View Full Version : Dame just had by far the best series played by a point guard in this era/decade

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
04-24-2019, 02:06 AM
and its not close

against the #4 defense with "all-defense" George guarding him alot of the series along with Chuckbrick. AS THE UNDERDOGS. OKC was favored to win this series. Portland was missing their 2nd or 3rd best player and had to start a nikka who was Russ 6th man his "MVP" year and "unplayable" for them in the playoffs:oldlol: :oldlol:

5 games

33/6/4/2 and 4tos on 63TS

he was good literally every game not a single off game. He was historic in the closeout game singlehandedly kept his team in it with CJ in foul trouble.

and the most surprising thing? his defense was really good all series. He made so many great plays, contests and rotations in game 2 specially where he was dominant on both ends. Even on switches he did well. He gets a bad rep on defense and hes not an elite defensive PG but hes def better than dudes like Chuckbrick, Steph, Kemba etc

hats off Dame


:applause: :applause:

04-24-2019, 02:08 AM
Tell us more about how Iggy is as good as Scottie Pippen.

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
04-24-2019, 02:09 AM
Tell us more about how Iggy is as good as Scottie Pippen.

i didnt say current Iggy

Sixers Iggy and prime Pippen is a wash:confusedshrug:

stick to the subject babyboi

u mad Chuckbrick is garbage?:oldlol:

04-24-2019, 02:09 AM
i didnt say current Iggy

Sixers Iggy and prime Pippen is a wash:confusedshrug:

stick to the subject babyboi

u mad Chuckbrick is garbage?:oldlol:

04-24-2019, 02:12 AM
He didn't have Westbrook on him, everytime Russ was close to him they called a foul.

He did most his scoring on Adams and picks. Let's not act like Russ or PG were ever allowed to cover him :oldlol:

B-b-b-b-but picks are a part of the game!!!!!!1

04-24-2019, 02:12 AM
Weren't you talking trash about Lillard though?

04-24-2019, 02:13 AM
Tell us more about how Iggy is as good as Scottie Pippen.

:lol :lol

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
04-24-2019, 02:13 AM

dude was 20/5/5/2 on 56TS at his peak with the best perimeter defense in the NBA

Pip was 22/9/5/3 on 54TS at his peak with the best perimeter defense (since MJ was out the league at the time) in the NBA

only clear advantages Pip had on Iggy was a post game and playing with the GOAT:confusedshrug:

04-24-2019, 02:14 AM
He didn't have Westbrook on him, everytime Russ was close to him they called a foul.

He did most his scoring on Adams and picks. Let's not act like Russ or PG were ever allowed to cover him :oldlol:

B-b-b-b-but picks are a part of the game!!!!!!1
There’s no need to argue with OP. Just bring up the fact that he said Iggy was as good as Pippen.

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
04-24-2019, 02:14 AM
Weren't you talking trash about Lillard though?

it was an anti-jinx and it worked:banana: :banana:

u have the best PG in the league on ur team who just played the best series of any PG in this era


04-24-2019, 02:19 AM
dude was 20/5/5/2 on 56TS at his peak with the best perimeter defense in the NBA

Pip was 22/9/5/3 on 54TS at his peak with the best perimeter defense (since MJ was out the league at the time) in the NBA

only clear advantages Pip had on Iggy was a post game and playing with the GOAT:confusedshrug:


7x All-Star
7x All-NBA
10x All-Defense
50 Greatest Players of All Time


1x All-Star
2x All-Defense
1 (undeserved) Finals MVP (probably the second worst player to win a Finals MVP after Cedric "Cornbread" Maxwell)
Wont make it into the HOF

:facepalm :roll: :lol

04-24-2019, 02:22 AM

7x All-Star
7x All-NBA
10x All-Defense
50 Greatest Players of All Time


1x All-Star
2x All-Defense
1 (undeserved) Finals MVP (probably the second worst player to win a Finals MVP after Cedric "Cornbread" Maxwell)
Wont make it into the HOF

:facepalm :roll: :lol

Ouch :lol

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
04-24-2019, 02:25 AM

7x All-Star
7x All-NBA
10x All-Defense
50 Greatest Players of All Time


1x All-Star
2x All-Defense
1 (undeserved) Finals MVP (probably the second worst player to win a Finals MVP after Cedric "Cornbread" Maxwell)
Wont make it into the HOF

:facepalm :roll: :lol

one of them played with the GOAT and the other didnt

Pip would be an afterthought like Iggy was in Philly if he didnt play with MJ and everyone knows it

Iggy even past his prime was the best player in a finals series featuring Lebron and Curry

Pip was a playoff choker and never capable of rising to the challenge during the brightest stage

04-24-2019, 02:28 AM

7x All-Star
7x All-NBA
10x All-Defense
50 Greatest Players of All Time


1x All-Star
2x All-Defense
1 (undeserved) Finals MVP (probably the second worst player to win a Finals MVP after Cedric "Cornbread" Maxwell)
Wont make it into the HOF

:facepalm :roll: :lol
Bodybagged :oldlol:

04-24-2019, 02:30 AM
one of them played with the GOAT and the other didnt

Pip would be an afterthought like Iggy was in Philly if he didnt play with MJ and everyone knows it

Iggy even past his prime was the best player in a finals series featuring Lebron and Curry

Pip was a playoff choker and never capable of rising to the challenge during the brightest stage

So you got ethered and you decide to double down with this gem?

hold this L
04-24-2019, 02:30 AM

7x All-Star
7x All-NBA
10x All-Defense
50 Greatest Players of All Time


1x All-Star
2x All-Defense
1 (undeserved) Finals MVP (probably the second worst player to win a Finals MVP after Cedric "Cornbread" Maxwell)
Wont make it into the HOF

:facepalm :roll: :lol
You do realize why he made this topic, right? It's the same reason he said Iggy and Pippen is a wash. It's for the sole reason to put down Steph, that he had a prime Pippen and now someone else put by far the best PG performance. Normally it wouldn't matter, but Steph plays with KD. Dude gets riled up that the guy he stans doesn't get as much respect because KD plays in Steph's team, so he does passive aggressive shit girls in high school do like this.

Imagine being such a pathetic loser that you go to such heights on being insecure about another man you've never met. :applause:

04-24-2019, 02:32 AM

7x All-Star
7x All-NBA
10x All-Defense
50 Greatest Players of All Time


1x All-Star
2x All-Defense
1 (undeserved) Finals MVP (probably the second worst player to win a Finals MVP after Cedric "Cornbread" Maxwell)
Wont make it into the HOF

:facepalm :roll: :lol

Body bagged :oldlol:

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
04-24-2019, 02:33 AM
So you got ethered and you decide to double down with this gem?

truth hurts

Iggy was the best defensive player of the finals by a large margin and the 3rd best offensive player behind Steph and Bran

Steph and Bran were both fcking garbage on defense that series and Steph got outplayed 2/5 games by an australian manlet who needed IVs after those 2 games. And in game 1 Kyrie outplayed him on both ends

with Iggy on the court Bran scored 26pts per 36 minutes and 3 turnovers on 38% from the field and was a -55

Bran did all his damage with Iggy sitting. I know the truth hurts for u babyboi but ur idol got clamped and outplayed by a past prime bench player:oldlol:

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
04-24-2019, 02:34 AM
You do realize why he made this topic, right? It's the same reason he said Iggy and Pippen is a wash. It's for the sole reason to put down Steph, that he had a prime Pippen and now someone else put by far the best PG performance. Normally it wouldn't matter, but Steph plays with KD. Dude gets riled up that the guy he stans doesn't get as much respect because KD plays in Steph's team, so he does passive aggressive shit girls in high school do like this.

Imagine being such a pathetic loser that you go to such heights on being insecure about another man you've never met. :applause:

KD plays with Iggy too :biggums:

check my post history. Before KD joined the team Iggy was always my favorite Warrior by far. I was even posting about him back in Denver

nice try:applause:

04-24-2019, 02:35 AM
You do realize why he made this topic, right? It's the same reason he said Iggy and Pippen is a wash. It's for the sole reason to put down Steph, that he had a prime Pippen and now someone else put by far the best PG performance. Normally it wouldn't matter, but Steph plays with KD. Dude gets riled up that the guy he stans doesn't get as much respect because KD plays in Steph's team, so he does passive aggressive shit girls in high school do like this.

