View Full Version : Someone is trying to get rid of the scum in Europe

05-17-2019, 03:51 AM
Throwing a book = riots by muslims and antifa


This is how the low IQ inbreds respond to throwing a book



Im so nba'd out
05-17-2019, 03:58 AM
Imagine whites calling anyone on the planet inbreds


05-17-2019, 06:13 AM
Real scum of Europe or Earth is people like him (and unfortunately, people like you)....

Clearly you dont know whats going on there / the story there / what you are supporting... or maybe you know (who knows, maybe you are some Racist - Nazi - Islamophobic crap of a human being aswell, which unfortunately exists in ISH).

Now... I live in Copenhagen, first of all that dude is THE most famous islamophobe / racist (two arguably different things but he did make racist remarks aswell in the past) in Denmark or Scandinavia even...

That dude is literally the #1 Islamophobe on earth, watch that channel, if there is something you dont understand then i will explain in every detail....

That guys goal / meaning in life is to trigger / tease random muslims and make sure he records it... bodyguards/police/"free speech", a great camera, walk into a crowd of muslims and go HAM....


Has nothing to do with throwing a book / koran, has to do with spitting at Islam & Muslims... riling up, showing up, making sure you surround yourself with bodyguards and only muslims around and then BLASTING the **** out of Islam....

The video you showed for example, he appointed a time, where & when exactly he was gona do this "experiment", he made sure everybody knew, then waited for the crowd to pile up.... ofcourse, some muslims, showed up, mostly young rebelious kids, the sane/mature ones just said fukk it / not worth it / let the guy throw the koran as much as he likes or something... and then just kept playing volleyball with the Koran while talking about how Mohammad was a chimpanzee and that Muslims are primitive inbred retards that need to be erased and stuff....

"Why do Muslims react tho? If they ignore him then maybe he will stop?"

Nope, the guy literally WALKS INTO A CROWD OF MUSLIMS.... he chases / hunts muslims.... even those random ones desperately trying to get away from him on the streets.... he chases them with a camera and bodyguards... while throwing the koran on them and stuff.... like i said, watch some more of those videos....

How do you get away / ignore such a guy? If some random guy walks up to you, blocks your path, spits on your face, throws a "book" at you... eventually, i think you at least would say / do something...

..."He just threw a book".

05-17-2019, 07:02 AM
Real scum of Europe or Earth is people like him (and unfortunately, people like you)....

Clearly you dont know whats going on there / the story there / what you are supporting... or maybe you know (who knows, maybe you are some Racist - Nazi - Islamophobic crap of a human being aswell, which unfortunately exists in ISH).

Now... I live in Copenhagen, first of all that dude is THE most famous islamophobe / racist (two arguably different things but he did make racist remarks aswell in the past) in Denmark or Scandinavia even...

That dude is literally the #1 Islamophobe on earth, watch that channel, if there is something you dont understand then i will explain in every detail....

That guys goal / meaning in life is to trigger / tease random muslims and make sure he records it... bodyguards/police/"free speech", a great camera, walk into a crowd of muslims and go HAM....


Has nothing to do with throwing a book / koran, has to do with spitting at Islam & Muslims... riling up, showing up, making sure you surround yourself with bodyguards and only muslims around and then BLASTING the **** out of Islam....

The video you showed for example, he appointed a time, where & when exactly he was gona do this "experiment", he made sure everybody knew, then waited for the crowd to pile up.... ofcourse, some muslims, showed up, mostly young rebelious kids, the sane/mature ones just said fukk it / not worth it / let the guy throw the koran as much as he likes or something... and then just kept playing volleyball with the Koran while talking about how Mohammad was a chimpanzee and that Muslims are primitive inbred retards that need to be erased and stuff....

"Why do Muslims react tho? If they ignore him then maybe he will stop?"

Nope, the guy literally WALKS INTO A CROWD OF MUSLIMS.... he chases / hunts muslims.... even those random ones desperately trying to get away from him on the streets.... he chases them with a camera and bodyguards... while throwing the koran on them and stuff.... like i said, watch some more of those videos....

How do you get away / ignore such a guy? If some random guy walks up to you, blocks your path, spits on your face, throws a "book" at you... eventually, i think you at least would say / do something...

..."He just threw a book".

I'll have to respond to this as I feel there are quite a few wrong observations in your post, but don't want to make wrong assumptions. May I ask how long you've lived there for, which part of Copenhagen you live in, and how well you speak Danish(if any)?

