View Full Version : Sent a text after the 1st date and does this response mean she is interested?

03-25-2019, 03:20 PM
She responded in 15 mins saying

"I stopped by my parents house" Now I am on my way home. Thanks for checking on me!"

I'm not good at this dating mess. Does she appear to be interested?

03-25-2019, 03:29 PM
It means she is interested, and although she appreciates you thinking of her, she'd prefer you kept texts to a minimum.

My recommendation is to play it cool, resist texting her unless you are asking for another date; something you should wait a few days before asking about.

03-25-2019, 03:39 PM
What did u text her?

03-25-2019, 03:46 PM
What did u text her?

"Getting ready to get my dinner started for the evening which some italian food. Just wanted to make sure you made it home okay. Hopefully the market wasn't too crowded this evening"

03-25-2019, 03:52 PM
Although your text was a bit wordy.....it was pretty harmless especially if she's interested and it appears she is. As stated before, play it a little cool. Hopefully she texts next.

03-25-2019, 04:00 PM
Yeah you were a little wordy. No big deal though as long as you step the game up moving forward. You didn't ruin anything, just a tiny awkward moment.

If you're gonna txt her out of concern when things are brand new, try to lace it with sly humor or something. Otherwise you're just coming across like a concerned parent, or overly emotional at too early a juncture.

03-25-2019, 04:02 PM
she's not interested.

Coward goes home to make food after the first date without taking her to dinner.

03-25-2019, 04:10 PM
its best to not seem overbearing

the first text after a date should just be something simple like a wink emoji or a "hey"

if you're asking what shes up to it seems like you wanna hang out again the very next day. then she will think you're obsessed. people always assume the worst of everything

you gotta reply to that with "nice. i'm just about to hit up the gym. had fun the other night. let me know when you're free again :P"

then you leave an open invitation for her to make the first move

03-25-2019, 04:34 PM
she's not interested.

Coward goes home to make food after the first date without taking her to dinner.

Dinner is next

03-25-2019, 04:35 PM
Yeah you were a little wordy. No big deal though as long as you step the game up moving forward. You didn't ruin anything, just a tiny awkward moment.

If you're gonna txt her out of concern when things are brand new, try to lace it with sly humor or something. Otherwise you're just coming across like a concerned parent, or overly emotional at too early a juncture.


03-25-2019, 04:51 PM
she's not interested.

Coward goes home to make food after the first date without taking her to dinner.


03-25-2019, 05:26 PM
to win her heart, send her links to the stuff you post on insidehoops.

03-25-2019, 05:45 PM

03-25-2019, 05:55 PM
Thats lame

A man takes a girl to dinner, win or lose, you do it.

Disagree - it's not the only way to get things done. I get the same results spending $4 on a coffee than $50+ on a dinner.

It also eliminates any day date possibilities with that rule. Go for a walk, things going well? Go for a beer/drink at the local pub. End it shortly after that.

03-25-2019, 06:13 PM
Are you initiating texts each time or is she as well? If she never initiates text conversations, then she is not interested or is a shy person with you or in general.

If it's the latter, you will have to meet with her face-to-face and just talk. Obviously you are attracted to her so you want to make sure she feels the same way about you. Talking in-person is the best way to go. Maintain constant eye contact, smile often, be kind and talk about her. You want to focus the conversation on her - talk very little about yourself and 90% about her. Compliment her occasionally. Ask her open-ended questions to make her talk about herself in detail, and nod often, smile, listen closely. Make sure to ask follow up questions to let her know you are listening and are genuinely interested in her. Talk about her passions, her interests, her career, her life, etc. Then text her later within a day maximum how much you enjoyed talking with her and hope to hang out with her again whenever she wants to. See if she is receptive. Don't text her for a week straight - if you hear nothing from her in that week, then she is not interested. Move on at that point.

