View Full Version : Ramadan 2019

04-30-2019, 09:39 PM
The time has almost come again!

For 30 days we will be abstaining from food and drink from dawn to sunset.

Gain consciousness of Allah/God
Learn more Qu'ran

Feeling how the poor feel like
Purification for the soul and body
Knowing how weak and dependent we are on Allah---and how He provides for us
Past sins forgiven if we do the right intention

04-30-2019, 09:47 PM
I don

04-30-2019, 09:47 PM
Love the concept of this. I wish I can do it. If I miss breakfast my stomach is attacking.

04-30-2019, 10:05 PM

04-30-2019, 10:53 PM
[QUOTE=macmac]I don

04-30-2019, 11:07 PM
Countdown to bombadon begins

Be on high alert

Patrick Chewing
04-30-2019, 11:30 PM
Countdown to bombadon begins

Be on high alert

All that senseless starvation and deprivation makes them angry. Makes them want to blow things up. I know when I haven

04-30-2019, 11:31 PM
Do us all a favor and tell the rest of your cult to also stop drinking water during these 30 days.

04-30-2019, 11:32 PM
[QUOTE=Patrick Chewing]All that senseless starvation and deprivation makes them angry. Makes them want to blow things up. I know when I haven

04-30-2019, 11:40 PM
:biggums: OP already triggered so many people :oldlol:

Go on kids, get yourself off, by trying to trigger him. It ain't happening :lol

Can't wait bro! Time to get back into shape, both spiritually and physically :banana:

05-01-2019, 12:13 AM
Anyone care to guess where the first bomb will go off on in Ramadan Bomb-a-thon?

05-01-2019, 12:17 AM
:biggums: OP already triggered so many people :oldlol:

Go on kids, get yourself off, by trying to trigger him. It ain't happening :lol

Can't wait bro! Time to get back into shape, both spiritually and physically :banana:

Isnt that how suicide bombing works? You bring the rest with you down. Go git your 72 virgins op

Patrick Chewing
05-01-2019, 12:33 AM
Anyone care to guess where the first bomb will go off on in Ramadan Bomb-a-thon?

I just used Google Earth and picked a random city in Pakistan. I’m going to go with Rawalpindi. I’m sensing some unrest over there. They’re due.

05-01-2019, 02:12 AM
ramadan kareem.

It also apparently makes them want to fukk goats and donkeys.

You can keep your hobbies to yourself. You don't need to share them with everyone. :oldlol:

And fatrick you should consider fasting a few days. Losing a couple pounds - or a couple hundred pounds - that would probably do you wonders. :D

05-01-2019, 02:39 AM
Thread has not disappointed at all.

05-01-2019, 03:02 AM
Have fun non-pork eaters.

Celtics 1825
05-01-2019, 03:04 AM
**** that, especially during this time of year when the days are longer. No way I'm going 15 hours without a damn meal.

05-01-2019, 07:54 AM
I can imagine that this is a fairly good time for people in the Middle East where it is getting to be really hot during the days. Everyone basically doing 24hr fasts and having one huge meal per day in the cool of the evening. It probably is an excellent way to keep communities bonded together....That's what I imagine anyway.

Bosnian Sajo
05-01-2019, 09:06 AM
No offense to OP or imdaman, but yall are more naive than the people responding. You KNOW this will be a thread filled with hate...if you're truly to fast ramadan, also start by fasting from negativity. Get away from here.

Ramadan Mubarak.

05-01-2019, 09:11 AM
Watching two groups of socially retarded nitwits try to trigger each other in internet threads is always fun.

05-01-2019, 12:57 PM
No offense to OP or imdaman, but yall are more naive than the people responding. You KNOW this will be a thread filled with hate...if you're truly to fast ramadan, also start by fasting from negativity. Get away from here.

Ramadan Mubarak.
jefferson munnies is straight up aggressive and abrasive with his views - he's the real triggerer. :oldlol:

ramadan mubarak.

05-01-2019, 01:04 PM
No offense to OP or imdaman, but yall are more naive than the people responding. You KNOW this will be a thread filled with hate...if you're truly to fast ramadan, also start by fasting from negativity. Get away from here.

Ramadan Mubarak.
i have to agree with this. i understand OP has good intentions, but there is way too much negativity on this forum.

05-01-2019, 03:37 PM
i have to agree with this. i understand OP has good intentions, but there is way too much negativity on this forum.

OP has good intentions? really? :facepalm

05-01-2019, 09:59 PM
I don’t understand why you’re so into this story but you hate on ppl that are into the avengers and the MCU. Everyone has their preference, I don’t judge your choice of fantasy

1) By the way mac, I never "hated on people" who dug MCU. I stated that those people's time and attention were far too valuable to be wasted on trivial entertainment---that's not hating on a person at all. Wouldn't you tell your younger brother to stop fooling around and get serious if you wanted him to succeed in life? You struggled hard to get to where you are at, man, a lot of the young kids don't know that struggle. I know you to be an honest person, mac. I feel sad that you misrepresented what I said.

05-01-2019, 10:00 PM
Love the concept of this. I wish I can do it. If I miss breakfast my stomach is attacking.

Like all things in life, it' takes a gradual degree of training.

In the same way we built our stamina for studies and working out, so too we can train our patience and hunger.

It also helps us to control our own desires, which is great--and gives you leverage over women especially.

Imagine going from an animal succumbing to the little head to an angel having a stronger intellect! Your wife would respect you so much more!

Since you like DBZ, think of the way Goku and Vegeta put in hours in the hyperbolic time chamber, and in the resistance training, putting their bodies to the test in difficult conditions.

Our minds and spirits can be focused on mundane things, but when we take the time to remember The Almighty, we grow in our spiritual connection, getting accustomed to the hunger and thirst pangs. We are more able to take on the trials of life with patience and gratitude and hope.

05-01-2019, 10:05 PM
All that senseless starvation and deprivation makes them angry. Makes them want to blow things up. I know when I haven’t had my coffee and bagel in the morning that I can be unapproachable.

I. Jesus fasted and advised his people to fast as did Moses.

II. Part of the reason people fast is to acquire more self-control---that is being able to harness their impulses/emotions. So we're aiming for the opposite of expressing anger.

III. You are far more capable than you think you are Patrick. You don't need that coffee and bagel. There are other ways to manage one's emotions!

Smook A.
05-01-2019, 10:05 PM
Countdown to bombadon begins

Be on high alert

Do us all a favor and tell the rest of your cult to also stop drinking water during these 30 days.

It also apparently makes them want to fukk goats and donkeys.

Anyone care to guess where the first bomb will go off on in Ramadan Bomb-a-thon?

Isnt that how suicide bombing works? You bring the rest with you down. Go git your 72 virgins op

Thread has not disappointed at all.
What the **** is wrong with you guys? Im not even Muslim but damn, have some heart. How the hell do you guys live with yourselves if you're gonna talk like that? So much negativity.

05-01-2019, 10:10 PM
No offense to OP or imdaman, but yall are more naive than the people responding. You KNOW this will be a thread filled with hate...if you're truly to fast ramadan, also start by fasting from negativity. Get away from here.

Ramadan Mubarak.

Doesn't matter if there is negativity. To truly reach our spiritual potential we must be willing to endure attacks patiently, and on top of that forgive and forgive some more.

We are instructed to repel evil with good.

And though the people of ISH and us may not see eye to eye---we both respect discipline-- a trait necessary for man to achieve anything.

I highly recommend people engage in fasting even if they may not be religious---since it can be a perfect time to lose bad habits (like smoking and alcohol and cursing.)

Smook A.
05-01-2019, 10:10 PM
[QUOTE=macmac]I don

05-01-2019, 10:13 PM
What the **** is wrong with you guys? Im not even Muslim but damn, have some heart. How the hell do you guys live with yourselves if you're gonna talk like that? So much negativity.

Look at this white knight bleeding heart. :oldlol: OP is an idiot who consistently makes awful post here. Fukk him. This is also ISH...stop taking things so seriously. Who the hell actually comes here to post in a serious manner? If you are then I just pity you.

Smook A.
05-01-2019, 10:17 PM
Look at this white knight bleeding heart. :oldlol: OP is an idiot who consistently makes awful post here. Fukk him. This is also ISH...stop taking things so seriously. Who the hell actually comes here to post in a serious manner? If you are then I just pity you.
Other than him saying people are wasting their time watching endgame, I legit haven't seen a "bad" post by him and I've been here for a while

I admit im not serious all the time when I post, but I would never say shitty stuff like mocking someone's religion. That's just cold man.

05-01-2019, 10:19 PM
Other than him saying people are wasting their time watching endgame, I legit haven't seen a "bad" post by him and I've been here for a while

I admit im not serious all the time when I post, but I would never say shitty stuff like mocking someone's religion. That's just cold man.

People who still believe in a fictional boogeyman "God" deserve our derision. This is 2019 not 1585. This is especially true when so many atrocities are committed in the name OP's religion.

05-01-2019, 10:20 PM
J-Money is cool and all but I didn't get that either. Everyone needs some sort of entertainment in their lives, so not sure why he was against people "wasting their time" over watching Endgame.

I understand your perspective. My apologies for being too harsh/judgmental.

Personally it hurts me to see my fellow brethren immersed in virtual worlds/hobbies at the detriment of their spiritual development because I feel that pain/regret at playing too much in my youth when I could have sought more knowledge and do not want that feeling of bitter regret in others.

When looking at people in previous eras, such as kids growing up in the Industrial Rev, I found them to actualize their potential more in all dimensions and feel comic films are an impediment to that.

Especially cuz we all love bball, have families, have education, have work, have to deal with the tasks of daily life, etc. and we only have finite time in our lives.

And i'm just like you guys--- I can name off the stats of all kinds of basketball players and athletes, many, many, many songs from all types, many of the characters and stories in various video games, many of the plots to various films, many details about celebrities' lives, but are these remotely beneficial for us?

We have to be pickier with what we intake with our senses.

05-01-2019, 10:25 PM
I can imagine that this is a fairly good time for people in the Middle East where it is getting to be really hot during the days. Everyone basically doing 24hr fasts and having one huge meal per day in the cool of the evening. It probably is an excellent way to keep communities bonded together....That's what I imagine anyway.

Yes. It's only 15 hours though. IIRC, humans can survive up to 1 month without food, and a few days without H20. Living in comfortable sedentary lifestyle has us forget this.

One of the esteemed values is community. I really appreciate that point you brought up. Feeling a sense of togetherness on a journey is such a good feeling, man.

We sit on the floor together at the same time. Just quality time--no smartphones or everyone going off doing whatever.

The feeling of brotherhood is a great feeling--actually if you look at what the human BEING NEEDS--- it's so much more than food, water, shelter; there is a sense of belonging, a wanting to actualize, a feeling of spirituality, a connection with others, wanting to feel needed, wanting to feel important, love, creative expression---there's so much!!!! Part of why military guys really connect with their fellow man.

