View Full Version : Can we PLEASE ONCE AND FOR ALL put to bed the notion of taking players word as gospel

Ben Simmons 25
03-22-2019, 09:12 AM
Can we PLEASE STOP making this asinine argument to support our viewpoints?

Watch this video of Jerry West and Magic Johnson...


As absolutely ****ing crazy and stupid as most of you are, there are at THE VERY LEAST two dozen of you that post here that would make a better GM than Magic Johnson.

Just because you could play the game at an all time elite level and have one of the highest in game IQs of all time DOES NOT MEAN that translates to a front office or commentator position. Basketball analyst... call it whatever you want.

Look at Michael Jordan and LeBron James and Magic Johnson.

All three of these guys are some of the smartest players that ever played the game... but they’ve also all three proven that their in game IQ does not necessarily correlate with off the field accuracy when breaking down teams and understanding how to assemble rosters. It often does not. They don’t have it. None of them.

Those guys would absolutely KILL ANYONE HERE just with their brains in game neverminding athleticism whatsoever. But take them out of the game? Shit no!!!

Magic is just a blabbering fool. I mean he’s completely and utterly clueless. CLUELESS.

Basketball ability and in game intelligence do not necessarily correlate with remote basketball analysis and if I hear the argument “he’s an all time great player and you’re just some nerdy keyboard warrior! Ha!” I’m going to kill someone.

03-22-2019, 09:30 AM
Charles Barkley confirms that he doesn't watch much NBA basketball


https://s-yimg-com.cdn.ampproject.org/ii/w1200/s/s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/TU6UlCwmskg5Vn6IEzPZGQ--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MDtoPTQ4MS41MjM4MDk1Mj M4MDk1/https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/IqcO0etV74TILuNSw2tuDw--~B/aD00NzQ7dz02MzA7c209MTthcHBpZD15dGFjaHlvbg--/http://l.yimg.com/os/publish-images/sports/2016-03-02/c79926f0-e0ba-11e5-ae83-3b450106befc_CBtop3216.jpg

03-22-2019, 09:40 AM
Only if we stop taking media opinions as the bible

Ben Simmons 25
03-22-2019, 09:43 AM
Only if we stop taking media opinions as the bible

Most of them are clueless as well. The extreme majority.

Nobody takes their opinions as bible. You’re just upset because you disagree with a certain narrative they push for ratings and will continue to push with the next guy.

But the major key difference between media opinions and player opinions is that nobody here cites media opinions as gospel unless they’re blatantly trolling. A large portion of you actually believe that if an all time great player says something basketball related it must be true... and you believe that because you’re retarded and you don’t formulate any original thoughts of your own.

03-22-2019, 09:51 AM
Let’s say everyone ever put in position to run a team knew basketball in every way....as well as it could be known.

Busts would still be drafted, teams would still be bad, and trade would still help one team and destroy another.

A guy running a team poorly doesn’t necessarily mean he doesn’t know basketball. Bad teams are inevitable.

There’s also a difference between knowing basketball and being able to speak eloquently about it. Does Shaq sounding like an idiot compared to a casual fan who simply speaks well and doesn’t stumble making points mean that fan can recognize a play as well or know basics about system concepts?

Plenty of people who can bob and weave nicely through sports talk don’t know the difference between ANY man to man defense. They might know a zone if they see it but they can’t explain what Thibs defense was trying to do.

Most even major fans sound like Skip when Cuban owned him asking what kind of defense they used in the 2011 finals. People don’t know a ****ing thing about the ins and outs.

You have to talk to most fans even on here in such generic terms just to be understood. I don’t think you’re giving credit to what magic or Jordan could break down in a conversation that wasn’t meant for public consumption. Guys talk shit on here all day and don’t know which hand to put in the passing lane in any given situation or which side is strong or weak.

Most of ish don’t know the system their team runs other than calling it *insert best players name*-ball.

Fans are ball watchers who don’t even see plays being run. You watch a game and see a coach call a play that creates space on the side the star is on via a shooter coming off a baseline screen to the corner....

People will then say the star is a chucker when he takes a shot which is the express purpose of the play. They wanted him to move the ball around against the play design. He attacked and missed the shot. He followed the play....it didn’t work. But it wasn’t broken offense.

Fans can’t even see what’s in front of them.

I don’t know how many times Melo took a shot off an out of bounds play designed for him to take it where he did and then fans on here act like it was him breaking the offense.

