View Full Version : It's now a question of when, not if, blacks in America will receive reparations

Long Duck Dong
04-06-2019, 02:11 PM

Now all the major Democrat candidates except for Biden are on board with studying how to best pay out blacks in America for slavery that took place 150 years ago. Kind of like how 3 years ago all the Democrat candidates(except for Jim Webb) were terrified of saying All Lives Matter, it appears they must not oppose this if they want the Democrat vote.

It will be interesting to see how much they get, if all blacks get it including those from families who immigrated here from Africa or the Caribbean long after the end of slavery, and how mixed one must be to receive full benefits. 99.9% of blacks who descended from slaves in the US are mixed nowadays, and whites in the USA have on average 1.5% African blood with blacks probably having more white slave owner blood, than present day American whites.

Will Curry get the same amount of reparations as Jaylen Brown? Will Klay Thompson get the same amount of reperations as Curry? The can of worms has been opened :facepalm

04-06-2019, 02:28 PM
So basically all the Dems who DIDNT vote Bernie will be the ones collectin them checks from the 1% :oldlol:

Bern Bros getting an important lesson on the wonders of diversity :rockon:

04-06-2019, 04:26 PM
It's a terrible idea to happen in 2019. If they would have done it the appropriate timing would have been when slavery was abolished or even the generation after but this many years later is laughable.

04-06-2019, 04:27 PM
Great, now every black guy walking around is going to have a huge gold and diamond encrusted medallion around his neck.

04-06-2019, 04:35 PM
this is dumb af :facepalm

pretty sure most of the people who will receive this money are unemployed. more welfare, great.

04-06-2019, 04:44 PM
Great, now every black guy walking around is going to have a huge gold and diamond encrusted medallion around his neck.




04-06-2019, 05:18 PM

Now all the major Democrat candidates except for Biden are on board with studying how to best pay out blacks in America for slavery that took place 150 years ago. Kind of like how 3 years ago all the Democrat candidates(except for Jim Webb) were terrified of saying All Lives Matter, it appears they must not oppose this if they want the Democrat vote.

It will be interesting to see how much they get, if all blacks get it including those from families who immigrated here from Africa or the Caribbean long after the end of slavery, and how mixed one must be to receive full benefits. 99.9% of blacks who descended from slaves in the US are mixed nowadays, and whites in the USA have on average 1.5% African blood with blacks probably having more white slave owner blood, than present day American whites.

Will Curry get the same amount of reparations as Jaylen Brown? Will Klay Thompson get the same amount of reperations as Curry? The can of worms has been opened :facepalm

Great questions. Also, who would pay? Would xyz immigrants from the 1900s pay?

04-06-2019, 05:29 PM
It's lunacy and never going to happen. You guys realize it has to pass through Congress, right? Not happening.

This is how far we have come to be PC. It's a bit sad that you have to be goaded into saying or doing something in name of being PC just for some votes.. Similar stuff to being forced to give speeches in support of Israel just to be PC or they hold it against you..

Patrick Chewing
04-06-2019, 05:37 PM
So the Democrats are just buying votes now in broad daylight under the guise of

Ben Simmons 25
04-06-2019, 05:43 PM
If the contention is that the US black community has been undermined for a century and a half by US policy and racism... and this is primarily what has resulted in them being in the state that they are in today... I can tell you in no uncertain terms, that giving them as a group or individuals... large sums of money... well, that isn't going to correct those problems.

The wealth will be squandered within a generation, if it takes that long, and they'll be right back in the same place they already were.

If US blacks truly are they way they are primarily because of US policy, they need to be helped from the ground up for at least 50-100 years in social ways that I can't even begin to articulate. Throwing money at them won't fix their problems.

04-06-2019, 06:35 PM
well then shit, i want reparations for what happened to my japanese peoples in ww2. only fair, right? :confusedshrug:

gimme a ****ing break - can we just move on already.

04-06-2019, 07:52 PM
btw, i'm talking about the 100,000 law abiding japanese americans that were tossed into camps here during the war, not the bombings.

i feel bad for sanders. he's been clear that he doesn't support just throwing money at slave descendents, but instead believes there are better ways to help poverty striken black communities. im almost sure he just had to 'give in' to the establishment here because of his loyalty pledge to them coupled with not wanting to completely alienate the black vote. believe it or not, he's the current democratic front runner and it's funny how the media and establishment don't wanna talk about it. :oldlol:


gotta respect the guy even if u don't agree with him.

