View Full Version : Klay Thompson is the #1 "Garbage Time All-Star"

03-15-2019, 07:10 PM
"Of the top 25 scorers, no one saw their scoring numbers jump during garbage time more than Thompson. He scores 29.5 points per 36 minutes when the Warriors are either leading or trailing by more than 15 points compared to 22.7 points per 36 minutes when it's within five or less. That's not just a matter of touches. Thompson's field-goal percentage also drops from 54 percent to 46 percent when the games are more competitive, a decline anchored by a 3-point percentage that sinks from 49 percent to 36 percent in the same situation.

This isn't an isolated case, either. Though he's certainly had his playoff moments (sorry, OKC), Thompson has also seen his scoring shrink in the playoffs when the competition is stronger than in the regular season. The sharpshooter has averaged more than 20 points per game in each of the previous four regular seasons but has reached that plateau just once in the past four postseasons.

It could be that playoff teams try to take away Thompson first and then deal with the rest of the Warriors. Teams could also be keying in on Thompson a lot more when the game is close and loosen their grip when the game seems out of hand. But either way, Thompson's scoring rate jumps 6.7 points in garbage time, the highest in this group."



03-15-2019, 07:14 PM
I have litterally been saying this for 5 years. Klay is there killing it in 3rd quarters vs the Kings during the regular season, but when things get tight and you need him to come through, he goes ghost. Then we have these dweebs who don’t even watch any golden state games trying to say I’m trolling. Absurd.

And for defenders keying in on Klay, not a chance. Curry is the guy demanding non stop doubles, even then Klay struggles or fails to hit 20 ppg regularly.

03-15-2019, 07:16 PM
klay's Finals leaves nothing to be desired as well.. This is why GS was never that great pre-durant

And curry isn't an infallible #1 option or physically imposing

Durant makes them great, but even then they're beatable, albiet maybe not by anyone in this era

03-15-2019, 07:18 PM
This is why GS was never that great pre-durant

And curry isn't an infallible #1 option or physically imposing

Durant makes them great, but even then they're beatable, albiet maybe not by anyone in this era

Sorry dude, a player creating 4 on 3 sets at half court is an infallible first option. It

03-15-2019, 07:18 PM
Klay is there killing it in 3rd quarters vs the Kings during the regular season, but when things get tight and you need him to come through, he goes ghost.

The team has won 3 title in 4 years. If you didnt get what was "needed" you would have lost. You may have wanted more. You clearly didnt need it.

03-15-2019, 07:23 PM
The team has won 3 title in 4 years. If you didnt get what was "needed" you would have lost. You may have wanted more. You clearly didnt need it.

2016? Klay

03-15-2019, 07:31 PM
By all means let us be outraged over 19.6 not being 20. And you could have used a lot in 2016. Id imagine Steph shooting 40% wasnt on the shopping list.

Klay is probably gonna retire with 4-6 rings. Hes hardly kept the Warriors from doing anything. Its entirely possible they dont even make the finals in 2016 if not for him setting the playoff 3 pointer record vs the Thunder.

03-15-2019, 07:33 PM
By all means let us be outraged over 19.6 not being 20. And you could have used a lot in 2016. Id imagine Steph shooting 40% wasnt on the shopping list.

Klay is probably gonna retire with 4-6 rings. Hes hardly kept the Warriors from doing anything. Its entirely possible they dont even make the finals in 2016 if not for him setting the playoff 3 pointer record vs the Thunder.

Did you watch the 2016 Finals? Do you think with the given circumstances that “best sg in the league” Klay played fine?

03-15-2019, 07:38 PM
I think you are a player fan who shouldnt profess to be a fan of the team because you like many others use everyone but your guy as a shield for any criticism reaching him. I generally dont get along with "Bulls" fans who hate on Pippen, "Warrior" fans who hate on Klay, "Laker" fans who hate on Pau and so on. Klay has been a totally integral part of that team and its play style on the way to 3 rings and perhaps another this year.

Them not winning literally every ring doesnt mean he personally needs to be blamed. Nobody did enough in 2016. Leave it at that.

03-15-2019, 07:40 PM
I think you are a player fan who shouldnt profess to be a fan of the team because you like many others use everyone but your guy as a shield for any criticism reaching him. I generally dont get along with "Bulls" fans who hate on Pippen, "Warrior" fans who hate on Klay, "Laker" fans who hate on Pau and so on. Klay has been a totally integral part of that team and its play style on the way to 3 rings and perhaps another this year.

