View Full Version : Ilhan Omar refers to the 9/11 terrorist attack as "Some people did something"

Patrick Chewing
04-10-2019, 11:51 AM
Here she is again in all her beautiful glory.


Let me ask again, but who are the people on the board that defend this woman? Show yourselves.

Here is a State Representative refusing to acknowledge Islamic terrorism and passing it off as "some people", only to justify the creation of the radical group, CAIR.

04-10-2019, 12:18 PM
Here she is again in all her beautiful glory.


Let me ask again, but who are the people on the board that defend this woman? Show yourselves.

Here is a State Representative refusing to acknowledge Islamic terrorism and passing it off as "some people", only to justify the creation of the radical group, CAIR.
Ilhan is ****ing great. She

Patrick Chewing
04-10-2019, 12:24 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]Ilhan is ****ing great. She

04-10-2019, 12:26 PM
Only mental midgets use the word "triggered".

I'm glad you chose to glance over Omar's downright and outward treachery towards the same United States that she represents, in order to push her own radical Islamist agenda. Shows us how stupid you people really are.
Turn off Fox News, pops.

Ilhan is just what America needs. She cares about the people of this country far more than you do.

04-10-2019, 01:19 PM
Omar and AOC are truly dumb as dirt and filled with hate.

04-10-2019, 01:37 PM
This is a case of people trying to read way too much into someone’s comments.

04-10-2019, 01:44 PM
Omar and AOC are truly dumb as dirt and filled with hate.

They are.

A lot of republicans in congress are equally selfish, decietful,and narcissistic. They dont give a **** about any of their voters. It applies to most people who end up in Washington. People always think it only applies to “the other side’s” leaders.

Problem is people on both sides dont want to hold their own leaders accountable, because that would mean being a leader themselves. Most people just dont have the equipment for that. Ffs, people fear public speaking more than they fear death. Picture the average person trying to articulate a challenge irl to their own party and party leaders. Theyll sound like bumbling bozos and end up cowering away with their tail between their legs.

No, people just pick a side and quietly sit back in the crowd, accept whatever the group’s leaders decide on. Go with the flow.

Patrick Chewing
04-10-2019, 01:53 PM
[QUOTE=NumberSix]This is a case of people trying to read way too much into someone

04-10-2019, 01:56 PM
I don't think so. If it had come from anyone else besides her, or anyone else that is not a Muslim, then maybe you are correct.

But the Left, and Muslims in general have attempted to distance themselves from acknowledging and even uttering the words, "Radical Islam". Obama always avoided saying it.

That is a problem even though people may think it's an overreaction. Her context too is important. She is diminishing the attack to promote her stance on CAIR. Another problem.

There's no question she's there to play to the large crowd of American losers who resent America.

Her entire base of voters are people who've been overtly clowning religion and religious people for decades, but now that one of their party leaders - who is soaked in the left wing hero garb of a million different minority identities - is a proud muslim, then obviously all the sheep have to lap up respect and tolerance for islam; a religion that specifically HATES secular, non religious people.

But Christians are still a bunch of inbred rednecks who believe in fairy tales yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


baaaah. baaaaaaaaaah.

04-10-2019, 01:59 PM
Turn off Fox News, pops.

Ilhan is just what America needs. She cares about the people of this country far more than you do.

baaaah. baaaaaaaah.

Ben Simmons 25
04-10-2019, 01:59 PM
On 9/11 some people did something and for the following two decades, some people have done something in response.

Some people and something. Always a good time.


04-10-2019, 02:00 PM
On 9/11 some people did some things and for the following two decades, some people have done some things in response.

Some people and some things. Always a good time.


Some people said they would buy someones book.

And then they didnt.


04-10-2019, 02:02 PM
Another day, another instance of OP whining like a bitch.

I'm in new york this summer Fatrick, let me know if I can come by and slap you around.

It'll be fun - for me. :D

04-10-2019, 02:18 PM

04-10-2019, 02:23 PM

You make stupid political points, then fall back on stereotyping and bigotry when you get destroyed logically.

Youre the exact thing you claim to both oppose and be superior to.

But you neither oppose it nor are superior to it. Youre just another generic social cellar dweller. You can only obtain recognition or approval by using fallacy and bigotry, but you dont want others to use it because then youre not looking so superior or distinguished. Youve gotta prohibit others from using your tools. Hence the double standards disguised as something more noble, social justice.

Do you see? Do you see how youre not enlightened, progressive, righteous and so on, but rather youre weak, dumb and pathetic and are using any means at your disposal to keep others from noticing?

04-10-2019, 02:33 PM
I don't think so. If it had come from anyone else besides her, or anyone else that is not a Muslim, then maybe you are correct.

But the Left, and Muslims in general have attempted to distance themselves from acknowledging and even uttering the words, "Radical Islam". Obama always avoided saying it.

That is a problem even though people may think it's an overreaction. Her context too is important. She is diminishing the attack to promote her stance on CAIR. Another problem.
I think it

Patrick Chewing
04-10-2019, 02:38 PM
Another day, another instance of OP whining like a bitch.

I'm in new york this summer Fatrick, let me know if I can come by and slap you around.

It'll be fun - for me. :D

You'll be here in the Summer?? Oh joy! You're not making the usual trek to Mecca this Summer? I don't blame you though. I hear a few hundred people always get trampled to death every year. Doesn't seem very organized to me. At least you'll be visiting the only Mecca that matters.

In any event, you won't be slapping anyone around because violence only begets more violence. Jesus broke bread with his enemies. Mo on the other hand....

04-10-2019, 02:51 PM
You'll be here in the Summer?? Oh joy! You're not making the usual trek to Mecca this Summer? I don't blame you though. I hear a few hundred people always get trampled to death every year. Doesn't seem very organized to me. At least you'll be visiting the only Mecca that matters.

In any event, you won't be slapping anyone around because violence only begets more violence. Jesus broke bread with his enemies. Mo on the other hand....
You are one interesting character. The proud christian homosexual crusader. Triggered by every little thing.

You gonna do a save-the-gays tour this summer? Where are you needed most in these dire times of homosexual oppression? You gonna fight some muzzies and liberate your homosexual brethren?


Let me know what I can do to help you out son.

04-10-2019, 02:51 PM
[QUOTE=NumberSix]I think it

Patrick Chewing
04-10-2019, 03:23 PM
[QUOTE=NumberSix]I think it

04-10-2019, 03:25 PM
Bill Kristol is that you?

We'll agree to disagree here, but I want to clarify my point. Not watching her entire speech, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt that she wasn't trying to diminish 9/11. However, the point I want to emphasize is her lack of using the term "Radical Islam", which in turn diminishes the actual threat of radical Islam that does exist across the globe. This is a tactic that Obama used mercilessly, so that when critics use that term, the Left can do what they typically do and cry out Islamophobia because they refuse to separate the two.
You're a ****ing loser my dude.

Just a complete embarrassment. I can't believe I wasted so much time going back and forth with you in the past thinking that you were reasonable.

04-10-2019, 04:24 PM

This is such a nothing.

She clearly means that the attackers did something wrong the rest of them are being tied up in. She needs to get colorful and describe in detail what happened like we didn

Ben Simmons 25
04-10-2019, 06:19 PM
Some people said they would buy someones book.

And then they didnt.


Some people never said that. Some people made that up.

Ben Simmons 25
04-10-2019, 06:23 PM

This is such a nothing.

She clearly means that the attackers did something wrong the rest of them are being tied up in. She needs to get colorful and describe in detail what happened like we didn’t all watch it live?

I’m sure she’s said something worth talking about lately. This isn’t it.

I don't know who this chick is and I don't give a **** even if she was elected to some meaningless office.

But I will say there is an extremely, EXTREMELY big problem within the muslim community and within the left with just flat out coming out and saying what it is... Islamic terrorism. Is it really a lie or so hard to admit that currently in 2019 Islam has a bigger terrorist conjuring problem than any other religion/group of people?

How hard would it be for her to say "Because a few extremist muslims committed some heinous acts of terror, the entire muslim community has had to unjustly pay for it" or something to that extent. Is that really so hard? That would have been far more honest that just essentially going "yada yada" over the deaths of 3000 people, lol.

Why does the left have this apologetic response to islamic extremism? It's really quite baffling. ****ing nutjobs, tbh.

Would it really have been that hard?

04-10-2019, 06:30 PM
I don't know who this chick is and I don't give a **** even if she was elected to some meaningless office.

But I will say there is an extremely, EXTREMELY big problem within the muslim community and within the left with just flat out coming out and saying what it is... Islamic terrorism. Is it really a lie or so hard to admit that currently in 2019 Islam has a bigger terrorist conjuring problem than any other religion/group of people?

How hard would it be for her to say "Because a few extremist muslims committed some heinous acts of terror, the entire muslim community has had to unjustly pay for it" or something to that extent. Is that really so hard? That would have been far more honest that just essentially going "yada yada" over the deaths of 3000 people, lol.

Why does the left have this apologetic response to islamic extremism? It's really quite baffling. ****ing nutjobs, tbh.

Would it really have been that hard?
In my experience, muslims don

Patrick Chewing
04-10-2019, 06:42 PM

This is such a nothing.

She clearly means that the attackers did something wrong the rest of them are being tied up in. She needs to get colorful and describe in detail what happened like we didn’t all watch it live?

I’m sure she’s said something worth talking about lately. This isn’t it.

That's not it, man. People are not upset about the "did something" part of her statement, people are upset about the "some people" part. Acknowledge Radical Islam. Call it out. Don't be afraid and use your pulpit to castigate other people. Fight the real enemy.

On top of having to deal with Radical Islam, every day Americans have to deal with Liberals reprimanding them for their anger towards the actions of Radical Islam. Insanity.

04-10-2019, 06:54 PM
"Because a few extremist muslims committed some heinous acts of terror, the entire muslim community has had to unjustly pay for it" or something to that extent. Is that really so hard? That would have been far more honest that just essentially going "yada yada" over the deaths of 3000 people, lol.

Who are you talking to day to day who talks like that?

I know muslims who hate terrorists who dont talk like that.

Thats just not something youre gonna say in conversation. Thats the kinda buzzword talk a speech writer puts in when they know youre in front of a crowd that wants to hear it even though it has no impact on anything.

These dudes will put a bomb in a little boys book bag and send him into a hospital. You think they give a **** how you word your disapproval? You dont harm terrorists with words. You send our guys over there or you send drones.

People wanna hear words that have no real result but get mad when you actually attack the people in question. Ive heard people want Obama to get tough verbally on terrorists....but call him out for blowing them up with drone strikes.

Whats the sweet spot?