If you check out the Hajj Pilgrimage, everyone of all socioeconomic demographics observes the same white dress. This is very near and dear to my heart, Rolando, because I'm from an Indian Culture where people of lower societies are treated horribly and Brahmins are treated like royalty.... One of the values we are taught is that no matter how rich or poor we are we are all equal before God. The only way someone can be "better" than someone is through piety and good action.

05-01-2019, 10:36 PM
You have repeatedly referred to The Almighty as
a) a boogeyman
b) a man in the sky

Over and over again on these boards, despite being clearly corrected.

If you're so smart and we're such idiots---tell me why do you remain so ignorant in basic theological matters? Why are the people you are attacking that lived in more ancient times with such little resources so much more disciplined and hardworking and wiser and creative in the way the conducted affairs despite not having the advantages of tech we did?

Are you serious? These are people that used to believe the earth was flat and eventually the ocean came to an end where'd you fall off the edge of the world.

05-01-2019, 10:38 PM
Isnt that how suicide bombing works? You bring the rest with you down. Go git your 72 virgins op

Attacking innocents or taking one's own life is not permissible in Islam.

Smook A.
05-01-2019, 10:42 PM
People who still believe in a fictional boogeyman "God" deserve our derision. This is 2019 not 1585. This is especially true when so many atrocities are committed in the name OP's religion.
Study shows that 7% of the world doesn't believe in God or are unsure God exists (Athiest or Agnostic)

Which means 93% of the world believes in some form of greater entity. That's a whole lot of people, Smoke :lol

05-01-2019, 10:44 PM
Are you serious? These are people that used to believe the earth was flat and eventually the ocean came to an end where'd you fall off the edge of the world.

Mistaken on one geographical fact =/ overall wisdom.

Wisdom entails many many more things---character, life perspective, dealing with people, handling life's affairs, choosing the right paths in life, preserving one's soul, being patient and grateful, acquiring knowledge of spiritual realities, aiding one's community, etc.

The fact of the matter is these guys were illiterate, born into serfdom, probably uneducated, had very few rights and managed to accomplish what they did.

I mean, you are out there calling millennial people p**** and losers and failures and idiots and retards---like a caring, loving drill sergeant yearning to see the best in his pupils. I don't even disagree with you in that department, dude. We all can be much more than we are--and one thing to conquer is our own whims and desires and reconnect with the One who created us.

05-01-2019, 10:48 PM
Anyone care to guess where the first bomb will go off on in Ramadan Bomb-a-thon?


Why not see common ground in the way the people of your faith practice Lent? The whole idea is to come closer to God--and that means giving up something you love in this world.

So when it's our time to pass away, our hearts are attached to The Creator. Instead of this short, temporary earthly life.

05-01-2019, 10:49 PM
Mistaken on one geographical fact =/ overall wisdom.

Wisdom entails many many more things---character, life perspective, dealing with people, handling life's affairs, choosing the right paths in life, preserving one's soul, being patient and grateful, acquiring knowledge of spiritual realities, aiding one's community, etc.

The fact of the matter is these guys were illiterate, born into serfdom, probably uneducated, had very few rights and managed to accomplish what they did.

I mean, you are out there calling millennial people p**** and losers and failures and idiots and retards---like a caring, loving drill sergeant yearning to see the best in his pupils. I don't even disagree with you in that department, dude. We all can be much more than we are--and one thing to conquer is our own whims and desires and reconnect with the One who created us.

That goes to their ignorance. "God" was invented by people to control other people and it stuck around because back in those times people lived a hard life and believing in a "higher power" gave them some solace and peace. There's no need for that anymore for the majority of the world. The fact is that more people have been killed in the name of "God" than anything else throughout human history. I don't see how keeping this archaic ideology around any longer helps humanity.

Patrick Chewing
05-01-2019, 10:56 PM
i have to agree with this. i understand OP has good intentions, but there is way too much negativity on this forum.


05-01-2019, 11:05 PM
That goes to their ignorance. "God" was invented by people to control other people

I hear you.
People of religious authority; be they high priests in Egypt, or members of the Catholic Church, or Pharisees--have abused religious authority in the past. That could be very oft-putting. Abusing authority.

However, it should be noted that the idea of Monotheism is to stop serving false gods and serve/worship the One True God.

Moreover, since you don't like idiots (which means you like knowledge) some questions must be asked and pondered Smoke...
How did the universe come to be?
What is the purpose of the human being?
What causes the millions and millions of organisms around the world to develop from nothing but sperm cells/egg cells and seeds into magnificent organisms?
Why is the earth distanced precisely away from the Sun in a way that had it been a bit closer it would have led to man being burnt, and had it been farther it would have been inconducive to the proliferation of life?
What causes the cells in your body to abide by their respective form?
Why does the moon and sun observe a regulated orbit?
Why are there no rifts in the sky that you see above you?

and it stuck around because back in those times people lived a hard life and believing in a "higher power" gave them some solace and peace.

I hear you. Peace and security and tranquility certainly come with faith.

However, there's another dimension to this answer.

Those people got to WITNESS first hand the sunsets, sunrises, crops grow, people grow, the rivers, the heavens etc.. and observed the creative power of The Almighty--- without the gargantuam amount of human speculation/opinion and ideologies like Darwinism that flood the people through various technological mediums.

Does it not make sense that they are less---corrupted than we are? That they can see clearly whereas we are impressed by the materialist mindset of our times.

There's no need for that anymore for the majority of the world. The fact is that more people have been killed in the name of "God" than anything else throughout human history. I don't see how keeping this archaic ideology around any longer helps humanity.

I can easily counter with the mention of Hitler, Tse-Tung, and Stalin---man-made ideologies, but I will refrain because I frankly do not completely know the answer.

That's a bold statement and one that would take an expert historian with full knowledge of death tolls, a strong comprehension of psychology and religion and a vast array of the motivation of each event to make an assumption on.

Someone like Richard Durant and Arnold Toynbe perhaps for starters.

And if this bothers you, Smoke, that is the destruction of human life--than consider that the words (and I mention the meaning not the exact language) "He who saves one life is like he who saves the world entire" is within the Judaic and Islamic Scriptures and that if you visit hospitals, there are many people of religious faith--disproportionately so.

05-01-2019, 11:14 PM
I hear you.
People of religious authority; be they high priests in Egypt, or members of the Catholic Church, or Pharisees--have abused religious authority in the past. That could be very oft-putting. Abusing authority.

However, it should be noted that the idea of Monotheism is to stop serving false gods and serve/worship the One True God.

Moreover, since you don't like idiots (which means you like knowledge) some questions must be asked and pondered Smoke...
How did the universe come to be?
What is the purpose of the human being?
What causes the millions and millions of organisms around the world to develop from nothing but sperm cells/egg cells and seeds into magnificent organisms?
Why is the earth distanced precisely away from the Sun in a way that had it been a bit closer it would have led to man being burnt, and had it been farther it would have been inconducive to the proliferation of life?
What causes the cells in your body to abide by their respective form?
Why does the moon and sun observe a regulated orbit?
Why are there no rifts in the sky that you see above you?

I hear you. Peace and security and tranquility certainly come with faith.

However, there's another dimension to this answer.

Those people got to WITNESS first hand the sunsets, sunrises, crops grow, people grow, the rivers, the heavens etc.. and observed the creative power of The Almighty--- without the gargantuam amount of human speculation/opinion and ideologies like Darwinism that flood the people through various technological mediums.

Does it not make sense that they are less---corrupted than we are? That they can see clearly whereas we are impressed by the materialist mindset of our times.

I can easily counter with the mention of Hitler, Tse-Tung, and Stalin---man-made ideologies, but I will refrain because I frankly do not completely know the answer.

That's a bold statement and one that would take an expert historian with full knowledge of death tolls, a strong comprehension of psychology and religion and a vast array of the motivation of each event to make an assumption on.

Someone like Richard Durant and Arnold Toynbe perhaps for starters.

And if this bothers you, Smoke, that is the destruction of human life--than consider that the words (and I mention the meaning not the exact language) "He who saves one life is like he who saves the world entire" is within the Judaic and Islamic Scriptures and that if you visit hospitals, there are many people of religious faith--disproportionately so.

You're actually okay. I think I had you confused with some other clown here.

05-01-2019, 11:20 PM
Study shows that 7% of the world doesn't believe in God or are unsure God exists (Athiest or Agnostic)

Which means 93% of the world believes in some form of greater entity. That's a whole lot of people, Smoke :lol

most of the world dwells in poverty and poor education... thats not surprising.

05-01-2019, 11:32 PM
Attacking innocents or taking one's own life is not permissible in Islam.

Unless they believe in a different Gawd.

Patrick Chewing
05-01-2019, 11:42 PM
You're actually okay. I think I had you confused with some other clown here.

Uhh no he's not. He fully supports Sharia Law and the Caliphate.

You didn't have him confused.

05-01-2019, 11:42 PM
most of the world dwells in poverty and poor education... thats not surprising.

That is an important social issue you have brought up, tpols.

Wealth inequality and literacy rates.

What can be done to enrich and educate the people of the world?

Patrick Chewing
05-01-2019, 11:45 PM
most of the world dwells in poverty and poor education... thats not surprising.

The rise of Christianity started with the richest people. It's spread across the globe was funded by the richest people. The fact that the majority of the world is dirt poor and has no education is not a result of religious practice.

05-01-2019, 11:48 PM
Uhh no he's not. He fully supports Sharia Law and the Caliphate.

You didn't have him confused.

I guess it really REALLY REALLY bothers you that there are strict punishments for men having sex with men.

Patrick Chewing
05-01-2019, 11:55 PM
I guess it really REALLY REALLY bothers you that there are strict punishments for men having sex with men.

You also left out adultery, theft, drinking alcohol, etc.

However, it's up to God to judge these things. Especially who you fornicate with. Primitive laws that include stoning people to death have no place in a modern society. If you worship a God that accepts murder as punishment for these things, then you and I worship a different God.

05-02-2019, 12:43 AM
What the **** is wrong with you guys? Im not even Muslim but damn, have some heart. How the hell do you guys live with yourselves if you're gonna talk like that? So much negativity.

All in good fun. Let us remeber this is Insidehoops. A great place where we can all can come together and be equally horrible. :cheers:

05-02-2019, 01:21 AM
:biggums: OP already triggered so many people :oldlol:

Go on kids, get yourself off, by trying to trigger him. It ain't happening :lol

Can't wait bro! Time to get back into shape, both spiritually and physically :banana:

May Allah bless you and reward your efforts and endow you with Taqwa and good health, akhi.

Let's make each moment an opportunity to remember and praise and glorify Him and seek forgiveness.

I tell you brother, the feeling in the heart is this serene, tranquil high that words can never explain. It's like this electricity in this soul--this enlivening feeling that you're finally whole (hence the word holy comes from whole.. wholly). When you look at every tree, blade of grass, cloud around you and you realize that we are all connected----we are all creations of Him... it's a sublime feeling to have that true inner peace that comes only with complete surrender. That this world is not just but a sample of much better (or worse (naudhubillah)) things to come.

Assalamu Alaikum.

