truth"

one time he even said "you're just as much of a loser as simon is" under one of his alts. and justin always says he's a loser and has no shame in it.

another time justin asked me the same questions about my pics that simon did.. focussing on the same one chick out of the 8 or so different ones i've posted

simon is a caricature. he was never real. he was always just a way to get conversations started so we could sh*t on lebron and the mods would allow it more often back in the day because they were pro lebron/anti kobe

great work justin. you had me fooled for over a decade


02-26-2019, 10:48 AM
:roll: :roll: :roll:

02-26-2019, 10:50 AM
:roll: :roll: :roll:

hey justin


02-26-2019, 10:55 AM
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZTJiNGM2NjItNDRiYy00ZjY0LTgwNTItZDBmZGRlODQ4YT hkL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjY5ODI4NDk@._V1_UX182_C R0,0,182,268_AL_.jpg

02-26-2019, 10:57 AM
hey justin

First rule of Simon. Everyone is Simon :eek:

02-26-2019, 10:58 AM


:eek: :eek: :eek:

02-26-2019, 10:59 AM
First rule of Simon. Everyone is Simon :eek:

I'm 3ball.

02-26-2019, 11:01 AM


02-26-2019, 11:01 AM
I'm 3ball.
Doubt it. You don

02-26-2019, 11:02 AM
No. It's just that people who don't like Lebron also happen to think you're a loser. :oldlol:

02-26-2019, 11:04 AM
Though I do believe there's a chance that Simon could be a Lebron hater, I doubt it's Justin. Too much effort, has kids, and if he was I just feel it would come across a little different. I don't think he really has the capability to keep that specific persona without deviating.

Personally I lean more towards a troll that knows he's lost, or knows he's wrong, and is just trying to humor themselves.

Simon is Jeff's nephew. :eek:

02-26-2019, 11:05 AM
No. It's just that people who don't like Lebron also happen to think you're a loser. :oldlol:

hey justin


02-26-2019, 11:06 AM
Though I do believe there's a chance that Simon could be a Lebron hater, I doubt it's Justin. Too much effort, has kids, and if he was I just feel it would come across a little different.

Personally I lean more towards a troll that knows he's lost, or knows he's wrong, and is just trying to humor themselves.

Simon is Jeff's nephew. :eek:

nobody can be this invested and also be this sh*ty at debating

Mask the Embiid
02-26-2019, 11:07 AM
Dray & Klay

Alternative Account (simon)



literally post noting alike..

None of them are the same person.


you can literally find this picture in a google search...its not anyone from this site. im still balin was trollin.

everyone itt just take a deep breath and relax....im not one to defend stalker the racist or that reclusive loser budaddiii but youre wrong

02-26-2019, 11:07 AM

02-26-2019, 11:09 AM
Dray & Klay

Alternative Account (simon)



literally post noting alike..

None of them are the same person.


Ben Simmons 25
02-26-2019, 11:11 AM
We are all Simon, the mythological ISH diety.

02-26-2019, 11:11 AM
I've contemplated that Simon is a Lebron hater and consciously makes the stupidest arguments on a daily basis to attract the most vitriol. We've all been had.

02-26-2019, 11:13 AM
We are all Simon.

And he is us. I need to go for a walk, it's all so clear now and I need time to process.

02-26-2019, 11:13 AM
I've contemplated that Simon is a Lebron hater and consciously makes the stupidest arguments on a daily basis to attract the most vitriol. We've all been had.
3ball does the same thing. He is a LeBron stan

02-26-2019, 11:16 AM
3ball does the same thing. He is a LeBron stan

He may be. I just don't know anymore, food has lost its taste, the world has gone grey..... It's all so new to me. :(

02-26-2019, 11:35 AM
Dray & Klay

Alternative Account (simon)



literally post noting alike..

None of them are the same person.


you can literally find this picture in a google search...its not anyone from this site. im still balin was trollin.

everyone itt just take a deep breath and relax....im not one to defend stalker the racist or that reclusive loser budaddiii but youre wrong

True. Stalker isn

02-26-2019, 11:43 AM
Was Budadii the original or was we tricked already?

02-26-2019, 11:45 AM
[QUOTE=warriorfan]True. Stalker isn

Mask the Embiid
02-26-2019, 11:49 AM
Was Budadii the original or was we tricked already?
nah his orginal account was like ruswest or some weird shit like that.Somehow people found his real facebook online and posted his picture on here.

He got spooked that those black bullies from highschool would sniff him out so he asked to be perma banned.

Weeks later some guy name budadiii or kiiiing pops up with the same exact posting style rooting for the same exact players

he's simon...(thats the name of his facebook that ish found)

not dray & klay
not scuzzy
not gus hemmingway

that loser fudge(simon's little stool pigeon/groupie/flunky) may be responsible for some of these other random lebron fans that i cant remember all their names but none of them are simon the recluse.

Simon = budaddi, kiiing anyone with 4 i's in their name is that loser.

His other account is alternative account.(This loser also has several accounts with post under 50 that he has just sitting idle to attack posters randomly without being noticed or to laugh at his own jokes)

Those are accounts i sadly cant pin to him (example 20 post since 2011)

edit: I really just sat here and typed up a paragraph on this kid....yeah im done for the day ish.

2nd edit: Im really starting to think fudge is behind a lot of these accounts not simon...

02-26-2019, 11:51 AM

Dray n Klay
02-26-2019, 11:59 AM

02-26-2019, 12:04 PM
Alternativeacc.and a user with sausage avatar are the same guy. They both make way too many thickness, girth jokes.
Edit:I meant Akrazotile and Alternativeacc.

02-26-2019, 12:10 PM
Justin....is my real name



02-26-2019, 12:41 PM

Mr. Jabbar
02-26-2019, 12:46 PM

:roll: :roll: :roll:

best use of a gif in a long time

Mr. Jabbar
02-26-2019, 12:59 PM
I dont think op's conspiracy theory is true tbh, but hear me out on this one:

Creating an account on this site has been impossible for what? like 5 years? The fact that simon, or whoever, managed to create alt after alt during this period rises questions as in if the OWNER of this site isnt behind it all, doesn't it? mind blowing stuff...

02-26-2019, 01:10 PM
I dont think op's conspiracy theory is true tbh, but hear me out on this one:

Creating an account on this site has been impossible for what? like 5 years? The fact that simon, or whoever, managed to create alt after alt during this period rises questions as in if the OWNER of this site isnt behind it all, doesn't it? mind blowing stuff...

Plausible, because I'm a member of several forums and I'm not exaggerating by saying this is the only one that basically accepts( even if tacitly) the level of trolling you see here.

Ben Simmons 25
02-26-2019, 01:14 PM

:applause: :applause:

02-26-2019, 01:20 PM
Simon is russwest. I remember before anyone knew who Simon was there was an ISH fantasy basketball league and his name was listed as Simon. Stalker is not Simon.

elementally morale
02-26-2019, 01:21 PM
I dont think op's conspiracy theory is true tbh, but hear me out on this one:

Creating an account on this site has been impossible for what? like 5 years? The fact that simon, or whoever, managed to create alt after alt during this period rises questions as in if the OWNER of this site isnt behind it all, doesn't it? mind blowing stuff...

This is true.

Jeff is generating half tho posts on this forum. He knows it's dead but he can keep some revenue coming if there are enough PIs.

It's obvious that the most blatant trolls are Jeff himself. It's not just a theory.

02-26-2019, 03:01 PM
I am Simon

02-26-2019, 03:24 PM


Mr. Jabbar
02-26-2019, 04:21 PM
This is true.

Jeff is generating half tho posts on this forum. He knows it's dead but he can keep some revenue coming if there are enough PIs.

It's obvious that the most blatant trolls are Jeff himself. It's not just a theory.

Makes sense.

Makes lot of sense.

elementally morale
02-26-2019, 04:29 PM
Makes sense.

Makes lot of sense.