Lord P
04-06-2019, 07:58 PM
Reparations would be investing in the inner cities where blacks are stuck in a cycle of poverty. Instead, we buy shiny new F__ fighter jets and launch missiles at civilians.

04-06-2019, 10:06 PM
It's lunacy and never going to happen. You guys realize it has to pass through Congress, right? Not happening.

This is how far we have come to be PC. It's a bit sad that you have to be goaded into saying or doing something in name of being PC just for some votes.. Similar stuff to being forced to give speeches in support of Israel just to be PC or they hold it against you..

Yeah and this lunacy is mainstream democrat party now.

04-06-2019, 11:14 PM
This is how far we have come to be PC.
I ain

Mask the Embiid
04-06-2019, 11:21 PM
Give mines to someone in the intercity.Hopefully it helps a family or school out.It was hard getting out and i remember how terrible the schools were

04-06-2019, 11:34 PM
well then shit, i want reparations for what happened to my japanese peoples in ww2. only fair, right? :confusedshrug:

gimme a ****ing break - can we just move on already.

Im guessing you arent old enough to remember but....they actually paid the Japanese internment camp people in the 80s. Most of them were still alive. It didnt go to the dead peoples family though. Just the people who were physically in the camps.

04-07-2019, 12:19 AM
Seriously, though, can the nikkas on this board tell me what your races obsession is with medallions? It just makes you look trashy and ignorant walking around with that bullshit. Why is it when you get some money that's the first thing you think of to buy?

Lakers Legend#32
04-07-2019, 12:24 AM
Pay Up Honky.

04-07-2019, 12:32 AM
Im guessing you arent old enough to remember but....they actually paid the Japanese internment camp people in the 80s. Most of them were still alive. It didnt go to the dead peoples family though. Just the people who were physically in the camps.

did not know that. i'm only half japanese though, so u can't blame me. :oldlol:

Patrick Chewing
04-07-2019, 12:46 AM
Im guessing you arent old enough to remember but....they actually paid the Japanese internment camp people in the 80s. Most of them were still alive. It didnt go to the dead peoples family though. Just the people who were physically in the camps.

Welp, all the slaves are dead.

This idea is stupid.

04-07-2019, 01:55 AM
Don't they already get welfare?

04-07-2019, 03:29 AM
Buying out votes. They won't win in 2020 and if they do they'll blame the Republicans for a failed bill (and they expect it to be so in that eventuality - and play off each other).

Win/Win in their eyes.

More decay in the already rotten and corrupt political climate in this country. As long as the dollar is the reserve currency of the world we should be fine. That's what we riding on these days.

04-07-2019, 07:49 AM
did not know that. i'm only half japanese though, so u can't blame me. :oldlol:

I’m surprised it isn’t more well-known. It was a pretty big issue at the time. An incredible number of people were against it. All of them got like 20k. If you go read the arguments from the time people worried it would open a Pandora’s box of injustice and everybody would come out wanting to get paid. ITs happened more times than you would think. They usually wait just long enough to be able to say “Those people are dead sooooooo....” kinda like they did with the Trail Of Tears native Americans. They did get paid but like 60-70 years later when most were dead or dying. Life expectancy was not high in the early 1900s.

They had to wait longer to be able to say the slaves were all dead anyway. The last slaves didn’t die till the 70s. I know a LOT of people who personally knew slaves. An old slave was one of the babysitters for my mom. And I’m not talking the ones who were illegally still slaves in the 1900s either when they would say....hire you to work but charge you to rent your tools to rack up debt that you couldn’t pay off with the wages being less than the value of tools and housing on the land. End of the year you are in debt slavery with an overseer, being beaten and raped, with slave catchers on the job to return you if you run. It was federally illegal in like 1900 but Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana ignored it. If I remember correctly the last of them were freed in the 1960s. Im talking the real straight up legal slaves.

MY great grandma passed in 1994 so I knew her very very well. Born in 1902. How many 45 year old people were still alive when you were born? A lot obviously. Her father was a slave. She was raised by him and other slaves after her mother died. She did not see it as a long time ago. All relative though. Theres an old lady named Minnie Lee who was my grandmothers friend. Lives in a worn down old house near here and me and some others who remember her house being a salon and cafe back in the day when she did hair help her out. Cut her firewood or whatever she needs. Her father was a slave. And some of them werent like....babies as slaves either. I remember Obama at a recent museum opening with the child of an escaped slave.