03-25-2019, 06:50 PM
There is no texting etiquette. Communication nowadays is so unpredictable. I've had girls take hours before responding. Some within minutes. All with the same interest level. The fact that she responded is enough to say there is some returned interest

Here's the best advice anyone will ever give you. Text with no expectations. Don't treat it like a game or some hidden agenda. Your communication will be much clearer and more organic.

03-25-2019, 07:26 PM
There is no texting etiquette. Communication nowadays is so unpredictable. I've had girls take hours before responding. Some within minutes. All with the same interest level. The fact that she responded is enough to say there is some returned interest

Here's the best advice anyone will ever give you. Text with no expectations. Don't treat it like a game or some hidden agenda. Your communication will be much clearer and more organic.

Yeah, it's hard to gauge much from texts..

I guess you could theoretically look at small things like response time.. You would need to have a common friend -- if the girl tends to respond to your texts instantly, but maybe hour or hours later to your mutual friend then you know you have something. If she also responds in extra detail to everything you text her, but not in detail to your mutual friend. But that's situational and can't test with most girls except those with mutual friends/family friends, and they would have to know.

In the end, girls are very hard to figure out.. :confusedshrug:
Girls have the advantage going the opposite direction because guys tend to be more straightforward and predictable. Girls can more often figure out when a guy wants them, but guys can't tell when a girl wants them (unless if girl is slutty and real obvious - those you don't want to be with). Girls are so unpredictable, and you can't tell what they want. It's kind of funny imo :lol

03-25-2019, 07:34 PM
There is no texting etiquette. Communication nowadays is so unpredictable. I've had girls take hours before responding. Some within minutes. All with the same interest level. The fact that she responded is enough to say there is some returned interest

Here's the best advice anyone will ever give you. Text with no expectations. Don't treat it like a game or some hidden agenda. Your communication will be much clearer and more organic.
This, people read too much into responses and how long people take to reply. And girls are just like an other human, no need to act weird and shit just be a mature adult and talk to them as if they are a mature adult and there's no need for worrying about communication.

03-25-2019, 07:58 PM
Are you initiating texts each time or is she as well? If she never initiates text conversations, then she is not interested or is a shy person with you or in general.

If it's the latter, you will have to meet with her face-to-face and just talk. Obviously you are attracted to her so you want to make sure she feels the same way about you. Talking in-person is the best way to go. Maintain constant eye contact, smile often, be kind and talk about her. You want to focus the conversation on her - talk very little about yourself and 90% about her. Compliment her occasionally. Ask her open-ended questions to make her talk about herself in detail, and nod often, smile, listen closely. Make sure to ask follow up questions to let her know you are listening and are genuinely interested in her. Talk about her passions, her interests, her career, her life, etc. Then text her later within a day maximum how much you enjoyed talking with her and hope to hang out with her again whenever she wants to. See if she is receptive. Don't text her for a week straight - if you hear nothing from her in that week, then she is not interested. Move on at that point.

I sent the 1st text and she responded in 15 mins. Then I sent another text and she responded in 13 mins.

Not sending anymore until she contacts me 1st. Actually no date is being set up unless she makes the first contact by text or phone.

03-25-2019, 08:05 PM
just be yourself, bro. send dick pics if u haven't yet. my email is...

03-25-2019, 08:07 PM
I sent the 1st text and she responded in 15 mins. Then I sent another text and she responded in 13 mins.

Not sending anymore until she contacts me 1st. Actually no date is being set up unless she makes the first contact by text or phone.

Dude - keep showing interest and keep texting. After a few playful texts...ask her out again or set something up a few days down the line.

Stop thinking so much. You should only worry if its 3+ days before she responds. At that point she's ghosted you and you send her a picture of Casper.

03-25-2019, 08:07 PM
I sent the 1st text and she responded in 15 mins. Then I sent another text and she responded in 13 mins.

Not sending anymore until she contacts me 1st. Actually no date is being set up unless she makes the first contact by text or phone.

See, you're treating it like a game. You do that and she will in return. You learned nothing from my post.