If you ask the mods they can tell you they cannot deal with 'those trolls' because they are pulling out alts from everywhere. Also, Jeff is at the wheels 24/7

I once changed my password here and my account simply didn't work from then on. for a VERY long time. So I didn't post fat all for like a year, maybe longer. Oh yeah, and I couldn't register a new account. So in the end I decided to write an e-mail. My account was back in less than half an hour.

Jeff is not mean. He cares. We still have a website due to his own trolling.

02-26-2019, 04:29 PM
simian pls.

02-26-2019, 05:00 PM
If you ask the mods they can tell you they cannot deal with 'those trolls' because they are pulling out alts from everywhere. Also, Jeff is at the wheels 24/7

I once changed my password here and my account simply didn't work from then on. for a VERY long time. So I didn't post fat all for like a year, maybe longer. Oh yeah, and I couldn't register a new account. So in the end I decided to write an e-mail. My account was back in less than half an hour.

Jeff is not mean. He cares. We still have a website due to his own trolling.


02-26-2019, 05:26 PM
I wouldn't be surprised at this point if OP was right tbh, both seem equally as pathetic as posters tbh.

02-26-2019, 05:28 PM
I dont think op's conspiracy theory is true tbh, but hear me out on this one:

Creating an account on this site has been impossible for what? like 5 years? The fact that simon, or whoever, managed to create alt after alt during this period rises questions as in if the OWNER of this site isnt behind it all, doesn't it? mind blowing stuff...
holy ****... could it be...

jeff = simian??? ... hmm makes a lot of sense just saying...

02-26-2019, 05:44 PM
This is true.

Jeff is generating half tho posts on this forum. He knows it's dead but he can keep some revenue coming if there are enough PIs.

It's obvious that the most blatant trolls are Jeff himself. It's not just a theory.

Dead on. Jeff is Knicksfever2010 without a doubt.

Mr. Jabbar
02-26-2019, 05:52 PM
Jeff is at the wheels 24/7

i c wat u did der

Mr. Jabbar
02-26-2019, 05:58 PM
holy ****... could it be...

jeff = simian??? ... hmm makes a lot of sense just saying...

Doesn't it?

The only person"s" able to make an account in the past 5 years, post the same shit, have the same agenda etc. Its simple logic really..

Jeff is Simon.

02-26-2019, 05:59 PM
Is Simon hung?

Mr. Jabbar
02-26-2019, 06:01 PM
Is Simon hung?

No way in hell.

02-26-2019, 06:02 PM
i believe in the jeff conspiracy

i want it to be stalker though.. would make it way funnier

02-26-2019, 06:05 PM
Doesn't it?

The only person"s" able to make an account in the past 5 years, post the same shit, have the same agenda etc. Its simple logic really..

Jeff is Simon.
It just makes too much sense...

It's like bringing a random dog into your home from off the street and letting him run around and shit inside your house but you don't mind because the dog will somehow get you more tenants :eek:

02-26-2019, 06:09 PM
No way in hell.
Then I'm out.

No point in discussing unhung gentlemen

Mr. Jabbar
02-26-2019, 06:38 PM
It just makes too much sense...

It's like bringing a random dog into your home from off the street and letting him run around and shit inside your house but you don't mind because the dog will somehow get you more tenants :eek:

:roll: :roll:

02-26-2019, 06:42 PM
Is Simon hung?

He dumb thicc

elementally morale
02-26-2019, 06:43 PM
Doesn't it?

The only person"s" able to make an account in the past 5 years, post the same shit, have the same agenda etc. Its simple logic really..

Jeff is Simon.

I made two or three threads about it in the past. All of them got deleted pretty damn fast. Like... in 5 minutes. At least I wasn't banned. :oldlol:

Mr. Jabbar
02-26-2019, 06:59 PM
I made two or three threads about it in the past. All of them got deleted pretty damn fast. Like... in 5 minutes. At least I wasn't banned. :oldlol:

It would have been too evident if u were banned :lol

Jeff knows

elementally morale
02-26-2019, 07:04 PM
It would have been too evident if u were banned :lol

Jeff knows

I don't blame him for it by the way.

Site has been going down for a long time. Had the original trolling. Most older guys disappeared. The whole conversation changed, especially after twitter and FB, Instagram, all social media.

