View Full Version : my very last post on kobe vs lebron before retiring to the other board for good

04-28-2019, 07:24 PM
i've left this topic alone for the most part over the last few months due to lebrons fall from grace. he's hit rock bottom and i never like kicking a man while he's down. others on here have ramped up their activity out of obvious desperation to keep lebron relevant. but the debate is over. kobe won. even most media members are admitting it. but take away all the public opinion and accolades. lets really get down to who is easier to build around

when you select lebron as your franchise centrepiece you can't just add 1-2 big scorers next to him. but thats IS all kobe needs

for lebron you need sharp shooting specialists/3 and D former stars littered throughout the roster. you need stretch 4's, stretch 5's... you need coaches that adhere to his every demand... you need roster changes midseason... you need egoless co stars... you need submissive wingmen... you need a 3rd man that was once a #1... you need 3-4 guys off the bench that can drop 20 at any given moment... you need a star teammate to bail you out of nearly every clutch moment. then ANOTHER teammate to hit another season saving shot sometimes. everyone top to bottom needs to be great at something

but for kobe you just need a gasol ... and odom... and guys who don't do anything well... traditional PG's... traditional forwards... traditional bigs... traditional coaches... traditional philosophies...

if you select kobe you can add him to any team... if you select lebron you need to gut your team and change coaches/gm's

this is why kobe is superior and more valuable. this isn't about efficiency. this is about interchangeability

lebron is cancerous to 99% of teams throughout history. kobe could be placed on any team throughout history. his game can adapt to any era. he and tim duncan are the only guys to win in both the old era and the new one. they're that skilled at adapting... lebron is cancerous. he can't adapt. you have to adapt to him... kobe can play the wingman position and put up 30ppg... lebron as a wingman suffers and hides in the corner ( ala 2011 )

lebron is thanos trying on the infinity gauntlet

kobe never needed one

the end

04-28-2019, 07:25 PM
LeBron > Kobe

Ben Simmons 25
04-28-2019, 07:26 PM
LeBron > Kobe

04-28-2019, 07:27 PM
if you select kobe you can add him to any team...

Yea and they may win 16 games that season.. :oldlol: :banana: :roll: :cheers:

04-28-2019, 07:30 PM
LeBron > Kobe

04-28-2019, 07:32 PM
imagine writing all this out for nobody to read one sentence of it

OP's autism reaching new heights :oldlol:

John Havlicek > Kobe

04-28-2019, 07:33 PM
See you tomorrow

Mask the Embiid
04-28-2019, 07:34 PM
See you later today bro

Ben Simmons 25
04-28-2019, 07:34 PM
See you tomorrow

:roll: :roll:

04-28-2019, 07:34 PM
LeBron > Kobe

04-28-2019, 07:35 PM
I swear this is like the 5th time OP said he's leaving only to return a week later

Attention seeking bitch

04-28-2019, 07:35 PM
too long didn't read





04-28-2019, 07:35 PM
See you tomorrow

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

04-28-2019, 07:40 PM
read, bookmarked, saved


Mr. Jabbar
04-28-2019, 07:41 PM
I was the biggest Lebron fan on this forum until this post. Thanks op for opening my mind, if your last thread could change even 1 mind, it's already a success...

I'll never root for that balding fggt again

04-28-2019, 08:28 PM
Hell be back. Imagine if tomorrow there was breaking news about Lebron getting busted for PEDs. Kenny would be all over this site spamming threads.

04-28-2019, 08:29 PM
LeBron > Kobe

even kobe stans know the truth:banana: :cheers:

04-28-2019, 08:31 PM
I was the biggest Lebron fan on this forum until this post. Thanks op for opening my mind, if your last thread could change even 1 mind, it's already a success...

I'll never root for that balding fggt again

kobestans gone mad :roll:

04-28-2019, 08:35 PM
OP I want to read your post believe me I really do its just that I'm saving my energy for my marathon game of thrones FAP session coming up soon.

If you don't mind I'll just mention that OP is a fakkit and I'll share this image with you as well:


04-28-2019, 08:39 PM
i've left this topic alone for the most part over the last few months due to lebrons fall from grace. he's hit rock bottom and i never like kicking a man while he's down. others on here have ramped up their activity out of obvious desperation to keep lebron relevant. but the debate is over. kobe won. even most media members are admitting it. but take away all the public opinion and accolades. lets really get down to who is easier to build around

when you select lebron as your franchise centrepiece you can't just add 1-2 big scorers next to him. but thats IS all kobe needs

for lebron you need sharp shooting specialists/3 and D former stars littered throughout the roster. you need stretch 4's, stretch 5's... you need coaches that adhere to his every demand... you need roster changes midseason... you need egoless co stars... you need submissive wingmen... you need a 3rd man that was once a #1... you need 3-4 guys off the bench that can drop 20 at any given moment... you need a star teammate to bail you out of nearly every clutch moment. then ANOTHER teammate to hit another season saving shot sometimes. everyone top to bottom needs to be great at something

but for kobe you just need a gasol ... and odom... and guys who don't do anything well... traditional PG's... traditional forwards... traditional bigs... traditional coaches... traditional philosophies...

if you select kobe you can add him to any team... if you select lebron you need to gut your team and change coaches/gm's

this is why kobe is superior and more valuable. this isn't about efficiency. this is about interchangeability

lebron is cancerous to 99% of teams throughout history. kobe could be placed on any team throughout history. his game can adapt to any era. he and tim duncan are the only guys to win in both the old era and the new one. they're that skilled at adapting... lebron is cancerous. he can't adapt. you have to adapt to him... kobe can play the wingman position and put up 30ppg... lebron as a wingman suffers and hides in the corner ( ala 2011 )

lebron is thanos trying on the infinity gauntlet

kobe never needed one

the end

Well said.

Celtics 1825
04-28-2019, 08:48 PM
See you tomorrow
Truer words have never been spoken :roll:

04-28-2019, 08:52 PM
Kenny giving these fools mercy....

I see ya brother. Will miss ya... :(

04-28-2019, 10:05 PM
Hell be back. Imagine if tomorrow there was breaking news about Lebron getting busted for PEDs. Kenny would be all over this site spamming threads.

He makes a thread saying he's leaving the board every other month.

Cold soul
04-28-2019, 10:14 PM
Kobe > Lebron

04-28-2019, 10:26 PM
Kobe > Lebron
definitely, when it comes to:
rape cases
mid range shooting
volume scoring
sidekick rings
years played with a top 10 alltime teammate
oh and "killer" instinct and by kill i mean the rim with bricks......:banghead:

besides those things I'd say Lebron has him outgunned by a embarrassing margin.

04-28-2019, 11:52 PM
This has been obvious to anyone that understands basketball

Bronball isn't a very effective way to win titles

It can make your numbers look good, it can help you win regular season games, it does not lead to titles

He mostly strayed from Bronball from 2011-2016 but still had the lack of consistent midrange shot in 2011 holding him back (he wasn't dominant enough to compensate like, say, Shaq) so it was really 2012-2016 where LeBron played the brand of basketball on both ends necessary to win titles and, viola, 3 rings. He had a lot of luck but that played well into his hands because he showed a nice mix of taking over and trusting his teammates.

But he rarely does and that's the flaw that LeBron has had for most of his career. No one cares how much one guy produces if his favorite style of play makes it very difficult to win titles with

04-29-2019, 01:01 AM
This has been obvious to anyone that understands basketball

Bronball isn't a very effective way to win titles

It can make your numbers look good, it can help you win regular season games, it does not lead to titles

He mostly strayed from Bronball from 2011-2016 but still had the lack of consistent midrange shot in 2011 holding him back (he wasn't dominant enough to compensate like, say, Shaq) so it was really 2012-2016 where LeBron played the brand of basketball on both ends necessary to win titles and, viola, 3 rings. He had a lot of luck but that played well into his hands because he showed a nice mix of taking over and trusting his teammates.

But he rarely does and that's the flaw that LeBron has had for most of his career. No one cares how much one guy produces if his favorite style of play makes it very difficult to win titles with


Wow I thought you were leaving

04-29-2019, 02:44 AM
Kenny you've upset wheels, he's replied to himself with about 20 alts in this thread :roll:

Must be time for a diaper change

04-29-2019, 02:57 AM

:roll: :roll: :roll:

04-29-2019, 06:15 AM
Let me get your password

Uncle Drew
04-29-2019, 07:35 AM
We won. Buried like 12be.

04-29-2019, 07:51 AM
Lebron < Kobe

04-29-2019, 07:51 AM
I was the biggest Lebron fan on this forum until this post. Thanks op for opening my mind, if your last thread could change even 1 mind, it's already a success...

I'll never root for that balding fggt again

:lol :oldlol: :roll:

04-29-2019, 07:58 AM
LeBron > Kobe

Ben Simmons 25
05-06-2019, 11:09 PM
Nice retirement, ******.

05-06-2019, 11:13 PM
OP is such an awful troll he somehow inspired zizozain to say LeBron>Kobe

Jesus Christ.