Them not winning literally every ring doesnt mean he personally needs to be blamed. Nobody did enough in 2016. Leave it at that.

At least I got you to shift your goalposts a bit. Being realistic I think that

Dray n Klay
03-15-2019, 07:42 PM
warriorfan.. shut up

03-15-2019, 07:50 PM
[QUOTE=warriorfan]At least I got you to shift your goalposts a bit. Being realistic I think that

03-15-2019, 07:59 PM
There were no goalposts to begin with. You were the only one setting specific standards talking about 20ppg. I said they got what they needed because they won. I then said it again. And perhaps once more. Youre the one all over the place making up standards that mean nothing.

Klay had 25, 37, 25, and 14 to close the series. Yes he shot poorly in game 7. 6/17. While Steph shot 6/19. Team lost.

Is what it is.

Neither of them played "fine" if the standard is enough to win but Klay was closer to his normal than Steph to his. Its really not that big a deal for either of them.

You dont win every season.

No offense I stopped reading after the first sentence because the bullshit started already

The team has won 3 title in 4 years. If you didnt get what was "needed" you would have lost. You may have wanted more. You clearly didnt need it.

Gave you an example. Then you shifted. You can sit here on some bill clinton shit and try to weasel your way out if it if you want. But you shifted. Accept it and move on.

03-15-2019, 08:05 PM
First....you did not stop reading. Youre far too emotionally invested in what strangers think of Steph and Klay to do that.

And how exactly is it a "shift" to point out they got what they needed when they won 3 titles...because you asked about the year they didnt win? Clearly....when they dont win...they dont get whats needed. Thats established by the initial point of victory = enough.

Obviously...when they dont win nothing is enough. Needing me to say it when "3 titles in 4 years" was said in the first place?

What do you think I was saying happened the other year? Goal posts dont need to move to reaffirm an initial statement.

03-15-2019, 08:14 PM
First....you did not stop reading. Youre far too emotionally invested in what strangers think of Steph and Klay to do that.

And how exactly is it a "shift" to point out they got what they needed when they won 3 titles...because you asked about the year they didnt win? Clearly....when they dont win...they dont get whats needed. Thats established by the initial point of victory = enough.

Obviously...when they dont win nothing is enough. Needing me to say it when "3 titles in 4 years" was said in the first place?

What do you think I was saying happened the other year? Goal posts dont need to move to reaffirm an initial statement.

Bill, you are switching this to “what do golden state fans need”. Any fan base needs a championship every year and when they don’t get it, someone is culpable, Klay was culpable in 2016. End of story.

Also I didn’t read that no goalpost to begin with post. Don’t start off with such bullshit next time, save it for the end at least.

03-15-2019, 08:19 PM
You really are the worst kind of fan. You single player types are straight up children at times.

03-15-2019, 08:24 PM
You really are the worst kind of fan. You single player types are straight up children at times.

So I’m not a real fan because I demand some sort of accountability? Let’s just hold hands and say everything’s gonna be alright then I guess.

Ben Simmons 25
03-15-2019, 08:24 PM
Draymond not having control of his emotions in the slightest bit is the single biggest reason that Golden State didn't win in 2016... and it's not even close.

He gave away game 5 by being suspended. Game 6 he played beyond passively and nothing like himself as an overreaction to being suspended and wanting to avoid it happening again... and boom... those two games shifted the series momentum heading into game 7 in a massive way.

The Cavs flat out didn't deserve that win.

03-15-2019, 08:28 PM
You dont demand accountability. You demand accountability of everyone but the person you cheer lead for. Thats what makes every version of your type such a joke. Lot to say about Pippen bad games. Nothing to say about Jordan taking 8 shots in protest in a playoff loss. Lot to say about Josh Howard. Nothing about Dirk shooting 3/11. Have a lot to say about Klay. Nothing about Steph playing like Dana Barros. Lot to say about Wade. Nothing about Lebron having no impact either. Pau is soft. No comments on Kobe missing everything. Its always the same.

Draymond not having control of his emotions in the slightest bit is the single biggest reason that Golden State didn't win in 2016... and it's not even close.

He gave away game 5 by being suspended. Game 6 he played beyond passively and nothing like himself as an overreaction to being suspended... and boom... that was all she wrote.

You could tell he wanted to make it right game 7. Hes the only one who showed up. Remember him suddenly shooting lights out and being all over the floor?

Steph and Klay didnt do shit when it counted.

Ben Simmons 25
03-15-2019, 08:32 PM
You dont demand accountability. You demand accountability of everyone but the person you cheer lead for.

You could tell he wanted to make it right game 7. Hes the only one who showed up. Remember him suddenly shooting lights out and being all over the floor?

Steph and Klay didnt do shit when it counted.

Yes, I do remember.

Draymond was ****ing balling out of his mind in game 7. He turned into Steph from 3 like wtf?

If the Warriors get an average performance out of Klay OR Steph, they STILL win that series in game 7, despite giving away 2 games in a row.

03-15-2019, 08:35 PM
You dont demand accountability. You demand accountability of everyone but the person you cheer lead for.

You could tell he wanted to make it right game 7. Hes the only one who showed up. Remember him suddenly shooting lights out and being all over the floor?

Steph and Klay didnt do shit when it counted.

Drays game 7 was legendary. Always been a huge Draymond fan.

I demand accountability from Steph. To be honest I

03-15-2019, 08:39 PM
[QUOTE=warriorfan]Drays game 7 was legendary. Always been a huge Draymond fan.

I demand accountability from Steph. To be honest I

03-15-2019, 08:47 PM
Thing is...I dont much care about what Steph did in 2016. You have never heard me talk about it. Ever. I dont really bash anyone over shit like that. Nobody as accomplished as these types of people at least. I might laugh at Karl Malone....you dont see me clowning people with a sack of rings over the years they didnt win. Its disrespectful of the immense effort it takes to win even once. Im gonna call out someone with 3 rings for not winning 4 in a row? Nah.

We live in a society more driven by hate than appreciation. Fans will watch you moonwalk across the surface of the sun for 2-3 years then make a big deal when you trip.

I dont mock Steph for 2016. His 2016 would be the best season most legends ever had...including some who won titles.

But the way fans who latch onto one player behave is just a joke. Find someone to pick on as if the guy they treat like the second coming did anything to stop the L. Its one thing if the guy played his ass off and lost because of no help. But usually it isnt.

Its usually people ignoring the faults of who they wanna protect and making a big deal of everyone else. Its just so weak to me.

03-15-2019, 08:48 PM
Even if you want to give Steph as much benefit of the doubt as possible, there's absolutely no defending his Game 7 performance. Dude played like shit and came up so small in the 4th quarter

He flat out wasn

03-15-2019, 09:05 PM
Thing is...I dont much care about what Steph did in 2016. You have never heard me talk about it. Ever. I dont really bash anyone over shit like that. Nobody as accomplished as these types of people at least. I might laugh at Karl Malone....you dont see me clowning people with a sack of rings over the years they didnt win. Its disrespectful of the immense effort it takes to win even once. Im gonna call out someone with 3 rings for not winning 4 in a row? Nah.

We live in a society more driven by hate than appreciation. Fans will watch you moonwalk across the surface of the sun for 2-3 years then make a big deal when you trip.

I dont mock Steph for 2016. His 2016 would be the best season most legends ever had...including some who won titles.

But the way fans who latch onto one player behave is just a joke. Find someone to pick on as if the guy they treat like the second coming did anything to stop the L. Its one thing if the guy played his ass off and lost because of no help. But usually it isnt.

Its usually people ignoring the faults of who they wanna protect and making a big deal of everyone else. Its just so weak to me.

Yeah I get that. It isn’t a sports thing it’s a society thing. We tend to dwell on peoples failures rather than their success for whatever twisted reason. What’s gonna be a running story this weekend? Tyreek Hill’s domestic abuse investigation or what an incredible season he had? His legal troubles are going to gain far more headlines than his touchdowns.

On the other side if a player on my team chokes I’m gonna address it. It seems like a cop out but Curry was legit hurt in 2016. People will come in here with some “everyone gets banged up you have to play through it” which is true but it still doesn’t detract from the fact that Steph wasn’t able to play the way he usually does, largely because of the MCL injury he suffered earlier in the playoffs.

03-15-2019, 09:32 PM
If you(or to be fair virtually everyone making the same claims about their favorite players) seemed to care when its someone else with some nagging injury they can clearly play through id factor that in.

But that isnt the case. Most of the time it doesnt even seem you give a shit if players arent in the series at all. Still make fun of who lost.

Reminds me of those movies where some bad guy loses someone they care about and flips out ignoring that they killed 40 people someone else loves.

Dont play the victim when you laugh at everyone else. Steph was probably the healthiest player ive ever heard anyone trying to pretend was too hurt to expect a good performance from.

Wilt ruptured his patella tendon and missed the entire season. Came back the week the playoffs started. Ive watched you make topics on him coming up short in a series played 2 weeks later. Guy blows out his knee and you clown him for not dominating enough. Plays 47 minutes a game on a repaired knee....back when those injuries ended careers. You have clowned him for years. Ive pointed it out to you in case you didnt know...you clearly didnt give a shit.

Steph has a sprain and you act like he was playing in a concrete jersey.

He just didnt play well. Dont come in here acting like his mild injury counts while laughing at people who lost with star teammates not even on the floor or while still in rehab from career threatening damage.

03-15-2019, 09:33 PM
I may be wrong but Isnt the warriors winning percentage worse when Klay misses games vs when Steph misses games? I was trying to find the stats but couldn't find it. Either way Klay is just as important as Steph in the warriors system. There have been important games deep in the playoffs where Steph disappeared and Klay came through. Steph only scores 6 or 7 points more a game on the efficiency but Klay is much better on defence

03-15-2019, 09:34 PM
Sorry dude, a player creating 4 on 3 sets at half court is an infallible first option. It’s not Curry’s fault Klay and Harrison Barnes and Iguodala failed to hit wide open shots after Curry created the best possible opportunities.
Curry doesn't exude enough fearlessness to rub off on them and he isn't holding them accountable.. Mr. Nice Guy

And I was actually talking about curry's own performance, which was well under-par in the Warriors' loss in 16'

03-15-2019, 09:42 PM
If you(or to be fair virtually everyone making the same claims about their favorite players) seemed to care when its someone else with some nagging injury they can clearly play through id factor that in.

But that isnt the case. Most of the time it doesnt even seem you give a shit if players arent in the series at all. Still make fun of who lost.

Reminds me of those movies where some bad guy loses someone they care about and flips out ignoring that they killed 40 people someone else loves.

Dont play the victim when you laugh at everyone else. Steph was probably the healthiest player ive ever heard anyone trying to pretend was too hurt to expect a good performance from.

Wilt ruptured his patella tendon and missed the entire season. Came back the week the playoffs started. Ive watched you make topics on him coming up short in a series played 2 weeks later. Guy blows out his knee and you clown him for not dominating enough. Plays 47 minutes a game on a repaired knee....back when those injuries ended careers. You have clowned him for years.

Steph has a sprain and you act like he was playing in a concrete jersey.

He just didnt play well. Dont come in here acting like his mild injury counts while laughing at people who lost with star teammates not even on the floor or while still in rehab from career threatening damage.

Hey right now we are just going to have to agree to disagree. I

03-15-2019, 09:44 PM
Curry doesn't exude enough fearlessness to rub off on them and he isn't holding them accountable.. Mr. Nice Guy

And I was actually talking about curry's own performance, which was well under-par in the Warriors' loss in 16'

I do agree with that Curry is no Jordan when it comes to that set of intangibles. But with the way Klay and Barnes are I’m pretty sure they would have not responded well to the MJ treatment. More of a knock on them than to MJ.

03-15-2019, 09:51 PM
As usual, stats are used to make a point. If you look at that second link more closely, you find this:

According to NBA.com, Klay has been really solid in "clutch time" (score within five points with less than five minutes remaining in the game) this year, despite getting way less shots than his teammates:

-Klay Thompson = 116 minutes, 19-for-41 overall (46.3 percent), 9-for-22 from deep (41 percent)
-Steph Curry = 97 minutes, 28-for-60 overall (46.7 percent), 15-for-34 from deep (44 percent)
-Kevin Durant = 117 minutes, 30-for-72 overall (41.7 percent), 8-for-21 from deep (38 percent)

So how do you reconcile that with this?

"Of the top 25 scorers, no one saw their scoring numbers jump during garbage time more than Thompson. He scores 29.5 points per 36 minutes when the Warriors are either leading or trailing by more than 15 points compared to 22.7 points per 36 minutes when it's within five or less. That's not just a matter of touches. Thompson's field-goal percentage also drops from 54 percent to 46 percent when the games are more competitive, a decline anchored by a 3-point percentage that sinks from 49 percent to 36 percent in the same situation.

Well, for one thing, the second quote is for situations when the team is within five points, period. The first, where Klay's numbers are better, is within five with five minutes or less to go in the game. Obviously, the second situation is much more clutch than the first. Earlier in the game, certainly any time in the first half, score differentials don't really mean anything. If you want to argue that they do mean something, then you should break down that 15 point margin further, because if Thompson is shooting especially well when his team is trailing by 15 or more points, that is hardly indicative of garbage time. He's helping his team more then than when the score is closer.

Also, the second quote notes that Thompson's overall FG% drops from 54 to 46, not pointing out that 46% is still very good, and in fact comparable to Curry. and better than Durant and a lot of other stars. His 3P% in those situations is actually slightly better than his season average. Going from lights out to very good is not much of a knock.

Finally, the exercise may have a built-in bias. Shooters, especially long-range shooters, are streaky, and Thompson seems to be even streakier than most. When he's shooting well, the team is more likely to go up by a large margin than when he's shooting poorly. IOW, it may not be so much that he shoots more poorly because the score is close than the score is close because he's shooting poorly. Of course, this should apply to other top shooters as well.

03-15-2019, 09:51 PM
How could anyone forget this. Single handedly saved the season up to that point. Warriors were dead.


03-15-2019, 10:04 PM
The 2016 Warriors played over 50 games on national tv. Nobody gets a "But I watched...." credit on any team like that.

And again....it doesnt even matter. You do not seem to give a shit about anyone else and that is the key. Even ignoring all the dozens of times a great player was somehow less than himself when you clearly dont care....

In 2015 Beverly misses the entire series vs the Warriors, Jrue Holiday comes off the bench for 3 games and doesnt play at all in a 4th, Conley returns from injury after missing the start of the series, and Kyrie plays 40 minutes the whole finals. The Warriors dont play a healthy point guard so much as once the entire playoffs. But Stephs mild issue he was able to play through the next finals needs to be talked about.

Its just bullshit.

03-15-2019, 10:08 PM
I do agree with that Curry is no Jordan when it comes to that set of intangibles. But with the way Klay and Barnes are I’m pretty sure they would have not responded well to the MJ treatment. More of a knock on them than to MJ.
If they hadn't, they would've lost the chance to play with the goat or be part of a dynasty, and been off the team like brad sellers

Pretty sure that wouldn't happen to a couple really good players like Barnes and Klay, who certainly endured hardliner-style coaching at some point in their careers

Infact Roy Williams coached both Harrison Barnes and MJ (assistant to Dean Smith), so Barnes grew up under the same coaching style MJ did, and wouldn't crumble under MJ's leadership

The notion that they can't take a hardliner leadership style isn't viable, since they've had it before and they'd be hype to play with the goat like anyone would be

Kerr, paxson, pippen, and grant responded, so I'm sure they would too.. and they wouldn't be catching blame in losses, since back then it was the star that caught the blame, not cast

03-15-2019, 10:16 PM
The 2016 Warriors played over 50 games on national tv. Nobody gets a "But I watched...." credit on any team like that.

And again....it doesnt even matter. You do not seem to give a shit about anyone else and that is the key. Even ignoring all the dozens of times a great player was somehow less than himself when you clearly dont care....

In 2015 Beverly misses the entire series vs the Warriors, Jrue Holiday comes off the bench for 3 games and doesnt play at all in a 4th, Conley returns from injury after missing the start of the series, and Kyrie plays 40 minutes the whole finals. The Warriors dont play a healthy point guard so much as once the entire playoffs. But Stephs mild issue needs to be talked about.

Its just bullshit.

Warriors caught breaks in 2015. I

03-15-2019, 10:18 PM
If they hadn't, they would've lost the chance to play with the goat and been off the team like brad sellers

Pretty sure that wouldn't happen to a couple really good players like Barnes and Klay, certainly endured hardliner-style coaching at some point in their careers

Infact Roy Williams coached both Harrison Barnes and MJ (assistant to Dean Smith), so Barnes grew up under the same coaching style MJ did, and wouldn't crumble under MJ's leadership

The notion that they can't take a hardliner leadership style isn't viable, since they've had it before and they'd be hype to play with the goat like anyone would be

Kerr, paxson, pippen, and grant responded, so I'm sure they would too.. and they wouldn't be catching blame in losses, since back then it was the star that caught the blame, not cast
So Harrison Barnes missing wide open shots that he would have never got if he played with anyone but Curry was infact, Curry

03-15-2019, 10:27 PM
So Harrison Barnes missing wide open shots that he would have never got if he played with anyone but Curry was infact, Curry’s fault.

Very interesting.
Some guys just don't inspire like others. Curry's coddled upbringing, mr. nice guy approach, and paper-boy look probably don't help him in this area..

these things don't inspire and he doesn't seem fearless, so that can't rub off on teammates when it's time to make a shot like the example MJ's teammates had to emulate

Kerr and paxson saw their "joooordan moment" and took it.. :confusedshrug:.. curry's teammates have no such inspiration

03-15-2019, 10:30 PM
Some guys just don't inspire like others. Curry's coddled upbringing, mr. nice guy approach, and paper-boy look probably don't help him in this area..

these things don't inspire and he doesn't seem fearless, so that can't rub off on teammates when it's time to make a shot like the example MJ's teammates had to emulate - Kerr and paxson saw their "joooordan moment" and took it.. :confusedshrug:.. curry's teammates have no such inspiration
Lmao, let me guess, when it's Ray & Kyrie making key shots though, it's not from inspiration from LeBron

03-15-2019, 10:31 PM
Some guys just don't inspire like others. Curry's coddled upbringing, mr. nice guy approach, and paper-boy look probably don't help him in this area..

these things don't inspire and he doesn't seem fearless, so that can't rub off on teammates when it's time to make a shot like the example MJ's teammates had to emulate

Kerr and paxson saw their "joooordan moment" and took it.. :confusedshrug:.. curry's teammates have no such inspiration

Never go full Simon. You are better than that.

03-15-2019, 10:36 PM
Lmao, let me guess, when Ray & Kyrie make shots, they aren't inspired by LeBron though
Lebron didn't get them the look, so that might've helped

But then again - lebron faces the same affliction as curry - teammates miss when he gets them looks

Otoh - MJ and Kobe's aura, along with their fearless, alpha example inspired teammates to have their "moment", hence them converting when it mattered..

they truly "elevated" teammates.. Lebron, curry and the new age have lost this intangible, old world mystique

Here's MJ before critical game 5 of the 92' Finals - this dimension/level of competitive desire is unseen today - you don't see this ASSASSIN MENTALITY from lebron/curry:


03-16-2019, 11:45 AM
In 2015 Beverly misses the entire series vs the Warriors, Jrue Holiday comes off the bench for 3 games and doesnt play at all in a 4th, Conley returns from injury after missing the start of the series, and Kyrie plays 40 minutes the whole finals. The Warriors dont play a healthy point guard so much as once the entire playoffs. But Stephs mild issue he was able to play through the next finals needs to be talked about.

Its just bullshit.

Yeah it is BS. Jrue and Conley wouldn't have altered the outcome and what happened in the game that Kyrie did play? Steph not being in form is much more consequential.

03-16-2019, 11:54 AM
Yeah it is BS. Jrue and Conley wouldn't have altered the outcome and what happened in the game that Kyrie did play? Steph not being in form is much more consequential.
GTFO at comparing Curry being hindered but still playing all 7 games to Kyrie missing nearly the entire series. What a clown

Ben Simmons 25
03-16-2019, 12:28 PM
You want to know what's crazy? If Klay doesn't explode in game 6 and the Thunder win that series in 2016, Cleveland still probably wins that title, Golden State probably doesn't ever get Durant, Golden State is done winning titles due to a complete lack of depth + not being top heavy enough, Cleveland probably wins in 2017 and maybe even in 2018, assuming Chris Paul still gets hurt.

Pretty nuts how 1 game by 1 player could, if you really think about it, arguably change 4+ years worth of NBA landscape. Probably more than that because of the implications of the Durant signing.

hold this L
03-16-2019, 04:47 PM
t could be that playoff teams try to take away Thompson first and then deal with the rest of the Warriors.


03-16-2019, 07:44 PM
You want to know what's crazy? If Klay doesn't explode in game 6 and the Thunder win that series in 2016, Cleveland still probably wins that title, Golden State probably doesn't ever get Durant, Golden State is done winning titles due to a complete lack of depth + not being top heavy enough, Cleveland probably wins in 2017 and maybe even in 2018, assuming Chris Paul still gets hurt.

Pretty nuts how 1 game by 1 player could, if you really think about it, arguably change 4+ years worth of NBA landscape. Probably more than that because of the implications of the Durant signing.

Yeah absolute amazing turning point in history. One twist of fate that changed everything.

03-16-2019, 08:02 PM
[QUOTE=warriorfan]2016? Klay