Fans barely ever know what they are seeing. Even the ones who make less eloquent players seem stupid.

Guys here know Larry Johnson in a UNLV clip. They don’t know shit about the defense Tark ran. You could sound like a serious fan just talking LJ, Greg Anthony, Augmon and those guys showing you remember it happened. You aren’t gonna talk about the amoeba defense likeKenny Smith could.

But he wouldn’t do it on tnt.

It’s not good tv.

Players do in fact know the game better. Even the ones who make poor gms.

03-22-2019, 10:11 AM
Sure OP, we will consider only people that push your agenda to be credible.

Anything for you, massa.

03-22-2019, 10:15 AM
Building a team from raw prospects and projecting 5+ years into the future =/= telling you about how good an already established HOFer was when you played against him. Conflating the two is asinine.

Also the intracicies of the game these guys are all geniuses at... The breakdown of film and application of strategies... OP opinion is literally horse �� by comparison

03-22-2019, 10:17 AM
Sure OP, we will consider only people that push your agenda to be credible.

Anything for you, massa.

:roll: :roll:

03-22-2019, 10:24 AM
Sure OP, we will consider only people that push your agenda to be credible.

Anything for you, massa.

That’s exactly what everyone does though. You arent going to come on here to post a player opinion not similar to your own. Faced with that? People either ignore it, say the player only said for a reason they made up, or flat out pretend the words mean what they say and not what the English language says.

Nobody ever just says “Maybe I’m wrong since this legend says people like me are stupid.”

People have all the respect in the world for a legend that agrees with them. The ones who don’t get no Consideration. People only agree with legends to the extent that it makes them look correct.

03-22-2019, 10:34 AM

03-22-2019, 10:47 AM
I only rely on my own opinion and when it comes to basketball, I consider my opinion to be fact.

Sometimes I'll use other sources that agree with me to rile up people I consider to have a low basketball IQ, but no source ever forms my opinion.
By default you can only have opinions on a few players then. No one on Earth would have enough time to "eye test" every player in the league (much less players from other eras) and about 98% of this forum rely on highlights to compare people.

03-22-2019, 11:16 AM
Who's word should we take as gospel?

03-22-2019, 11:56 AM
Nobodies word is gospel. However I'm willing to bet most players know the game better than most folks here. As I said in the other thread, you guys overestimate your ability to use basketball reference.

What KBlaze said was spot on too. Don't forget players also watch thousands of hours of films, read hundreds of scouting reports etc. They've been getting all the tracking data you just now have access to (plus some you don't) for years.

So to believe you have more knowledge of the game than a player simply because... You read some stats on BBall Ref and watch a few games is pretty asinine.

No one's words are gospel, everything should be judged by its own merits. There's nothing wrong with folks saying Kobe knows the game better than Ben Simmons 25 though, in fact I'd say that's almost a given. I mean, you've said how you feel about the players, but what great insight do you provide that shows you know better than them?

03-22-2019, 12:33 PM
I agree about how some athlete takes are horrendous . Some of their.takes are so bad it doesn't even make sense. I forget who it was and I can probably dig it up but somebody was saying that Andre Iguodala was comparable to LeBron James :lol

Or another one was that Brad Beal is an Elite star and top 5 player in the league. Stuff like that really makes me realize how much some forum guys know compared to them, when we take out our biased opinions of course.

03-22-2019, 12:47 PM
I agree about how some athlete takes are horrendous . Some of their.takes are so bad it doesn't even make sense. I forget who it was and I can probably dig it up but somebody was saying that Andre Iguodala was comparable to LeBron James :lol

Or another one was that Brad Beal is an Elite star and top 5 player in the league. Stuff like that really makes me realize how much some forum guys know compared to them, when we take out our biased opinions of course.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

03-22-2019, 01:39 PM
Quit screaming in the title fakkit. You sound like a bitch.

03-22-2019, 02:17 PM
Nobodies word is gospel. However I'm willing to bet most players know the game better than most folks here. As I said in the other thread, you guys overestimate your ability to use basketball reference.

What KBlaze said was spot on too. Don't forget players also watch thousands of hours of films, read hundreds of scouting reports etc. They've been getting all the tracking data you just now have access to (plus some you don't) for years.

So to believe you have more knowledge of the game than a player simply because... You read some stats on BBall Ref and watch a few games is pretty asinine.

