View Full Version : PSA to Lebron stans: You need to focus on WORK and SCHOOL

05-05-2019, 03:24 PM
For f... sake, you need to put in the hours bros.

Need to put in the hours to become as successful as the Jordaneers.

I know 3ball is an investment banker of some sort, egokiller has a nice car (probably some sort of CEO) and I'm a self employed internet scammer.

I realize we might have given off the impression that posting 20+ times a day is ok to do, if you're a youngin. It's NOT. It's just because we Jordaneers are so successful we can do it.

We so successful we have time to destroy the Lebron stan's life by making them post their way into unemployment.

05-05-2019, 03:53 PM
For f... sake, you need to put in the hours bros.

Need to put in the hours to become as successful as the Jordaneers.

I know 3ball is an investment banker of some sort, egokiller has a nice car (probably some sort of CEO) and I'm a self employed internet scammer.

I realize we might have given off the impression that posting 20+ times a day is ok to do, if you're a youngin. It's NOT. It's just because we Jordaneers are so successful we can do it.

We so successful we have time to destroy the Lebron stan's life by making them post their way into unemployment.


05-05-2019, 03:54 PM
They are already at a disadvantage from never having seen MJ live to know how a real GOAT does it.

Back to grindstone boys. First you build your wealth, THEN you kick back and waste time posting on the net, not the other way around.

The lestans must have had some shitty parents and teachers growing up. They are banking on Kblaze saving them but he’s got enough going on helping people in his own circle these days. :applause:

05-05-2019, 03:55 PM
[QUOTE=egokiller]They are already at a disadvantage from never having seen MJ live to know how a real GOAT does it.

Back to grindstone boys. First you build your wealth, THEN you kick back and waste time posting on the net, not the other way around.

The lestans must have had some shitty parents and teachers growing up. They are banking on Kblaze saving them but he

05-05-2019, 03:57 PM

We learned GOAT work ethic from the GOAT.

We got to see real winners like

Jerry Rice
Jack Nicklaus

These poor boys got stuck with a 3/9 wannabe. :(

05-05-2019, 04:04 PM
Simon told us he sits on a yacht and "trolls" this board with his friends. No alts involved.

He seems to be doing alright for a Lebron fan. :cheers: