View Full Version : What can the t-wolves do to get better in 2019-20?

04-05-2019, 03:33 AM
I still think they have a playoff team but the problem is the heart. I see Jimmy Buckets was saying cuz there's no way that the twolves should not be a damn playoff team smh. I think they need another star that will get along with his teammates too with a good coach. What u think ISH?

Celtics 1825
04-05-2019, 03:34 AM
Get rid of Wiggins. Good luck finding a team who wants his contract though :lol

04-05-2019, 03:44 AM
Get rid of Wiggins. Good luck finding a team who wants his contract though :lol
For real?:lol I'm kind of disappointed in Wiggins tho. He was supposed to be an all star by now bro.

Smook A.
04-05-2019, 04:28 AM
They need to another good player next to KAT, someone who plays close to an all-star level. It might not happen next season, but sometime in the future they gotta add someone of that caliber or they'll just be wasting KAT's talent.

It for sure won't be Wiggins. It's obvious that guy doesn't take basketball seriously, and tbh he's really just in it for the money because he's regressed ever since he got that monster extension. Once he got paid, he stopped giving a shit.

If you watch his highlights from the 2016-2017 season where he averaged nearly 24 ppg on 45% shooting and compare them to now, you'll notice a pretty big difference. He used to be more aggressive, and used his athleticism more to finish inside the paint area. Now he usually stands in the corner with his hands on his hips and shoots idiotic mid-range jumpshots that have barely any chance of going in. It's sad really. This guy was supposed to be the next big SG in the league.

04-05-2019, 05:38 AM
Doesn't matter, they'll always be better than the knicks:roll: