View Full Version : Can we put some Respek on James Harden's name?

05-07-2019, 07:07 PM
36/6.6/7.5/2 season? Check.

29/8/11 season? Check.

Led the Rockets to 67 wins last year with CP3 playing 58 games? Check.

Given one of the most stacked teams in NBA history all they can handle 2 years in a row in the playoffs? Check.

He's NOT Westbrook.

Complain about his FT's all you want, the results speak for themselves.

05-07-2019, 07:32 PM
Imagine if he teamed up with KD and Russ :eek:

05-07-2019, 07:34 PM
You pick and choose what "results" are based on who the subject is though.

If what harden has done is "results" ISH needs to shut up about pretty much everyone who is getting hated on(would be fine by me).

ISH was laughing at Durant for losing in the finals while playing well after beating 3 champs in the Lakers, Mavs, and Spurs to get there. Yall still posting pics of him hugging his mom after losing.

You yourself have spent time hating on several guys who actually took their teams to rings. How many times did I have to just choose to leave a topic instead of argue with you about Wade supposedly being overrated and not capable of being great in the 90s?

Id be down for a general agreement to respect the accomplishments of the great people we pretend dont exist(Everyone outside the top 15 or so) but its never gonna happen.

Guy going to the hall of fame has an off night and we get people acting like they shouldnt even be all stars.

Its well known I dont **** with his style but its just that...his style. How much respect to put on his name is hard to judge. Nobody could have played the way he does before now so who do you rank him against? Guys out now or people all time?

Hes too hard to judge.

I think someone honest would have to say hes an otherworldly talent....and annoying as hell. I think thats fair. And the way he makes people feel about this game is hard to pull out of the discussion on how good he is. People are gonna hate him for the way he plays no matter what.

05-07-2019, 07:37 PM
He does deserve much respect for the season and series he's had so far against the Warriors. Even when they went 7 games last year, while I wouldn't pin the blame for losing the series on him after losing CP3, he really did not play well at all in last years WCF. After a career of coming up small in the playoffs, including some absolutely dreadful, literal WOAT level playoff games, I still hold some doubt he won't regress and completely bomb in one of the upcoming games of this series.

But hey, maybe this is the year he's finally able to put everything together and lead his team to the promised land. I'll give him mad props if he's able to keep up this level of play, especially if it comes while knocking off the b2b champs

05-07-2019, 07:49 PM
Id say one thing is overblown....and its overblown with almost everyone current.

His lack of playoff success.

We always feel like legends won more than they did.

Guys we do nothing but respect might have won 5 playoff series in 18 years.

05-07-2019, 07:51 PM
Id say one thing is overblown....and its overblown with almost everyone current.

His lack of playoff success.

We always feel like legends won more than they did.

Guys we do nothing but respect might have won 5 playoff series in 18 years.
But with Harden it's not the lack of playoff success, it's how his game has always regressed in the playoffs. And how with his season on the line in 2 of the last 4 years, he had literally 2 of the worst playoff games ever

05-07-2019, 08:03 PM
His game doesn't translate to the playoffs....

....36 PPG against the 2 time defending champs.

05-07-2019, 08:14 PM

05-07-2019, 10:56 PM
His game doesn't translate to the playoffs....

....36 PPG against the 2 time defending champs.

Big Game JAMES :applause:

05-07-2019, 11:43 PM
Fair point.

05-07-2019, 11:43 PM
Not until he stops with his antics.