05-02-2019, 03:52 AM
most of the world dwells in poverty and poor education... thats not surprising.

Bingo. You'll find these are always the most devout religious people.

Maybe religions should focus more on the good and helping people instead of making money and preaching hatred of everything.
If these people truly believe god created everything they have a funny way of showing it

05-02-2019, 04:36 AM
Do us all a favor and tell the rest of your cult to also stop drinking water during these 30 days.

Bosnian Sajo
05-02-2019, 07:55 AM
Doesn't matter if there is negativity. To truly reach our spiritual potential we must be willing to endure attacks patiently, and on top of that forgive and forgive some more.

We are instructed to repel evil with good.

And though the people of ISH and us may not see eye to eye---we both respect discipline-- a trait necessary for man to achieve anything.

I highly recommend people engage in fasting even if they may not be religious---since it can be a perfect time to lose bad habits (like smoking and alcohol and cursing.)

True....IF THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. But this is a message board, something that you opt to log into and comment. If all that it takes to get rid of the negativity is to remove yourself from the conversation, that route is the one you take. It's fine to attempt, you've done it multiple times, but to come here year after year after year....have people insult you, our religion, and our people....and to act like you're doing some noble act is incredibly naive.

They don't care, they don't respect our views...and a vast majority legitimately hate us. Just move on, it ain't worth it. You're only wasting time when you could be out there influencing real people, since it means so much to you to spread the message.

Wanna know how I spread the message? By not shoving it in people's face. I'm open about my religion everywhere I go, I am not ashamed one bit to speak on my religion and how much it has enhanced my life...but If I encounter a racist, I am NOT gonna sit there and talk to him about my religion while he tells me off and lets me know how much he hates me and all my people. You showing respect to him and proving his preconceived notions false will only enrage him even more, thus leading to even more negative energy. It's very simple man, positive x negative = negative. Dass math :lol

And guess what? I find people are more interested and want to speak on it much much more when I am open but not abrasive. People at my company are fascinated with Ramadan and interested to learn what the purpose is and will I be able to fast without issue (first Ramadan for me at this new company).

Just my 2 cents Jimmy. I can't force you to do anything, but I can recommend to you just as you do to others. Get rid of ALL the negativity in your life (that you are able to easily), it will enhance your dean. Wish nothing but the best bro.

05-02-2019, 08:17 AM
most of the world dwells in poverty and poor education... thats not surprising.
Yeah, but the USA is the richest country in the world and is also the most religious country in the developed world. And it

05-02-2019, 09:01 AM
True....IF THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. But this is a message board, something that you opt to log into and comment. If all that it takes to get rid of the negativity is to remove yourself from the conversation, that route is the one you take. It's fine to attempt, you've done it multiple times, but to come here year after year after year....have people insult you, our religion, and our people....and to act like you're doing some noble act is incredibly naive.

They don't care, they don't respect our views...and a vast majority legitimately hate us. Just move on, it ain't worth it. You're only wasting time when you could be out there influencing real people, since it means so much to you to spread the message.

Wanna know how I spread the message? By not shoving it in people's face. I'm open about my religion everywhere I go, I am not ashamed one bit to speak on my religion and how much it has enhanced my life...but If I encounter a racist, I am NOT gonna sit there and talk to him about my religion while he tells me off and lets me know how much he hates me and all my people. You showing respect to him and proving his preconceived notions false will only enrage him even more, thus leading to even more negative energy. It's very simple man, positive x negative = negative. Dass math :lol

And guess what? I find people are more interested and want to speak on it much much more when I am open but not abrasive. People at my company are fascinated with Ramadan and interested to learn what the purpose is and will I be able to fast without issue (first Ramadan for me at this new company).

Just my 2 cents Jimmy. I can't force you to do anything, but I can recommend to you just as you do to others. Get rid of ALL the negativity in your life (that you are able to easily), it will enhance your dean. Wish nothing but the best bro.

Is your race Islam?
I find it hilarious when people claim racism when in fact it's the religion THEY CHOOSE to believe in is the issue at hand..

I think a balance with anything is healthy, devoting every aspect of your life to religion is not. Everyone has there beliefs and I do respect that you don't force it down people's throats, others need to learn this.:cheers:

Bosnian Sajo
05-02-2019, 11:24 AM
Is your race Islam?
I find it hilarious when people claim racism when in fact it's the religion THEY CHOOSE to believe in is the issue at hand..

Issue at hand to whom? Not me obviously, I live life happily and in positive spirits. Its the people that comment ignorantly who find an issue with it...so what is your solution, for me to drop my beliefs in order to appease a negative soul? Get off your high horse.

I didn't choose it, I was born into it and couldn't imagine living any other way. Simply. So yes, in a way Islam is my race.

If you'd prefer me to use another word to describe people hating a person for their belief/the way they look/whatever the hell, feel free to adjust my post accordingly. I'm not gonna dwell on that when I'm certain you clearly understand my POV and where I am coming from.

I think a balance with anything is healthy, devoting every aspect of your life to religion is not. Everyone has there beliefs and I do respect that you don't force it down people's throats, others need to learn this.:cheers:

You have extremely strong views on very broad subjects, its kind of difficult to know exactly what your point is. Every aspect of life? Uhhhhh?

What do you imagine when you think of Islam? I can already guess but would you like to hear how I live my life through Islam? Belief in Allah ofc is most important...to become a Muslim, you recite "I bear witness Allah is the only god and Muhammad s.a.w.s. is his prophet and slave". But what are the characteristics of a Muslim?

Respect is number 1 by far. Respect EVERYONE. Your neighbor, your wife, friend, stranger....coworker, ceo, the janitor of your building....fellow muslims, nonmuslims (who aren't barking insults for you living life). Without that, practicing the religion is pointless.

Patience is HUGE. Being patient and respectful leads you to make less rash decisions, live a happier life, and most importantly...a positive life.

You know what..I'm literally in the middle of writing this out when I realize I truly don't wanna get into this with you. I simply am trying to spare J$ from wasting his time on here as ISH has proved time and time again to NOT be the place to talk about real life.

Basketball talk? Lets do it. GOT? Great thread we got going on. Worldly events? What is your take on it? Lettuce discuss.

But as far as talking beliefs and the way we live our lives? Pointless to discuss on here. It does not matter how clearly I express myself and what I believe in, 8/10 of people who read this post will still comment negatively either because A. they hate me for who I am (rrrrracist, or any other word you'd like to use for extreme hate. you choose, idc) or B. they enjoy trolling others for their own entertainment.

Regardless, the net result for me will either be frustration or negative thoughts on those people. Why go through that when I can just elect not to?

Sincerely yours,

Bosnian Sajo

05-02-2019, 11:34 AM
Do us all a favor and tell the rest of your cult to also stop drinking water during these 30 days.
Jokes on you. They already do :oldlol:

Bosnian Sajo
05-02-2019, 11:35 AM
But to reiterate wtf I was explaining during that 2nd part of my post, Islam is a way of life. It doesn't mean you are devoting every aspect of your life to the religion (like you stated)....rather that the religion guides you on how to live a mentally healthy life. It's difficult for someone to understand if they themselves don't follow a certain moral code/religion/whatever. That is not to say I'm better than you for having that in my life, rather to say that I've tasted the fruits of my way of life and it tastes sweet my g, I like it.

It can be misused and abused like most things in life, and people will conceive different narratives based on what they want to accomplish regardless is it right or wrong...that doesn't corrupt the religion itself or should it perceive a follower of the religion to be inherently evil.

And guess what? That goes for almost EVERYTHING in life, not just religion.

05-02-2019, 02:03 PM
Now thats a cool guy right there ^.

I may not agree with you and your beliefs, but I respect the hell out of you.

Its super simple really, people will disagree with you no.matter what, but as long as they dont do anyone wrong, then let the them be.

Live and let live.

05-02-2019, 02:33 PM
People who still believe in a fictional boogeyman "God" deserve our derision. This is 2019 not 1585. This is especially true when so many atrocities are committed in the name OP's religion.
there's definitely a spiritual component to life. every enduring religion talks about the same thing, the same one god, the same life force that we all come from.

human beings are very limited. we still don't understand anything about consciousness or the universe. there's a way of living your life that more closely aligns you with the way humans are naturally meant to live, and that includes abstaining from certain things like excessive substance abuse.

Patrick Chewing
05-02-2019, 03:19 PM
human beings are very limited. we still don't understand anything about consciousness or the universe.

This is true. There is still no scientific explanation for why and how we dream either. We haven't even scratched the surface.

05-02-2019, 03:50 PM
there's definitely a spiritual component to life. every enduring religion talks about the same thing, the same one god, the same life force that we all come from..

Eh... What about hindu and bhuddists?

Their forms actually seem far more practical.

Monotheism has bred nothing but warring. There's an agenda. The prior were/are pacifists.

05-02-2019, 11:23 PM
Eh... What about hindu and bhuddists?

Their forms actually seem far more practical.

Explain in what way having caste systems (sometimes based on skin color and lineage) and offering food to statues and believing that people are reborn or had past lives as other creatures is more "practical."

Explain how Buddhism, which does not have a clear concept of God in it's teachings is more practical.

Monotheism has bred nothing but warring. There's an agenda. The prior were/are pacifists.

There's no point in continuing to argue with someone like you who thinks "Monotheism has bred nothing but warring".

05-03-2019, 12:56 AM
Bingo. You'll find these are always the most devout religious people.

The truth is that poor people are tested to be patient during the hard times and to reconnect with God, and human nature is such that when people get rich and comfortable they tend to forget God.

As for "poorly educated", this is not the Church we are talking about here, where the laymen gets downtrodden by "pious" people who give lectures in Latin. Or where African slaves are told to worship a man that never claimed he was God, pictured as a white man (despite being of Semitic origin), and instructed to "turn the other cheek" while their white slaveholders and racists exploited them.

This is Islam where the first commandment revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is "Read," where people were liberated from being prisoners of war if they taught others to read, where seeking knowledge is incumbent. Two different faiths.

Maybe religions should focus more on the good and helping people instead of making money and preaching hatred of everything.

I agree, coin24, that is completely wrong for a religion to focus on making money--rather it should be a means to geared to serving God. Why don't you ever give credit to Muslims for the fact they are the top charity givers in the U.K? https://consent.yahoo.com/collectConsent?sessionId=1_cc-session_f68e80ba-5530-44d9-91fe-c80137844865&lang=en-gb&inline=false

As for "hatred of everything"---it is necessary to hate evil to love good. Wouldn't you agree that loving honesty (truth tellers) means hating lies (like Christmas and Santa Clause and the Holy Trinity)? Wouldn't you agree that loving justice involves hating oppression (like rich priests trying to coax money out of poor people)?

If these people truly believe god created everything they have a funny way of showing it

05-03-2019, 05:29 AM
Eh... What about hindu and bhuddists?

Their forms actually seem far more practical.

