View Full Version : So Equador handed over Assange.

04-11-2019, 08:12 AM
Lets see where this goes....

04-11-2019, 08:15 AM
he's most likely gonna be extradited to the u.s. where there are sealed indictments waiting for him.

many politicians (including the president before they fell in love) have called for the death penalty.

he will be snitching on the kremlin within a month of him being handed over to uncle sam.

2 months tops.

Long Duck Dong
04-11-2019, 08:39 AM
Ecuador treated him like a king. The embassy wasn't that big yet he had 3 rooms that were locked off by doors with key codes of which only he had access to. Plus he was given half the kitchen. But apparently that wasn't enough, he was constantly being discourteous to the staff plus bullying and belittling security. They said he became very aggressive and confrontational. Cabin fever? They also didn't like the fact he was still engaging in online activity from the embassy in the nature of which made Ecuador uncomfortable and he ignored their concerns. Sounds like he brought this on himself.

Apparently Ecuador only allowed the Brits to take him on the guarantee he would never be in danger of being executed.

He didn't go out we with dignity either. They literally had to drag him out of the embassy. And the guy is only 47? He doesn't look a day under 60 :oldlol:

04-11-2019, 09:44 AM
And the guy is only 47? He doesn't look a day under 60 :oldlol:

he does kinda look like gregg popovich tho...


a few more years later, if he's still alive, he'd probably look like santa claus

04-11-2019, 10:52 AM
this dude aged horribly :biggums:

04-11-2019, 11:03 AM
It's only because he style himself like Gandalf. He actually look quite babyfaced without all that facial hair.

http://www2.pictures.stylebistro.com/gi/Julian+Assange+Faces+Extradition+Appeal+High+lhjYE nEE8xNl.jpg

04-11-2019, 11:14 AM
he does kinda look like gregg popovich tho...


a few more years later, if he's still alive, he'd probably look like santa claus
I know his lawyers have mentioned that the US wants him and that he likely would face the death penalty but for what? International espionage? Doesn't that only apply to US citizens betraying US government secrets to foreign entities?

04-11-2019, 11:50 AM
The death penalty would be really disgusting in this situation.

04-11-2019, 03:48 PM
The death penalty would be really disgusting in this situation.
Doubt that's going to happen

If convicted, Assange faces a maximum penalty of five years in prison. Manning, who likely will face no new charges, can legally be detained for another 17 months; until the federal grand jury investigating Assange is dismissed; or she decides to cooperate with federal prosecutors.

Ass Dan
04-12-2019, 12:59 AM
He is why we got Trump

Putin apologist, conspiracy theorist POS

04-12-2019, 01:22 AM
He is why we got Trump

Putin apologist, conspiracy theorist POS

Loco 50
04-12-2019, 05:45 AM
Poor fella looks like they pulled him out of Osama's mountain resort in Pakistan. He should be grateful for the rescue tbh.

https://c-5uwzmx78pmca09x24quo-a-uav-kwux2eisiuiqhmlx2evmb.g01.msn.com/g00/3_c-5eee.uav.kwu_/c-5UWZMXPMCA09x24pbbx78ax3ax2fx2fquo-a-uav-kwu.isiuiqhml.vmbx2fbmvivbx2fiux78x2fmvbqbgqlx2fJJ DYPD2.quox3fpx3d238x26ex3d577x26ux3d4x26yx3d48x26w x3dnx26tx3dnx26fx3d9915x26gx3d239x26q98k.uizsx3dqu iom_$/$/$/$/$

04-12-2019, 06:03 AM
what did he do other than expose hillary as a murdering rapist

04-12-2019, 10:12 AM
I'm waiting to see if that information stash people have alluded to comes to light now.

04-12-2019, 11:34 AM
Poor fella looks like they pulled him out of Osama's mountain resort in Pakistan. He should be grateful for the rescue tbh.

https://c-5uwzmx78pmca09x24quo-a-uav-kwux2eisiuiqhmlx2evmb.g01.msn.com/g00/3_c-5eee.uav.kwu_/c-5UWZMXPMCA09x24pbbx78ax3ax2fx2fquo-a-uav-kwu.isiuiqhml.vmbx2fbmvivbx2fiux78x2fmvbqbgqlx2fJJ DYPD2.quox3fpx3d238x26ex3d577x26ux3d4x26yx3d48x26w x3dnx26tx3dnx26fx3d9915x26gx3d239x26q98k.uizsx3dqu iom_$/$/$/$/$

he's holding onto that book for dear life