View Full Version : Who made the worst decision of all these plays?

03-14-2019, 04:00 PM
First let me say...its always....ALWAYS the right decision to contest a score. Period. That said....at times its hopeless. Meaning that while technically correct...you still set yourself up to take an L.

All I need from you....is who made the biggest "mistake" by doing the right thing? Who was most clearly doomed before the attempt and should have known it wouldnt work out?

Jason Terry:


Brandon Knight:


Alton Lister:




This involves Stromile Swift. It occurs to me that with him having been drafted 19 years ago(doesnt that make those who remember him feel old) some of you may not know Stromile. This is who he is...and all he is. This is all you need to know of his existence....


Which makes me wonder what exactly Dirk thought was gonna happen here



Clearly Homers advice applies to all of them to some level....


But which of them most needed to take it to heart in a future situation?

I have thoughts ill get to later. For now I will just say.....Dirk had some ho ass teammates for letting Stro put his nuts on his neck like that. Pau Gasol was the one making him stop. Finley walked over but not the way he should have. You cant let some young up and comer put his balls on your franchise players earlobe and flex. Swift is lucky Vernon Maxwell wasnt out there. Mad Max would have slapped him on general principle.

03-14-2019, 04:09 PM
Jason Terry... that's just a bunch of plays where he's clowned by everyone.

03-14-2019, 04:13 PM

03-14-2019, 04:14 PM
Jason Terry easily. JET decideded all alone—1 on 3–that he would challenge a much taller, much stronger Lebron James running at full speed down the middle of the lane.

At least Lister was trying to take a charge

03-14-2019, 04:23 PM
Terry I understand a bit. It was a serious rivalry. Big game. He couldnt pull a Steph and bail totally:


He had to try I guess....but he went all out. Apparently people still **** with him about it:

"I think the worst thing about this is every time I'm in arenas or at the grocery store, little kids come up to me, 'Hey, hey, are you Jason Terry?' 'Yeah, that's me.' 'Why did LeBron dunk on you?' I'm like come on, I thought you were gonna ask for an autograph."

03-14-2019, 04:41 PM
1. Alton Lister. Weak ass charge attempt.
2. Jason Terry. Pretty low probability contest but he was trying to play 1 on 3 defense and went for it.

3. Brandon Knight. Good attempt at trying to deflect the pass.
4. Dirk. Went for a respectable contest that a big man (which he only technically qualifies as) should go for.

03-14-2019, 04:59 PM
StroShow4, the board misses your poster of the day thread :cry:

03-14-2019, 05:04 PM
Never understood the concept of bashing players for contesting dunks and getting the bad end.

NBA is one of the only sports where you get clowned on for doing what your suppose to do

03-14-2019, 05:37 PM
Terry was in a spot where he would have made himself worse by not contesting. He would have had to RUN out of the way... that might have made for an even more embarrassing highlight.

The Brandon Knight play happened quickly... he thought maybe he had a chance to steal the lob. It's forgivable.

Lister was trying to take a charge. In 2019 I say he gets that call. Tough shit.

Dirk is the least reasonable to me. A soft-handed non-shot-blocker coming from the weakside trying to be a hero like that. I mean yeah, in theory it's still the right thing to do. But man... it feels wrong.

03-14-2019, 05:43 PM
I'm obviously a big mavs/Dirk fan and I remember this play live, I actually had no issue with Dirk contesting it whatsoever. Stro should have gotten a t though

03-14-2019, 05:51 PM
I'm obviously a big mavs/Dirk fan and I remember this play live, I actually had no issue with Dirk contesting it whatsoever. Stro should have gotten a t though

Well yea in all seriousness you never want your player to concede.

But you also think to yourself "Damn homie....there was nothing you could do" where inside you know...he might as well have let it go. Like when Lebron jumped over John Lucas. Yea its good he got in the way....but when a guy puts his knee on your earlobe it might not have been a winnable war.

03-14-2019, 06:34 PM
Knight, all the others contested the dunk and could've provoked a miss. Knight tried to contest an unreachable pass totally unaware he was about to be steamrolled.

03-14-2019, 06:36 PM
Never understood the concept of bashing players for contesting dunks and getting the bad end.

NBA is one of the only sports where you get clowned on for doing what your suppose to do

One time I agree with you

03-14-2019, 08:08 PM
Never understood the concept of bashing players for contesting dunks and getting the bad end.

NBA is one of the only sports where you get clowned on for doing what your suppose to do
Pretty sure defenders getting clowned on is made fun of in any sport.

03-14-2019, 08:14 PM
Its like when Barry Sanders shakes the mitochondria out of 4-5 guys....


You might say "They should have just let him go...." its not because you literally think they shouldnt have done their job.

Its just funny how helpless they seemed.

03-14-2019, 08:56 PM
dirk didnt even care.

03-14-2019, 09:05 PM
He kinda pushed him off at the end. I maintain a teammate should have had his back. If they had Danny Fortson that year he wouldn

03-14-2019, 09:36 PM
Terry had already won a ring by then so I'll give it to Knight. Even though you appreciate him making an attempt, the way he got murdered made you realize he really shouldn't have :lol

03-15-2019, 05:51 AM
Ive been wondering what happened to him. He put up like 18ppg over 2-3 years at one point. He cant even be that old.

03-15-2019, 09:35 AM
Jason Terry. What did he think he'd accomplish trying to defend that oop?

To be honest, the could've been any other player and Jason Terry would've been body bagged also.

03-15-2019, 01:53 PM
StroShow4, the board misses your poster of the day thread :cry:
I thought about him when I saw stromile was going to play in big3 this year

Dr Hawk
03-15-2019, 02:30 PM
Props to everyone for contesting :cheers:

The one who had it worst was Jason Terry imo. Lebron was coming up with momentum, while he had to turn around for the contest.

Next would be Brandon Knight.