Sounds impossible but there were still living children of civil war vets last I checked.

I remember as a kid watching civil war parades and shit in the south and thinking it was boring and pointless because it was soooooooooooooo long ago. Looking back and doing the math....the old people there were talking about their actual family members they knew who were in the civil war. You read something in a history book it feels like it has to be a long time ago but again...its all relative.

04-07-2019, 08:40 AM

04-07-2019, 08:48 AM
just a quick warning to the african americans on the board. i've seen first hand what reparations do to a people.

in canada we do nothing but hand out free money to natives and its destroyed them. they've all become drug addicts/alcoholics and social outcasts. they commit suicide at an alarming rate. government hand outs destroys peoples souls. so when you get your cheque don't be surprised when you blow through it in a few months just like the natives do and end up on the street just like them

it will destroy your life. its not a permanent fix and you will never forgive yourself for squandering it

04-07-2019, 08:50 AM
btw.. i'm irish so will i be getting anything from the british government?

04-07-2019, 10:06 AM
btw.. i'm irish so will i be getting anything from the british government?

You'll be getting a return to the troubles thanks to a no deal Brexit.

Real Men Wear Green
04-07-2019, 10:20 AM
Way to controversial to ever happen. It definitely should have happened after slavery. It didn't though and now it's just too contentious. Figuring out who should get paid, how much they should get paid, what percentage of a recipients family had to have been slaves. It would cost several billions and be extremely unpopular. The Democrat candidates are creating their own version of Trump's wall issue.

04-07-2019, 10:40 AM
Wow, as the Democrats rush to see who can move the farthest to the batshit crazy left it leaves me SMDH. Most are now openly embracing socialism :facepalm. I guess they have quit teaching how evil socialism and communism is in schools. Sadly, the Democrat platform is all about trying to buy as many votes as possible via wealth redistribution.

Long Duck Dong
04-07-2019, 03:57 PM
You know the Dems have gone loco when even Obama is doing facepalms at the direction they are taking :oldlol:

They are playing right into Trump's hands yet the one's who do possess some common sense are too spineless to stand up for themselves and goose step along with the retards :oldlol:

04-07-2019, 04:08 PM
just a quick warning to the african americans on the board. i've seen first hand what reparations do to a people.

in canada we do nothing but hand out free money to natives and its destroyed them. they've all become drug addicts/alcoholics and social outcasts. they commit suicide at an alarming rate. government hand outs destroys peoples souls. so when you get your cheque don't be surprised when you blow through it in a few months just like the natives do and end up on the street just like them

it will destroy your life. its not a permanent fix and you will never forgive yourself for squandering it
the natives are a sad case. I have a friend who was a psychologist being paid big bucks making $130k in his mid 20's was 26-years old working as a crisis counselor in the native community and he walked away and changed careers because it was just too crazy.

american innercity blacks are already infinitely better than the natives that we have here I'm talking insane levels of alcoholism and unpredictable crime near the reserves, talking some random 40-year old bum drinking listerine and trying to stab you outside of a convenience store for no reason.

the reason I hate this reparations shit is because it'll absolutely guarantee another 4 years of trump. there's a way of doing it right - investing in communities and creating opportunities but we all know the democrats won't get that right.

04-07-2019, 09:28 PM
there's a way of doing it right - investing in communities and creating opportunities but we all know the democrats won't get that right.

Reparations would be investing in the inner cities where blacks are stuck in a cycle of poverty. Instead, we buy shiny new F__ fighter jets and launch missiles at civilians.

[URL="https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/12/us/politics/trump-opportunity-zones-tax-cut.html"][B]Trump to Steer More Money to

Long Duck Dong
04-08-2019, 06:38 PM
Corey Booker introduced a slavery reperations bill today into the Senate

He said:

The senator from New Jersey said Monday that “this bill is a way of addressing head-on the persistence of racism, white supremacy, and implicit racial bias in our country. It will bring together the best minds to study the issue and propose solutions that will finally begin to right the economic scales of past harms and make sure we are a country where all dignity and humanity is affirmed.”

Sheila Jackson Lee already has one sitting on the floor of the House since January

They're going balls deep on the reperations gimmick

Fits in nicely with his "basic income" plan, giving $6k a year to every family making under 100k, and up to $3k a year for individuals making under 50k, whether they are working or not, and irregardless if they are already receiving other government aid.