Bosnian Sajo
05-17-2019, 08:01 AM
Wow...I'm trying to wrap my mind around this.

They have about 30 cops surrounding the area....taped off the area around them....in an area that is obviously where Muslims are living, and they stand in the middle throwing the Quran around.

This act in itself is illegal in America. And I'm NOT talking about "throwing a book around". This is baiting, in definition.

I can't even express myself properly this shit has me so heated...imagine a white guy here in America, calls in an escort of 30 police officers to come to a predominantly black area, and to stand around a white guy eating chicken and drinking koolaid.

Who tf is the guy in the video for police to ACTUALLY COMPLY AND COME OUT...what a corrupt force. You're baiting these people, it's not even about you disrespecting the book (that in itself is a shitty thing to do...), its them coming into their place of residents and insulting them, with the protection of the police!!!

Piece of shit. How can you as a person watch this video and blame the Muslims? Blatant disrespect, blatant hatred for a group of people...the absolute ****ing nerve.

Bosnian Sajo
05-17-2019, 08:20 AM
In January 2013, Paludan was given a 5-year restraining order, forbidding him to contact a then 24-year-old man whom he had been stalking since 2010, when they both started to study Latin at University of Copenhagen. Despite the restraining order, the harassment continued until December 2013. In 2015 Paludan was sentenced to a fine for offending the police officer who handled the stalking case.

Just an idea of who this Paludan guy is...

Paludan has stated a desire to ban Islam from Denmark, and to deport all Muslims from the country, reportedly for the preservation of its ethnic community

Hmm, shocking. The guy in the video wants to get rid of Muslims from his country, and does these acts of triggering them with the support of the police. You'd think to have such strong views against Islam, there must be a huge amount of Muslims in the country. I mean he's worried about preserving Denmark's ethnic community, the Muslims must be overpopulating his country. Islam has to be the biggest relgion in Denmark, right?

According to a 2018 report, 5% of the Danish population is Muslim while 76% of the population is Christian (evangelical 60%) and 12.5% is agnostic (atheist)

Wait...that can't be right. Paludan is saying that their ethnic community is in jeopardy because of the number of Muslims in the country...is he truly saying this because of 5% of the population?

THIS is what Muslims deal with, ladies and gentleman. Being hated and ostracized because we make up FIVE PERCENT of a population.

Bosnian Sajo
05-17-2019, 08:29 AM
What's is reassuring in all of this, is that after reading numerous Danish articles, Rasmus Paludan is a hated man by most of the Danish population (including our christian brothers) and is well known as a racist within the country.

Had me heated, for a second I thought he was some prominent figure in the country with all the police force protecting him...seems as if it's him paying them to be there with the intent of getting a reaction and getting people arrested. He's running in some election in Denmark and has a whopping 2% of the vote on his side :oldlol:

Just another crazy person who hates minorities including black people, publicly stating "It's not my opinion that blacks are inferior, it just so happens that they are".

Paludan, who has taken to regularly provoking unrest through anti-Islam demonstrations in areas of the Danish capital where large numbers of Muslims live, had tossed a book in the air he claimed was the Qur’an and let it fall to the ground.

Going into Muslim populated areas with the sole intention of provoking them..coward.

05-17-2019, 08:41 AM
Just an idea of who this Paludan guy is...

Hmm, shocking. The guy in the video wants to get rid of Muslims from his country, and does these acts of triggering them with the support of the police. You'd think to have such strong views against Islam, there must be a huge amount of Muslims in the country. I mean he's worried about preserving Denmark's ethnic community, the Muslims must be overpopulating his country. Islam has to be the biggest relgion in Denmark, right?

Wait...that can't be right. Paludan is saying that their ethnic community is in jeopardy because of the number of Muslims in the country...is he truly saying this because of 5% of the population?

THIS is what Muslims deal with, ladies and gentleman. Being hated and ostracized because we make up FIVE PERCENT of a population.

Unfortunately, the muslims proved his point with the riot.

WE? That's a dangerous statement, you identified yourself as a part of pan-national organization. This is the very reason i think BOTH Christianity and Islam, should be banned. Its 2019 ffs.

Bosnian Sajo
05-17-2019, 09:05 AM
Unfortunately, the muslims proved his point with the riot.

Oh yea, he proved his point by coming to the projects where people just recently escaped war are now being triggered by a fat white pig. Come on man, come to the south here in America and you'd get the same reaction from white christians if you were throwing around their bible. Why disrespect people like that?