03-25-2019, 08:19 PM
That sounds like such a random ordinary text. I suggest not focusing or try to read into it to the point where you actually made a thread about it.

It's like someone starting a thread after receiving a text that say, "I like Pizza, do you like it too?" And then spending hours trying to find some hidden meaning in it.

It's not worth trying to interpret it. Just keep pushing forward and see what happens.

Imagine life in the 70s, people go on dates, talk on the phone, have live conversations and one can tell if things are going along well. Now people are stopping everything, wasting a lot of time and mental energy trying to interpret a normal more than likely meaningless sentence with no actual way of know what the girl is thinking unless one is physic.

Ben Simmons 25
03-25-2019, 08:31 PM
That’s an economic power move. I never take girls to dinner for first dates - I hardly know them. Walk, coffee or dessert. Choose one or combine two of the three.

I prefer coffee or something small, like you're saying. Couldn't care less about spending the money or not spending the money... it's about having an easy exit if things aren't going well.

I mean... I really don't feel like abandoning an entire meal in the middle of it if a date is going that badly or even worse, sitting through an entire meal when things are utter shit. I'm a good enough of a conversationalist that this has never happened, but still... I like to leave my options open.

Coffee, ice cream, walk, etc... something simple like that allows you OR her to just exit at pretty much any time and it would be significantly less painful for either party to do so.

OP... you were too wordy. Here's what I'll say... every single girl is going to be different so you can't lay down any absolute rules BUT you never want to come off as desperate... and if you start blowing her phone up with wordy texts shortly after, that reeks of desperation. It devalues you in her eyes even though you haven't done anything "wrong" technically. It also might make her start to wonder if there is something wrong with you.

Think of it this way... most children, who later grow up into children walking around in adult bodies, want what they can't have... you have to figure out how to walk the line of communicating that you're interested without being overbearing... and also not being too aloof. Experience is your friend. Just keep failing until you figure it out. Analyzing the hell out of everything will do you no good... I know better than most.

03-25-2019, 09:42 PM
just be yourself, bro. send dick pics if u haven't yet. my email is...

well definitely not going to do that

03-25-2019, 09:43 PM
Dude - keep showing interest and keep texting. After a few playful texts...ask her out again or set something up a few days down the line.

Stop thinking so much. You should only worry if its 3+ days before she responds. At that point she's ghosted you and you send her a picture of Casper.

What do you consider a playful text

03-25-2019, 09:47 PM
What do you consider a playful text

Light and easy. Nothing too serious.

03-25-2019, 10:25 PM
What do you consider a playful text

Want to hear a secret?

What would you say if I asked you to come over?


03-26-2019, 12:31 AM
Want to know if she is interested? fvcking ask her. It's not rocket science :biggums:

03-26-2019, 12:57 AM
OP, you're first mistake is asking these dimwits here for dating advice.

You either have try hard incel neckbeard virgins giving you advice or the other extreme, mouthbreathing neanderthal goons.

Best advice, there is not set rules on how to go about dating, there are the obvious do's and don'ts but you just gotta play it by heart bro because what works for some girls might not for others. Just be yourself and be confident, chicks dig confident dudes...and stop stressing over how much time she takes to respond, I agree with that tranny dating dude, DaHeezy, on that point.

03-26-2019, 12:59 AM
There is no texting etiquette. Communication nowadays is so unpredictable. I've had girls take hours before responding. Some within minutes. All with the same interest level. The fact that she responded is enough to say there is some returned interest

Here's the best advice anyone will ever give you. Text with no expectations. Don't treat it like a game or some hidden agenda. Your communication will be much clearer and more organic.
Did you ever date the tranny? If so, were you tops or bottoms?

03-26-2019, 01:22 AM
I sent the 1st text and she responded in 15 mins. Then I sent another text and she responded in 13 mins.

Not sending anymore until she contacts me 1st. Actually no date is being set up unless she makes the first contact by text or phone.