Free money for everyone! :rockon:

04-08-2019, 07:13 PM
Corey Booker introduced a slavery reperations bill today into the Senate

He said:

Sheila Jackson Lee already has one sitting on the floor of the House since January

They're going balls deep on the reperations gimmick

Fits in nicely with his "basic income" plan, giving $6k a year to every family making under 100k, and up to $3k a year for individuals making under 50k, whether they are working or not, and irregardless if they are already receiving other government aid.

Free money for everyone! :rockon:

America will probably eventually be the world’s power plant. One big factory/police station run by whites, labored by minorities. With a globaized military that can step in and squash any conflicts abroad, and an agriculture/factory establishment that can supply goods to the rest of the world.

How many white milennials do you think have any interest in joining the military or working in farms/factories?? American kids dont wanna do that, their parents dont want them to do that.

America brings in poor immigrants from el salvador because theyll work the fields and send their kids to the military. The 1% need the poor to make them rich.

Once middle class whites all move to Europe, which they eventually will, America will just become a huge plantation/military base run by whites from a distance (with plenty of brown supervisors overseeing the big populations of brown workers). Whites who stick around will just end up getting the South Africa treatment. Idiot libs who think black/brown populations will eventually be as tolerant as whites once the numbers flip... :roll:

This is the actual future of America. Get out while you can, tbh.

04-08-2019, 07:21 PM
The United States have been paying out reparations to different groups for almost a century now. I'm pretty sure we recently paid Holocaust survivors a few million dollars a couple years ago

I don't think a simple cash payment will do much to uplift the black community, so I'm interested to see where these talks go

04-08-2019, 07:32 PM
The United States have been paying out reparations to different groups for almost a century now. I'm pretty sure we recently paid Holocaust survivors a few million dollars a couple years ago

I don't think a simple cash payment will do much to uplift the black community, so I'm interested to see where these talks go

Of course it wont, altho you know what? I say just go ahead and pay it so we can get this talking point out of the way and find out what the next excuse is going to be.

Every large corporation in America should be given an opt-in clause for an extra 15% tax payment in 2020 to be earmarked for the reparations fund. Make the decision public and let Starbucks, P&G, Nike etc put their money where their mouth is.

Just go for it. It’s obvious this kind of national wedge issue is being pushed behind the scenes by Soros et al. I say conservatives should get on board so as to avoid the national distraction this is intended to create, but just make sure to put a massive floodlight on the actual financial contributions from the guys clearly pushing this issue from the back. Dont take the bait, simply make it backfire.


But tbh, most conservatives arent that smart anyway. Theyll take the bait and argue about it on the internet day after day after day. The globalists will get what they want.

04-09-2019, 12:19 PM
If the contention is that the US black community has been undermined for a century and a half by US policy and racism... and this is primarily what has resulted in them being in the state that they are in today... I can tell you in no uncertain terms, that giving them as a group or individuals... large sums of money... well, that isn't going to correct those problems.

The wealth will be squandered within a generation, if it takes that long, and they'll be right back in the same place they already were.

If US blacks truly are they way they are primarily because of US policy, they need to be helped from the ground up for at least 50-100 years in social ways that I can't even begin to articulate. Throwing money at them won't fix their problems.

I came here to say this, but I'm not sure I would have phrased everything so clearly.


Patrick Chewing
04-09-2019, 12:22 PM
You know the Dems have gone loco when even Obama is doing facepalms at the direction they are taking :oldlol:

They are playing right into Trump's hands yet the one's who do possess some common sense are too spineless to stand up for themselves and goose step along with the retards :oldlol:

Holy shit I saw Obama talking yesterday and I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. He was saying how it's not racist to want borders and it's not racist to want those that come over to this country to assimilate and learn the language.


Obama, is that you? Is he sick?

04-09-2019, 12:35 PM
Holy shit I saw Obama talking yesterday and I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. He was saying how it's not racist to want borders and it's not racist to want those that come over to this country to assimilate and learn the language.


Obama, is that you? Is he sick?

Long Duck Dong
04-09-2019, 03:15 PM
Holy shit I saw Obama talking yesterday and I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. He was saying how it's not racist to want borders and it's not racist to want those that come over to this country to assimilate and learn the language.


Obama, is that you? Is he sick?

Simple. He doesn't have to cater to the Latino vote anymore and unchecked immigration hurts the job market in both wages and opportunity for African Americans, plus having to dilute the entitlement pie with immigrants and their anchor babies hurts blacks in the US as well.