I had a guy come into my shop a few months ago and gave a copy of the bible to 2 of my workers, both of whom are christians. One of them ended up throwing the book in the trash. I, a Muslim, found the bible in the trash, took it out and wiped it off as a sign of respect. No one saw me do that, I didn't do it to save face (even though a Christian threw it away)...I just don't see a reason to disrespect like that. He ended up coming back to buy groceries and I gave it back to him and respectfully asked him not to pass around religious scriptures in my place of business. No harm, no foul. Guy still comes in to buy his groceries.

WE? That's a dangerous statement, you identified yourself as a part of pan-national organization. This is the very reason i think BOTH Christianity and Islam, should be banned. Its 2019 ffs.

Yes, we. You seem to forget that my family came to America as refugees from war. These Muslims in Denmark are in the same situation. Of the 5% population, 3.8% are new immigrants that have come as a cause of displacement from war...aka refugees. You'll never understand the hardship of leaving your homeland where your family lived for centuries only to start all over again, from scratch. In my situation specifically, I was born in America...so this is all I know.

05-17-2019, 09:06 AM
What a waste of resources and energy. The target should be Muslim extremists, not Muslims. The non extremists pose no threat.

05-17-2019, 09:14 AM
Oh yea, he proved his point by coming to the projects where people just recently escaped war are now being triggered by a fat white pig. Come on man, come to the south here in America and you'd get the same reaction from white christians if you were throwing around their bible. Why disrespect people like that?

I had a guy come into my shop a few months ago and gave a copy of the bible to 2 of my workers, both of whom are christians. One of them ended up throwing the book in the trash. I, a Muslim, found the bible in the trash, took it out and wiped it off as a sign of respect. No one saw me do that, I didn't do it to save face (even though a Christian threw it away)...I just don't see a reason to disrespect like that. He ended up coming back to buy groceries and I gave it back to him and respectfully asked him not to pass around religious scriptures in my place of business. No harm, no foul. Guy still comes in to buy his groceries.

Yes, we. You seem to forget that my family came to America as refugees from war. These Muslims in Denmark are in the same situation. Of the 5% population, 3.8% are new immigrants that have come as a cause of displacement from war...aka refugees. You'll never understand the hardship of leaving your homeland where your family lived for centuries only to start all over again, from scratch. In my situation specifically, I was born in America...so this is all I know.

I have no respect for brainwashing self-proclaimed servants of god, which held humanity for two millennia and resulted in the deaths of millions of people. IMO they should have just ignored or mocked him. Escaped from war? Which war? The war between muslims and muslims in Syria? Very different situation, your parents escaped from the Serbs. And again if we WERE NOT divided by the said religions we would be co-existing very peacefully, as we are not very different in terms of genetics (in the Balkans).

Muslim extremists, not Muslims. The non extremists pose no threat.
What's the difference? The so called non-extremists staged a riot over trolling? :confusedshrug:

Bosnian Sajo
05-17-2019, 09:16 AM
I'll have to respond to this as I feel there are quite a few wrong observations in your post, but don't want to make wrong assumptions. May I ask how long you've lived there for, which part of Copenhagen you live in, and how well you speak Danish(if any)?

Lmao...a quick google search will prove that Pauk is indeed correct, this guy is a troll begging for reactions. His entire "political party" main stance is that against Islam.

"I feel there are quite a few wrong observations"

Like you literally don't have a clue, you're just going off on a whim and posting what you feel rather than what IS.

Bosnian Sajo
05-17-2019, 09:23 AM
I have no respect for brainwashing self-proclaimed servants of god, which held humanity for two millennia and resulted in the deaths of millions of people. IMO they should have just ignored or mocked him. Escaped from war? Which war? The war between muslims and muslims in Syria? Very different situation, your parents escaped from the Serbs. And again if we WERE NOT divided by the said religions we would be co-existing very peacefully, as we are not very different in terms of genetics (in the Balkans).

Agreed with the bold, but you can't tell people how to react. You and me might know it is not worth it, and to leave the inbred pig alone...but you can't tell a person how to react. Especially a person who has gone through things you yourself never have and I hope never will.

And it's not a war between Muslims and Muslims in Syria...ffs it's extremists vs Muslims. Much like the Serb-Bosnian war, in which case it was the Serbs who were the extremists. The Serbs in Bosnia do not represent Christianity as a whole, much like how the "MUSLIMS" in ISIS absolutely do not represent a global community of 2 billion+.

On top of that...you are absolutely fooling yourself if you truly believe that war is solely Muslims vs Muslims, as if Russia/Iran and Turkey/USA aren't fighting a proxy war within a civil war.

05-17-2019, 09:31 AM
Agreed with the bold, but you can't tell people how to react. You and me might know it is not worth it, and to leave the inbred pig alone...but you can't tell a person how to react. Especially a person who has gone through things you yourself never have and I hope never will.

And it's not a war between Muslims and Muslims in Syria...ffs it's extremists vs Muslims. Much like the Serb-Bosnian war, in which case it was the Serbs who were the extremists. The Serbs in Bosnia do not represent Christianity as a whole, much like how the "MUSLIMS" in ISIS absolutely do not represent a global community of 2 billion+.

On top of that...you are absolutely fooling yourself if you truly believe that war is solely Muslims vs Muslims, as if Russia/Iran and Turkey/USA aren't fighting a proxy war within a civil war.

You are correct in saying that the war in Syria is a three way proxy war...but the fact remains that 95% of the boots on the ground are of muslim faith. ISIS are far extremists, vast majority of the "rebels" are not very different. Beheadings also happened from various rebel factions. One of the rebel groups beheaded a child, another one ripped the heart from the chest of regime soldier, etc.

I've watched hours of video material from Syria from all sides, and tbh i dont see much difference, besides the fact that ISIS went an extra couple of miles. HTS still wants a caliphate kind of thing, etc.

The thing that has been bothering me is that...when someone throws a book in his homeland ITS WE, RIOTS. But when it comes to killing your brother there's no WE.

Patrick Chewing
05-17-2019, 10:10 AM
The non extremists pose no threat.

A cultural takeover by means of non-assimilation poses a huge threat.

05-17-2019, 10:23 AM
Lmao...a quick google search will prove that Pauk is indeed correct, this guy is a troll begging for reactions. His entire "political party" main stance is that against Islam.

"I feel there are quite a few wrong observations"

Like you literally don't have a clue, you're just going off on a whim and posting what you feel rather than what IS.

You're so aggressive..

How could I offer insight? For one, because though I don't live in Denmark at the moment, I am Danish and understand every word said in the videos and have actually been to many of the places that he visits as Denmark is a very small country.
I've also studied his campaign and use of Youtube a bit, just because that part is sort of in the sphere of my own job which is within social media.
The stuff he talks about is also a bit personal to me, as my girlfriend is Muslim.
The man is interesting, he's gone from just be a defense attorney, to the most well known and spoken about person currently there.
He's probably gay as well, and to see a gay man outspoken against Muslims is interesting by itself because many people in the videos call him ****** and what not to degrade him.

One misconception would be that "he's just running in some election", no he's actually running for parliament and is very likely to get in, unless this old stalker case is a big enough turnoff for the people. He talks about things that are relevant to a lot of people and talks in a way they can relate to, a bit Trump like in that regard. He was polling at 4% just yesterday, and that is in an election with 13 different parties and the biggest one getting I believe about 25% of the vote.

05-17-2019, 10:59 AM
Now... I live in Copenhagen, first of all that dude is THE most famous islamophobe / racist (two arguably different things but he did make racist remarks aswell in the past) in Denmark or Scandinavia even...

That dude is literally the #1 Islamophobe on earth, watch that channel, if there is something you dont understand then i will explain in every detail....

That guys goal / meaning in life is to trigger / tease random muslims and make sure he records it... bodyguards/police/"free speech", a great camera, walk into a crowd of muslims and go HAM....

GOAT shit. :rockon:

05-17-2019, 11:32 AM
A cultural takeover by means of non-assimilation poses a huge threat.

Tell that to the American Indians.

Imagine white American being worried about Muslims when the only reason why we are here in the first place is because of the disgraceful actions we took against the American Indians.

05-17-2019, 11:42 AM
Tell that to the American Indians.

Imagine white American being worried about Muslims when the only reason why we are here in the first place is because of the disgraceful actions we took against the American Indians.

Thats life. If the native Americans had the power to win they would have, but they didnt.

Everybody has the right to protect where they're from win or lose.

05-17-2019, 12:03 PM
You really can't blame those people reacting the way they did, thats straight out provocation if you ask me. As one of the Muslim Brotherhood in this thread already pointed it out, go to some southern city and throw around a bible and you bet you're gonna have some unhappy people getting triggered.

Its easy to say why not just ignore the troll but there is also a point where doing nothing makes you look weak.