Good man. Be patient. Maybe initiate a third time asking her to hang out (maybe ask if she wants to go for drinks sometime), if it's a no or some excuse then don't text again. Give it a week then forget about her if you hear nothing.

I am in same situation with this girl I have crush on. I initiated text several times, which she always responded to, but she never initiates. I am getting mixed signals from her - no idea if she likes me or is just being friendly. If she likes me back, she will reach out. Otherwise, it's nothing. Don't act desperate or thirsty because it's odd and creepy.

03-26-2019, 01:31 AM
Guys, I’m not saying I’m massively successful but girls want you to make the move. Some girls weren’t interested until I made a move. And do it quick and don’t mess around. Stop being a bunch of ******* and just set something up. For ****s sake. Google “shit to do in my town” and pick something. Find a “cool” place for a drink. A nice park and plan ahead for a location to meet up if the walk goes well.

Stop with the balls in her court shit when you’re starting out. That’s just code for “I’m afraid and lack confidence..” That is how I used to be (the good ol’ ISH virgin days) but if you don’t have a place where your confidence comes from, you’re not going to be successful.

03-26-2019, 01:38 AM
Good man. Be patient. Maybe initiate a third time asking her to hang out (maybe ask if she wants to go for drinks sometime), if it's a no or some excuse then don't text again. Give it a week then forget about her if you hear nothing.

I am in same situation with this girl I have crush on. I initiated text several times, which she always responded to, but she never initiates. I am getting mixed signals from her - no idea if she likes me or is just being friendly. If she likes me back, she will reach out. Otherwise, it's nothing. Don't act desperate or thirsty because it's odd and creepy.

No, don

Loco 50
03-26-2019, 01:42 AM
Good man. Be patient. Maybe initiate a third time asking her to hang out (maybe ask if she wants to go for drinks sometime), if it's a no or some excuse then don't text again. Give it a week then forget about her if you hear nothing.

I am in same situation with this girl I have crush on. I initiated text several times, which she always responded to, but she never initiates. I am getting mixed signals from her - no idea if she likes me or is just being friendly. If she likes me back, she will reach out. Otherwise, it's nothing. Don't act desperate or thirsty because it's odd and creepy.
You take a back seat and you're done.

Next text should be I'm doing this________, this weekend. Want to come with? That's it, no bullshit side chatter.

Make it something where you will have time to learn about her and something you, yourself are interested in so if it's a complete bust at least you did something that you wanted to do.

Not the movies. That shit's dumb.

If it's a flat no, or no response, you've got your answer.

If she has any interest, she will make it work somehow either at the time you specified or in the near future.

Mixed signals are a result of your own botched communication.

Loco 50
03-26-2019, 01:46 AM
[QUOTE=Hawker]Guys, I

03-26-2019, 01:49 AM
I also concur with what Hawker and Loco 50 said...they're right on point.

03-26-2019, 02:02 AM
Guys, I’m not saying I’m massively successful but girls want you to make the move. Some girls weren’t interested until I made a move. And do it quick and don’t mess around. Stop being a bunch of ******* and just set something up. For ****s sake. Google “shit to do in my town” and pick something. Find a “cool” place for a drink. A nice park and plan ahead for a location to meet up if the walk goes well.

Stop with the balls in her court shit when you’re starting out. That’s just code for “I’m afraid and lack confidence..” That is how I used to be (the good ol’ ISH virgin days) but if you don’t have a place where your confidence comes from, you’re not going to be successful.

exactly - just take her out. don't even ask ffs. set a time and day and she'll be there. **** all that omg i wonder if she likes me/am i reading her right/wat do i do gais. be an aggressive gentleman.

...unless you're into that bdsm submissive shit and u want her to tie u up while she whips u and u a bitch. then u can let her wear the pants.

and if you're big enough, don't forget to send those dick pics.

03-26-2019, 04:09 AM
You take a back seat and you're done.

Next text should be I'm doing this________, this weekend. Want to come with? That's it, no bullshit side chatter.