No one's words are gospel, everything should be judged by its own merits. There's nothing wrong with folks saying Kobe knows the game better than Ben Simmons 25 though, in fact I'd say that's almost a given. I mean, you've said how you feel about the players, but what great insight do you provide that shows you know better than them?

The issue is that people think the "advanced stats" on basketball reference are even that relevant. In some context they are but the way most people use them on here renders them mostly meaningless.

The data and analytics that teams use are so much more advanced (as in they take in wayyyyyyy more variables) than anything released to the public. The NBA has a literal database of hundreds of different stats/variables that teams use to create their own model. IIRC SportsVU is the company that keeps track of that.

There is no one analytic metric that properly represents everything but things like RPM, RAPM, PIPM and some others have been proven to be far more accurate and representative of a players impact both in terms of what they've done so far and as a predictor for the future. Using models like these and fine tuning them over and over will give you an insanely better picture for most players in the entire league in any year.

An analogy (those this is very, very simplified) is like noticing that whichever team has more defensive rebounds wins 70% of the time (I made that number up for this analogy). But if you keep refining it you notice that if you out-rebound the other team by at least 5 boards you'll win 80% of the time.

This is why most sports hosts are generally clueless when it comes to evaluating the entire league. They cite these stats without knowing what they actually are calculating or using them in the right way.

This is also why lesser known independent reporters/blogs/people (most have degrees in math, statistical analysis, etc) who do this for a living generally have a better understanding when it comes to seeing the impact of everyone in the league...and yes they also watch tons of basketball since that is what they do for a living. Most watch more basketball than 99% of anyone that isn't employed by the NBA. They create these models (most freely release how they calculate the stuff and why it is relevant) and can prove that certain metrics better correlate to winning when used in the proper context. Some might be relevant when comparing to others players on the same team but useless when trying to compare a players impact vs. another players impact on a different team and vice versa.

Are these perfect? Hell no. Are there extreme outliers? Absolutely. Should these analytics be blindly followed as gospel? Hell no. Is the eye test still relevant? Absolutely. But the entire point is to create metrics that can give you a reasonably good assumption of everyone across the league.

03-22-2019, 02:26 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Why are you laughing or do you just not know how to read that good so your saying you agree Bradley Beal is/was a top 5 player in the league?

03-22-2019, 02:30 PM
The issue is that people think the "advanced stats" on basketball reference are even that relevant. In some context they are but the way most people use them on here renders them mostly meaningless.

The data and analytics that teams use are so much more advanced (as in they take in wayyyyyyy more variables) than anything released to the public. The NBA has a literal database of hundreds of different stats/variables that teams use to create their own model. IIRC SportsVU is the company that keeps track of that.

There is no one analytic metric that properly represents everything but things like RPM, RAPM, PIPM and some others have been proven to be far more accurate and representative of a players impact both in terms of what they've done so far and as a predictor for the future. Using models like these and fine tuning them over and over will give you an insanely better picture for most players in the entire league in any year.

An analogy (those this is very, very simplified) is like noticing that whichever team has more defensive rebounds wins 70% of the time (I made that number up for this analogy). But if you keep refining it you notice that if you out-rebound the other team by at least 5 boards you'll win 80% of the time.

This is why most sports hosts are generally clueless when it comes to evaluating the entire league. They site these stats without knowing what they actually are calculating or using them in the right way.

This is also why lesser known independent reporters/blogs/people (most have degrees in math, statistical analysis, etc) who do this for a living generally have a better understanding when it comes to seeing the impact of everyone in the league...and yes they also watch tons of basketball since that is what they do for a living. Most watch more basketball than 99% of anyone that isn't employed by the NBA. They create these models (most freely release how they calculate the stuff and why it is relevant) and can prove that certain metrics better correlate to winning when used in the proper context. Some might be relevant when comparing to others players on the same team but useless when trying to compare a players impact vs. another players impact on a different team and vice versa.

Are these perfect? Hell no. Are there extreme outliers? Absolutely. Should these analytics be blindly followed as gospel? Hell no. Is the eye test still relevant? Absolutely. But the entire point is to create metrics that can give you a reasonably good assumption of everyone across the league.

Thank you for the great post I appreciate it:applause: :applause:

03-22-2019, 02:43 PM
Unless it's Jerry da Gawd West

03-22-2019, 02:59 PM
Why are you laughing or do you just not know how to read that good so your saying you agree Bradley Beal is/was a top 5 player in the league?

Wtf what language is this :oldlol:

03-22-2019, 03:02 PM
Wtf what language is this :oldlol:

Is Brad Beal top 5 do you think he is???

Ben Simmons 25
03-22-2019, 07:36 PM
Let’s say everyone ever put in position to run a team knew basketball in every way....as well as it could be known.

Busts would still be drafted, teams would still be bad, and trade would still help one team and destroy another.

This is 100% true.

A guy running a team poorly doesn’t necessarily mean he doesn’t know basketball. Bad teams are inevitable.

There is a huge difference between knowing how to play basketball and then recognizing how to build a team and evaluating talent and analyzing what is happening on the court as merely an observer and not a player. Incredibly huge difference. I don't know how to make it any more clear than that.

Michael Jordan has fully owned the Hornets for a damn near decade and partial owner while also running the team since 2007 and his teams have broken .500 a total of three times. They've made the playoffs three times and been ousted in the first round all three times.

He partially owned and controlled basketball operations for the Wizards for a combination of 3 full seasons. They finished above .500 precisely 0 times with 0 playoff appearances.

Michael Jordan is arguably the greatest player of all time... most people would contend that he is definitely the greatest player of all time. If his on court ability and in game understanding correlated to off the court analysis and decision making, they would have done demonstrably better than they have. You have practically a decade and a half worth if not close to two damn decades of work from him as a decision maker with almost zero results during that entire time frame. Three playoffs appearances where they did precisely nothing.

That's more than just bad luck. That's called being shit at the whole off the court package. Which really proves my entire point. In game understanding does not necessarily correlate with out of game analysis ability.

Scottie Pippen and Magic Johnson have changed their opinions as the wind has blown over the years.

Just because Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Scottie Pippen, LeBron & etc can differentiate between a pindown and horns and they can quickly and easily explain to you what a five out motion offense is and your average fan can't, it doesn't mean a damn thing in terms of their abilities to analyze the game from afar and evaluate players effectiveness and know ahead of time, generally speaking, how they will mesh on a court. The fact that they know those things means nothing off the court. These guys are literally walking living proof of this.

There’s also a difference between knowing basketball and being able to speak eloquently about it. Does Shaq sounding like an idiot compared to a casual fan who simply speaks well and doesn’t stumble making points mean that fan can recognize a play as well or know basics about system concepts?

This has nothing to do with anything.

Plenty of people who can bob and weave nicely through sports talk don’t know the difference between ANY man to man defense. They might know a zone if they see it but they can’t explain what Thibs defense was trying to do.

Most even major fans sound like Skip when Cuban owned him asking what kind of defense they used in the 2011 finals. People don’t know a ****ing thing about the ins and outs.

You have to talk to most fans even on here in such generic terms just to be understood. I don’t think you’re giving credit to what magic or Jordan could break down in a conversation that wasn’t meant for public consumption. Guys talk shit on here all day and don’t know which hand to put in the passing lane in any given situation or which side is strong or weak.

I never said "most fans" could do better than these guys. I did say there's at least a couple dozen posters here that could be a better GM than Magic Johnson... and there are. Even if they don't know and can't easily recognize what types of offense or defense or individual plays are being run, they could still do better.

My whole point is that just because these guys play it does not mean that it correlates to off court analysis on that level. It definitely doesn't.

Just like knowing how to analyze doesn't prove a damn thing about your ability to coach or not coach. They're separate things entirely.

The point being that I'm sick and tired of us acting like it's the word of God when a player presents an opinion just because they played and that nobody here is capable of possibly offering better insight. THEY ARE. There are numerous posters here that are!

Most of ish don’t know the system their team runs other than calling it *insert best players name*-ball.

Fans are ball watchers who don’t even see plays being run. You watch a game and see a coach call a play that creates space on the side the star is on via a shooter coming off a baseline screen to the corner....

People will then say the star is a chucker when he takes a shot which is the express purpose of the play. They wanted him to move the ball around against the play design. He attacked and missed the shot. He followed the play....it didn’t work. But it wasn’t broken offense.

Fans can’t even see what’s in front of them.

I don’t know how many times Melo took a shot off an out of bounds play designed for him to take it where he did and then fans on here act like it was him breaking the offense.

Fans barely ever know what they are seeing. Even the ones who make less eloquent players seem stupid.

Guys here know Larry Johnson in a UNLV clip. They don’t know shit about the defense Tark ran. You could sound like a serious fan just talking LJ, Greg Anthony, Augmon and those guys showing you remember it happened. You aren’t gonna talk about the amoeba defense likeKenny Smith could.

But he wouldn’t do it on tnt.

It’s not good tv.

Ok, that may be true of most fans. That still has nothing to do with my point.

Simply taking someone's opinion on something because they played the profession and you did not doesn't actually mean anything! When you're heavily generalizing... sure, I'm not saying your prototypical fan can do better... that was never my point... but there are too many times to count when all time greats have come out and said incredibly stupid and inaccurate things about players that are currently playing.

Players do in fact know the game better. Even the ones who make poor gms.

When you're speaking in straight up averages, of course they do. But to just lean on this idea that because they were a player they automatically know more and that any counter argument to what they say is incorrect is childish, lazy, stupid, and quite often incorrect.

Ben Simmons 25
03-22-2019, 07:49 PM
Sure OP, we will consider only people that push your agenda to be credible.

Anything for you, massa.

Is Magic Johnson's GMing and off court analytical ability on level with his playing ability and in game understanding? Are the two things even remotely close?

A simple yes or no will suffice.

Building a team from raw prospects and projecting 5+ years into the future =/= telling you about how good an already established HOFer was when you played against him. Conflating the two is asinine.

Also the intracicies of the game these guys are all geniuses at... The breakdown of film and application of strategies... OP opinion is literally horse �� by comparison

I'm just going to continue to lean on Magic Johnson for this... he literally said before the season started that 1) The Lakers have good shooters(lol) and that 2) They don't want LeBron to be ball dominant and they were more focused on getting playmakers for him to play with than shooters.

If that in itself isn't proof positive as to what I'm saying, nothing is ever going to convince you otherwise.

If Magic Johnson's off the court brain correlated with his on the court brain, such stupidity would have never left his mouth.

But we have literally dozens of ISH posters that could have told you LeBron does best with shooters.

You're a dumbass as usual.

Ben Simmons 25
03-22-2019, 07:51 PM
Who's word should we take as gospel?

Nobody's. That's the point.

Quit screaming in the title fakkit. You sound like a bitch.

Quit sucking peen, ******. You *are* a bitch.

As for the rest of you that are bringing up analyzing stats as if that's some argument I made... it's like, what? What the **** are you talking about? Who are you even talking to? :roll:

34-24 Footwork
03-22-2019, 08:02 PM
Lol. Why don't we apply this same logic with EVERY OTHER occupational field then?

This is a desperate attempt to nerdify basketball and professional sports as a whole....

Lemme guess- we should only use numbers, huh?

The people in your field will almost always be able to evaluate you better than outsiders.

Its ALWAYS been this way....

Ben Simmons 25
03-22-2019, 08:03 PM
Lol. Why don't we apply this same logic with EVERY OTHER occupational field then?

This is a desperate attempt to nerdify basketball and professional sports as a whole....

Lemme guess- we should only use numbers, huh?

The people in your field will almost always be able to evaluate you better than outsiders.

Its ALWAYS been this way....

You *can* apply this to literally every other sport. It applies perfectly to all of them.

There is a huge difference between being an experienced plumber and an NBA basketball player and if I honestly have to break down for you why that is, you're never going to get it anyways.

Why do you guys keep bringing up numbers when I've literally made no such argument.


Unbelievable. Not really... I should have known better. Just really speaks to the point. Oh well.

34-24 Footwork
03-22-2019, 08:07 PM
Is Magic Johnson's GMing and off court analytical ability on level with his playing ability and in game understanding? Are the two things even remotely close?

A simple yes or no will suffice.

I'm just going to continue to lean on Magic Johnson for this... he literally said before the season started that 1) The Lakers have good shooters(lol) and that 2) They don't want LeBron to be ball dominant and they were more focused on getting playmakers for him to play with than shooters.

If that in itself isn't proof positive as to what I'm saying, nothing is ever going to convince you otherwise.

If Magic Johnson's off the court brain correlated with his on the court brain, such stupidity would have never left his mouth.

But we have literally dozens of ISH posters that could have told you LeBron does best with shooters.

You're a dumbass as usual.

Lebron- 2016-2017:

"We need more playmakers. We're top heavy af."

Nerds- 2018-2019:

"Why so many playmakers?"

Look. As long as LeBron loses, there will ALWAYS be excuses.

OP is just to emotional too disguise his sadness like the guys in the media.

Ben Simmons 25
03-22-2019, 08:10 PM
Lebron- 2016-2017:

"We need more playmakers. We're top heavy af."

Nerds- 2018-2019:

"Why so many playmakers?"

Look. As long as LeBron loses, there will ALWAYS be excuses.

OP is just to emotional too disguise his sadness like the guys in the media.

LeBron is one of the dumbasses that couldn't be a GM.

I can't wait for the day that he owns a team and runs it into the ground to further solidify my point.

What's your point?

You're dumb.

03-22-2019, 08:11 PM
Jerry West said that lebron is good for dribbling but not ball movement (24:43 mark):


Lebron needs the ball in his hands because he's unskilled otherwise, so magic must accept that the Lakers can't play the top brand of ball (ball movement) with lebron..

West understands Lebron's skill restriction to ball-domination, while magic apparently doesn't.. confusedshrug:.

Ben Simmons 25
03-22-2019, 08:15 PM
Jerry West said that lebron is good for dribbling but not ball movement (24:43 mark):


Lebron needs the ball in his hands because he's unskilled otherwise, so magic must accept that the Lakers can't play the top brand of ball (ball movement) with lebron..

West understands Lebron's skill restriction to ball-domination, while magic apparently doesn't.. confusedshrug:.


03-22-2019, 08:26 PM
Is Magic Johnson's GMing and off court analytical ability on level with his playing ability and in game understanding? Are the two things even remotely close?

A simple yes or no will suffice.

I'm just going to continue to lean on Magic Johnson for this... he literally said before the season started that 1) The Lakers have good shooters(lol) and that 2) They don't want LeBron to be ball dominant and they were more focused on getting playmakers for him to play with than shooters.

If that in itself isn't proof positive as to what I'm saying, nothing is ever going to convince you otherwise.

If Magic Johnson's off the court brain correlated with his on the court brain, such stupidity would have never left his mouth.

But we have literally dozens of ISH posters that could have told you LeBron does best with shooters.

You're a dumbass as usual.

Magic was just rebuking the media you numbnuts. who were probably harassing him about that all the time in interviews. He was shooing them away. Its not this boards fault you can't recognize context and lash out saying your opinion on basketball = magic's because of one piece of bs evidence you pulled out of your ass. This guy was a champion against some of the best teams, players, and coaches of all,time lmao

Ben Simmons 25
03-22-2019, 08:28 PM
Magic was just rebuking the media you numbnuts. who were probably harassing him about that all the time in interviews. He was shooing them away. Its not this boards fault you can't recognize context and lash out saying your opinion on basketball = magic's because of one piece of bs evidence you pulled out of your ass. This guy was a champion against some of the best teams, players, and coaches of all,time lmao

I mean, wow, it's just as if... I mean just WOW!
LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:roll: :roll: :roll:

03-22-2019, 08:31 PM
I mean, wow, it's just as if... I mean just WOW!
LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:roll: :roll: :roll:


Clearly he has no clue what your point of the thread is. He is a very low IQ poster I've noticed.

03-22-2019, 08:39 PM
I mean, wow, it's just as if... I mean just WOW!
LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Magic spent 1000s of hours with pat riley in a film room breaking shit down and coming up with angles for attack. Scheming against some of the most loaded and well strategized dynasties of all time while you were in your diapers and you want to tell us about basketball? Ergo even more so given your horrible track record of predictions?


03-22-2019, 08:46 PM
Magic spent 1000s of hours with pat riley in a film room breaking shit down and coming up with angles for attack. Scheming against some of the most loaded and well strategized dynasties of all time while you were in your diapers and you want to tell us about basketball? Ergo even more so given your horrible track record of predictions?


You. Still. Dont. Get. It.

Stay. In. School.

03-22-2019, 11:45 PM
Lebron- 2016-2017:

"We need more playmakers. We're top heavy af."

Nerds- 2018-2019:

"Why so many playmakers?"

Look. As long as LeBron loses, there will ALWAYS be excuses.

OP is just to emotional too disguise his sadness like the guys in the media.

So the "nerds" ended up being right:oldlol: