View Full Version : NBA Playoff ratings are down from last year

329 Services
05-01-2019, 04:06 AM
The impact of no Carmelo Anthony, Kevin Love, John Wall, Victor Oladipo, Lebron James,Anthony Davis, Dwyane Wade,Karl Anthony Towns and Javale Mcgee.

329 Services
05-01-2019, 04:08 AM
Persons 2+ Viewership, 2019 vs 2018, All Networks Thru 4/25:

NCAA Tournament: +9%
CBB Reg Seas: +5%
NASCAR Cup: +3%
NHL Reg Seas: +2%
NHL Playoffs: +1%
NBA Reg Seas: -5%
NBA Playoffs: -19%


05-01-2019, 04:16 AM
The impact of no Lebron James


05-01-2019, 07:25 AM
The impact of no Carmelo Anthony, Kevin Love, John Wall, Victor Oladipo, Lebron James,Anthony Davis, Dwyane Wade,Karl Anthony Towns and Javale Mcgee.

you really think anyone here but lebron matters to fans?


All the other ones are replaced by equally good/important players

Mask the Embiid
05-01-2019, 08:45 AM
This is what happens when you outlaw defense and allow people to chuck 3's all game with moving screens.

This is what happens when you let the warriors continue to exist and pretty much brag about it....Silver

But mainly, this is what happens when lebron misses the playoffs

05-01-2019, 08:48 AM
only LeThanos wields the power to take down GSW

and everyone knows that

05-01-2019, 08:55 AM
only LeThanos wields the power to take down GSW

and everyone knows that

how did he go with that ?

05-01-2019, 08:56 AM
No shit. The games getting old. People think I'm joking when I bring it up but how many times can you really watch nigguhs jumping around putting a ball through a ring?

05-01-2019, 08:56 AM
how did he go with that ?


05-01-2019, 08:59 AM
No shit. The games getting old. People think I'm joking when I bring it up but how many times can you really watch nigguhs jumping around putting a ball through a ring?

We got tired ages ago, thankfully ant man put as back in time

05-01-2019, 09:01 AM
I think I watched two or three regular season Celtics games this season. I'll keep abreast of happenings with sports radio and all that but I'm not giving up 250+ hours of my life watching the regular season; its meaningless.

The playoffs is where the season begins for me now. Not only will I absolutely watch the Celtics at that point, I'm more likely to be intrigued by the other series.

05-01-2019, 09:02 AM

im sure the warriors have a better percentage then thanos ?

05-01-2019, 09:10 AM
Lebron is burdened with 5 superstar's shock value in weight, he's simply a on a tier of his own way beyond the game

Heck I say about 50% of MJ/KB fans quit posting after Lakers got snipped, no reason for em to keep up with hoops till Oct

05-01-2019, 09:22 AM
Watching guys jack 100 threes a game while no one is allowed to play D is boring.
Too many phantom 4 point plays, guys breaking every stat record because there's no defense, league full of entitled cry baby's that just quit..

Most fans are bored of bran and the excuses / narratives. The league is probably rigging the draft right now to get Zion into NY or another big market and get some excitement drummed up..

05-01-2019, 10:35 AM
What's box office?

Even if it was getting stale, people still liked the Lebron and Kyrie vs Golden State.

Rest of the leagues stars don't quite have the IT power.

05-01-2019, 10:41 AM

LeBron James is the only name that matters on that list. I know this is a troll attempt by OP but it was poorly done.

Better luck next time.

05-01-2019, 01:23 PM
No LeBron, no casual fans. Simple as that.

05-01-2019, 01:24 PM
No LeBron, no casual fans. Simple as that.


Shit players = no casual fans

05-01-2019, 01:32 PM

Shit players = no casual fans

How come LeGOAT was only able to have a whole TWO wins impact to the Lakers?

05-01-2019, 01:34 PM
Yeah I'll admit, even in the second round, just isn't as exciting to me as years past. Cannot remember the last time I did not watch at least a quarter of every playoff game. This year, I have even missed some entirely. It's not because the absence of the Cavs either. It may be LeBron, I don't think anyone truly believes the Warriors will lose unless its a LeBron led team.

05-01-2019, 02:04 PM
G-string is just about the only equivalent to letting your balls hang loose that I can come up with

Real Men Wear Green
05-01-2019, 02:11 PM
This is about missing James but the impact of his absence would have been lessened if the NBA had shifted focus to teams like the Nuggets when they realized he wouldn't be making the playoffs and his team is a dumpster fire. Unless they trade for AD they better not be featured like they were next season.

05-01-2019, 02:14 PM

05-01-2019, 02:15 PM
you really think anyone here but lebron matters to fans?


All the other ones are replaced by equally good/important players

05-01-2019, 02:16 PM
only LeThanos wields the power to take down GSW

and everyone knows that
Reported for stupidity.

05-01-2019, 02:18 PM
Watching guys jack 100 threes a game while no one is allowed to play D is boring.
Too many phantom 4 point plays, guys breaking every stat record because there's no defense, league full of entitled cry baby's that just quit..

Most fans are bored of bran and the excuses / narratives. The league is probably rigging the draft right now to get Zion into NY or another big market and get some excitement drummed up..
Why it have to be rigged for NY???:biggums: We didnt have a damn 1st pick since 85:coleman:

05-01-2019, 02:20 PM
LeBron James is the only name that matters on that list. I know this is a troll attempt by OP but it was poorly done.

Better luck next time.