Imagine being such a pathetic loser that you go to such heights on being insecure about another man you've never met. :applause:
Yes the majority of his posts come from the agenda of propping up his loverboy KD. Or should I say....durthickemz. :facepalm

04-24-2019, 02:35 AM
truth hurts

Iggy was the best defensive player of the finals by a large margin and the 3rd best offensive player

Steph and Bran were both fcking garbage on defense that series

with Iggy on the court Bran scored 26pts per 36 minutes and 3 turnovers on 38% from the field and was a -55

Bran did all his damage with Iggy sitting. I know the truth hurts for u babyboi but ur idol got clamped and outplayed by a past prime bench player:oldlol:

:biggums: :biggums:

Try again baby boi retart

04-24-2019, 02:36 AM
You do realize why he made this topic, right? It's the same reason he said Iggy and Pippen is a wash. It's for the sole reason to put down Steph, that he had a prime Pippen and now someone else put by far the best PG performance. Normally it wouldn't matter, but Steph plays with KD. Dude gets riled up that the guy he stans doesn't get as much respect because KD plays in Steph's team, so he does passive aggressive shit girls in high school do like this.

Imagine being such a pathetic loser that you go to such heights on being insecure about another man you've never met. :applause:

Ouch :oldlol: :roll: :roll:

04-24-2019, 02:37 AM
OP legit calls KD Durthickemz :oldlol:

04-24-2019, 02:38 AM
OP getting long piped ITT, almost hurts to read :oldlol:

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
04-24-2019, 02:38 AM
:biggums: :biggums:

Try again baby boi retart

Brans stats

Iggy on bench

35 points on 44% shooting per 36 minutes, 2.2 tos and +30

Iggy on the court

26 points on 38% shooting per 36 minutes, 3 tos and -55

ur boi got clamped and outplayed by a bench player in his prime:oldlol: :oldlol:

not the 1st time babyboi



04-24-2019, 02:40 AM
dude is having a mega meltdown :oldlol:

04-24-2019, 02:40 AM
LeBron was clearly in his prime in 2007.

Hamsterbraintaro strikes again.

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
04-24-2019, 02:43 AM
dude is having a mega meltdown :oldlol:

nah u just have no arguments like usual besides resorting to autism

sperge away babyboi:applause:

LeBron was clearly in his prime in 2007.

Hamsterbraintaro strikes again.

top 5 in MVP voting, 4th year in the league and 27/7/6 on a 50 win team isnt prime numbers:oldlol: :oldlol:


04-24-2019, 02:43 AM
OP's topic fell flat on it's face, poor guy immediatly retreated to his "Bran Bran Bran" coping mechanism :roll: :roll:

04-24-2019, 02:44 AM
OP's topic fell flat on it's face, poor guy immediatly retreated to his "Bran Bran Bran" coping mechanism :roll: :roll:
:oldlol: :roll:

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
04-24-2019, 02:47 AM
OP's topic fell flat on it's face, poor guy immediatly retreated to his "Bran Bran Bran" coping mechanism :roll: :roll:

the curly haired pimple face was the 1st one to change the subject

then the other random guy said Iggys FMVP was undeserved so i proved that it wasnt. Bran was in the series he played as was Steph naturally id have to bring them both up.

im not the one that changed the topic. This thread was about Dame and my slaves here couldnt resist slurping daddys D:oldlol: :oldlol: :applause:

04-24-2019, 02:58 AM
one of them played with the GOAT and the other didnt

Pip would be an afterthought like Iggy was in Philly if he didnt play with MJ and everyone knows it

Iggy even past his prime was the best player in a finals series featuring Lebron and Curry

Pip was a playoff choker and never capable of rising to the challenge during the brightest stage

2015 Finals:

LeBron: 36 PTS, 13 TRB, 9 AST on 40% FG (missing his 2nd and 3rd best players)

Curry: 26 PTS, 6 AST, 5 TRB, 2 STL on 44% FG

(both as first options on their team, getting the most defensive attention)

Iggy: 16 PTS, 6 TRB, 4 AST on 52% FG

(as the 3rd or 4th best player on his own team, getting the least defensive attention)



Also hilarious how you downplay Pippen because he was the 2nd option to "the GOAT", yet Iggy as the 3rd/4th option on the GOAT regular season team and only unanimous MVP doesn't dilute his performance?

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
04-24-2019, 03:03 AM
2015 Finals:

LeBron: 36 PTS, 13 TRB, 9 AST on 40% FG (missing his 2nd and 3rd best players)

Curry: 26 PTS, 6 AST, 5 TRB, 2 STL on 44% FG

(both as first options on their team, getting the most defensive attention)

Iggy: 16 PTS, 6 TRB, 4 AST on 52% FG

(as the 3rd or 4th best player on his own team, getting the least defensive attention)



Also hilarious how you downplay Pippen because he was the 2nd option to "the GOAT", yet Iggy as the 3rd/4th option on the GOAT regular season team and only unanimous MVP doesn't dilute his performance?

i posted Brans stats with and without Iggy guarding him

if u had a brain youd know his defense won him the FMVP and deservedly so

no one said Iggy was better offensively in the series than Steph or Bran. He was by far the best defender player in a defensive series with ugly offense played both side. LOL @ rewarding FMVP to one of the two guys who played better on offense but were both fcking putrid on defense

04-24-2019, 03:03 AM

04-24-2019, 03:05 AM
dude is having a mega meltdown :oldlol:

He done lost his mind :lol

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
04-24-2019, 03:06 AM
:applause: :applause:

04-24-2019, 03:06 AM
OP really said Iggy > Pippen?? :biggums:

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
04-24-2019, 03:09 AM
OP really said Iggy > Pippen?? :biggums:

:roll: :roll:

didnt say greater than

said they were equal and Pip has the edge due to his post game

their numbers in prime were similar. They both had similar strengths defensively and on the break and ballhandling/passing

if Iggy was drafted by Chicago they still 3 peat twice:confusedshrug: :confusedshrug:

Pip and Iggy were watching film on each other not long ago and were saying it was like watching a mirror image of one another:confusedshrug:

04-24-2019, 03:10 AM
Game 4 he wasn't that good. Shot 7-19 with 4 TO and 5 fouls.

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
04-24-2019, 03:15 AM
Game 4 he wasn't that good. Shot 7-19 with 4 TO and 5 fouls.

CJ was the best player that game but Dame was still good. Timely baskets and plays. He was cold the 1st half but he was great the 2nd half

04-24-2019, 03:46 AM
i didnt say current Iggy

Sixers Iggy and prime Pippen is a wash:confusedshrug:

stick to the subject babyboi

u mad Chuckbrick is garbage?:oldlol:

Great great topic/thread.. Dame was absolutely putting the world on notice.

Then, you ruined by this post. :no:
Iggy's best season is perhaps Pippens 5th or 6th best season.

04-24-2019, 04:53 AM
His series was nothing special from a statistical standpoint, the lucky 37-footer makes it look better than it was really. He's bad much better series himself and so has Westbrook.

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
04-24-2019, 04:57 AM
His series was nothing special from a statistical standpoint, the lucky 37-footer makes it look better than it was really. He's bad much better series himself and so has Westbrook.

33/6/4/2 on 63TS against a top 5 defense as the underdogs going against 2 all NBA players with ur 2nd best player injured is nothing special:biggums:

Portland had to start OKCs unplayable 6th man 30 minutes a game from Russ MVP season. Current Dame is far better than Chuckbrick ever was

04-24-2019, 05:10 AM
33/6/4/2 on 63TS

Current Dame is far better than Chuckbrick ever was

4 ast to 4 TOs is nowhere near great or even good for a "point guard".

The shot you could argue is the best and toughest made shot to clinch a series ever and I'll give you that, he was amazing in this series in terms of clutch play, but as far as it being the best series?

Chris Paul 2015 1st round vs Spurs: 23/5/8 2 TO 63%TS, makes the game-winner on one leg over Duncan to eliminate defending champion Spurs in a Game 7.

Westbrook vs Clippers 2015 ECSF: 28/6/9 4 TO 62%TS, epic last minute comeback in Game 5

How about Steph coming back from down 1 - 3 vs OKC with 33/7/8/2 on 47/47/91 splits in 3 elimination games that included 36/5/8 on 69%TS in a Game 7?

34-24 Footwork
04-24-2019, 05:29 AM
4 ast to 4 TOs is nowhere near great or even good for a "point guard".

The shot you could argue is the best and toughest made shot to clinch a series ever and I'll give you that, he was amazing in this series in terms of clutch play, but as far as it being the best series?

Chris Paul 2015 1st round vs Spurs: 23/5/8 2 TO 63%TS, makes the game-winner on one leg over Duncan to eliminate defending champion Spurs in a Game 7.

Westbrook vs Clippers 2015 ECSF: 28/6/9 4 TO 62%TS, epic last minute comeback in Game 5

How about Steph coming back from down 1 - 3 vs OKC with 33/7/8/2 on 47/47/91 splits in 3 elimination games that included 36/5/8 on 69%TS in a Game 7?

1) quit calling that shit lucky

2) change that avi, brethren

04-24-2019, 05:30 AM
1) quit calling that shit lucky

2) change that avi, brethren

What would you say are the odds of making a contested 37-footer over George? It's not like he broke his ankles and shot a wide open three.

I love my avi. Lebron James is my favorite basketball player.

34-24 Footwork
04-24-2019, 05:33 AM
What would you say are the odds of making a contested 37-footer over George? It's not like he broke his ankles and shot a wide open three.

I love my avi. Lebron James is my favorite basketball player.

The odds were TERRIBLE, of course. But dude looks like he practices like 500 of those per day or some shit.

Paul George gave him too much space, either way. And McCollum was ROASTIN PG13 for the majority of the series and no one still is picking up on it :no:

04-24-2019, 05:45 AM
The odds were TERRIBLE, of course. But dude looks like he practices like 500 of those per day or some shit.

Paul George gave him too much space, either way. And McCollum was ROASTIN PG13 for the majority of the series and no one still is picking up on it :no:

It was a tie game and considering that Lillard was standing closer to the half-court line than the 3PT one, George was right not to get too close up on him to give him a chance to get by him or to bait him into a foul in that situation.

George was ass for the majority of this series I agree. Overall a frustrating series to watch if you wanted competitive basketball, should have at the very least gone down to a Game 6.

04-24-2019, 08:53 AM
dude was 20/5/5/2 on 56TS at his peak with the best perimeter defense in the NBA

Pip was 22/9/5/3 on 54TS at his peak with the best perimeter defense (since MJ was out the league at the time) in the NBA

only clear advantages Pip had on Iggy was a post game and playing with the GOAT:confusedshrug:
Come on man pip was better at everything. Better scorer, passer, rebounder and defender. Pip in his prime was a MVP caliber player. These two arnt close man.

04-24-2019, 09:18 AM

7x All-Star
7x All-NBA
10x All-Defense
50 Greatest Players of All Time


1x All-Star
2x All-Defense
1 (undeserved) Finals MVP (probably the second worst player to win a Finals MVP after Cedric "Cornbread" Maxwell)
Wont make it into the HOF

:facepalm :roll: :lol

Says a lot about the 90's when 'Iguodala' caliber players can rack up those accolades

04-24-2019, 09:32 AM
4 ast to 4 TOs is nowhere near great or even good for a "point guard".

The shot you could argue is the best and toughest made shot to clinch a series ever and I'll give you that, he was amazing in this series in terms of clutch play, but as far as it being the best series?

Chris Paul 2015 1st round vs Spurs: 23/5/8 2 TO 63%TS, makes the game-winner on one leg over Duncan to eliminate defending champion Spurs in a Game 7.

Westbrook vs Clippers 2015 ECSF: 28/6/9 4 TO 62%TS, epic last minute comeback in Game 5

How about Steph coming back from down 1 - 3 vs OKC with 33/7/8/2 on 47/47/91 splits in 3 elimination games that included 36/5/8 on 69%TS in a Game 7?

Agreed :applause: