View Full Version : Players absolutely miserable in the public eye... but the NBA is about drama now...

Ben Simmons 25
03-24-2019, 11:58 AM
above all else... which is unfortunate, but the NBA has turned into the soap opera of sports leagues. It's more about story lines and drama than the integrity of the sport at this point. The other leagues aren't even in the NBA's realm in terms of drama and off the court stories, typically speaking.

And the players are starting to become progressively bigger and bigger dickheads to the media, over perfectly legitimate questions. Kevin Durant, Kyrie Irving, LeBron James, Russell Westbrook... numerous other stars, but these guys are probably the biggest examples of it. These guys need to get over it.

The media asking potentially intrusive questions is part of the gig of being a public star making millions of millions of dollars. You guys *COULD* go headstrong in negotiations during the next CBA to restrict media member access to players, but at the end of the day you're going to have to take a huge pay cut to do it because league revenue will absolutely go down.

The NBA has become the most drama filled league out of all of the major sports and it's not even close.

I realize that there have always been guys throughout league history that have been irked by the media, but it seems like today's guys are getting progressively thin skinned and more butthurt over literally everything.

Here's an example...

Kyrie Irving...


Reporter: "Do you think Klay is a bit underrated as a defender?"
Kyrie: "Is he underrated? Nah. Nah.[dismissive response while giving the reporter a you're a dumb bitch look] I'd like to see him on a few more defensive teams[face has turned to more honest], but... has he made one?[face of curiosity]"
Reporter: "I don't think so."
Kyrie: "Yeah, that's some bullshit.[face and tone have changed to humility at this point rather than defiance as he becomes cognizant of his ****up] You know what I mean? I... psh... yeah. Ha ha. I guess you could consider him underrated then, yeah."

Dude automatically on the defensive and ready to be a contrarian to the reporter's legitimate question... then as he actually takes time to process the question, he realized he was wrong and his demeanor changed.

And this is a pretty typical response from these guys at least once an interview if not far more whether it's post game, pre game, in game, whatever... (although props to Kyrie for at least figuring out his ****up in the moment and catching himself... most of the time players don't do that)

They're clearly worn the **** down by the exposure. And I get it. I wouldn't do it. Not even for millions of dollars would I do it. But that's why they need to realize that it's part of the gig.

You don't just get to "show up and play basketball" Kevin Durant. The NBA's entire league operates on player access and player drama at this point. Fans aren't paying just to see the sport. In a pure world, it would be what you want. But this isn't a pure world. Time to get over it... or retire.

03-24-2019, 12:03 PM
what a reach with the Irving example :oldlol: he kept the same attitude throughout

Ben Simmons 25
03-24-2019, 12:05 PM
No... no he didn't. Dismissive facial expression and dismissive verbal reaction at first, then processed it and corrected himself hence the laughing/slight nervous tick of a response.

03-24-2019, 12:13 PM
I agree the NBA is too filled with storylines and drama, but dammit are my laptop speakers shit or is the volume super low because I have it on max and can't hardly hear a thing :oldlol:

Ben Simmons 25
03-24-2019, 12:16 PM
I agree the NBA is too filled with storylines and drama, but dammit are my laptop speakers shit or is the volume super low because I have it on max and can't hardly hear a thing :oldlol:

Yeah it's a low volume video.

03-24-2019, 12:17 PM
I agree the NBA is too filled with storylines and drama, but dammit are my laptop speakers shit or is the volume super low because I have it on max and can't hardly hear a thing :oldlol:

The volume on the video is low as shit.

The NBA has become a Kardashians style reality show for dudes lets face it :oldlol:

But it's better than it being bland so I'll take it.

Mask the Embiid
03-24-2019, 01:51 PM
Imagine taking the time to write all of this just for no one to click the thread :oldlol:


maybe this will give this thread a boost to its 58 views

03-24-2019, 01:56 PM
Kyrie. lol. The guy thinks he's a whole lot better than he is and thinks everything should revolve around him. He's the worst kind of moron. He's one of those morons that actually thinks he's intelligent. That makes him a perfect candidate for an ish poster.

03-24-2019, 01:56 PM
Imagine taking the time to write all of this just for no one to click the thread :oldlol:



03-24-2019, 02:00 PM
It didn't turn into this. It was always about this. Sports is a soap opera. Tribalism and drama are what bring the money in.

Mask the Embiid
03-24-2019, 02:06 PM


Spurs m8
03-24-2019, 03:32 PM
LeRoid is always on the defensive....the arrogance levels are through the roof.

This dude should be thankful...the media made him what he is...

03-24-2019, 03:36 PM
LeRoid is always on the defensive....the arrogance levels are through the roof.

This dude should be thankful...the media made him what he is...


03-24-2019, 04:34 PM
above all else... which is unfortunate, but the NBA has turned into the soap opera of sports leagues.

What did you expect? In one era, the best player in the league molded his teammate into a superstar by forcing him to practice with him at his own house prior to actual NBA practice.

In another era, a wannabe named LeBron James left his team to join other superstars because he didn't care how much of a pu55y the public would view him as. Durant followed suit and made an even bigger bitch move, which in turn prevented LeBron from winning any more rings. This resulted in LeBron becoming a bitch of a bitch. Hence the drama. Kyrie leaving his ass just added to his negative public perception, with the end all be all being him missing the playoffs in the more difficult west. Anyone with a brain saw the writing on the wall and it's a constant "I told you so" theme on ISH.

The problem of it all is when people try to pretend they are watching something great when the truth of the matter is that it is complete dog shit (current NBA) by comparison to what those who watched before them saw.

Spurs m8
03-24-2019, 04:44 PM
What did you expect? In one era, the best player in the league molded his teammate into a superstar by forcing him to practice with him at his own house prior to actual NBA practice.

In another era, a wannabe named LeBron James left his team to join other superstars because he didn't care how much of a pu55y the public would view him as. Durant followed suit and made an even bigger bitch move, which in turn prevented LeBron from winning any more rings. This resulted in LeBron becoming a bitch of a bitch. Hence the drama. Kyrie leaving his ass just added to his negative public perception, with the end all be all being him missing the playoffs in the more difficult west. Anyone with a brain saw the writing on the wall and it's a constant "I told you so" theme on ISH.

The problem of it all is when people try to pretend they are watching something great when the truth of the matter is that it is complete dog shit (current NBA) by comparison to what those who watched before them saw.

And that's the problem and you make a good point.

These kids on here never saw the league when it was fire.
When its was truly competitive.

All they have is YouTube clips, which doesn't go anywhere near painting the true picture...the bigger picture.

Plus these kids have no fire themselves, they believe in participation awards and celebrate mediocrity.