05-01-2019, 02:23 PM
This is about missing James but the impact of his absence would have been lessened if the NBA had shifted focus to teams like the Nuggets when they realized he wouldn't be making the playoffs and his team is a dumpster fire. Unless they trade for AD they better not be featured like they were next season.

LEspn still hasn't got the memo. The playoffs roll around and they're still repeating nonsense about the lakers/ Jeanie and the giant shitshow they've created..

Save this bulshit for the offseason. As thousands of people were mentioning in the comments how about discuss some relevant playoff teams, maybe hype up some current and young players instead of non stop bran.:facepalm

05-01-2019, 02:33 PM
only LeThanos wields the power to take down GSW

and everyone knows that


05-01-2019, 03:10 PM
The only 7 game series so far has been the Nuggets and Spurs, 2 of the less popular teams that don't draw ratings.

We need more compelling series.

05-01-2019, 03:12 PM
We need Lebron James


05-01-2019, 04:51 PM
Casuals don

Uncle Drew
05-01-2019, 05:23 PM
The impact of no Carmelo Anthony, Kevin Love, John Wall, Victor Oladipo, Lebron James,Anthony Davis, Dwyane Wade,Karl Anthony Towns and Javale Mcgee.
No John Wall was the final nail in the coffin for me. Basketball season was over the very moment his season was.

05-01-2019, 05:33 PM
Where are our resident ISH retards who said viewership is only down because people are illegally streaming :lol

How dows this explain every other sport being up :(

Lets face it todays stars are little bitches. Every single one outside of Giannis. Back in the early 2000’s it was hard to pick who was your favorite guy because everyone was so exciting and hip to root for. Now its hard to even pick one guy you like because they are all massive douchebags... every single one of them

You got Westbrook acting like an asshole to the media, kids, and playing like a clown on the court. You got PG a career choker acting like a diva after he loses. DMC and AD entitled douchebags who have accomplished nothing. Lebron :lol . KD the biggest whiner, and snake the game has ever seen and has managed to turn the lovable Warriors into Americas most hated team. Flopping douchebags who go out of their way to complain every chance they get in Harden and CP (Harden should be as big as Kobe right now if he didnt disgrace the game). Kawhi who everyone hated last year because of his diva antics and backstabbing one of the GOAT coaches. Damian Lillard could be popular if he wasnt a career loser who hasnt accomplished anything in the post season. Joel Embiid a huge douchebag with the most cringe trash talking of all time. Ben Simmons the boring, no skill version of Lebron who also happens to date unlikeable hollywood celebs... You got the Spurs who have Demar Depression and boring ass Lamarcus Aldridge, and the Nuggets who the NBA refuses to get behind for whatever reason..

You tell me who I should root for? They all suck

Dont even get me started on the boring 3 point spamming we have to watch every game. Barely a showcase of skill anymore, just who can chuck up the most 3s

hold this L
05-01-2019, 06:49 PM
Yeah I'll admit, even in the second round, just isn't as exciting to me as years past. Cannot remember the last time I did not watch at least a quarter of every playoff game. This year, I have even missed some entirely. It's not because the absence of the Cavs either. It may be LeBron, I don't think anyone truly believes the Warriors will lose unless its a LeBron led team.
The team that took 3 games from them is much more dangerous than LeSwept from last year.

05-01-2019, 06:51 PM
The team that took 3 games from them is much more dangerous than LeSwept from last year.

More dangerous than the one that BEAT them

Got it...:lol

hold this L
05-01-2019, 07:03 PM
More dangerous than the one that BEAT them

Got it...:lol
One of four times, what a champ. :eek:

05-01-2019, 07:17 PM
One of four times, what a champ. :eek:

Cemented GOAT!! :mad: :mad:

05-01-2019, 10:27 PM
Then why doesn't Lebron have the highest ratings in Finals history?

05-01-2019, 10:36 PM

05-01-2019, 10:37 PM
Then why doesn't Lebron have the highest ratings in Finals history?

05-01-2019, 10:38 PM
Then why doesn't Lebron have the highest ratings in Finals history?
He already does. And consider this: Lebron's tweet from the shitter got more views than the 1993 NBA finals. GOAT literally shitting on MJ's legacy :oldlol:

05-01-2019, 10:40 PM
He already does. And consider this: Lebron's tweet from the shitter got more views than the 1993 NBA finals. GOAT literally shitting on MJ's legacy :oldlol:


05-01-2019, 11:01 PM
Tired of watching the warriors

05-01-2019, 11:40 PM
He already does. And consider this: Lebron's tweet from the shitter got more views than the 1993 NBA finals. GOAT literally shitting on MJ's legacy :oldlol:

:roll: :roll: :roll:


05-01-2019, 11:51 PM

05-01-2019, 11:53 PM
He already does. And consider this: Lebron's tweet from the shitter got more views than the 1993 NBA finals. GOAT literally shitting on MJ's legacy :oldlol:

05-02-2019, 12:49 AM
He already does. And consider this: Lebron's tweet from the shitter got more views than the 1993 NBA finals. GOAT literally shitting on MJ's legacy :oldlol:

You really are a fckin moron aren't you?

Do you do any research before you spew the crap that comes out of your mouth?? Actually I doubt you do considering whose schlong is currently occupied in there.

05-02-2019, 12:51 AM
One of four times, what a champ. :eek:
Refs literally wouldn

05-02-2019, 12:57 AM
[QUOTE=RRR3]Refs literally wouldn

05-02-2019, 01:39 AM
Haters can cite boring style of play and supporters can cite boring 1st round matchups. However a lot just comes down to cord cutting and online streaming lol