Call it radical islamic terrorism or whatever other brief catchphrase a focus group decides will go over well with Americans who want bumper sticker policy they can follow.....and then do nothing about it? Send in more troops to do the killing as we have more Americans dead instead of the terrorist and unfortunately the human shields they always live with?

People act like you are a ***** for not using strong enough words they want but a monster for using bombs to kill the people trying to kill us.

Which way we leaning in a perfect world? Tough talk then no results?

04-10-2019, 06:57 PM
The Holocaust was just some people doing some things.

The Armenian/Assyrian/Greek Genocide was just some people doing some things.

American Slavery was just some people doing some things.

04-10-2019, 07:01 PM
The Holocaust was just some people doing some things.

The Armenian/Assyrian/Greek Genocide was just some people doing some things.

American Slavery was just some people doing some things.

When you talk about slavery do you say "Some whites brought millions of people to America to be beaten, raped, and used like cattle for hundreds of years but thats not my fault..." or do you say "What people did 150 years ago isnt my fault?".

Do you need to explain exactly what happened...or do you know...we know...what you mean?

04-10-2019, 07:02 PM
How come Drumpf won’t refer to white supremacist attacks as terrorism? Where’s Drumpf’s quote about “radical white terrorism”?

Just playing the same whatabout game mango stans like playing.

04-10-2019, 07:06 PM
When you talk about slavery do you say "Some whites brought millions of people to America to be beaten, raped, and used like cattle for hundreds of years but thats not my fault..." or do you say "What people did 150 years ago isnt my fault?".

Do you need to explain exactly what happened...or do you know...we know...what you mean?
You can’t reason with these people, Kblaze. They’ve already decided they hate her simply because she’s a Muslim and wears a hijab. The fact that she is an intelligent black female just infuriates them further.

04-10-2019, 07:10 PM
When you talk about slavery do you say "Some whites brought millions of people to America to be beaten, raped, and used like cattle for hundreds of years but thats not my fault..." or do you say "What people did 150 years ago isnt my fault?".

Do you need to explain exactly what happened...or do you know...we know...what you mean?

It was just some people doing some things.

Like Darfur, was some people doing some things.

Or Burma/Myanmar (whatever you want to call it).


Or the Genocide of the Aztecs.

Or Timothy McVeigh.

Or the lynchings.

Or the Japanese camps.

They were all just some people doing some things.

Ben Simmons 25
04-10-2019, 07:31 PM
Who are you talking to day to day who talks like that?

I know muslims who hate terrorists who dont talk like that.

Thats just not something youre gonna say in conversation. Thats the kinda buzzword talk a speech writer puts in when they know youre in front of a crowd that wants to hear it even though it has no impact on anything.

These dudes will put a bomb in a little boys book bag and send him into a hospital. You think they give a **** how you word your disapproval? You dont harm terrorists with words. You send our guys over there or you send drones.

People wanna hear words that have no real result but get mad when you actually attack the people in question. Ive heard people want Obama to get tough verbally on terrorists....but call him out for blowing them up with drone strikes.

Whats the sweet spot?

Call it radical islamic terrorism or whatever other brief catchphrase a focus group decides will go over well with Americans who want bumper sticker policy they can follow.....and then do nothing about it? Send in more troops to do the killing as we have more Americans dead instead of the terrorist and unfortunately the human shields they always live with?

People act like you are a ***** for not using strong enough words they want but a monster for using bombs to kill the people trying to kill us.

Which way we leaning in a perfect world? Tough talk then no results?

What are you even talking about? I'm not talking about talking tough to scare terrorists. I'm talking about the fact that people talk like limp dicked losers because they're afraid they'll offend someone that's Islamic that isn't a terrorist.

If Islamic people have a problem with terrorists within their ranks, they should not take offense to labeling them as Islamic terroists... because that's what they are.

Normal people in everyday life don't say "someone did something and we paid for it" when referencing as huge of an event as 9/11... that's just stupid.

You don't get to "yadda yadda" over the details as if they're mundane, sorry. No.

The big problem is the fact that a ton of Islamic people know that terrorists exist and they don't call them out and report them because deep down they believe in the terrorists' ideals, they just don't have the balls to carry out the acts themselves.

I don't know what the percentages of those people are as I haven't studied it in some time, but it's significant.

04-10-2019, 07:32 PM
There's no question she's there to play to the large crowd of American losers who resent America.

Is someone upset at the current status quo really a loser?

Is it really that wrong to dislike things like the Trail of Tears, the War in Iraq, Racism and desire much social reform--in your eyes?

Her entire base of voters are people who've been overtly clowning religion and religious people for decades,

More accurate to say that a strong portion of those people are ex-Christian and have ungodly lifestyles and are currently at odds with faiths perhaps due to a bad experience. You and I don't have knowledge about where they are gonna end up.

Not NECESSARILY against religions originating in the East---as Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists usually incline towards Left.

but now that one of their party leaders - who is soaked in the left wing hero garb of a million different minority identities - is a proud muslim, then obviously all the sheep have to lap up respect and tolerance for islam;

You have previously demonstrated a strong understanding of what constitutes pure monotheism and idolatry in the religion of Islam. I respect the fact that you took the time to study this subject (and other subjects such as physics). Is it possible, perhaps, that the liberals think Christianity is a bit ridiculous from a logical standpoint--because it attributes Divinity to a man, and involves a Scripture altered by human hands and loaded with mistakes as well as unreasonable things such as excessive guilt on Catholics, rosaries directing prayers to other than God, the fact a person has to confess to a HUMAN BEING--shouldn't it be to God, the dogmatic manner in which Scripture is taught in Latin taking away from the comprehension of the masses, the way the Churches have pictures on them, the way they have musicians in Churches, and people going crazy and dancing with snakes and people singing and going Amen!, not exactly a holy way to revere God--, and all kinds of other follies.

Perhaps its that Christians have this strange hierarchy of pious people where bishops, monks, clergy are some untouchable people whereas the regular human being is like some filthy heathen causing some major resentment, when all men/women are God's creation. Perhaps it's that sex is demonized leading to even more perversity.

Perhaps it's the very stern discipline shown by parents and the lies that they feed like Santa Claus and Christmas and wreaths and easter eggs and all these things that one's gotta ask--where the heck do they come from?

a religion that specifically HATES secular, non religious people.

Doesn't necessarily hate the people themselves. Hates the words, actions, and beliefs of the people. People are always God's creation. and God Forgives.

But Christians are still a bunch of inbred rednecks who believe in fairy tales yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alright, so that's a very disrespectful thing--and I agree with you, that kind of sentiment reeks of arrogance and arrogance is from the Devil. And didn't people from the city look down at people in the country, and vice versa, generally speaking?

HOWEVER, there is merit to why they think that way.

Here's a book that talks about the errors in the Bible.
https://archive.org/stream/50000ErrorsInBibleBySheikhAhmedDeedat/50000_errors_in_the_Bible_djvu.txt 50,000 errors....

Not a single letter has been altered in the Qu'ran from front to back, no mistakes.

And realize it is perfectly valid to think it's ridiculous to belittle one and honor the other.

Not only that, Islam has always had a far richer intellectual heritage than (some sects of) Christianity, particularly the ones in the Deep South (that's not REALLY the people's fault, their religious scholars and the RULERS of Europe should have STRESSED EDUCATION as the Bible also stressed the importance of attaining knowledge) ---that's excluding the monks like Mendel who contributed to genetics as well as the various intellectuals in Europe.

Perhaps due to Hadiths (Sayings) like
"Seeking knowledge is obligatory" -
" Whomsoever seeks a way to learning knowledge, God makes it easy the road to Paradise/Salvation/Jannah"
A rich tradition of Hadiths (Sayings)---perhaps you can compare these to Proverbs or Analects, with a strict intellectual rigor that only the true ones that are verified to have been passed down by truthful people and certain chains are accepted as Truth.

Perhaps it's because Islam offers
- a direct connection from human to God
- a clear structured regulated balanced way of life
- true reverence for God in the mosques

or Perhaps due to the fact that people imprisoned by Muslims were ALLOWED TO BE LET GO IF THEY TAUGHT PEOPLE TO READ.

The fact that young children memorize over 6,000 ayats sometimes in a language other than thier own, the fact that the FIRST AYAT REVEALED is "READ!" and Muslims are told in their Scripture to reflect, reflect, reflect over and over again--may perhaps appeal to liberals who are on average more curious and open than their slightly reserved conservative counterparts.

Baghdad was a cultural and intellectual hotspot in the 800's for a good reason. Universities were established in Timbuktu and Mali really early on---and the ijaza system (graduation) as well as other things were later adopted by Europeans.

Generally, these things are more appealing to people of the Left, than traditions like Christianity.

Patrick Chewing
04-10-2019, 07:35 PM
Next time I hear a Black person complaining about slavery or reparations, I

04-10-2019, 07:35 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]How come Drumpf won

Ben Simmons 25
04-10-2019, 07:37 PM
[QUOTE=Patrick Chewing]Next time I hear a Black person complaining about slavery or reparations, I

04-10-2019, 07:40 PM
[QUOTE=Patrick Chewing]Next time I hear a Black person complaining about slavery or reparations, I

04-10-2019, 07:42 PM
It was just some people doing some things.

Like Darfur, was some people doing some things.

Motivated by desperation for resources according to this site http://worldwithoutgenocide.org/genocides-and-conflicts/darfur-genocide.

Or Burma/Myanmar (whatever you want to call it).

This was done out of hatred for monotheists by idolaters. And it's nothing new. Monotheistic people (Jews and Muslims) are hated because they bow down to God and not men and idols. Look at what Assyrians and Babylonians did to Jews---

Or the Genocide of the Aztecs.

One of the first thing in Catholic School that is taught is the sanctity of human life. What was done was motivated by greed and expansion and the hunt for El Dorado.

Or Timothy McVeigh.

Motivated by vengeance and anger. Especially when he saw children die in the Waco incident-according to Wiki.

Or the lynchings.

Motivated by a combination of arrogant superiority, fear, wild bloodthirst, and dehumanizations of blacks. Antithetical to the equality espoused by major religions.

Or the Japanese camps.

Motivated by vengeance and lack of respect for humans not of your own--antithetical to the concept of forgiveness and equality in religions.

04-10-2019, 07:46 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]You can

04-10-2019, 07:47 PM
Next time I hear a Black person complaining about slavery or reparations, I’m going to shout them down and tell them it was just some people doing some things.



I mean let's laugh at people taken away from their homeland, who had their culture destroyed, had their names switched, who were whipped wildly into submission, who had the humanity taken out of them, who were promised 40 acres and a mule--no response, who SERVED IN THE MILITARY, who weren't given sufficient credit for building America's economy, who after many years were counted as 3/5th of a person and after even many more years had drugs and crime and fast food and all kinds of poison injected into broken dilapidated inner city communities and who still to this day are profiled for being thieves and murders--

And because someone said a response that didn't have the level of sympathy you were hoping for--let's marginalize their plight!

By the way, Chewing, I said this before in the past thread, but where is your sympathy for thousands if not millions of innocents having bombs thrown at them in Iraq and Afghanistan? Where is it? Are they not human?

I forgot, Patrick, Muslims and blacks aren't humans in your eyes, right? They are just pests and cockroaches right? They ought to be exterminated right! Let's call them "muzzies" right!

Your comedy is despicable and your character is loathsome.

Patrick Chewing
04-10-2019, 07:50 PM
Better give me credit for that shit :roll:

My man QRich takes the credit. We gonna piss off a lot of snowflakes with this new line.

04-10-2019, 07:51 PM
Kblaze trying to be slick adding "but its not my fault" to that hypothetical :oldlol:

Some people did some things? Its like telling a friend "that sucks" after they explained they were just assaulted and robbed blind.

Like....yeah, no shit? Thanks for the input fukkhead.

Patrick Chewing
04-10-2019, 07:55 PM

I mean let's laugh at people taken away from their homeland, who had their culture destroyed, had their names switched, who were whipped wildly into submission, who had the humanity taken out of them, who were promised 40 acres and a mule--no response, who SERVED IN THE MILITARY, who weren't given sufficient credit for building America's economy, who after many years were counted as 3/5th of a person and after even many more years had drugs and crime and fast food and all kinds of poison injected into broken dilapidated inner city communities and who still to this day are profiled for being thieves and murders--

And because someone said a response that didn't have the level of sympathy you were hoping for--let's marginalize their plight!

By the way, Chewing, I said this before in the past thread, but where is your sympathy for thousands if not millions of innocents having bombs thrown at them in Iraq and Afghanistan? Where is it? Are they not human?

I forgot, Patrick, Muslims and blacks aren't humans in your eyes, right? They are just pests and cockroaches right? They ought to be exterminated right! Let's call them "muzzies" right!

Your comedy is despicable and your character is loathsome.

So when the shoe is on the other foot, you guys get upset? You

04-10-2019, 08:12 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]You can

04-10-2019, 08:13 PM
[QUOTE=Patrick Chewing]Next time I hear a Black person complaining about slavery or reparations, I

Patrick Chewing
04-10-2019, 08:24 PM
[QUOTE=Kblaze8855]You think white people dont say things along the lines of

04-10-2019, 08:30 PM
Patrick has a Platinum AIPAC membership.

04-10-2019, 08:49 PM

04-10-2019, 08:51 PM

Holy shit.

So it’s white supremacist terrorists don’t exist now?
White supremacist terrorism exists. “White terrorism” doesn’t.

04-10-2019, 08:55 PM
[QUOTE=NumberSix][B]White supremacist terrorism exists[B].

04-10-2019, 08:56 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]Well then why won

04-10-2019, 08:56 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]Well then why won

04-10-2019, 09:05 PM

low IQ.

high estrogen.


04-10-2019, 09:08 PM
Patrick has a Platinum AIPAC membership.
Nah he has a rainbow membership to the backdoor-open-at-all-times club

Patrick Chewing
04-10-2019, 09:10 PM
Why should he if it's just some people doing some things?



04-10-2019, 09:12 PM
fatrick chewing aka the gay crusader :oldlol:


04-10-2019, 09:21 PM
Nice whataboutism.
If you read my original post asking this question I mentioned I was using the same tactic you guys always use :oldlol:

Okay for me but not for thee :roll:

04-10-2019, 09:23 PM
But a video of Omar’s full speech shows that the disputed remark followed from comments only a minute earlier in which Omar did mention terrorism. She complained that Islam was discussed in schools only in relation to Muslim terrorists.

“It doesn’t matter how good you are if you, one day, find yourself in a school where other religions are talked about, but when Islam is mentioned, we are only talking about terrorists, and if you say something, you are sent to the principal’s office,” she said.


04-10-2019, 09:28 PM
fatrick is like freddy mercury with none of the talent and all of the ****ed up teeth :roll:

04-10-2019, 09:39 PM

Who cares if everyone wants to wipe out Islam.

It's just some people doing some things.

Ben Simmons 25
04-10-2019, 09:44 PM
Who cares if everyone wants to wipe out Islam.

It's just some people doing some things.

Yada-yada-yada, and then muslims no longer exist!

04-10-2019, 09:44 PM
Who cares if everyone wants to wipe out Islam.

It's just some people doing some things.
Who cares what Omar actually said?

Must stick to my agenda like a good lil Fox News viewer.

04-10-2019, 09:46 PM
Who cares if everyone wants to wipe out Islam.

It's just some people doing some things.
hey dude you're entitled to your opinion personally I think all religions play a role in ****ing up this world. ie christianity.

if "everyone wants" to wipe out islam what would "everyone" replace it with?

just a quick word of advice - you might want to sort out your own domestic affairs before you start planning world domination or lofty goals like that.

rumor has it that there are a lot of uneducated and homeless americans - you gonna wipe them out first? :confusedshrug:

04-10-2019, 10:00 PM
hey dude you're entitled to your opinion personally I think all religions play a role in ****ing up this world. ie christianity.

if "everyone wants" to wipe out islam what would "everyone" replace it with?

just a quick word of advice - you might want to sort out your own domestic affairs before you start planning world domination or lofty goals like that.

rumor has it that there are a lot of uneducated and homeless americans - you gonna wipe them out first? :confusedshrug:

Exactly the action that would lead to much more peace between the USA and the Muslim world.

04-10-2019, 10:04 PM
hey dude you're entitled to your opinion personally I think all religions play a role in ****ing up this world. ie christianity.

if "everyone wants" to wipe out islam what would "everyone" replace it with?

just a quick word of advice - you might want to sort out your own domestic affairs before you start planning world domination or lofty goals like that.

rumor has it that there are a lot of uneducated and homeless americans - you gonna wipe them out first? :confusedshrug:

Why does it matter if it's just something people did?

04-10-2019, 10:25 PM
Why does it matter if it's just something people did?
if you're implying muslims or ilhan support 9/11 then you couldn't be more wrong. pretty lame tbh. if I was born in a different city then I could've been one of the dudes who worked and jumped out of the burning building.

quick question for you qrich young man. you recall by any chance who armed and funded bin laden when it served their interests?

04-10-2019, 10:28 PM
bush did it.

and Richard.

04-10-2019, 10:29 PM
if you're implying muslims or ilhan support 9/11 then you couldn't be more wrong. pretty lame tbh. if I was born in a different city then I could've been one of the dudes who worked and jumped out of the burning building.

quick question for you qrich young man. you recall by any chance who armed and funded bin laden when it served their interests?

What does he supporting or not supporting 9/11 have to do with it being some people that just did something?

04-10-2019, 10:30 PM
Why do you guys bother getting trolled by the same old guys :oldlol:

04-10-2019, 10:31 PM
What does he supporting or not supporting 9/11 have to do with it being some people that just did something?

very very lame.

bush did it.

and Richard.

I never funded bin laden or armed him. I'm pretty sure J$ didn't fund or train bin laden either.

if anything the US government supported 9/11 more than any muslim I know :confusedshrug:

04-10-2019, 10:35 PM
Why do you guys bother getting trolled by the same old guys :oldlol:
I enjoy making fun of chewing aka fatrick aka the brokeback bandito.

Sometimes I laugh out loud when I read and respond to his posts.

Laughter is good for the soul. :D

04-10-2019, 10:39 PM

very very lame.

Because...it's being used against you?

You have no issue with the Muslim Genocide in Burma.....because it's just some people doing somethings?

04-10-2019, 10:43 PM
Because...it's being used against you?

You have no issue with the Muslim Genocide in Burma.....because it's just some people doing somethings?
why you ducking the question bruh? you some type of fatrick or something? I actually gave you a thought -out, reasoned response earlier.

now it's my turn. who supported, armed and funded bin laden when it served THEIR immediate interests?

04-10-2019, 10:47 PM
why you ducking the question bruh? you some type of fatrick or something? I actually gave you a thought -out, reasoned response earlier.

now it's my turn. who supported, armed and funded bin laden when it served THEIR immediate interests?

Sure, it was some people who funded somethings.

Patrick Chewing
04-10-2019, 10:48 PM
Yada-yada-yada, and then muslims no longer exist!


04-10-2019, 10:49 PM
Sure, it was some people who funded somethings.
that's what I thought.


04-10-2019, 10:51 PM
that's what I thought.

So....now we are saying that it isn't just some people doing some things?

04-10-2019, 10:55 PM
So....now we are saying that it isn't just some people doing some things?
Yes yes, ya akhi. Whatever you like.


04-10-2019, 11:19 PM
Ilhan got qbitch melting down worse than a bag of ice in the gobi desert :roll:

04-11-2019, 12:08 AM
why you ducking the question bruh? you some type of fatrick or something? I actually gave you a thought -out, reasoned response earlier.

now it's my turn. who supported, armed and funded bin laden when it served THEIR immediate interests?
Jimmy Carter and Morning Mika

Patrick Chewing
04-11-2019, 11:38 AM
Looks like she's pissing off a lot of people.


The only supporters she may have left are her apologists here on ISH.

04-11-2019, 12:46 PM
Ilhan has Shatrick so triggered :oldlol:

Patrick Chewing
04-11-2019, 01:04 PM
Ilhan has Shatrick so triggered :oldlol:

You're the one that came in here all triggered. Seems criticism of your girl Omar has you all bent out of shape that you seemingly need to defend her either very poor choice of words, or her very blatant hatred for this country and her very blatant anti-Semitism.

Choose your path wisely, son. Or you'll forever be on the wrong side of history.

04-11-2019, 01:06 PM
Omar kind of reminds me of Trump.

I dont really agree with what either of them say, but I love how they both trigger ****tards from the opposing party (neocons and israelis for omar, useless crybaby libs for Trump).

04-11-2019, 01:39 PM
fatrick is like freddy mercury with none of the talent and all of the ****ed up teeth :roll:
I gather you don't care much for the Chewster...wild guess :lol

04-11-2019, 01:47 PM
hey dude you're entitled to your opinion personally I think all religions play a role in ****ing up this world. ie christianity.

if "everyone wants" to wipe out islam what would "everyone" replace it with?

just a quick word of advice - you might want to sort out your own domestic affairs before you start planning world domination or lofty goals like that.

rumor has it that there are a lot of uneducated and homeless americans - you gonna wipe them out first? :confusedshrug:
Christianity does FAR more good than bad...can't say the same for other religions that believe infidels should be slaughtered :confusedshrug:

Serious question red, when's the last time a Christian chopped off someone's head for not being a Christian?

04-11-2019, 02:04 PM
Omar kind of reminds me of Trump.

I dont really agree with what either of them say, but I love how they both trigger ****tards from the opposing party (neocons and israelis for omar, useless crybaby libs for Trump).
agreed 110%

they expose the idiocy on either side

Christianity does FAR more good than bad...can't say the same for other religions that believe infidels should be slaughtered :confusedshrug:

Serious question red, when's the last time a Christian chopped off someone's head for not being a Christian?
If you think the average muslim walks around chopping heads off then I don't know what to tell you. Go get some life experience, talk to people with different beliefs then you, then come back and then let's have this discussion again.

And if you're a hispanic christian then just keep in mind that your native indian ancestors weren't converted by the spaniards with kind words - more like steel and germs :oldlol:

04-11-2019, 02:07 PM
Christianity does FAR more good than bad...can't say the same for other religions that believe infidels should be slaughtered :confusedshrug:

Serious question red, when's the last time a Christian chopped off someone's head for not being a Christian?
He might not have been cutting heads off but the guy who shot up the mosques in New Zealand was pretty clear in his manifesto that he was doing what he did for the benefit of Christian people with his references to Jerusalem and Constantinople and references to various Middle age battles between Christians and Muslims. And much like his Islamic terrorist brothers in arms, he even put it right up on the web for everyone to see.

The jagweed who shot up the summer camp in Norway in 2011 also considered himself a Christian and claimed Christian motivations in his manifesto.

No doubt Christians who don't like being painted with the same brush as the terrorists who do their dirty work for them will try to explain this away. Just know that no one's fooled by it.

04-11-2019, 02:20 PM
You're the one that came in here all triggered. Seems criticism of your girl Omar has you all bent out of shape that you seemingly need to defend her either very poor choice of words, or her very blatant hatred for this country and her very blatant anti-Semitism.

Choose your path wisely, son. Or you'll forever be on the wrong side of history.
Let’s be honest, Patty boy. You’re a raging Islamophobe and seeing a smart, intelligent woman like Omar just sends you into a frothing rage. Your brain shuts off and you refuse to actually consider that she is just as much of an American citizen as you, and infinitely more patriotic to boot. She had the courage to call out Israel’s influence on Washington despite knowing she’d get condemnation from her fellow Democrats. Because it was the right thing to do :applause: She is well aware that there are Muslim terrorists and that some of these people carried out 9/11. She even referenced Islamic terrorism giving other Muslims a bad name before the quote in question. She doesn’t owe you any explanation nor does she owe it to you to never misspeak. Honestly I’m not even sure this quote of hers was referrrig to 9/11 :oldlol:

04-11-2019, 02:44 PM

04-11-2019, 02:49 PM
[QUOTE=NumberSix]Jimmy Carter and Morning Mika

Patrick Chewing
04-11-2019, 02:57 PM

04-11-2019, 02:58 PM
agreed 110%

they expose the idiocy on either side

If you think the average muslim walks around chopping heads off then I don't know what to tell you. Go get some life experience, talk to people with different beliefs then you, then come back and then let's have this discussion again.

And if you're a hispanic christian then just keep in mind that your native indian ancestors weren't converted by the spaniards with kind words - more like steel and germs :oldlol:
I didn't say that the average Muslim was doing that but come on bro, the radicals are a good sized bunch that make up terrorists groups like ISIS, Al qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood etc or are you gonna tell its just a few dozen nuts...y'all have a problem with fanatics, and the first step towards solving it is admitting you have a problem, not pretending there are just a few here and there.

And to your second part, I have Spanish ancestry on both sides of my family and they weren't around when Cortez bitchslapped the Aztecs :confusedshrug: Besides, they converted the Native Americans away from the bloodthirsty gods that demanded ritual sacrifices and helped save their souls :lol

04-11-2019, 03:00 PM
He might not have been cutting heads off but the guy who shot up the mosques in New Zealand was pretty clear in his manifesto that he was doing what he did for the benefit of Christian people with his references to Jerusalem and Constantinople and references to various Middle age battles between Christians and Muslims. And much like his Islamic terrorist brothers in arms, he even put it right up on the web for everyone to see.

The jagweed who shot up the summer camp in Norway in 2011 also considered himself a Christian and claimed Christian motivations in his manifesto.

No doubt Christians who don't like being painted with the same brush as the terrorists who do their dirty work for them will try to explain this away. Just know that no one's fooled by it.
Thats only a few nutcases, go ahead and name me a Christian terrorist group like Islam has ISIS or Al Qaeda?

Patrick Chewing
04-11-2019, 03:06 PM
Thats only a few nutcases, go ahead and name me a Christian terrorist group like Islam has ISIS or Al Qaeda?

These people are hilarious on how they equate a few Christian (White) terrorist acts with the hundreds that happen on a yearly basis across the globe perpetuated by Islamists.

04-11-2019, 03:14 PM
Why hasn't Ilham been asked why the UAE labelled CAIR a terrorist organization?

And you can't really criticize AIPAC if you like CAIR.

04-11-2019, 03:17 PM
I didn't say that the average Muslim was doing that but come on bro, the radicals are a good sized bunch that make up terrorists groups like ISIS, Al qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood etc or are you gonna tell its just a few dozen nuts...y'all have a problem with fanatics, and the first step towards solving it is admitting you have a problem, not pretending there are just a few here and there.

And to your second part, I have Spanish ancestry on both sides of my family and they weren't around when Cortez bitchslapped the Aztecs :confusedshrug: Besides, they converted the Native Americans away from the bloodthirsty gods that demanded ritual sacrifices and helped save their souls :lol
Except the radicals have been wiped out - mostly by other muslims who are the boots on the ground in all of these regions. And much of the instability IN these regions LEADING to the vacuum that created ISIS and even al qaeda are directly related to meddling the west has done. I'm a proud westerner, facts are facts it is what it is. Isis would never exist without the war in Iraq- a war fought based on a lie.

And if you're really going to argue that christianity hasn't caused it's share of bloodshed then you're fighting a losing cause. :facepalm If you're going to criticize islam then you have to acknowledge that ALL religions or all identity based separations in society are a source of bloodshed.

Thoughts TheMan on the flawless purity of your christianity? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HA55jGyq2C8

You wanna ban all religions go for it. I'll make sure christianity get's it's due.

04-11-2019, 04:20 PM
Thats only a few nutcases, go ahead and name me a Christian terrorist group like Islam has ISIS or Al Qaeda?
KKK my dude.

04-11-2019, 04:22 PM
Thats only a few nutcases, go ahead and name me a Christian terrorist group like Islam has ISIS or Al Qaeda?
:rolleyes: As I said before, no one's fooled by this sort of deflection. This as far down the rabbit hole as I'm going with you attention-deficient lunatics.

04-11-2019, 04:26 PM
KKK my dude.

Do you seriously have to be told that the KKK

Patrick Chewing
04-11-2019, 04:27 PM
:rolleyes: As I said before, no one's fooled by this sort of deflection. This as far down the rabbit hole as I'm going with you attention-deficient lunatics.


04-11-2019, 04:29 PM

Do you seriously have to be told that the KKK

Patrick Chewing
04-11-2019, 04:34 PM
When was the last time the KKK killed somebody? Or drove a Chevy Blazer into the hood and detonated it?

Assuming this was all inspired by Jesus’s teachings? When was the last time?

04-11-2019, 04:36 PM
[QUOTE=Patrick Chewing]It

04-11-2019, 04:38 PM
It's probably a lot simpler than that. Fatrick isn't an intelligent or deep dude.

He probably just has a small dick and knows his girlfriend likes to bang hairy arab dudes.
That or he has a crush on Congresswoman Omar and hate himself for it :oldlol:

04-11-2019, 04:40 PM
I’m sure the KKK is fine with white Muslims and Jews then right?

I know what their main motivation was, but ask yourself what religious beliefs the KKK have?
The KKK is also anti-Catholic. They weren’t too fond of Italians and some other whites. They’re against anyone outside of their very narrow criteria.

04-11-2019, 04:42 PM
[QUOTE=Patrick Chewing]When was the last time the KKK killed somebody? Or drove a Chevy Blazer into the hood and detonated it?

Assuming this was all inspired by Jesus

04-11-2019, 04:42 PM
[QUOTE=NumberSix]The KKK is also anti-Catholic. They weren

04-11-2019, 04:45 PM
A lot of Protestants are anti-catholic mate. Doesn’t make them not Christians.
I’m not saying they’re not Christians. I’m saying it’s retarded to pretend they were fighting some kind of religious war when they obviously weren’t. They were motivated by racism. I don’t know why you’re pretended to not know that.

If you have to engage in intellectual dishonesty to try to win an argument, chances are you’re wrong.

It’s a simple question he asked. Is there any Christian equivalent to ISIS, Al-Qaeda, al-Shabbab, Boko haram, etc. who are committing terrorism and trying to take down governments so they can install a theocracy. The answer is obviously NO, there isn’t. I don’t know what you think you’re achieving by denying this obvious reality.

04-11-2019, 04:52 PM

Patrick Chewing
04-11-2019, 05:06 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]Well, like Numbersix said the KKK

04-11-2019, 05:07 PM
Well, theman asked us to name a Christian terrorist group, and I named a terrorist group consisting of mainly Christians (I would assume there are some atheists or agnostics in the KKK).
Yeah, you did the same thing with “white terrorism” which isn’t a thing.

You notice, NOBODY ever says “brown terrorism” or “black terrorism”. Because those aren’t things either.

Terrorism is inherently ideologically motivated. Different brands of terrorism are defined by their ideological motivation. Like those terrorists motivated by Islamist ideology, white supremacist ideology, Marxist ideology, nationalist ideology, etc.

It’s inappropriate to try to link terrorism by genetically inherited physical traits. It’s defined by the terrorists ideological motivation, not their skin color.

If a bunch of white Muslims commit an Islamist terror attack, what’s important is their actual motivation, not some other factor.

If a bunch of white supremacists who happen to be atheists go do a racially motivated attack on a black church we don’t pretend that this is an an atheists vs Christians attack. That’s not the motivating factor. The fact that the attackers were atheists and the victims were Christians is not what the attack was about.

Likewise, when the KKK murders some black people, it’s not Christian terrorism. In all likelihood, almost every black person the KKK killed were Christians themselves. That’s not the motivating factor. Racism is.