Monotheism has bred nothing but warring. There's an agenda. The prior were/are pacifists.
Weird. Majority Christian countries seem to currently be much more peaceful, prosperous places to live than majority Hindu and Bhuddist countries. I mean, are any majority Christian countries currently war zones? Strange how that works.

05-03-2019, 06:10 AM
Other than him saying people are wasting their time watching endgame, I legit haven't seen a "bad" post by him and I've been here for a while

I admit im not serious all the time when I post, but I would never say shitty stuff like mocking someone's religion. That's just cold man.

So praising and defending an individual that praised Genocide is a good thing?

05-03-2019, 07:27 AM
Explain in what way having caste systems (sometimes based on skin color and lineage) and offering food to statues and believing that people are reborn or had past lives as other creatures is more "practical."

Explain how Buddhism, which does not have a clear concept of God in it's teachings is more practical.

its more practical because its how life has always evolved. things live, die, go back to the ground and are recycled.

you see it with every season... it makes sense. much more than you thinking youre going to a court room when you die to be sent off to made up places.

for bhuddists, they believe god is everything combined and thats what we really are... and teaches you to come out from your limited perspective and embrace totality.

it makes sense. the asians got it right.

05-03-2019, 07:53 AM
its more practical because its how life has always evolved. things live, die, go back to the ground and are recycled.

you see it with every season... it makes sense. much more than you thinking youre going to a court room when you die to be sent off to made up places.

for bhuddists, they believe god is everything combined and thats what we really are... and teaches you to come out from your limited perspective and embrace totality.

it makes sense. the asians got it right.
If by “the Asians” you specifically mean Indians who are no longer Buddhist, sure.

05-03-2019, 03:04 PM
So praising and defending an individual that praised Genocide is a good thing?

Wow. Look at your integrity.

You can post the thread and not once did I praise genocide. The thread where you brought up what was done to Armenians over, and, over, and over, and over again without acknowledging others points.

And you attempted to slander imdamn99 and red1 and others who ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE nor did they inflict any harm on to the Armenian PEOPLE in the early 1900's.

I said something along the lines of, "nowhere in the Qu'ran and Sunnah is genocide endorsed---rather the taking of innocent lives is forbidden."

And now to disparage my character you claim I "praised" genocide. Wow, I guess resorting to lies means nothing to you Qrich.

05-03-2019, 03:34 PM
its more practical because its how life has always evolved. things live, die, go back to the ground and are recycled.

You think evolution accounts for the origin of life?

You think a force, loosely defined as creatures possessing advantageous physical features reproduce more often than those not---leading to change/divergence in organisms over a long period of time, can completely explain all the beings in the Universe? That--that.. force can actually somehow cause a big spherical ball--1.3 million times larger than the Earth--of helium and hydrogen to burn for billions of years and be placed in a spot not too far nor too close to faciliate thousands and millions of life forms on Earth? Or even more ridiculous--that star is only one of many in a galaxy--and that galaxy one of many in the Universe?

And do you honestly think the visible material world is all that exists? Maybe, just maybe perhaps there are realms beyond our vision.

you see it with every season... it makes sense. much more than you thinking youre going to a court room when you die to be sent off to made up places.

Do you honestly even know what the Day of Judgment--entails?

Do you honestly think that a human being who does evil their entire life is going to end up in the same place as someone who does good their entire life? Does that make any remote sense?

Do you honestly think that when the Bible mentions a "lake of fire", the Torah mentions Gehonnim, the Qu'ran mentions Jahannam and that even the Viking religions and others mention salvation and damnation--that it's just made up?

And that you, living your life the way you do, is in any way equal to someone who actually searched for answers and applied that knowledge---which many before you have done?

for bhuddists, they believe god is everything combined and thats what we really are... and teaches you to come out from your limited perspective and embrace totality.

See, that's the problem--I don't even know what the Buddhists believe about God. But I do know that they believe in the four noble truths, the eight fold path, the belief that attachment is suffering and various other metaphysical beliefs---that, when compared to the other religions are incomplete in defining man's purpose in relation to his Creator.

What do Buddhists belief about God? What do Muslims believe about God? What do Christians believe about God? Those are some questions to be answered.

As for the rest of your post.

That is completely ridiculous.

The things we see outside in "nature" (that is creation) are perishable and finite. The people that we meet are imperfect and sin-prone or flawed.

God is Perfect, Absolute, and Eternal.

The Creator and Creation are different and separate.

And no, you are not me, and I am not you, and we are not God. That's ridiculous on so many levels. Pantheism is falsehood.

it makes sense. the asians got it right.

Wow, tpols, before you claim that "the asians figured it out"---misleading yourself, why don't you actually study just a wee bit more.

05-03-2019, 03:51 PM
Eh... What about hindu and bhuddists?

Their forms actually seem far more practical.

Monotheism has bred nothing but warring. There's an agenda. The prior were/are pacifists.
buddhism is hardly a religion. I respect the meditation practices that they teach. I don't know much about hinduism but even hindus believe that consciousness comes from one source if I'm not mistaken.

it's all one god.

Live and let live.
that's one of my life philosophies. live and let live until others start imposing onto you.

05-03-2019, 04:00 PM
buddhism is hardly a religion. I respect the meditation practices that they teach. I don't know much about hinduism but even hindus believe that consciousness comes from one source if I'm not mistaken.

it's all one god.

that's one of my life philosophies. live and let live until others start imposing onto you.

They all have the same purpose... To get you out of your own head and see the big picture. Whether you call it god, nirvana, enlightment whatever its the same thing ~ to bring you closer to others and away from want & bad deeds.

But the eastern versions are more based on the observation of nature and, intense meditation. Rather than the fire and brimstone nonsense which has never been verified in anyway.... Completely made up.

I hope you have a good Ramadan, enjoy meals with you family and friends, fast and cleanse your body. That s where you will find your reward right here.

05-03-2019, 04:12 PM
Wow. Look at your integrity.

You can post the thread and not once did I praise genocide. The thread where you brought up what was done to Armenians over, and, over, and over, and over again without acknowledging others points.

And you attempted to slander imdamn99 and red1 and others who ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE nor did they inflict any harm on to the Armenian PEOPLE in the early 1900's.

I said something along the lines of, "nowhere in the Qu'ran and Sunnah is genocide endorsed---rather the taking of innocent lives is forbidden."

And now to disparage my character you claim I "praised" genocide. Wow, I guess resorting to lies means nothing to you Qrich.

Do you know how to read you moron.

I said you defended someone that praised it, which you just did on the main forum.

05-03-2019, 04:22 PM
They all have the same purpose... To get you out of your own head and see the big picture. Whether you call it god, nirvana, enlightment whatever its the same thing ~ to bring you closer to others and away from want & bad deeds.

No they don't. There's a clear difference. Muslims worship Allah alone and attain peace through full submission to His Will. Buddhists goal is nirvana--deliverance of mind. Hindus goal is attaining peace in another way, and they don't forbid the worst sin, which is shirk. Christians have a different path to salvation through believing that Jesus died for their sins. Judaism don't believe that Jesus (PBUH) or Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) were Prophets.

They are distinctly different paths---and each of us are responsible for using our intellect to choose one. Time is ticking and we've got to make the right choices to get the right outcome.

But the eastern versions are more based on the observation of nature and, intense meditation. Rather than the fire and brimstone nonsense which has never been verified in anyway.... Completely made up.

Once again you lie, tpols. How dare you misrepresent and belittle another faith referring to them as "only causing warring" and now claiming that observation of nature and intense meditation are a part of Eastern versions--and "fire and brimstone" are made up.

There are ayats in the Qu'ran about mountains, sun, stars, earth, moon, oceans, ships on oceans, trees, animals, bees, ants, and there are instructions to reflect on the creation around us.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), before becoming a Prophet meditated, intensely in a cave and observed the creation around him.

I hope you have a good Ramadan, enjoy meals with you family and friends, fast and cleanse your body. That s where you will find your reward right here.

How about you start by wishing good on your own soul first? I've had enough interaction with your ilk to know you talk sweet up front but you hide hatred inside.

Whether you acknowledge the Afterlife it not makes no difference to others or the outcome--but you are certainly harming your own soul, tpols. THe faithful will be rewarded.

05-03-2019, 04:27 PM
Do you know how to read you moron.

I said you defended someone that praised it, which you just did on the main forum.

You said "praising and defending someone who praised"--meaning you accused both of those actions onto me.

And while you're at it, get it through your mind that people born almost 90 years after something happened aren't responsible for the sins of others. Individual accountability.

05-03-2019, 04:31 PM
You said "praising and defending someone who praised"--meaning you accused both of those actions onto me.

And while you're at it, get it through your mind that people born almost 90 years after something happened aren't responsible for the sins of others. Individual accountability.

Both of which are actions you did. You praised and defended someone whom did that.

How much of an ignoramus are you?

05-03-2019, 04:36 PM
Both of which are actions you did. You praised and defended someone whom did that.

How much of an ignoramus are you?

So you are claiming that I "praised" and "defended" an individual who endorsed "genocide".

Point it out with concretes and specifics. If you're going to accuse me of something quote it.

05-03-2019, 04:38 PM
So you are claiming that I "praised" and "defended" an individual who endorsed "genocide".

Point it out. If you're going to accuse me of something bring forth evidence.

Who praised it you damn moron. And I just said in the main forum.

Maybe you should go eat something bruh, your coming off beyond your normal levels of idiocy.

05-03-2019, 04:42 PM
Who praised it you damn moron. And I just said in the main forum.

Maybe you should go eat something bruh, your coming off beyond your normal levels of idiocy.

Oh, Erdogan?

Yes I did praise him on what he has done for his people--he has done a great job countering the damage done by Ataturk.

edit: Here is what Erdogan posted 3/11/2019

Խոր վշտով տեղեկացայ Թուրքիոյ հայոց պատրիարք Յարգելի Մեսրոպ Մութաֆեանի մահը։ Այս կապակցութեամբ կը ցաւակցիմ իր ընտնիքին, հարազատներուն եւ մեր հայ քաղաքացիներուն

"I was deeply saddened by the death of the Armenian patriarch of Turkey, the honorable Mesrob Mutafyan. I offer my condolences to his family, relatives and our Armenian citizens," Erdogan tweeted on Friday in Armenian, in a message directed at the estimated 60,000 Armenians living in Turkey today."

Here is what was posted by Erdogan 4/24/2019.

“The relocation of the Armenian gangs and their supporters, who massacred the Muslim people, including women and children, in eastern Anatolia, was the most reasonable action that could be taken in such a period,” Erdogan said in a Twitter post in English. “We see that those who attempt to lecture us on human rights over the Armenian issue themselves have a bloody past,” he added, accusing the French of committing genocide in Africa.

The people can debate whether or not that "praises" genocide or not.

The only clear conclusion I can make is that qrich will sacrifice integrity and truth to disparage the character of the people he hates. Look--he's done it again right below me!

05-03-2019, 04:45 PM
Changing words now...got it.

And I told you, on the main board.

But then again, you think marrying a 6-9 year old is okay.