Make it something where you will have time to learn about her and something you, yourself are interested in so if it's a complete bust at least you did something that you wanted to do.

Not the movies. That shit's dumb.

If it's a flat no, or no response, you've got your answer.

If she has any interest, she will make it work somehow either at the time you specified or in the near future.

Mixed signals are a result of your own botched communication.

Yep and I agree with keeping it simple. No “Want to come? It’s ok if you don’t, we can do something else.” Just ask. Women are capable of making decisions. No need to give them an out.

Bladefd, take control of your destiny. Find something cool to do this weekend and ask her.

03-26-2019, 04:15 AM
I also concur with what Hawker and Loco 50 said...they're right on point.

Agreed - I do wish people weren

03-26-2019, 07:42 AM
Did you ever date the tranny? If so, were you tops or bottoms?

He was either pitcher or catcher. :eek:

03-26-2019, 08:09 AM
Good man. Be patient. Maybe initiate a third time asking her to hang out (maybe ask if she wants to go for drinks sometime), if it's a no or some excuse then don't text again. Give it a week then forget about her if you hear nothing.

I am in same situation with this girl I have crush on. I initiated text several times, which she always responded to, but she never initiates. I am getting mixed signals from her - no idea if she likes me or is just being friendly. If she likes me back, she will reach out. Otherwise, it's nothing. Don't act desperate or thirsty because it's odd and creepy.
Flat out ask her out if you want to know how she really feels about you; and remember that most girls have shit planned already when Friday rolls out, so if you want to ask a girl out you do it midweek.

She will talk about her date with you all week to her friends if she accepts, or will surely mention your interest to them just to score some sex appeal points. Either way, more girls will find out you are in the game which is a bonus.

03-26-2019, 09:11 AM
She'll never appreciate you like we do

03-26-2019, 10:05 AM
He was either pitcher or catcher. :eek:
QB and tight end...or wide receiver if the QB has girth

03-26-2019, 10:29 AM
She responded in 15 mins saying

"I stopped by my parents house" Now I am on my way home. Thanks for checking on me!"

I'm not good at this dating mess. Does she appear to be interested?
Dude you got a response that means your all good , tread lightly , and don't push ...
A slow easy re-pour will go light years into the sack.

03-26-2019, 03:07 PM
[QUOTE=Hawker]No, don

03-26-2019, 03:16 PM
Dude you got a response that means your all good , tread lightly , and don't push ...
A slow easy re-pour will go light years into the sack.

The only thing that makes me feel she is not interested is that T word in the text which was THANKS FOR CHECKING ON ME lol Something about that last sentence gives off the vibe that was her last text to me but i could be wrong.

03-26-2019, 05:19 PM
[QUOTE=Hawker]No, don

03-26-2019, 10:33 PM
[QUOTE=Hawker]Guys, I

03-26-2019, 11:24 PM
Your approach is way too aggressive and often will push a girl away.. It reeks of desperation and too much of you wanting to get in her pants imo.. i.e you mentioned kissing on first date.. That's risky and could really backfire with certain girls especially the shy ones :confusedshrug:

I used to think this too.

If I get rejected on the kiss, it doesn

03-26-2019, 11:25 PM
This makes sense and all but in reality not many guys can show this kind of confidence unless they have had a decent amount of success already..

So this doesn't necessarily help someone who is just starting out/never really had a girlfriend..

I guess if you can put yourself in this mindset it could help but it's very difficult to do if you're inexperienced/a virgin (guessing OP is both)


03-27-2019, 12:12 AM
looks like its over fellas. Sent a text this morning and never got a reply back. I told yall that this sentence by her in the first text message didnt give me a good feeling

"thanks for checking on me"

The word thanks usually means its over when it comes to a 1st date

03-27-2019, 12:15 AM

03-27-2019, 12:24 AM
looks like its over fellas. Sent a text this morning and never got a reply back. I told yall that this sentence by her in the first text message didnt give me a good feeling

"thanks for checking on me"

The word thanks usually means its over when it comes to a 1st date

maybe she's dead.