In the case of Islamist terrorism, Islamist ideology IS the motivation for the terrorism. There is not an equivalent of terror groups motivated by Christian ideology or Christian nationalist ideology or Christian theocracy ideology.

You might be able to find a small fringe group of Christian nationalists in Uganda or something that has committed some terror attacks but it’s intellectually dishonest to act like their is any equation with Islamist terrorism which is like 90% of the terrorism in the world today.

04-11-2019, 05:49 PM
[QUOTE=NumberSix]Yeah, you did the same thing with

04-11-2019, 05:51 PM
We have a breakthrough here!

Yes, while undoubtedly these people may be Christian, their hate and violence does not stem from Christian teachings and theology.

Whereas when one reads the Quran, you find passages one after the other that speak of committing violence towards your enemy or non-believers. If Muslim children are indoctrinated at a very young age with that belief system, then years later you have an adult who either acts upon the passages they read, or you have an adult Muslim who looks the other way when those acts are committed.
Proof of those passages, mate?

Also, does any Christian do everything the Bible says? God is depicted as a pretty nasty piece of work in those old texts, my dude. You gonna tell me the Bible is 100% a good influence?

04-11-2019, 05:53 PM
That or he has a crush on Congresswoman Omar and hate himself for it :oldlol:
chewing seems like the kind of guy who likes hairy arab dudes.

just get that vibe from him not sure why.

They never answer basic questions because they don’t have facts.

People can be tribal about ANYTHING, Christianity included. Christians can be violent and hateful against non-Christians, but the scriptures don’t tell Christians to do that. That’s something they themselves would be choosing to do. They can also choose not to do that. There is no Christian equivalent of jihad in the bible. It’s dishonest to pretend that this difference is immaterial.
well to be fair you don't need a concept of jihad to be violent and hateful. you said it yourself.

04-11-2019, 05:54 PM
chewing seems like the kind of guy who likes hairy arab dudes.

just get that vibe from him not sure why.
Nothing wrong with that if that’s what he’s into.

Patrick Chewing
04-11-2019, 05:57 PM
Proof of those passages, mate?

Are you serious?

So you presume to lecture us on religious ideals and beliefs when you yourself haven

04-11-2019, 05:58 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]Nothing wrong with that if that

04-11-2019, 05:59 PM
Are you serious?

So you presume to lecture us on religious ideals and beliefs when you yourself haven’t a clue? I gave you the benefit of the doubt man. You could have even Googled it for a few minutes prior to your reply.
No, I lecture you on tolerance. I don’t really give a shit about religion unless it’s actively harming people. I’m aware a lot of Muslims have shitty ass beliefs, I merely asked you for proof that these beliefs are influenced by things laid out in the Koran.

04-11-2019, 06:00 PM
chewing is right in this one instance - all religious texts are full of language that could be interpreted as inciting violence. that includes the old testament and new testament.

Patrick Chewing
04-11-2019, 06:06 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]No, I lecture you on tolerance. I don

04-11-2019, 06:10 PM
[QUOTE=Patrick Chewing]And no sane person should

04-11-2019, 06:15 PM
[QUOTE=Patrick Chewing]And no sane person should

Patrick Chewing
04-11-2019, 06:22 PM
Google, bro. It

Patrick Chewing
04-11-2019, 06:24 PM
Sheesh no one cares you keyboard warrior. You've been fighting muslims in your head for years, in reality no one cares about you. :oldlol:

You do apparently. You follow me around from thread to thread. Get a life. Beat your woman if it makes you feel better.

04-11-2019, 06:25 PM
[QUOTE=Patrick Chewing]Google, bro. It

04-11-2019, 06:27 PM
You do apparently. You follow me around from thread to thread. Get a life. Beat your woman if it makes you feel better.
That's very sneaky and dishonest of you.

I don't follow you around - I slander you every chance I get on this board.

It's not the same thing. Following you around implies I only do it when you're there.

04-11-2019, 06:30 PM
Google, bro. It’s your friend. YouTube too.

You can read passage after passage of violent rhetoric. You can also see videos of ISIS explain their actions in accordance with Islamic doctrine.

And don’t put words in my mouth. I never said all Muslims are terrorists. I do believe all Muslims follow a warped and barbaric religion though. However, I fully support secularist Muslims such as Maajid Nawaz, Zuhdi Jasser, and Imam Mohammed Tawhidi who are trying hard to reform that religion, but face extreme backlash from their fellow Muslims.
I dont know who Imam Mohammed Tawhidi is - I like Maajid Nawaz and I agree with Zuhdi Jasser's stance of separating mosque and state.

Holy **** chewing actually posted something that didn't make me puke in my mouth :eek:

Patrick Chewing
04-11-2019, 06:33 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]I mean you

04-11-2019, 06:43 PM
[QUOTE=Patrick Chewing]I wonder what her thoughts on Sharia Law are? If she

04-11-2019, 06:44 PM
KKK my dude.
The KKK don't count, they lynched blacks who happened to be Christians too and they don't like Catholics, I might add :facepalm

04-11-2019, 06:48 PM
We have a breakthrough here!

Yes, while undoubtedly these people may be Christian, their hate and violence does not stem from Christian teachings and theology.

Whereas when one reads the Quran, you find passages one after the other that speak of committing violence towards your enemy or non-believers.

You forgot to mention that those ayats were specifically revealed in situations where the Quraysh were attacking the Muslims and so they were given permission to fight to defend oneself.

Let's leave that out! Yeah.

Oh and the other one where the law is capital punishment if people are caught commiting sodomy (which by the way they aren't actively searching for).

And instead of talking about that --let's twist things and talk about about how Muslims want to actively kill gay people for being gay!

Typical lying kuffar.

04-11-2019, 06:53 PM
The KKK don't count, they lynched blacks who happened to be Christians too and they don't like Catholics, I might add :facepalm
I went over this with numbersix.

That said Wikipedia lists them here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_terrorism#Ku_Klux_Klan

04-11-2019, 07:16 PM
Chewing can spout off how Christians don't have violent groups or whatever.

But at the END OF THE DAY.

One has to ask themselves...?

Which path will lead to salvation?

Which path will lead to salvation?

Which path will lead to salvation?

Which path will lead to salvation?

The path where you believe that god was born from the womb of a human woman (naudhu min dhalik), and that he died for your sins and that to reach heaven you just have to believe that he's your lord and savior---which is a direct contradiction to the First Commandment given to Moses.


actually worshipping the One God alone (who is described in the Qu'ran as Eternal, Absolute, One, unlike His creation, All-Merciful, All-Wise, All-Forgiving, All-Powerful, Lord of the Heavens and the Earth..) through offering regular prayer (five times a day, where one asks for guidance on the straight path), regular charity, fasting, and attaining knowledge, strong belief and good deeds and most importantly God's Grace. Their Holy Scripture unchanged in 1,400+ years.

04-11-2019, 07:32 PM
Chewing can spout off how Christians don't have violent groups or whatever.

But at the END OF THE DAY.

One has to ask themselves...?

Which path will lead to salvation?

Which path will lead to salvation?

Which path will lead to salvation?

Which path will lead to salvation?

The path where you believe that god was born from the womb of a human woman (naudhu min dhalik), and that he died for your sins and that to reach heaven you just have to believe that he's your lord and savior---which is a direct contradiction to the First Commandment given to Moses.


actually worshipping the One God alone (who is described in the Qu'ran as Eternal, Absolute, One, unlike His creation, All-Merciful, All-Wise, All-Forgiving, All-Powerful, Lord of the Heavens and the Earth..) through offering regular prayer (five times a day, where one asks for guidance on the straight path), regular charity, fasting, and attaining knowledge, strong belief and good deeds and most importantly God's Grace. Their Holy Scripture unchanged in 1,400+ years.

Muhammad was a fraud.

I'm not wasting my time with you because I've tried to be respectful of Islam (critisizing their radical followers isn't the same as critisizing the religion as a whole, like Pat does) but I've had it with you talking shit about Christianity.

Christians as a whole are more peaceful because ultimately Christ taught peace and love of your brother...OTOH, Muhammad converted by the sword and had sex with a minor, which explains why so many Islamists are murderous thugs and rapists.

Patrick Chewing
04-11-2019, 07:44 PM

Muhammad was a fraud.

I'm not wasting my time with you because I've tried to be respectful of Islam (critisizing their radical followers isn't the same as critisizing the religion as a whole, like Pat does) but I've had it with you talking shit about Christianity.

Christians as a whole are more peaceful because ultimately Christ taught peace and love of your brother...OTOH, Muhammad converted by the sword and had sex with a minor, which explains why so many Islamists are murderous thugs and rapists.


04-11-2019, 08:09 PM
Got a source for that 90% claim?
Here, have fun. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_terrorist_incidents_in_2018

A list of all the terror attacks in 2018. Who did them, how many injured and how many killed. As you can see, it’s overwhelmingly islamist groups. My number of 90% was actually a lowball estimate.

04-11-2019, 08:31 PM

Muhammad was a fraud.

I'm not wasting my time with you because I've tried to be respectful of Islam (critisizing their radical followers isn't the same as critisizing the religion as a whole, like Pat does) but I've had it with you talking shit about Christianity.

Christians as a whole are more peaceful because ultimately Christ taught peace and love of your brother...OTOH, Muhammad converted by the sword and had sex with a minor, which explains why so many Islamists are murderous thugs and rapists.
Conversion by the sword and having sex with minors - what religion are you talking about man? I know some deceased conquistadors and some living catholic priests that would like to have a word with you :roll:

04-11-2019, 08:32 PM

Muhammad was a fraud.

I'm not wasting my time with you because I've tried to be respectful of Islam (critisizing their radical followers isn't the same as critisizing the religion as a whole, like Pat does) but I've had it with you talking shit about Christianity.

Christians as a whole are more peaceful because ultimately Christ taught peace and love of your brother...OTOH, Muhammad converted by the sword and had sex with a minor, which explains why so many Islamists are murderous thugs and rapists.

I take it you are so threatened and defensive that your way of life is based on falsehood that you have to resort to slandering people whose life story you do not even know. That's understandable. People have strong defense mechanisms when confronted with the truth. It hurts and cuts deeply. You won't debate because you are unable to counter. Islam is true, Christianity is False. This is clear as night and day if you'd study both faiths.

You can't convert anyone by sword since that means the defeated person's faith is insincere and people married young back in the day as discussed earlier. Peace and love of your brother are absolutely teachings done by Muhammad (PBUH) as well. And you have not witnessed me post pictures bragging about guys killing Christians while you in fact repeatedly have posted the "Moorkiller"

No matter how much you insult Muhammad (PBUH) TheMan its not going to harm him in the least because he was already guaranteed paradise by the God of Abraham. No matter how many lies you invent about him it's not going to lower his rank one bit.

And no matter how hard you try to close your ears and go lalala, the fact of the matter is those Islamists you insult have actually learned of the Unity/Oneness of the Almighty, honored God enough to offer thousands of prayers and perhaps hundreds of thousands of glorification to.Him, as well as abstaining from food and drink for many days, as well as spending a portion of their wealth for His sake in addition to the other deeds they do.. living lives of obedience.

How do you think you and your kind who do rosaries to other than God, who use human beings to confess to, who insult God and claim flawed human beings are His "children", who make statues and idols in places of worship, who set up equals to Him with false fabricated ideas life the Trinity,, who forbid what God has allowed (that is marriage for people including religious leaders) are going to stack up in the Afterlife.

Think about it. Cool off of you have to.

Your eternal life is at stake TheMan. Got to make things right before death approaches.

04-11-2019, 08:39 PM
mashallah brother jefferson. fighting hate with kindness. :applause:

04-11-2019, 08:40 PM
Conversion by the sword and having sex with minors - what religion are you talking about man? I know some deceased conquistadors and some living catholic priests that would like to have a word with you :roll:
Yeah, and there were some black slave owners. That doesn’t mean we pretend that American slavery wasn’t overwhelmingly a system of white slave owners owning black slaves. The outlier of black slave owners doesn’t change that.

04-11-2019, 08:42 PM
[QUOTE=NumberSix]Yeah, and there were some black slave owners. That doesn

Patrick Chewing
04-11-2019, 08:47 PM

04-11-2019, 08:48 PM
[QUOTE=NumberSix]Here, have fun. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_terrorist_incidents_in_2018

A list of all the terror attacks in 2018. Who did them, how many injured and how many killed. As you can see, it

04-11-2019, 08:49 PM
your point? conversion by the sword and having sex with minors is definitely not indicative of modern islam.

diddling kids is definitely a huge scandal rocking the catholic church :confusedshrug:
Yes, it is. And nobody is going to call anyone a cathlicophobe for pointing out that obvious reality.

However, there are probably more child brides right now in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh alone than kids who have been molested by priests.

04-11-2019, 08:51 PM
[QUOTE=Patrick Chewing][B]Mohammad

04-11-2019, 08:54 PM
Mohammad’s official title was a “warlord”. Now why would that be?

Jesus was merely a carpenter. Sure he cursed out the money changers and flipped a few tables over, but he was never known as a warlord. It would have gone against his teachings.
Christians have gone against such teachings a lot my dude. The crusades happened. Slavery happened. Genocide of the Native Americans happened. European “colonization” happened. The KKK happened. Mosque shootings have happened. The perfection of the LGBQTIA happened and continues to happen (the current VP is an advocate for conversion therapy FFS!). Pogroms happened. The ****ing Holocaust happened. There are so many examples.

I recognize Christianity was not necessarily the motivating factor in many of these examples, but all of the people committing heinous crimes included Christians.

04-11-2019, 08:54 PM
I take it you are so threatened and defensive that your way of life is based on falsehood that you have to resort to slandering people whose life story you do not even know. That's understandable. People have strong defense mechanisms when confronted with the truth. It hurts and cuts deeply. You won't debate because you are unable to counter. Islam is true, Christianity is False. This is clear as night and day if you'd study both faiths.

You can't convert anyone by sword since that means the defeated person's faith is insincere and people married young back in the day as discussed earlier. Peace and love of your brother are absolutely teachings done by Muhammad (PBUH) as well. And you have not witnessed me post pictures bragging about guys killing Christians while you in fact repeatedly have posted the "Moorkiller"

No matter how much you insult Muhammad (PBUH) TheMan its not going to harm him in the least because he was already guaranteed paradise by the God of Abraham. No matter how many lies you invent about him it's not going to lower his rank one bit.

And no matter how hard you try to close your ears and go lalala, the fact of the matter is those Islamists you insult have actually learned of the Unity/Oneness of the Almighty, honored God enough to offer thousands of prayers and perhaps hundreds of thousands of glorification to.Him, as well as abstaining from food and drink for many days, as well as spending a portion of their wealth for His sake in addition to the other deeds they do.. living lives of obedience.

How do you think you and your kind who do rosaries to other than God, who use human beings to confess to, who insult God and claim flawed human beings are His "children", who make statues and idols in places of worship, who set up equals to Him with false fabricated ideas life the Trinity,, who forbid what God has allowed (that is marriage for people including religious leaders) are going to stack up in the Afterlife.

Think about it. Cool off of you have to.

Your eternal life is at stake TheMan. Got to make things right before death approaches.
You're full of shit.

Have fun in hell and say hi to Mo for me :lol

Patrick Chewing
04-11-2019, 08:57 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]Thanks for the source.

I see your point, but it

04-11-2019, 08:58 PM
Yes, it is. And nobody is going to call anyone a cathlicophobe for pointing out that obvious reality.

However, there are probably more child brides right now in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh alone than kids who have been molested by priests.
Well then that's terrible as well. A lot of that is cultural.

What you do numbersix is you always respond to my posts when I'm addressing someone else and you always miss the forest for the trees focusing on a point that is irrelevant to the original point I'm making in my post. It's very annoying.

My point was never that christians are child molestors - I was responding to a poster to who initiated that claim about muslims, when in reality he should look in the mirror because the exact same thing he is accusing others of is literally rocking his religion in real-time.

TheMan is hispanic and hispanics are overwhelmingly catholic - you can google the words "pope" and "scandal" and see the fallout in real-time, countless articles from today relating to child molestation.

Shouldn't throw stones when you live in a glass house TheMan.

04-11-2019, 08:59 PM
[QUOTE=Patrick Chewing]Most Muslims look the other way. They

04-11-2019, 09:02 PM
Thanks for the source.

I see your point, but it’s worth noting that Islamic extremist terrorism is not even close to the main source of terrorism in the US.

I think religious extremists are disgusting, and many groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda are serious threats in the Middle East. The problem is when people like chewing decide this means most Muslims are bad people.
That's not even true. A lot of the fear is manufactured - ISIS victimized their own and never posed a true threat - the US military could've wiped them out with ease and had been drone striking them into oblivion, deservedly so because they were corrupt and misguided attacking innocents.

The real criminals are the people who intentionally or unintentionally created the conditions that allowed something like ISIS to even spring up in the first place.

04-11-2019, 09:03 PM
[QUOTE=Patrick Chewing]Most Muslims look the other way. They

Patrick Chewing
04-11-2019, 09:07 PM
According to who? You?

No offense, but I think you’re in this thread just to throw shade at Christianity and even the playing field because I don’t think you know the first thing about Islam.

You realize that it’s only you two or three that are feverishly defending Islam, while the rest of us have in no way defended Christianity? We’ve just simply stated that Christianity can not be compared to Islam in today’s modern world. To think that Christianity is still the Christianity of the Middle Ages makes you guys look stupid.

Patrick Chewing
04-11-2019, 09:10 PM
Chewing you're an outright liar and that's the reason I don't like you. You live in a fantasy land full of fear and hate. You admit that you don't know any muslims in real life yet you have such strong views.

How old are you son? I truly pity you if you are over the age of 30 with these juvenile views.


04-11-2019, 09:11 PM
[QUOTE=Patrick Chewing]No offense, but I think you

04-11-2019, 09:11 PM
That's not even true. A lot of the fear is manufactured - ISIS victimized their own and never posed a true threat - the US military could've wiped them out with ease and had been drone striking them into oblivion, deservedly so because they were corrupt and misguided attacking innocents.

The real criminals are the people who intentionally or unintentionally created the conditions that allowed something like ISIS to even spring up in the first place.
Oh I didn’t mean they were threats to the US so much as I meant to the people in those regions.

04-11-2019, 09:13 PM
You’re not even debating me because you’re juvenile and lazy. You feel attacked and that’s why your replies are just personal attacks and slander.

I’ve even asked you honest questions about your faith and you’re either too afraid to answer, or you really don’t know the answers about your faith. Which is worse?
Actually I've gone out of my way to be civil and cordial with you. That's another lie. I've gone back and forth with you respectfully for a while literally a couple of years but you keep making me lose respect and you keep revealing bitter aspects of your character.

I'm a secular muslim. 29 years old.

How old are you and what's your faith?

04-11-2019, 09:15 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]Oh I didn

Patrick Chewing
04-11-2019, 09:15 PM
The only reason christianity was brought up was because the exact same arguments you use against islam apply heavily for christianity

And you

04-11-2019, 09:16 PM
[QUOTE=RRR3]Thanks for the source.

I see your point, but it

04-11-2019, 09:17 PM
And you’ve been proven wrong about that over the last few pages. I cannot criticize Christianity the same way I criticize Islam simply because there are no Christian terror networks across the globe, and because the Bible does not promote and encourage violence the way the Quran does.

We can go all night on this if you want.
Answer the ****ing question you weak and lonely troll.

How old are you?

And I absolutely do NOT have time to go back and forth with you. Most of the time I'm posting here it's when I'm literally being paid at work, I have shit to do tonight.

You haven't proven me wrong a single time yet I've caught you outright lying MANY times.

It's impossible to respect an outright liar - that shit is universal.

Patrick Chewing
04-11-2019, 09:21 PM
Civil and cordial huh? :oldlol:

More like triggered and primitive. Typical explosive behavior I

04-11-2019, 09:24 PM
[QUOTE=Patrick Chewing]Civil and cordial huh? :oldlol:

More like triggered and primitive. Typical explosive behavior I

04-11-2019, 09:25 PM
And actually your post was ANOTHER dirty lie- my stance has ALWAYS been nothing BUT live and let live - unless I'm reacting to one of your lies.

04-11-2019, 09:29 PM
Christians have gone against such teachings a lot my dude. The crusades happened.
The crusades for the most part were an attempt to fight off a military invasion of the Arabs who were invading the Byzantine empire. Well, aside from that one where the crusaders decided to go pillage a Jewish town. That was pretty bad.

Slavery happened. Genocide of the Native Americans happened. European “colonization” happened. The KKK happened. Mosque shootings have happened. The perfection of the LGBQTIA happened and continues to happen (the current VP is an advocate for conversion therapy FFS!). Pogroms happened. The ****ing Holocaust happened. There are so many examples.
That one actually didn’t happen.

I recognize Christianity was not necessarily the motivating factor in many of these examples, but all of the people committing heinous crimes included Christians.
Nobody is claiming that people who happen to be Christians don’t commit acts of evil. They’re humans. Of course some of them do. Just like if a guy who happens to be a Muslim robs a liquor store, you can’t blame Islam for that. Islam has nothing to do with it.

It’s not Christians vs Muslims. It’s Christian ideology vs Islamist ideology. Christian ideology simply does not contain the doctrine of violence towards non-believers that the Islamic doctrine of jihad contains. That’s just reality.

To be fair, Islam does not require that an individual partake in jihad. It does however require that there is a permanent jihad. It’s like, you personally don’t have to join the United States military, but the United States must have a military.

Patrick Chewing
04-11-2019, 09:52 PM
And actually your post was ANOTHER dirty lie- my stance has ALWAYS been nothing BUT live and let live - unless I'm reacting to one of your lies.

What lies have I told about Islam? You know, when someone gets so defensive about something as you have, it generally insinuates guilt or an attempt to discredit to avoid continued prosecution.

But I

04-11-2019, 10:01 PM
What lies have I told about Islam? You know, when someone gets so defensive about something as you have, it generally insinuates guilt or an attempt to discredit to avoid continued prosecution.

But I’m all ears. What lies have I told about Islam? You know, it’s quite funny that here we are talking about lies and lying when there are two terms that exist within Islam, and they are “taqiyya” and “kitman” which when referenced in the Quran, encourages Muslims to lie and deceive their enemy. I haven’t read the Bible in a while, but I’m pretty sure Christianity doesn’t have similar terms and meanings such as these.
You haven't answered a single one of my questions yet I always answer your questions and take time to respond to you - even though I do troll you as well.

Everything you ever post is negative and skewed. I don't have a running tally that I keep track of but I do recall you making claims such as all muslims are barbaric muslims are rapists muslims are this that literally every negative quality I can ascribe to a human being you've used to describe muslims - which is fine that's on you you're allowed to think whatever you want. You twist everything to get the most negative conclusion out of it yet you pretend christianity is a flawless religion which is what I find ABSOLUTELY hilarious it literally makes me laugh out loud.

This is the year 2019 the same way you exist in circles that hate Islam, it's not hard to google and find arguments that destroy christianity. My man Christopher Hitchens alone has taken a surgical scalpel to completely discredit the religion - google Hitchens and Christianity you're competent enough to do that.

If you're going to go online and regurgitate what people smarter than you have managed to compile, then you should have the wherewithal and self-awareness to realize that you're a joke. Those concepts exist in Islam because muslims were originally outnumbered contrary to the current demographic landscape and thus they had to survive.

There I've answered your questions now you answer mine, I only have one - how old are you? Don't lie. :oldlol:

Patrick Chewing
04-11-2019, 10:02 PM
That's what I thought.


04-11-2019, 10:07 PM
That's what I thought.


Really? So you acknowledge that you're a pathological liar with a tenuous grasp on reality?

That's how your parents raised you, my gay crusading bandito friend? :oldlol:


04-11-2019, 10:08 PM
This is the year 2019 the same way you exist in circles that hate Islam, it's not hard to google and find arguments that destroy christianity. My man Christopher Hitchens alone has taken a surgical scalpel to completely discredit the religion - google Hitchens and Christianity you're competent enough to do that.
Yeah, disliking Christianity is perfectly fine. It

04-11-2019, 10:12 PM
[QUOTE=Patrick Chewing]Mohammad

04-11-2019, 10:13 PM
You're full of shit.

Have fun in hell and say hi to Mo for me :lol

Please point out where I lied.

Go ahead.

Because if I lied I will be held accountable for it.

And again, I reiterate, Muhammad (PBUH) will be the first to enter Jannah/Heaven.

04-11-2019, 10:17 PM
Yeah, disliking Christianity is perfectly fine. It’s ok to think it’s Stone Age, stupid, not true or whatever. Like any belief set, you don’t have to like or respect it. It’s fine to argue that Christianity is no good.

Ideas, whether they be political ideas, religious ideas or whatever are on the table for debate.
People are allowed to dislike religions but they're also fair game to be called out for defects in the way they communicate.

Agreed in the sense that religion and governance should have minimal interaction, which is especially true today.

FYI Fatrick you're weak as ****. For some reason some time ago I thought you were somewhat intelligent and entertaining but good lord was I wrong. Holy **** what was I smoking this guy is a complete moron. I must've been caught up in that anti-establishment train 2016 brought us. Thanks for confirming that you're a mental midget that isn't worth a second of my time. It's very liberating - now I can just troll you without using any mental energy whatsoever- the exact same way that you operate 24/7/365. :roll:

Patrick Chewing
04-11-2019, 10:20 PM
Muhammad's official title was MESSENGER OF ALLAH (PBUH). Meaning his primary responsibility was to CONVEY THE MESSAGE FROM GOD ALMIGHTY. And that message was to worship God Alone. He was not just the warrior, but statesman, father, husband, lawgiver,

You have yet to, in your ISH career, Patrick, address WHAT occurred in the various Battles the Muslims fought. Red1 has made mention of it.

I find it hard to accept that God would have sanctioned Mohammed to murder and behead all his enemies.

Jesus had enemies. Jesus never murdered or pillaged or sanctioned for either one. He preached an entirely different message.

04-11-2019, 10:25 PM
What lies have I told about Islam? You know, when someone gets so defensive about something as you have, it generally insinuates guilt or an attempt to discredit to avoid continued prosecution.

Doesn't matter how defensive he gets.

You pollute these boards with filth and completely fail to take responsibility for your own actions.

But I’m all ears. What lies have I told about Islam?

Where do I begin?

You claim the Bible does not encourage violence like the Qu'ran does.

You claimed that Muhammad (PBUH) slaughtered Jews indiscriminately--and completely failed to mention that the Jews BROKE THEIR COVENANT with the Muslims in Madinah after signing a pact and attacked Muslims in a monumental act of TREACHERY, punishably BY THEIR OWN JEWISH LAW BY DEATH.

You worded things in the Brunei gay thread in a way where you depicted Muslims as WANTING TO KILL GAYS FOR BEING GAYS. There is no such thing as that---rather it is a penalty for the act of sodomy.

You called Muhammad (PBUH) a warlord, when you were clearly refuted because the early Muslims were persecuted for 13 years.

You have mentioned jihad in a negative light without mentioning what it also entails and that is MAN'S BATTLE VS HIMSELF to attain complete submission to God's Will.

You do not discuss the spiritual dimension of Islam.

You call Muslims "sick people thirsty for blood," WHEN THEY ARE saying "Peace Be Upon You" to people many, many, many times a day.

You know, it’s quite funny that here we are talking about lies and lying when there are two terms that exist within Islam, and they are “taqiyya” and “kitman” which when referenced in the Quran, encourages Muslims to lie and deceive their enemy.

Oh, from the Shia branch? I've noticed Islamophobes like Pipes mention this. Fact of the matter is we don't have anything to hide.

You know why? Because it's a Divine Religion perfected by The Almighty.

Listen guy, Muslims believe in a Day of Judgment--and in that Day of Judgment all secrets will be revealed.

It's not going to be like a court setting---it's going to be way way way bigger, and scarier.

And each person will be answerable for what they've done on Earth.

I haven’t read the Bible in a while, but I’m pretty sure Christianity doesn’t have similar terms and meanings such as these.

Perhaps the Bible hasn't, but but Christians have spent thousands of years shoving down complete falsehoods down to the rest of the world--ranging from God having children ( a complete lie), god being born from a woman (a complete lie), deifying a man, anthromorphizing The Almighty, placing images in the SIstine Chapel that are very disrespectful to The Almighty, placing filthy corrupt billboards about all kinds of bogus, inviting people to the bowels of Hell with their false beliefs, God resting on the seventh day (God does not need rest), Jacob of Israel wrestling with God (a complete blasphemous lie), lies about the Prophets of God ,scholars and monks claiming such and such is right and wrong and we need reparations, all kinds of filth from Martin Luther and people in regards to Islam, calling Muslims "Muhammadans"( when NO MUSLIM IS ALLOWED TO WORSHIP MUHAMMAD AS IDOLATRY EJECTS ONE OUT OF ISLAM), Jesus being sacrificed for mankind's sins (another lie---where is the personal accountability?), CHristmas (another lie based off a pagan holiday), salvation exclusive to Christians (another lie), original sin (another lie), force converting populations, promoting the idea that a man of Semitic origin is white and that people should worship him, calling religions that aren't CHristian "pagan" (actually there are other monotheistic faiths), putting complete BS things like the "Holy Trinity" (false man made concept), and you can check out the 50,000 errors in the Bible if you'd like.

04-11-2019, 10:37 PM
In response to the person saying genocide of the Native AMericans didn't happen?

Ummm, ANDREW JACKSON said that the Natives either convert to Christianity or pack their bags and leave their homes and take a big long walk.

ANd that's not even including what happened in Central America.

I find it hard to accept that God would have sanctioned Mohammed to murder and behead all his enemies.

There you go, Pat with ANOTHER LIE. "Murder and behead ALL their enemies."

Muhammad (PBUH) LET SO MANY PEOPLE OFF FREE---ESPECIALLY in Makkah. Look up the "day of mercy" Muhammad (PBUH) was allowed to pray for the destruction of a town (Taif) that had its inhabitants reject him and chuck stones at him---but he chose to forgave them.

More examples of mercy on his behalf if you actually read something about his life from a non Judeo-Christian perspective (they lie because that would mean their faiths are wrong for rejecting God's Last Messenger---- by the way look up "Muhammad in the Bible" and "Muhammad in the Torah" and "Deuteronomy 18:18") He was prophesized in both those Scriptures as the last of a line of 124,000 Prophets. The seal of the prophets.

Jesus had enemies. Jesus never murdered or pillaged or sanctioned for either one. He preached an entirely different message.

Jesus "enemies" were a bit less than the many warmongering Quraysh that Muhammad (PBUH) faced (not to discredit Jesus he had to deal with religious leaders and all kinds of difficulties). Jesus mission was a LOT SMALLER in magnitude than Muhammad's--though both were of course God's Will. By the way Islam, and Muslim means submission to God's Will and one who submits to God's Will---which LINGUISTICALLY makes a lot more sense than "Jew" derived from Judah or "Christian" derived from just one of many Prophets. Jews are called YEHUDI (which means praise in Hebrew) and Christians are called NASARA (which mean Helpers in Arabic), both referred to as AHL KITAB (People of the Scripture) in Qu'ran-

Jesus (PBUH) was sent only for Israel--where he revived the Law of Moses to a crippling degenerating Jewish people. He performed miracles.
Muhammad (PBUH) was sent for ALL OF MANKIND. He united all of previously idol-worshipping, ignorant, uncouth, rough, barbaric Arabia under Pure Monotheism enlightening all aspects of life and was sent for all of mankind. He performed miracles, the biggest being the medium behind God's Final Revelation to Mankind, the Holy Qu'ran.

Patrick Chewing
04-11-2019, 10:48 PM
Jesus (PBUH) was sent only for Israel--where he revived the Law of Moses to a crippling degenerating Jewish people. He performed miracles.
Muhammad (PBUH) was sent for ALL OF MANKIND. He united all of previously idol-worshipping, ignorant, uncouth, rough, barbaric Arabia under Pure Monotheism enlightening all aspects of life and was sent for all of mankind. He performed miracles, the biggest being the medium behind God's Final Revelation to Mankind, the Holy Qu'ran.

Oh FFS. :facepalm

04-11-2019, 11:06 PM
Oh FFS. :facepalm

Go ahead and ask the most learned pastor, imam, and rabbi you know.

Was Muhammad's (PBUH) mission meant for the entire world?

As is known, Muhammad (pbuh) is described in the Quran as a "mercy to the worlds." It can be understood here that just as he is a vehicle of mercy for the whole human world, he has also been sent as a mercy for the realm of non-human creatures. In fact, at the same time he is the prophet of jinns, a group faithful to him whose existence we know about. https://rahmatul-lil-alameen.blogspot.com/2011/10/prophet-muhammad-and-children.html

Was Jesus's (PBUH) mission meant primarily for the lost sheep of Israel?

Then Jesus said, “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew 15:24).

I doubt they are going to facepalm.

Listen, man, we're wasting our precious time on Earth with these little back and forths. Now I'm going to ask you really gently. Stop attacking or belittling or lying or saying disparaging things about Muslims and I won't post --and both of us will be better off. You're wrecking yourself by doing so, Chewing. Okay?

And if I came off as harsh or overly critical towards Christianity that's because I am 100% sure that the act of shirk, ascribing rivals to God (as done in the Holy Trinity), leads to Hellfire. So Christianity, which is a religion with shirk, will lead to man's damnation and ought to be avoided.

04-11-2019, 11:24 PM
And you’ve been proven wrong about that over the last few pages. I cannot criticize Christianity the same way I criticize Islam simply because there are no Christian terror networks across the globe, and because the Bible does not promote and encourage violence the way the Quran does.

You are right Patrick--the Bible does not promote and encourage violence the way the Qu'ran does. The violence is FAR MORE BRUTAL in the Bible.

A tally at the Skeptic’s Annotated Bible counts 842 violent or cruel passages in the Bible as compared to 333 in the Quran.


10. 2 Kings 2:23-24
He [Elisha] went up from there to Bethel; and while he was going up on the way, some small boys came out of the city and jeered at him, saying, “Go away, baldhead! Go away, baldhead!” When he turned around and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two she-bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys. (NRSV)

9. Exodus 32:27-29
Then he said to them, "This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: 'Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor.' "The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died. Then Moses said, "You have been set apart to the LORD today, for you were against your own sons and brothers, and he has blessed you this day."(NIV)

8. 2 Chronicles 25:12
The sons of Judah also captured 10,000 alive and brought them to the top of the cliff and threw them down from the top of the cliff, so that they were all dashed to pieces.(NASB)

7. Judges 12:5-6
Then the Gileadites took the fords of the Jordan against the Ephraimites. Whenever one of the fugitives of Ephraim
oldiers of the Syrians in one day. But the rest fled to Aphek, into the city; then a wall fell on twenty-seven thousand of the men who were left. (NKJV)

1. Hosea 13:16
Samaria shall bear her guilt, because she has rebelled against her God; they shall fall by the sword, their little ones shall be dashed in pieces, and their pregnant women ripped open. (NRSV)

2. 1 Samuel 15:3,8
Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.' " … He took Agag king of the Amalekites alive, and all his people he totally destroyed with the sword.(NIV)

3. Deuteronomy 3:3-6
So the LORD our God delivered Og also, king of Bashan, with all his people into our hand, and we smote them until no survivor was left. We captured all his cities at that time; there was not a city which we did not take from them: sixty cities, all the region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Bashan. All these were cities fortified with high walls, gates and bars, besides a great many unwalled towns. We utterly destroyed them, as we did to Sihon king of Heshbon, utterly destroying the men, women and children of every city. (NASB)

Consider the Book of 1 Samuel, when God instructs King Saul to attack the Amalekites: "And utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them," God says through the prophet Samuel. "But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey."

Jenkins notes that the history of Christianity is strewn with herem. During the Crusades in the Middle Ages, the Catholic popes declared the Muslims Amalekites. In the great religious wars in the 16th, 17th and 19th centuries, Protestants and Catholics each believed the other side were the Amalekites and should be utterly destroyed.

3. I will fill your mountains with the dead. Your hills, your valleys, and your streams will be filled with people slaughtered by the sword. I will make you desolate forever. Your cities will never be rebuilt. Then you will know that I am God.

5. Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother-in-law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.

15. Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

04-12-2019, 12:29 PM
brother jefferson - happy friday.

don't waste your time when it falls on deaf ears. just troll him like I do.

you'll achieve the same result but it'll be a lot more fun and it won't take any of your time. :D

04-12-2019, 07:31 PM
brother jefferson - happy friday.

don't waste your time when it falls on deaf ears. just troll him like I do.

you'll achieve the same result but it'll be a lot more fun and it won't take any of your time. :D

Jumaa Mubarak akhi.

That's some really good advice red1 and you are for sure more socially savvy than I ---and certainly work's with children starting stuff to get attention. .

But Chewing is a grown man with weapons. And if God forbid he starts crap against Muslims because he feels disrespected or unheard---that's going to lead to his destruction

Kinda like that dude in the Incredible's or 300 who turns villain because he gets pushed aside.

I recently read somewhere we aren't even allowed to use nicknames or mocking language in our Deen.

Which makes me feel sad because I was laughing so hard when you posted "the gay crusader" and "dear lord thank you for the endless stream of c0ck to my face"

Yet the Sharia protects human dignity so much to the point that if you hide another person's flaws you get your own flaws hidden. And that slandering a chaste woman is a major sin. Imagine our Rabb cares that much for us measly mortals dignity. Alhamdullilah.

Therefore I must improve the condition of my heart to become more respectful.

Patrick Chewing
04-12-2019, 07:58 PM
Jumaa Mubarak akhi.

That's some really good advice red1 and you are for sure more socially savvy than I ---and certainly work's with children starting stuff to get attention. .

But Chewing is a grown man with weapons. And if God forbid he starts crap against Muslims because he feels disrespected or unheard---that's going to lead to his destruction

Kinda like that dude in the Incredible's or 300 who turns villain because he gets pushed aside.

I recently read somewhere we aren't even allowed to use nicknames or mocking language in our Deen.

Which makes me feel sad because I was laughing so hard when you posted "the gay crusader" and "dear lord thank you for the endless stream of c0ck to my face"

Yet the Sharia protects human dignity so much to the point that if you hide another person's flaws you get your own flaws hidden. And that slandering a chaste woman is a major sin. Imagine our Rabb cares that much for us measly mortals dignity. Alhamdullilah.

Therefore I must improve the condition of my heart to become more respectful.


How the hell did your backwards devout ass end up on a basketball message board?? Ibn al Kalb.

04-13-2019, 06:08 PM
Let this dumbass keep talking. The democrats are a clown show.

04-13-2019, 06:23 PM
You make stupid political points, then fall back on stereotyping and bigotry when you get destroyed logically.

Youre the exact thing you claim to both oppose and be superior to.

But you neither oppose it nor are superior to it. Youre just another generic social cellar dweller. You can only obtain recognition or approval by using fallacy and bigotry, but you dont want others to use it because then youre not looking so superior or distinguished. Youve gotta prohibit others from using your tools. Hence the double standards disguised as something more noble, social justice.

Do you see? Do you see how youre not enlightened, progressive, righteous and so on, but rather youre weak, dumb and pathetic and are using any means at your disposal to keep others from noticing?


04-13-2019, 08:57 PM
Jumaa Mubarak akhi.

That's some really good advice red1 and you are for sure more socially savvy than I ---and certainly work's with children starting stuff to get attention. .

But Chewing is a grown man with weapons. And if God forbid he starts crap against Muslims because he feels disrespected or unheard---that's going to lead to his destruction

Kinda like that dude in the Incredible's or 300 who turns villain because he gets pushed aside.

I recently read somewhere we aren't even allowed to use nicknames or mocking language in our Deen.

Which makes me feel sad because I was laughing so hard when you posted "the gay crusader" and "dear lord thank you for the endless stream of c0ck to my face"

Yet the Sharia protects human dignity so much to the point that if you hide another person's flaws you get your own flaws hidden. And that slandering a chaste woman is a major sin. Imagine our Rabb cares that much for us measly mortals dignity. Alhamdullilah.

Therefore I must improve the condition of my heart to become more respectful.

Absolutely. No worries I'll troll him for you, no problem. Chewing is a walking target if you ask me. :D

The Hick
01-10-2022, 05:07 AM
200-300 people jumped from the towers that day. All died but a few didn't die immediately

I was reading about an EMT who was tasked with putting triage tags on people during the 9/11 event so paramedics could priotize treatment. There were 4 tags to put on people. Green was the least serious, black was dead. There were jumper bodies splattered all around closer to the buildings. Most were an unrecognizable mass of flesh but one man still had most of his torso and his eyes were rolled back and he went into a seizure for 5 minutes before his body mercifully went still.

Then there was this woman. She must have caught an air draft or something because she was carried off a lot further than the rest of the jumpers. Most of her body was gone or a splattered mess but her right torso, arm, head and left lung were still in recognizable condition. She was in her 50s, with what looked like expensive clothes, and a very elegant hairstyle and makeup. The EMT was about to put a black tag on her when he noticed her eyes looking intently at him. When he paused, she told him, "I'm not dead! Call my daughter!" He told her help was on the way and to hang in there a little longer although obviously he knew she was going to die.

He couldn't spend too much time with her because other people who were injured by debris needed his help so he left her pleading for him to call her daughter. He came back to her 10 minutes later with a black tag in his hand. Either she was observing what he was doing or had medical training because she started screaming at him, "I'm not dead! Do you hear me! I see that tag in your hand. I'm not dead! Call my daughter! Please!!!"

01-10-2022, 05:22 AM
Muhammad was a pedophile, rapist, murderer, warmonger, adulterer, polygamist, liar and couldn't read.

Nobody witnessed any miracles from Muhammad. He was also tricked into speaking the words of the devil when he found himself in a cave and thought he was talking to God but was actually talking to the devil. Quran refers to Allah as the greatest deceiver. Bible refers to the devil as a great deceiver.

Muhammad would be in prison and considered worse than than the worst prisoners in mankind history.