View Full Version : [Trigger Warning] LAPD backwards sting operation on Uber drivers going viral

03-12-2019, 05:27 PM
*NSFW* Rage material (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4n7YE9MteyM)

The Sting

- Undercover PD with luggage are trying to get a ride, waiving down pedestrians (Uber drivers) and then lie that their phone doesen't work.

- They ask the driver if paying in cash is okay (with no receipt) and if the driver agrees then they bust him.

TLDR: The scam is that they claim their phone doesn’t work and they offer to pay cash instead of in-app, which means there’s no receipt and that’s illegal so they cite the driver if he agrees...

AKA: Baiting low income Uber drivers who pulled over to help them, with cash

Taxi Industry funding LAPD to do this (https://www.scpr.org/news/2016/11/14/65778/uber-lyft-drivers-nabbed-in-lapd-stings-funded-by/)

"Galindo insisted that it was not a conflict of interest for the City of Los Angeles to take money from the taxi companies to fund stings that now arrest their top competitors."

That's right, private businesses legally paying the city to eliminate it's competitors (Uber drivers)

LAPD can be hired as mercenaries

Patrick Chewing
03-12-2019, 05:36 PM

03-12-2019, 05:38 PM
pigs going to pig

Long Duck Dong
03-12-2019, 05:43 PM
Yes it's been established already. Stupid Californians electing greedy liberal politicians to fvck them over then blaming the cops for doing what these local politicians direct them to do.

Is it any wonder only the people from Louisiana and Mississippi have lower average IQs than sunburned Californians?

03-12-2019, 05:43 PM
In my brief run as a driver to see what it was like I picked up lots of people for cash. Almost all strippers. Strippers have cash....and don’t trust people. Makes sense....attractive women walk out with a literal bag of cash and get in a car with a stranger at 4am. Once they know you’re not a psycho they want the same driver all the time. They will just get your number and call and pay with a wad of cash. I’m not even sure how it’s illegal if you’re off the app.

Illegal to give a ride for gas money too?

03-12-2019, 05:45 PM
[QUOTE=Kblaze8855]In my brief run as a driver to see what it was like I picked up lots of people for cash. Almost all strippers. Strippers have cash....and don

03-12-2019, 06:30 PM
damn this would be a good side hustle. be the uber for strippers.

basically all that pimpin is

just a middle man that makes deliveries and offers protection

instead of dropping them off at a motel/strip, Kblaze' hoes caught tricks at the club