03-27-2019, 12:27 AM
maybe she's dead.
wtf :roll:

lowkey my favorite gimmick

03-27-2019, 12:30 AM
maybe she's dead.

i just dont get why bitches feel the need to respond to a text if they are not interested. i dont know where she lives or where she works so ignoring my text completely would have been fine. But by responding to 2 messages and not to the 3rd makes me want to send her something nasty because of her mixed signals. If she had ignored the initial text i would have gotren the message loud and clear and would have moved on

03-27-2019, 12:41 AM
i just dont get why bitches feel the need to respond to a text if they are not interested. i dont know where she lives or where she works so ignoring my text completely would have been fine. But by responding to 2 messages and not to the 3rd makes me want to send her something nasty because of her mixed signals. If she had ignored the initial text i would have gotren the message loud and clear and would have moved on

the passive aggressive mind games will drive u to bat for the other team eventually, man.

seriously though, it doesn't end until u start dating middle aged women that are serious about dating. for now, just run through 'em like french fries.

03-27-2019, 12:50 AM
the passive aggressive mind games will drive u to bat for the other team eventually, man.

seriously though, it doesn't end until u start dating middle aged women that are serious about dating. for now, just run through 'em like french fries.

i will never be that aggravated

03-27-2019, 12:56 AM
i just dont get why bitches feel the need to respond to a text if they are not interested.
Really? :lol

03-27-2019, 01:02 AM
Really? :lol

no, its borderline retarded

03-27-2019, 01:28 AM
maybe she's dead.
I almost spit my drink :oldlol:

03-27-2019, 02:37 AM
looks like its over fellas. Sent a text this morning and never got a reply back. I told yall that this sentence by her in the first text message didnt give me a good feeling

"thanks for checking on me"

The word thanks usually means its over when it comes to a 1st date

What did you say?

03-27-2019, 08:57 AM
What did you say?

she said is works as a writer and i decided to sent a playful text early in the day

"oh my bad i didnt mean to text you since im sure you are writing lol So i will call you later"

it probably was a dumb text but im not good at this dating shit.

03-27-2019, 09:06 AM
she said is works as a writer and i decided to sent a playful text early in the day

"oh my bad i didnt mean to text you since im sure you are writing lol So i will call you later"

it probably was a dumb text but im not good at this dating shit.
Oh, boy :facepalm

Dude, if you don't have anything to say, saying nothing is what you do.

03-27-2019, 10:07 AM
Oh, boy :facepalm

Dude, if you don't have anything to say, saying nothing is what you do.

yeah i screwed up

03-27-2019, 10:10 AM
yeah i screwed up
As long as you don't make the same mistake twice, at some point you will grow to be decent at the game. So keep playing.

03-27-2019, 10:11 AM
she said is works as a writer and i decided to sent a playful text early in the day

"oh my bad i didnt mean to text you since im sure you are writing lol So i will call you later"

it probably was a dumb text but im not good at this dating shit.


03-27-2019, 10:14 AM
I don't want to be mean, so I'm not sure what I can say about that. It seems like you were trying as hard as you can to make her not want you.

03-27-2019, 11:19 AM
It seemed like you came here for guidance. And you got two main pieces of advice...

-some of us said you came across too needy, so try falling back. Don't txt until she does

then the rest of us basically said...

-stop pussyfooting and ask her out. be assertive

I'm just wondering what you were thinking with the most recent move because it honestly seems like you read those two pieces of advice and then tried to come up with a way to do neither.

03-27-2019, 11:53 AM
she said is works as a writer and i decided to sent a playful text early in the day

"oh my bad i didnt mean to text you since im sure you are writing lol So i will call you later"

it probably was a dumb text but im not good at this dating shit.

03-27-2019, 01:06 PM

Are you still trying to read into this?
The fact that this thread went as long as it did without acknowledging anything I posted shows how hopeless you are.