05-03-2019, 04:52 PM
why are you even posting here qrich? :oldlol:

see yourself out - and make sure the door hits you on the way out. :oldlol:

05-03-2019, 05:00 PM
why are you even posting here qrich? :oldlol:

see yourself out - and make sure the door hits you on the way out. :oldlol:

Typical response by someone that can't take facts :confusedshrug:

Oh, Erdogan?

Yes I did praise him on what he has done for his people--he has done a great job countering the damage done by Ataturk.

I did not even know what his opinions were on Armenia until this response right now. Personally, I don't think that's the right course of action.

How do you counter damage done by someone after you praise them. It'd be like a German chancellor praising Hitler but "undoing damage"

05-03-2019, 05:05 PM
Typical response by someone that can't take facts :confusedshrug:
no seriously. why are you even posting here? :confusedshrug:

it's a legitimate question.

05-03-2019, 05:05 PM
I hope you have a good Ramadan, enjoy meals with you family and friends, fast and cleanse your body. That s where you will find your reward right here.
thanks man.

05-03-2019, 06:04 PM
Typical response by someone that can't take facts :confusedshrug:


This is what Erdogan stated.

He also posted this:

Խոր վշտով տեղեկացայ Թուրքիոյ հայոց պատրիարք Յարգելի Մեսրոպ Մութաֆեանի մահը։ Այս կապակցութեամբ կը ցաւակցիմ իր ընտնիքին, հարազատներուն եւ մեր հայ քաղաքացիներուն։Խոր վշտով տեղեկացայ Թուրքիոյ հայոց պատրիարք Յարգելի Մեսրոպ Մութաֆեանի մահը։ Այս կապակցութեամբ կը ցաւակցիմ իր ընտնիքին, հարազատներուն եւ մեր հայ քաղաքացիներուն։
“The relocation of the Armenian gangs and their supporters, who massacred the Muslim people, including women and children, in eastern Anatolia, was the most reasonable action that could be taken in such a period.

The doors of our archives are wide open to all seeking the truth.”

You claimed he praised and defends genocide--without giving any context whatsoever.

Praised is defined as high words, something like GOOD JOB. The tone of his speech comes off as apologetic, as if having to resort to things during dire circumstance.

You are clearly on a propaganda scheme spree as usual, qrich, trying to disparage characters.

You also claim that I think "it's okay to marry 6 to 9 year olds."

First of all, I AM married--to a 23 year old. So you can get those allegations off of me. Second of all, I live in the United States in 2019--where human beings on average undergo high school years, collegiate years, and career years--sometimes tying the knot in their late 20`s and early 30`s upon reaching intellectual and emotional development.

That was NOT THE CASE even a hundred years back (girls sometimes married at 14), and even less the case in ANcient Arabia or Greece or other civs.

Second of all, as a Muslim, you should automatically know "what I think" doesn't matter--because a true Muslim is in submission to God's Will.

Thirdly, what is acceptable for a Prophet (PBUH) who is pure is vastly different from what is a mere mortal. A man like the Prophet (PBUH) stood up for up to 4-5 hours a night praying to God--and had a gigantic responsibility placed on his shoulders--the welfare of the Muslim people. This was a man who was OFFERED woman, power, riches to stop spreading a MESSAGE to worship Allah alone--and turned down all of that and him and his followers CONTINUED to SUFFER and SUFFER and SUFFER to speak the Truth.

Fourthly, the Prophet (PBUH) was married to a woman 15 years his senior and was with her for 25 years--so you can get your filthy allegations off of him as well (for your own good).

Fifthly, the people of Arabia at the time had a culture where someone would ask someone's father for their daughter's hand in marriage. So she lived in their home for some time for the two to form an emotional bond and then she physically developed.

Sixthly, if you claim that Aisha (RA) was molested or raped--or whatever filth and lies you kaffirs use in your deceitful information warfare on Muslims--then why did she live such a productive, beneficial life--teaching other people Hadiths and knowledge after the Prophet's death. Is that the behavior of a trauma victim?

Now deal with those facts.

How do you counter damage done by someone after you praise them. It'd be like a German chancellor praising Hitler but "undoing damage"

What are you talking about? First of all, it is a common opinion that Hitler was a strong leader--by people who strongly disagree with anti-semitism and the Holocaust. It's easy to praise someone and disagree with them on other parts.

Secondly, I'm stating that Tayyib Erdogan countered the damage of many of the evil deeds from Mustafa Kemal, whose actions--including banning the Adhan in Arabic and oppressing religious scholars--has wrought damage in the hearts of the people. Now that Erdogan's in power, Turkish people's faith can flourish and be rejuvenated in a better environment than in the early 1900's and their connection with God can be strengthened easier.

05-03-2019, 11:01 PM
Jefferson as a devout Muslim you haven't addressed the issue of you living in a western society mingling with the enemy. The prophet himself said this makes you as bad as us.

You are going against Alahs wishes as stated by the prophet Mohammed.
How can you pick and choose what suits you from the Quran??
This is hypocrisy at its finest..

If you are married to a 23 year old, how old are you? Was this an arranged marriage that her parents agreed to deal with you? Does she have any say in the matter?
I find it odd that this still occurs

05-03-2019, 11:05 PM


05-03-2019, 11:07 PM
Jefferson as a devout Muslim you haven't addressed the issue of you living in a western society mingling with the enemy. The prophet himself said this makes you as bad as us.

You are going against Alahs wishes as stated by the prophet Mohammed.
How can you pick and choose what suits you from the Quran??
This is hypocrisy at its finest..

If you are married to a 23 year old, how old are you? Was this an arranged marriage that her parents agreed to deal with you? Does she have any say in the matter?
I find it odd that this still occurs

I don't recall seeing any muslim here saying the west is the enemy. In fact I see a lot of muslims contributing to and helping build the west. :confusedshrug:

05-03-2019, 11:09 PM

I don't recall seeing any muslim here saying the west is the enemy. In fact I see a lot of muslims contributing to and helping build the west. :confusedshrug:

You obviously haven't read the Quran then have you:cheers:

05-03-2019, 11:11 PM
You obviously haven't read the Quran then have you:cheers:
I posted a couple of links a couple of minutes ago, I'll post them again.



05-03-2019, 11:14 PM
Oh, Erdogan?

Yes I did praise him on what he has done for his people--he has done a great job countering the damage done by Ataturk.

edit: Here is what Erdogan posted 3/11/2019

"I was deeply saddened by the death of the Armenian patriarch of Turkey, the honorable Mesrob Mutafyan. I offer my condolences to his family, relatives and our Armenian citizens," Erdogan tweeted on Friday in Armenian, in a message directed at the estimated 60,000 Armenians living in Turkey today."

Here is what was posted by Erdogan 4/24/2019.

The people can debate whether or not that "praises" genocide or not.

The only clear conclusion I can make is that qrich will sacrifice integrity and truth to disparage the character of the people he hates. Look--he's done it again right below me!

Keep reaching to defend one that praises a poor man's version of Hitler.

Nothing else can be expected from a human trash can such as yourself, whom stated that a historic site should be turned into a mosque.

05-03-2019, 11:19 PM
Keep reaching to defend one that praises a poor man's version of Hitler.

Nothing else can be expected from a human trash can such as yourself, whom stated that a historic site should be turned into a mosque.
Q, IIRC, you're from Armenian descent right?

05-03-2019, 11:26 PM
Q, IIRC, you're from Armenian descent right?

Yessir, with Serbian heritage as well.

Also, according to a DNA test, and the one-drop rule, I'm also black :bowdown:

05-04-2019, 01:16 AM
Jefferson as a devout Muslim you haven't addressed the issue of you living in a western society mingling with the enemy.

a) I was born here, grew up here, raised in school here, grew up listening to rap here, watched sports here, speak the language here, went to school here, worked at schools and hospitals and companies here, my brother works in the U.S. military and my father and mother work in the U.S. government, and my family (meaning every one of my blood relatives) are educated law-abiding citizens here.
b) I don't think the U.S.A and Islam are enemies. U.S.A was buddy buddy with Bosnia and Afghanistan only a few decades back. Rather, it is a land that promotes religious freedom. Actually, the USA is a melting pot of various cultures, and well it certainly has people of various perspectives. To me--it's like living in a big changing experiment. Growing up in the 90's was vastly different. It seems people of this day and age are more informed of other cultures.
C) Thanks for the input, coin24. I actually appreciate this Q.

The prophet himself said this makes you as bad as us.

A) I spoke to a learned person (who works for the State) about this Hadith (Regarding settling with the Mushrikeen) and he mentioned a lot of information on the times, the education that one must undergo before becoming a faqih (someone who understands things) and that you should never take hadiths individually--rather you should consider them as a whole and presented a situation in Arabia back in the day where the lines between Land of peace, Land of war, Land of disbelief are blurry.

Anyways, my father escaped poverty, oppression, war, a broken family from a secular government and all kinds of things.

You are going against Allah's wishes as stated by the prophet Mohammed (PBUH).
How can you pick and choose what suits you from the Quran??
This is hypocrisy at its finest..

Your criticism is very very valid and on point, and I find myself contemplating this exact issue. The fact that you had the courage to bring this up is greatly appreciated, coin24. Anyways, there were companions of the Sahaba who lived in non-Muslim lands as well.

If you are married to a 23 year old, how old are you? Was this an arranged marriage that her parents agreed to deal with you? Does she have any say in the matter?

I'm 28
Not an arranged marriage--went to a local guy and he mentioned girls that are interested in marrying a foreigner. Women have the right to say no to suitors in Islam--always had.

I find it odd that this still occurs

So the thing you are talking about; arranged marriages, are more common in South Asian cultures and royal families if I recall correctly. Not necessarily an Islamic thing, which forbids fornication.

By the way, coin24, I just want to say I really like your recent posts. You've shown a vast improvement in respect and cordiality. It's really cool to see you interacting nicely with Bosnian.


05-04-2019, 01:21 AM
Keep reaching to defend one that praises a poor man's version of Hitler.

Erdogan is a poor man's Hitler? Now we know that your intellect is clouded and muddled. For starters, Erdogan never massacred or intended to massacre 6,000,000 people and neither did he endorse scapegoating of all internal issues to a particular demographic

Nothing else can be expected from a human trash can such as yourself, whom stated that a historic site should be turned into a mosque.

Is a mosque a bad thing in your eyes? Explain why it's a bad thing.

Last time I checked, a mosque is a place where people glorify, praise, worship, seek forgiveness from Allah Almighty. That's a beautiful, sacred place.

Your next comment will be ignored. You don't get to say who is human trash or not.

God will judge each of us.

05-04-2019, 02:18 AM
Keep showing you lack the ability to read kiddo.

05-06-2019, 04:25 PM

Ramadan Mubarak ISH fam

05-06-2019, 09:03 PM

Ramadan Mubarak ISH fam

1 down ! May Allah accept

05-06-2019, 09:26 PM

Ramadan Mubarak ISH fam
warm and fuzzies gang <3 <3 <3

05-06-2019, 09:38 PM




Warm and Fuzzies crew Reprezent!

Bosnian Sajo
05-07-2019, 09:31 AM
Yessir, with Serbian heritage as well.

Also, according to a DNA test, and the one-drop rule, I'm also black :bowdown:

Lmaooo, it doesn't get much worse, ladies and gentlemen...

05-10-2019, 07:30 PM
Keep going !!!

05-10-2019, 08:01 PM
Dudes, if someone says:

"Yes I did praise him on what he has done for his people--he has done a great job countering the damage done by Ataturk. "

It means:

1- He is ignorant, has no idea about Ataturk and Turkey but talk about them.


2- A religious fanatic, potantial ISIS/FETO member. He hates you but loves to live in your country. Takes advantages your latitude but if had power he would destroy all other cultures. Votes left wing in your country, far right wing in own country.

I hope it is first one.

05-10-2019, 09:05 PM
Or option 3. Ignorant about Erdogan and someone who is against destroying the Islamic faith that blinded Turkey for years.

Ataturk did massive damage to Muslim people

Ataturk made great revolutions and one was bringing secularity. Only damaged people who is against secularism and republic just like you. Why don't you try to counter it in USA. Why don't you try to make USA an islamic country? USA is a more secular country than Turkey, why do you live there? Why don't you live in an Arab country? Is not that being two-faced?

05-10-2019, 09:21 PM
Ataturk made great revolutions and one was bringing secularity. Only damaged people who is against secularism and republic just like you. Why don't you try to counter it in USA. Why don't you try to make USA an islamic country? USA is a more secular country than Turkey, why do you live there? Why don't you live in an Arab country? Is not that being two-faced?

Firstly Ataturk has undoubtedly damaged the faith of the people and ruined or at least intended to ruin the peoples connection with God. If you think secularism is progress and that anyone who values someone's connection with God is a religious fanatic then maybe you should consider further study.

I was born in the US and my father and only brother work in the government and my family lives here.

Sorry but I don't speak any language well except English.

And I am planning to move out.

05-10-2019, 09:29 PM
It's one thing to bring about secularism but Ataturk deliberately subjugated Muslims in Turkey for years and Erdogan is just now reversing the damages done.

05-10-2019, 09:48 PM
Lmaooo, it doesn't get much worse, ladies and gentlemen...

Bruh, you wipe your ass with your hand after you shit :confusedshrug:

05-10-2019, 09:50 PM
Bruh, you wipe your ass with your hand after you shit :confusedshrug:
says the guy who probably smells like shit 24/7.

take a shower and wash your ass you dirty fakkit.

05-10-2019, 09:58 PM
says the guy who probably smells like shit 24/7.

take a shower and wash your ass you dirty fakkit.

Amazing response...did you buy your eight year old wife a subscription to ABCMouse yet?

05-10-2019, 10:03 PM
Amazing response...did you buy your eight year old wife a subscription to ABCMouse yet?
nah I'm not married you weak little bitch. how about you?

05-10-2019, 10:03 PM
nah I'm not married you weak little bitch. how about you?

So that eight year olds a captive?

05-10-2019, 10:04 PM
So that eight year olds a captive?
what are you talking about. keep your child porn fantasies to yourself.

oh and you're serbian no? pusi kurac bitch :roll:

05-10-2019, 10:06 PM
what are you talking about. keep your child porn fantasies to yourself.

oh and you're serbian no? pusi kurac bitch :roll:

You don't follow in your idols foot steps?!?

Or is it goats you sleep with?

05-10-2019, 10:07 PM
You don't follow in your idols foot steps?!?

Or is it goats you sleep with?
nah just your wife.

that ugly bitch needs to work on her technique but don't worry I'll teach her :lol


05-10-2019, 10:09 PM
I'm not the person that supports goat ****ers here

Nor the one that praises a human being that was on the level of Sandusky


05-10-2019, 10:16 PM
I'm not the person that supports goat ****ers here

Nor the one that praises a human being that was on the level of Sandusky

blah blah blah heard it all

your wife is a dumb **** with huge tits. useful for something after all. :oldlol:


05-10-2019, 10:20 PM
blah blah blah heard it all

your wife is a dumb **** with huge tits. useful for something after all. :oldlol:


You made one true statement this far.

Go eat bruh, Suns down, enjoy your holiday :cheers:

05-10-2019, 10:21 PM
will do.

stop trolling or I'll find you where you live and give you a halal beatdown. :oldlol:

05-10-2019, 10:24 PM
I wouldn't recommend that bruh, I often eat pulled pork sandwiches :cheers:.

05-10-2019, 10:27 PM
I wouldn't recommend that bruh, I often eat pulled pork sandwiches :cheers:.
that's good for you. I'll still beat your ass. :oldlol:

05-10-2019, 10:29 PM
In the sense that Canelo beat Triple G?

But really, no troll.

What's the closest you've gotten to eating or wanting to try any sort of pork food?

Had a Muslim buddy who accidentally ate a pork hot dog (ordered beef, place mucked up) and he was obsessed. Ended up sneaking in pork for a bit.

05-10-2019, 10:35 PM
In the sense that Canelo beat Triple G?

But really, no troll.

What's the closest you've gotten to eating or wanting to try any sort of pork food?

Had a Muslim buddy who accidentally ate a pork hot dog (ordered beef, place mucked up) and he was obsessed. Ended up sneaking in pork for a bit.
nah more along the lines of you nursing a black eye while I laugh at you. :oldlol:

no troll I've had pork before I'm not gonna act like I'm the most religious person I abstained from pork most of my life out of respect for my culture but at the same time I've ate out a lot and I've had it all.

1a. chicken
1b. beef


and yeah you're lying. that's never happened once. :oldlol:

Patrick Chewing
05-10-2019, 10:38 PM
These ****** missing out on tacos al pastor cause of some dumbass rules.


05-10-2019, 10:40 PM
I hear ya ..and nah I'm not. This dude would have pork rinds, and other snacks like that. Lasted about a month, as far as I saw.

05-10-2019, 10:41 PM
hey man I'm an honest dude that's why my friends respect me in real life.

I'm not kidding when I say both of you clowns would get wrecked. on whatever level you want intellectual success physical whatever you want. :oldlol:

Patrick Chewing
05-10-2019, 10:45 PM
hey man I'm an honest dude that's why my friends respect me in real life.

I'm not kidding when I say both of you clowns would get wrecked. on whatever level you want intellectual success physical whatever you want. :oldlol:

Usually when people have to repeat and reinforce over and over what they can or will do, especially in this instance of a physical confrontation, it just means that they're full of shit.


05-10-2019, 10:46 PM
Usually when people have to repeat and reinforce over and over what they can or will do, especially in this instance of a physical confrontation, it just means that they're full of shit.

not really. :oldlol:

05-10-2019, 11:07 PM
These ****** missing out on tacos al pastor cause of some dumbass rules.


With all due respect Pat,

a) We aren't here to experience sublime material pleasures in a temporary dunya world.
b) There are plenty of delicious alternative options---any fish is halal, beef slaughtered in zabiha way is halal, lamb gyros, chicken, turkey, deer etc.
c) The Bible (older versions) and Torah also forbid swineflesh
d) Pork is a filthy meat.


E) Why are we focusing on dietary rules (which Christians overemphasize) when we should be focused on bigger things---let's get our priorities straight.

The worsts sins are:
IDOLATRY Worshipping other than Allah.
So Pat, as a Muslim we believe that we have to
a) worship Allah alone
b) Allah alone has the right to Legislate
c) Allah alone has the Beautiful Names
d) Allah alone is Lord

That we can only swear by Allah. That we can only direct prayers to Allah. That we recognize Allah is Lord. That we recognize Allah is the One who gives life and gives death.

If you look to your Old Testament, you will find similar teachings in the Ten Commandments.

Why modern Catholics pray to Jesus or Mary---I don't know---but if you can find it in you to correct this---it'll be very nice for your welfare.

RIBA Charging people extra money on the loans you lend out (basically getting money for n
ot doing any work). This evil is economically unjust and led to the exploitation of the POOR and the rapid wealth gain of the already rich. This, despite our mutual enmity, Pat is definitely something you and I can see eye to eye with. There's no reason why a few people should own enormous wealth at the demise of millions starving for basic necessities.

MAGIC Consulting Jinn/Demons/Witches/Sorcerors to try to cast spells on people or use voodoo.


Cowardice in the battlefield Self-explanatory

Slandering a chaste woman Basically, saying evil gossip that hurts the dignity of an honorable woman. You, Pat and Qrich, can encourage the welfare and dignity of your fellow women, and teach those around you not to be calling people sluts or publicly stating who slept with who.

Eating the wealth of the orphans
Exploiting people who have no parents.
Again, Pat, your church advocates the welfare of orphans most likely.


What we should be focusing on in these discussions are:

a) Creed/Aqeedah

Who is God?

b) Akhirah
What is in the Hereafter?

Listen, Pat, your goal as a Christian is to be faithful, do good works, and get saved yeah?

And you as a Christian understand the importance of self-control---which is built during Ramadan? The abiiity to hold one's self in anger the ability to be patient through difficulties the ability to hold ones tongue the ability ot keep going through adversity etc.

So let's focus on that ,yeah? Tell me what you believe about Heaven and Hell, Pat. Preparing for it, etc.

05-10-2019, 11:09 PM
Firstly Ataturk has undoubtedly damaged the faith of the people and ruined or at least intended to ruin the peoples connection with God. If you think secularism is progress and that anyone who values someone's connection with God is a religious fanatic then maybe you should consider further study.

I was born in the US and my father and only brother work in the government and my family lives here.

Sorry but I don't speak any language well except English.

And I am planning to move out.
How did he undoubtedly damage the faith of the people? What kind of wahhabi bullshit is that.

The reason you can list Turkey as a modern muslim nation nowadays is because of Mustafa Kemal Paşa. Not because of Erdogan. Please do not comment on what you have no idea about.

Ramazan mubarak to you

Patrick Chewing
05-10-2019, 11:20 PM
With all due respect Pat,

a) We aren't here to experience sublime material pleasures in a temporary dunya world.
b) There are plenty of delicious alternative options---any fish is halal, beef slaughtered in zabiha way is halal, lamb gyros, chicken, turkey, deer etc.
c) The Bible (older versions) and Torah also forbid swineflesh
d) Pork is a filthy meat.

For ****'s sake. You contradict yourself here, ya know? If eating pork is a sublime pleasure, then how can there be more delicious alternatives?

If pork is a filthy meat, then how can it be a delicious material pleasure?

Jefferson, or whatever your real name is, listen carefully to what I'm about to tell you. I'm about to blow your primitive narrow mind.

We are the lucky ones. We are the ones who won the race and were graced with God's benevolence to be born. Am I right? So why on Earth would any rational man think that material pleasures are a bad thing? We (as in Man) created material pleasures. Not because we are evil, but because we are products of the divine! Everything we do in our life is a product of God's will and love. To deny yourselves of the every day pleasures of the Earth is to deny God's will.

I'll repeat. To deny yourselves of the every day pleasures of the Earth is to deny God's will.

So are you absolutely 100% sure that YOU are on the right path and that it's not the other way around??

Food for thought.

05-10-2019, 11:32 PM
How did he undoubtedly damage the faith of the people? What kind of wahhabi bullshit is that.

For nearly five hundred years, these rules and theories of an Arab Shaikh and the interpretations of generations of lazy and good-for-nothing priests have decided the civil and criminal law of Turkey. They have decided the form of the Constitution, the details of the lives of each Turk, his food, his hours of rising and sleeping the shape of his clothes, the routine of the midwife who produced his children, what he learned in his schools, his customs, his thoughts-even his most intimate habits. Islam – this theology of an immoral Arab – is a dead thing. Possibly it might have suited tribes in the desert. It is no good for a modern, progressive state. God’s revelation! There is no God! These are only the chains by which the priests and bad rulers bound the people down. A ruler who needs religion is a weakling. No weaklings should rule!3

1. The law of the unification (and secularization) of education of March 3, 19245. The law concerning the adoption of international numerals of May 20, 1928
6. The law concerning the adoption and application, of (the Latin letters for) the Turkish alphabet (and the banning of the Arabic script) of November 1, 1928

Mustafa Kemal lost no time in taking action. Ruthlessly all Turkish Kurdistan was laid to waste; villages were burned, animals and crops destroyed, women and children raped and murdered. Forty-six of the Kurdish chiefs were sentenced to be publicly hanged. The last to die was Shaikh Said, the leader. He turned to the executioner and said: “I have no hatred for you. You and your master, Mustafa Kemal, are hateful to God! We shall settle our account before God on the Day of Judgment!”

e Turkish people accepted such anti-Islamic reforms as the banning of the fez and turban, compulsory wearing of Western clothing, the Latin alphabet, the Christian calendar and Sunday as a legal holiday, only at a dagger’s point.

edit: Astaghferullah---I forgot we shouldn't talk bad about the dead.

Knowledge of Arabic is key to a Muslim's knowledge of Deen, brother.
And we shouldn't be imitating European people---that's kind of going against the Prophet (PBUH) teachings....

The reason you can list Turkey as a modern muslim nation nowadays is because of Mustafa Kemal Paşa. Not because of Erdogan. Please do not comment on what you have no idea about.

Fair enough, brother. I'll admit I'm ignorant about this issue, but I saw someone call Erdogan a "piece of sh!t" and I'm not going to let that slide. It's upon our duty to defend one another's dignity.
I was not talking about Turkey being modern or prosperous however. I was merely referring to Erdogan taking steps to rejuvenate the Islamic faith.

Ramazan mubarak to you

Ramadan Mubarak.

05-10-2019, 11:41 PM
For ****'s sake. You contradict yourself here, ya know?

Not really. They are both refutations to missing out on pork. One can be applied to someone who is more ascetic, the latter can be applied to someone who loves his food/meat.

If eating pork is a sublime pleasure, then how can there be more delicious alternatives?

My wording was very bad, lol. You and qrich are making eating pork out to be some thing that is so special and great--so I mirrored your deep appreciation of it with that word.

If pork is a filthy meat, then how can it be a delicious material pleasure?

In your eyes

Jefferson, or whatever your real name is, listen carefully to what I'm about to tell you. I'm about to blow your primitive narrow mind.

We are the lucky ones. We are the ones who won the race and were graced with God's benevolence to be born. Am I right? So why on Earth would any rational man think that material pleasures are a bad thing?

They are not in so far that you get attached to them at the expense of one's Hereafter.

We (as in Man) created material pleasures.

No lol. We didn't create anything. At most we can reorganize matter.

Not because we are evil, but because we are products of the divine! Everything we do in our life is a product of God's will and love. To deny yourselves of the every day pleasures of the Earth is to deny God's will.

This is a huge topic, Pat (here's a link to hadiths on moderation---https://abuaminaelias.com/dailyhadithonline/tag/moderation-wasitiyyah/). I'm more inclined to agree with you than disagree with you, Pat. But you know that there's a golden mean to things in the words of Aristotle.

Actually, Pat I really wonder why some members of the clergy deny themselves sex with women in marriage--when this was never forbidden by God. But there are limits.
And I wonder why Hindus deny themselves the pleasure of eating meat--when it was not forbidden by God.
And I wonder why hermits deny themselves social life, when they are not forbidden from doing so.

You can find people of different temperaments. There are zahids (ascetics) all the way to ahl-dunya (lovers of the world. Moderation is key.

I'll repeat. To deny yourselves of the every day pleasures of the Earth is to deny God's will.

Not at all. You do it during Lent. We do it during Ramadan, and actually the sip of water after a thirsty, hot day is MORE PLEASURABLE than having it regularly.

And as for the highest pleasure---it's when the heart feels the close connection to its Creator.

So are you absolutely 100% sure that YOU are on the right path and that it's not the other way around??

That's a good question. As for how I currently lead my life--it needs improvement. As for the procedure--I pray for guidance a minimum of 20X a day sometimes a lot more. The right path is how Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) walked it. That needs further study.

Christianity in its current form is false because
a) Christians will straight up admit Bible has been tampered with new versions
b) Christians and people with a sound knowledge of history know that the Holy Trinity is a concoction of human folly
c) There is not one verse in the Bible where Jesus claims he was God.
d) Christianity practiced in the States or in Europe is vastly different than its Orthodox versions in the Middle East---shouldn't the religion be practiced how Jesus and his disciples did?
e) Previous Prophets did not pray to Jesus nor consider that Jesus died for man's sins---that removes personal accountability during the Reckoning
f) Jesus prayed, fasted, gave charity, emphasized social justice, emphasized seeking the Kingdom of Heaven

e) Reading the Qu'ran from front to back will give you insight in where the Jews and Christians went wrong.

Food for thought.

05-11-2019, 12:31 AM
Firstly Ataturk has undoubtedly damaged the faith of the people and ruined or at least intended to ruin the peoples connection with God. If you think secularism is progress and that anyone who values someone's connection with God is a religious fanatic then maybe you should consider further study.

I was born in the US and my father and only brother work in the government and my family lives here.

Sorry but I don't speak any language well except English.

And I am planning to move out.

You advised me to study but you can't even speak Turkish. So, in which language did you read books about Ataturk, in which language did you watch a documentary about him?

Your 70 IQ, radical islamist, bigot family members told that Ataturk damaged the connection between god. What was the connection 4G, Wifi or wired? Do you know how absurd what you said? Connection between god...

05-11-2019, 12:58 AM
You advised me to study but you can't even speak Turkish. So, in which language did you read books about Ataturk, in which language did you watch a documentary about him?

Your 70 IQ, radical islamist, bigot family members told that Ataturk damaged the connection between god. What was the connection 4G, Wifi or wired? Do you know how absurd what you said? Connection between god...

My father lost his father at a young age, never took handouts, immigrated to USA in his early 30s and works 3 jobs making above 6 digits as well as being learned in various trades. He knows 5 languages. He owns many properties. He started from nothing at a late age in life.

My brother works in the Air Force as an officer and attained a SAT past the 91st percentile and is highly adept at communication and martial arts, a college graduate. He did this in spite of severe emotional pain.

My uncle immigrated to America late in life and has a PHD. Both his kids have college degrees.

My other uncle makes 200k and has dealt with family issues that would have got crying, LeCola.

I on the other hand am good friends with a Turkish community and spent on average a day a week with them in the past few years. You pick up on stuff. Like how Ataturk underwent great trauma early in life and later did some very questionable things.

If they are 70 IQ, kafir, what does that make you? Dumber than a rock. No that's an insult to a rock---even a rock fulfills their purpose on Earth.

If we are bigots, kafir, then what does that make you who only posed two choices for why someone would prefer Erdogan to Ataturk? A binary thinker?

Go ahead list your achievements big guy. I'm waiting. Please go ahead and tell me how much intellectually superior you are to 70 iq Islamists.

I absolutely guarantee those Islamists are much superior men than you are, LeCola.

If you are so utterly foolish and close minded that you can't even acknowledge that people of a spiritual or religious orientation have a connection with the Divine, then get your sorry self out of this Ramadan thread.

For the record, prayer is the link between man and God--- and Ataturks choice to turn that from its pristine language of Arabic to Turkish (which doesn't fully encapsulate the meaning of it). Ataturks choice to secularize education which warps the mind into attributing the beautiful marvelous creation around you to blind causes--- the trees the heavens the earth etc.. is damaging to the belief that everything is God's creation. Ataturks oppression towards religious scholars who work hard in attaining piety and spreading faith is detrimental to people as the common man usually studies and learns from scholars.

05-11-2019, 03:16 AM
For the record, prayer is the link between man and God--- and Ataturks choice to turn that from its pristine language of Arabic to Turkish (which doesn't fully encapsulate the meaning of it). Ataturks choice to secularize education which warps the mind into attributing the beautiful marvelous creation around you to blind causes--- the trees the heavens the earth etc.. is damaging to the belief that everything is God's creation. Ataturks oppression towards religious scholars who work hard in attaining piety and spreading faith is detrimental to people as the common man usually studies and learns from scholars.
The call of prayer used to be called out in Turkish even back in the Ottoman empire. It's a custom that was carried out by some parts in the big cities. Also the prohibition against the Arabic call was implemented in 1941 ( After Mustafa Pasha's death) and was lifted in 1950.

The man you speak of was a world war one veteran. A ghazi.

05-11-2019, 04:31 AM
Go figure trash like shitmamba will defend a poor man's Hitler :roll:

05-11-2019, 07:31 AM
My father lost his father at a young age, never took handouts, immigrated to USA in his early 30s and works 3 jobs making above 6 digits as well as being learned in various trades. He knows 5 languages. He owns many properties. He started from nothing at a late age in life.

My brother works in the Air Force as an officer and attained a SAT past the 91st percentile and is highly adept at communication and martial arts, a college graduate. He did this in spite of severe emotional pain.

My uncle immigrated to America late in life and has a PHD. Both his kids have college degrees.

My other uncle makes 200k and has dealt with family issues that would have got crying, LeCola.

I on the other hand am good friends with a Turkish community and spent on average a day a week with them in the past few years. You pick up on stuff. Like how Ataturk underwent great trauma early in life and later did some very questionable things.

If they are 70 IQ, kafir, what does that make you? Dumber than a rock. No that's an insult to a rock---even a rock fulfills their purpose on Earth.

If we are bigots, kafir, then what does that make you who only posed two choices for why someone would prefer Erdogan to Ataturk? A binary thinker?

Go ahead list your achievements big guy. I'm waiting. Please go ahead and tell me how much intellectually superior you are to 70 iq Islamists.

I absolutely guarantee those Islamists are much superior men than you are, LeCola.

If you are so utterly foolish and close minded that you can't even acknowledge that people of a spiritual or religious orientation have a connection with the Divine, then get your sorry self out of this Ramadan thread.

For the record, prayer is the link between man and God--- and Ataturks choice to turn that from its pristine language of Arabic to Turkish (which doesn't fully encapsulate the meaning of it). Ataturks choice to secularize education which warps the mind into attributing the beautiful marvelous creation around you to blind causes--- the trees the heavens the earth etc.. is damaging to the belief that everything is God's creation. Ataturks oppression towards religious scholars who work hard in attaining piety and spreading faith is detrimental to people as the common man usually studies and learns from scholars.

So, your father has no college degree, made money with "trade" and definetely with support of Fetullah Gulen. He had nothing but had lost of thing on late age? He definetely did something illegal like most of the radical islamists. As I guess... You have 70 IQ, ignorant, radical islamist, bigot family.

Ok,you asked me, if you really wonder I would tell. I am a computer engineer/firm owner, developing devices and softwares, wrote a book in Turkish. So, I am actually doing something to make my country and world a better place. What are you doing you traitor? Planning to exploid yourself in crowd you ISIS member?

05-11-2019, 10:05 AM
So, your father has no college degree, made money with "trade" and definetely with support of Fetullah Gulen. He had nothing but had lost of thing on late age? He definetely did something illegal like most of the radical islamists.

He has a degree in stationary engineering and worked very hard starting at a hotel then landing a government job then getting into apartment renting. Nothing illegal.

No Gulen support.

As I guess... You have 70 IQ, ignorant, radical islamist, bigot family.

So far you've been wrong on most counts guy.
We haven't even met Gulen.

Ok,you asked me, if you really wonder I would tell. I am a computer engineer/firm owner, developing devices and softwares, wrote a book in Turkish. So, I am actually doing something to make my country and world a better place. What are you doing you traitor? Planning to exploid yourself in crowd you ISIS member?

Cool. You were given tech and writing skills--- by the way you failed to disclose the subject of your book (hiding something guy?). Now will your contributions to humanity benefit in helping people after they die?

Because those Islamists you mock are transmitting knowledge in a way of life that will lead to, if properly applied, by Allah's permission, peace and happiness forever.

Your devices and software can not even come close to that level of benefit.

Patrick Chewing
05-11-2019, 10:56 AM
No lol. We didn't create anything. At most we can reorganize matter.

Say what??

Of course we create things. Did God create the iPhone? Or how about artificial hearts?

You truly do not give humanity and mans ingenuity enough credit. God created man. Man creates based on the tools God gave us. Just as religion is man-made too. We have the power to shape and change the world around us.

05-11-2019, 11:26 AM
Say what??

Of course we create things. Did God create the iPhone?

Okay I think this is a semantic disagreement. When you say create---i assume create from nothing. If by create you mean have an idea not already in existence then take the steps to build it from preexisting materials then we are not in disagreement, although I prefer the word manufacture or invention.

Where did the idea of this phone originate from? Trace back deeper.
Who gave man the wanting to connect with their fellow human?
Who gave the metals necessary to manufacture these?
Who sustained the life of the individuals every moment while they were manufacturing phone?
Who bestowed technical knowledge upon the developers of the phone?

ALLAAH gave life, knowledge, provision, guidance, inspiration, speech and every single bounty that man has received.

Or how about artificial hearts?

That was within the knowledge of ALLAAH like everything else

Every single piece of technology (to my finite knowledge) we have draws its inspiration from something already existing in nature -- ALLAAH's Creation.

And nothing exists and nothing happens without ALLAAH's permission.

You truly do not give humanity and mans ingenuity enough credit. God created man. Man creates based on the tools God gave us.

Who gave man humanity and intellect? Is it sourced from man himself or is it a gift given from the One who created man?

Mans cognitive functions and mans imagination and mans hands are also ALLAAH's creation. Someone had a dream to create something, the dreamers prayers was answered (actually action itself is a kind of prayer), --- ALLAAH gave the dreamer ability and that person through deep striving and knowledge and efforts it worked out with the permission of ALLAAH.

Again iPhone is not created from nothing. It is a collection of substances already preexisting provided by ALLAAH. And iPhone or arti heart can't work unless it obeys certain laws (physics etc) which are all under LAW OF ALLAAH.

Just as religion is man-made too. We have the power to shape and change the world around us.

Some religions were man made,
But Islam was divinely revealed.

The Holy Scriptures were divinely revealed. The 124,000 Prophets (PBUH) were men sent by God to show people the right path--- that is worshipping ALLAAH alone.

There is no might or power except by Allah.

05-11-2019, 11:57 AM
My father lost his father at a young age, never took handouts, immigrated to USA in his early 30s and works 3 jobs making above 6 digits as well as being learned in various trades. He knows 5 languages. He owns many properties. He started from nothing at a late age in life.

My brother works in the Air Force as an officer and attained a SAT past the 91st percentile and is highly adept at communication and martial arts, a college graduate. He did this in spite of severe emotional pain.

My uncle immigrated to America late in life and has a PHD. Both his kids have college degrees.

My other uncle makes 200k and has dealt with family issues that would have got crying, LeCola.

I on the other hand am good friends with a Turkish community and spent on average a day a week with them in the past few years. You pick up on stuff. Like how Ataturk underwent great trauma early in life and later did some very questionable things.

If they are 70 IQ, kafir, what does that make you? Dumber than a rock. No that's an insult to a rock---even a rock fulfills their purpose on Earth.

If we are bigots, kafir, then what does that make you who only posed two choices for why someone would prefer Erdogan to Ataturk? A binary thinker?

Go ahead list your achievements big guy. I'm waiting. Please go ahead and tell me how much intellectually superior you are to 70 iq Islamists.

I absolutely guarantee those Islamists are much superior men than you are, LeCola.

If you are so utterly foolish and close minded that you can't even acknowledge that people of a spiritual or religious orientation have a connection with the Divine, then get your sorry self out of this Ramadan thread.

For the record, prayer is the link between man and God--- and Ataturks choice to turn that from its pristine language of Arabic to Turkish (which doesn't fully encapsulate the meaning of it). Ataturks choice to secularize education which warps the mind into attributing the beautiful marvelous creation around you to blind causes--- the trees the heavens the earth etc.. is damaging to the belief that everything is God's creation. Ataturks oppression towards religious scholars who work hard in attaining piety and spreading faith is detrimental to people as the common man usually studies and learns from scholars.

wow...full of pride and ego you are in a time youre supposed to be moving closer to god and away from yourself.

05-11-2019, 02:20 PM
He has a degree in stationary engineering and worked very hard starting at a hotel then landing a government job then getting into apartment renting. Nothing illegal.

No Gulen support.

So far you've been wrong on most counts guy.
We haven't even met Gulen.

Cool. You were given tech and writing skills--- by the way you failed to disclose the subject of your book (hiding something guy?). Now will your contributions to humanity benefit in helping people after they die?

Because those Islamists you mock are transmitting knowledge in a way of life that will lead to, if properly applied, by Allah's permission, peace and happiness forever.

Your devices and software can not even come close to that level of benefit.

Met with Gulen? "Even"? :applause:

There are millions of FETO members, do you think how many of them meets with Gulen? :oldlol:

05-12-2019, 01:57 PM
Remove kebab... cleanse the US, Canada and Europe of the invading low IQ scum.... go back to your shithole muslim countries where you can worship the pedo-prophet all you want.

No non muslim likes a muslim... fact!

05-12-2019, 02:53 PM
Remove kebab... cleanse the US, Canada and Europe of the invading low IQ scum.... go back to your shithole muslim countries where you can worship the pedo-prophet all you want.

No non muslim likes a muslim... fact!

I accept and acknowledge your hatred. And I do accept that no Non Muslim likes a Muslim either. Rare exception being men like Abu Talib.

But I will not accept you calling us low iq, scum or accusing us of worshipping a human being or calling the Prophet a pedophile.

Where is your proof you are more intelligent than Muslims? On basis of technology? What of other subjects? Do you know how much harder it is to succeed in the African countries than in the developed countries? Do you know how the Muslim countries have been invaded and colonized?

Upon what criteria is someone scum or not? Is this criteria absolute? What defines a human? Muslims are commanded to be just and honor trusts---how could they be scum?

Do Muslims direct prayer to Muhammad (PBUH)? No they do not. That nullifies their Islam.

Did Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) lust after children? No. He married a woman 15 years his senior from ages 25 to 50. His marriage with Aisha (RA) was typical for the Arab culture where people proposed to their brides father early in their life.

05-13-2019, 03:00 PM
There is no god. Religion is for peace of mind only.

Science prevails everytime.

05-13-2019, 07:55 PM
Go figure trash like shitmamba will defend a poor man's Hitler :roll:
You are a moron:oldlol:

05-13-2019, 09:45 PM
fatrick chewing

two posters that are guaranteed getting knocked out cold in the next few weeks.

Patrick Chewing
05-13-2019, 10:08 PM
fatrick chewing

two posters that are guaranteed getting knocked out cold in the next few weeks.

Empty promises. You won

05-13-2019, 10:50 PM
You are a moron:oldlol:

I'm not the one defending a poor man's Hitler :roll:

05-13-2019, 11:12 PM
There is no god. Religion is for peace of mind only.

Science prevails everytime.

Muslims made enormous strides in the sciences when they were committed to their faith. See Golden Age of Islam

05-13-2019, 11:14 PM
I'm not the one defending a poor man's Hitler :roll:

I don't think any historian would agree with you on that but okay. If you want to use exaggerated propaganda to smear your opponents then you will be accountable for that.

05-13-2019, 11:19 PM
[QUOTE=Patrick Chewing]Empty promises. You won

Patrick Chewing
05-13-2019, 11:24 PM
I didn't promise anything. I said you're getting knocked out guaranteed in a few weeks, fatboy.

You want to reduce that time-frame?

Sounds like a terrorist threat. Tell me where your hairy brown goat-****ing ass will be and I will meet you there.

05-14-2019, 12:39 AM
Sounds like a terrorist threat. Tell me where your hairy brown goat-****ing ass will be and I will meet you there.

We can have our own little ISH boxing match crusades style. :pimp:

my moneys on tio dont let terrorists win bro

05-14-2019, 12:41 AM
I don't think any historian would agree with you on that but okay. If you want to use exaggerated propaganda to smear your opponents then you will be accountable for that.

Only one using propaganda here is you and your goat ****ing buddy with your defense of an individual that praised a perpetrator of Genocide and his defense of said person.

But then again, you believe it's okay to marry a 6-9 year old and **** them at 10-13.

05-14-2019, 01:14 AM
Sounds like a terrorist threat. Tell me where your hairy brown goat-****ing ass will be and I will meet you there.
You're too slow to fight fatrick

I'll lay you out after Ramadan

05-14-2019, 01:17 AM
Only one using propaganda here is you and your goat ****ing buddy with your defense of an individual that praised a perpetrator of Genocide and his defense of said person.

But then again, you believe it's okay to marry a 6-9 year old and **** them at 10-13.
This guy:roll: :facepalm

05-14-2019, 01:21 AM
Qrich are you alrite bro? Settle down, child.

05-14-2019, 05:37 AM
Still dont get how you cope with starvation for a month...