Jeff likes his site. He is probably not making a very good living out of it now... but he likes it to keep going anyway. He still needs some revenue to cover the costs. So he decided to up the post count himself.

He is a cool and intelligent dude. Doesn't do much harm, does he? It's his website... let him end it on his terms.

02-26-2019, 07:09 PM
I don't blame him for it by the way.

Site has been going down for a long time. Had the original trolling. Most older guys disappeared. The whole conversation changed, especially after twitter and FB, Instagram, all social media.

Jeff likes his site. He is probably not making a very good living out of it now... but he likes it to keep going anyway. He still needs some revenue to cover the costs. So he decided to up the post count himself.

He is a cool and intelligent dude. Doesn't do much harm, does he? It's his website... let him end it on his terms.

Doesn't it?

The only person"s" able to make an account in the past 5 years, post the same shit, have the same agenda etc. Its simple logic really..

Jeff is Simon.

Mr. Jabbar
02-26-2019, 07:12 PM
I don't blame him for it by the way.

Site has been going down for a long time. Had the original trolling. Most older guys disappeared. The whole conversation changed, especially after twitter and FB, Instagram, all social media.

Jeff likes his site. He is probably not making a very good living out of it now... but he likes it to keep going anyway. He still needs some revenue to cover the costs. So he decided to up the post count himself.

He is a cool and intelligent dude. Doesn't do much harm, does he? It's his website... let him end it on his terms.

Savage epilogue

elementally morale
02-26-2019, 07:28 PM
Savage epilogue


My theory is this.

Jeff really likes basketball. Not only the sport but the environment. Created something good on EZboard back in the day. It got popular. In 2006, he created this website. Little did he know social media will soon eat the pie away.

Contrary to nowadays popular belief, the site used to be better. Sure, there were Kobe threads and Kobe trolling. But not even remotely to this extent. We had trolls... like Kone Itawl and AlJeffersonRules... but they were what you call quality trolls. And 90% of the time it was interesting discussion.

That started to change.

Jeff&co tried to rule in the trolling but couldn't. Social media continued to evolve. Viewership went down. So he decided to use trolling instead of fighting it. The more 'real' viewership went down the more extreme trolling we have here. It should be the other way round... less views resulting in less trolling. Why do you think the opposite happened?

It's an inside job. All in good faith though.

Father time remains undefeated. For websites, too. Jeff decided to go the Dennis Rodman route. Became the villain. And I think he enjoyed it. He often posts: ISH for life. Truer words have never been spoken -- for him.

02-26-2019, 07:35 PM
Jeff&co tried to rule in the trolling but couldn't. Social media continued to evolve. Viewership went down.
I would say the trying to keep trolling within boundaries era was 2011 - 2014

Since then ... a precipitous nose dive in conversation quality

So he decided to use trolling instead of fighting it. The more 'real' viewership went down the more extreme trolling we have here. It should be the other way round... less views resulting in less trolling. Why do you think the opposite happened?

It's an inside job. All in good faith though.

Father time remains undefeated. For websites, too. Jeff decided to go the Dennis Rodman route. Became the villain. And I think he enjoyed it. He often posts: ISH for life. Truer words have never been spoken -- for him.
Makes sense, yet how sad.

Social media era and Jeff's willingness to give into it destroyed his own creation's ultimate former quality.

elementally morale
02-26-2019, 07:44 PM
Makes sense, yet how sad.

Social media era and Jeff's willingness to give into it destroyed his own creation's ultimate former quality.

I'm not sure it's sad. Noone forces us to post here. We have our reasons. I surely do. Different reasons than in 2007. I learned a lot here. There were some really good posters on EZboard. Not many are old enough to remember them. And when I say good posters I'm not talking basketball knowledge. Quality posts.

So it changed.

I still have my reasons to read. So do you and everyone else.

Mr. Jabbar
02-26-2019, 07:48 PM

My theory is this.

Jeff really likes basketball. Not only the sport but the environment. Created something good on EZboard back in the day. It got popular. In 2006, he created this website. Little did he know social media will soon eat the pie away.

Contrary to nowadays popular belief, the site used to be better. Sure, there were Kobe threads and Kobe trolling. But not even remotely to this extent. We had trolls... like Kone Itawl and AlJeffersonRules... but they were what you call quality trolls. And 90% of the time it was interesting discussion.

That started to change.

Jeff&co tried to rule in the trolling but couldn't. Social media continued to evolve. Viewership went down. So he decided to use trolling instead of fighting it. The more 'real' viewership went down the more extreme trolling we have here. It should be the other way round... less views resulting in less trolling. Why do you think the opposite happened?

It's an inside job. All in good faith though.

Father time remains undefeated. For websites, too. Jeff decided to go the Dennis Rodman route. Became the villain. And I think he enjoyed it. He often posts: ISH for life. Truer words have never been spoken -- for him.

:eek: :applause:

Lettuce remember SinJackal, last one to go from ye olde ish, first victim of the trolling era

Ben Simmons 25
02-26-2019, 07:55 PM
Anyone who thinks the quality of the board has gone down since the ezboard days really hasn't been around since the ezboard days.

This place was completely ****ing lit with Kobe and McGrady threads back in 2003. Every day. Multiple threads. Every single day. All day. And then right before this board first rolled out and Kobe dropped 81, literally every single topic on the first two pages was Kobe related. Absolutely 100% of the threads. And that was ezboard.

The difference between now and then is McGrady's career completely dropped off and LeBron is the only perimeter star to be in Kobe's stratosphere in terms of all time rankings/accomplishments... and he's actually surpassed Kobe in the vast majority of people's eyes... and the Kobe fandom runs deep and they can't cope with that. Also, McGrady was never as polarizing as LeBron because he wasn't as good and his personality wasn't as douchey.

Plus... we have one poster running a plethora of accounts day in and day out in opposition to the Kobe trolls... if that one guy were posting back in 2003, it would be the exact same board 100%.

And since the Lakers have the largest fan base out of the entire sport, this is the shit show we get...

This board didn't change. The circumstances of getting an all time great come up right after Kobe that was a lightning rod for controversy in terms of personality and style of play, have made it seemingly "different." It's the same board with the same shit.

The entirety of the Kobe vs LeBron multi decade argument can be summed up as... people who value difficult and visually impressive individual scoring versus people who value overall game.

Ben Simmons 25
02-26-2019, 07:57 PM
As for the reason that Jeff allows trolling... it's simple... he's always been that way... since day 1. He enjoys not acting like the state police and letting people do their thing unless you talk about jews badly or post hardcore porn or something equally vile.

This site does not generate a ton of traffic. 95%+ of the posters that post on this forum don't ever check the main website ever. Some of them probably don't even really know it exists.

Holding onto posters that generate ad revenue via views AND the fact that Jeff is largely laid back explains everything about this board perfectly.

The only thing I don't understand is why he's so restrictive of membership... though I suspect that has something to do with wanting to hit a sweet spot in terms of traffic / bandwidth costs with existing users and not just COMPLETELY giving free reign to troll accounts.

Anyone who seriously believes that Jeff is controlling 20 pro LeBron accounts is a straight up retard.

02-26-2019, 08:01 PM

My theory is this.

Jeff really likes basketball. Not only the sport but the environment. Created something good on EZboard back in the day. It got popular. In 2006, he created this website. Little did he know social media will soon eat the pie away.

Contrary to nowadays popular belief, the site used to be better. Sure, there were Kobe threads and Kobe trolling. But not even remotely to this extent. We had trolls... like Kone Itawl and AlJeffersonRules... but they were what you call quality trolls. And 90% of the time it was interesting discussion.

That started to change.

Jeff&co tried to rule in the trolling but couldn't. Social media continued to evolve. Viewership went down. So he decided to use trolling instead of fighting it. The more 'real' viewership went down the more extreme trolling we have here. It should be the other way round... less views resulting in less trolling. Why do you think the opposite happened?

It's an inside job. All in good faith though.

Father time remains undefeated. For websites, too. Jeff decided to go the Dennis Rodman route. Became the villain. And I think he enjoyed it. He often posts: ISH for life. Truer words have never been spoken -- for him.

We get it, you like Kobe :lol

Ben Simmons 25
02-26-2019, 08:04 PM
We get it, you like Kobe :lol

Yeah he's an incredibly biased irrational Kobe fan that completely lacks introspection and touts himself as highly intellectual and walks around whipping his dick out tossing it around talking about "back in his day" but really things weren't different, he just fails to recognize it because he was *********ing to the overwhelming number of pro Kobe threads back then and as such, his perception has changed... and he has trouble coping with the LeBron praise.

Mr. Jabbar
02-26-2019, 08:04 PM
and he's actually surpassed Kobe in the vast majority of people's eyes...


Ben Simmons 25
02-26-2019, 08:05 PM


I should note... people who discuss this topic rationally.

Mr. Jabbar
02-26-2019, 08:06 PM
Yeah he's an incredibly biased irrational Kobe fan that completely lacks introspection and touts himself as highly intellectual and walks around whipping his dick out tossing it around talking about "back in his day" but really things weren't different, he just fails to recognize it because he was *********ing to pro Kobe threads back then and as such, his perception has changed.


elementally morale
02-26-2019, 08:06 PM
This place was completely ****ing lit with Kobe and McGrady threads back in 2003. Every day. Multiple threads. Every single day. All day. And then right before this board first rolled out and Kobe dropped 81, literally every single topic on the first two pages was Kobe related. Absolutely 100% of the threads. And that was ezboard.

No, it was not. That was here. And that was like... 2 days.

I'm old enough to remember the days Shogon, when you were the laughingstock of this board. To some of us you still are... but back then... to 90%. Your haircut. Has it gotten any better? :oldlol:

You were not always this rude. I mean.. you were an assshole... but a less rude one. You evolved with the site, I guess.

02-26-2019, 08:07 PM
Yeah he's an incredibly biased irrational Kobe fan that completely lacks introspection and touts himself as highly intellectual and walks around whipping his dick out tossing it around talking about "back in his day" but really things weren't different, he just fails to recognize it because he was *********ing to the overwhelming number of pro Kobe threads back then and as such, his perception has changed... and he has trouble coping with the LeBron praise.


You'd think he'd be done cheering for a 1 MVP chucker but I guess not.

Ben Simmons 25
02-26-2019, 08:07 PM
No, it was not. That was here. And that was like... 2 days.

I'm old enough to remember the days Shogon, when you were the laughingstock of this board. To some of us you still are... but back then... to 90%. Your haircut. Has it gotten any better? :oldlol:

You were not always this rude. I mean.. you were an assshole... but a less rude one. You evolved with the site, I guess.

Yes, it was. But not QUITE to the extent that it is now and that's for the aforementioned reasons of LeBron's greatness and douchey personality..

Touch a nerve, did I?

You come on here and you repeatedly insult the site every time you make an appearance... only to go back into your hole... then pop up eventually and insult it again.

Do yourself and us a favor and **** off. If it's so bad, just take a long walk off a short pier.

02-26-2019, 08:07 PM
this site and posters used to make fun and mock bleacher report, now they are multi million dollar business.

Ben Simmons 25
02-26-2019, 08:09 PM
this site and posters used to make fun and mock bleacher report, now they are multi million dollar business.

To be fair, I think a lot of us still mock bleacher report, heh.

elementally morale
02-26-2019, 08:11 PM

You'd think he'd be done cheering for a 1 MVP chucker but I guess not.

How many Kobe threads have you seen me create? Or LeBron threads for that matter? Less than 10... in 20 years.

02-26-2019, 08:54 PM
:eek: :applause:

Lettuce remember SinJackal, last one to go from ye olde ish, first victim of the trolling era
He was surely ahead of his time. It wasn

06-11-2021, 03:52 AM


what's the story of this mugshot??

06-24-2021, 11:10 AM


Real life Freddy Krueger

06-26-2021, 12:37 AM
I'm 3ball.

We know that baby boi :lol