But for the sake of entertainment I'll share this one input. Did it occur to you that it wasn't that one singular text. Maybe she's just not into you. One awkward text isn't a make it or break it scenario.

Just maintain texting but don't have any expectations. Last time I'll tell you this. You're banking everything on one girl, when the reality is she probably has dozens of guys on the down low all playing the same game. Be normal and don't expect anything of it, and if something happens, be pleasantly surprised.

And just a suggestion: learn to tip. Tipping doesn't impress a girl, but not tipping shows how cheap you potentially can be.

03-27-2019, 01:08 PM
Did you ever date the tranny? If so, were you tops or bottoms?

Thats so funny. DaHeezy is a tranny lover. What a pathetic retard :oldlol:

03-27-2019, 01:13 PM
she said is works as a writer and i decided to sent a playful text early in the day

"oh my bad i didnt mean to text you since im sure you are writing lol So i will call you later"

it probably was a dumb text but im not good at this dating shit.


I would not text you back either holy *** no offense bro.

03-27-2019, 04:46 PM
she said is works as a writer and i decided to sent a playful text early in the day

"oh my bad i didnt mean to text you since im sure you are writing lol So i will call you later"

it probably was a dumb text but im not good at this dating shit.

People are giving you a lot of crap for that text :oldlol:

Don't worry man, I have been there. The problem with that text is how would she respond to that? Unless if she knows you well for years and knows you are inexperienced dating-wise and/or socially awkward, she will be confused and irritated. You tried to be playful, but it won't come across that way. It's not funny, and there is nothing for her to respond to.

Don't be apologetic up front unless if she told you she should probably return to writing in middle of a convo (that shows she is not interested in you though so that is not good situation either), but even then don't be apologetic. Just be like "ok np! Talk to you later!" If she likes you though, she will put everything aside to chat with you.

idk if you can ever redeem yourself in her eyes anymore so just forget her unless if she reaches out to you in a few days. Do not call her or initiate text convo with her. If she is a good person, forgiving to your inexperience and likes you enough, she will reach out. Don't count on it.

03-27-2019, 08:13 PM
People are giving you a lot of crap for that text :oldlol:

Don't worry man, I have been there. The problem with that text is how would she respond to that? Unless if she knows you well for years and knows you are inexperienced dating-wise and/or socially awkward, she will be confused and irritated. You tried to be playful, but it won't come across that way. It's not funny, and there is nothing for her to respond to.

Don't be apologetic up front unless if she told you she should probably return to writing in middle of a convo (that shows she is not interested in you though so that is not good situation either), but even then don't be apologetic. Just be like "ok np! Talk to you later!" If she likes you though, she will put everything aside to chat with you.

idk if you can ever redeem yourself in her eyes anymore so just forget her unless if she reaches out to you in a few days. Do not call her or initiate text convo with her. If she is a good person, forgiving to your inexperience and likes you enough, she will reach out. Don't count on it.

I lost interest since we haven't talked since sunday night.

Ben Simmons 25
03-28-2019, 12:12 AM
The best thing you can really do is just keep trying, keep failing, and making note of what doesn’t work... I told you before that not all girls are the same but you are literally communicating to her that you’re desperate and retarded around girls. It’s fine. Just keep making mental notes of your ****ups and LEARN from your mistakes.

Find a new girl to fail on.

03-28-2019, 12:45 AM
lol oh my bad I didn't mean to text you .. when I read that I picture something like this sending that ..



never apologize to a bitch .. especially for small shit .. you only do that if it's something that genuinely warrants it and the person warrants it

03-28-2019, 01:26 AM
[QUOTE=Ben Simmons 25]The best thing you can really do is just keep trying, keep failing, and making note of what doesn

03-28-2019, 01:30 AM
[QUOTE=Ben Simmons 25]The best thing you can really do is just keep trying, keep failing, and making note of what doesn