Having said that, why can't Christians stay in Christian lands and Islamists stay in Islamic lands? Atheists and agnostics don't really mess with religious people but people of differing religions always end up feuding, just look at India and Pakistan, same people basically but going at each other's throats because they're divided by religion :facepalm

Bosnian Sajo
05-17-2019, 12:15 PM

"My girlfriend is Muslim, yet I find this guy so interesting!!"

Patrick Chewing
05-17-2019, 12:22 PM
Tell that to the American Indians.

Imagine white American being worried about Muslims when the only reason why we are here in the first place is because of the disgraceful actions we took against the American Indians.

One has nothing to do with the other. We no longer live in a world of expansion and conquest in that sense. This comparison is tired and boring.

What's happening in Europe is a cultural takeover and the only ones to blame are Europeans themselves. They are letting in the people who will lead to their ruin.

Bosnian Sajo
05-17-2019, 12:25 PM
One has nothing to do with the other. We no longer live in a world of expansion and conquest in that sense. This comparison is tired and boring.

What's happening in Europe is a cultural takeover and the only ones to blame are Europeans themselves. They are letting in the people who will lead to their ruin.

5% of the population is cultural takeover?

05-17-2019, 12:26 PM
One has nothing to do with the other. We no longer live in a world of expansion and conquest in that sense. This comparison is tired and boring.

What's happening in Europe is a cultural takeover and the only ones to blame are Europeans themselves. They are letting in the people who will lead to their ruin.
The EU is a CIA project...hence all the blame should go over to the western shore of the Atlantic

05-17-2019, 01:31 PM
Agreed with the bold, but you can't tell people how to react.
Of course you can.

05-17-2019, 01:35 PM

"My girlfriend is Muslim, yet I find this guy so interesting!!"

Is it a problem for you that my GF is Muslim while I'm not? Or are you just closed minded and can't debate because of you being so?

Just say what you want to say man, I don't need to see links with people talking on English TV about the opinions of a Danish politician, I've seen him debate and heard what he has to say myself.

05-17-2019, 07:36 PM
Unfortunately, the muslims proved his point with the riot.

WE? That's a dangerous statement, you identified yourself as a part of pan-national organization. This is the very reason i think BOTH Christianity and Islam, should be banned. Its 2019 ffs.

Exactly, they proved his point ...they belong back home.

And those stories about him are just hit pieces, just like the US media went after Trump, lies to smear an opponent. Remember how left wing the media in the western world is.

05-17-2019, 07:39 PM
Just an idea of who this Paludan guy is...

Hmm, shocking. The guy in the video wants to get rid of Muslims from his country, and does these acts of triggering them with the support of the police. You'd think to have such strong views against Islam, there must be a huge amount of Muslims in the country. I mean he's worried about preserving Denmark's ethnic community, the Muslims must be overpopulating his country. Islam has to be the biggest relgion in Denmark, right?

Wait...that can't be right. Paludan is saying that their ethnic community is in jeopardy because of the number of Muslims in the country...is he truly saying this because of 5% of the population?

THIS is what Muslims deal with, ladies and gentleman. Being hated and ostracized because we make up FIVE PERCENT of a population.
Numbers are not correct, and the birth rate is much higher among migrants, that is seen all over europe. It's just a matter of time, that is why he is trying to do something before it's too late. You are one of the dangerous ones..... because you know this is true, and you lie about it, like a good muslim should.

05-17-2019, 07:47 PM
This Paludan guy is using these methods to get people all over europe to wake up..... a video like the one below here is great, but it does not do the job of really showing people the truth about these invaders, but it does foresee the future if they don't act right now


The Suicide of Europe

05-17-2019, 07:53 PM
Real scum of Europe or Earth is people like him (and unfortunately, people like you)....

Clearly you dont know whats going on there / the story there / what you are supporting... or maybe you know (who knows, maybe you are some Racist - Nazi - Islamophobic crap of a human being aswell, which unfortunately exists in ISH).

Now... I live in Copenhagen, first of all that dude is THE most famous islamophobe / racist (two arguably different things but he did make racist remarks aswell in the past) in Denmark or Scandinavia even...

That dude is literally the #1 Islamophobe on earth, watch that channel, if there is something you dont understand then i will explain in every detail....

That guys goal / meaning in life is to trigger / tease random muslims and make sure he records it... bodyguards/police/"free speech", a great camera, walk into a crowd of muslims and go HAM....


Has nothing to do with throwing a book / koran, has to do with spitting at Islam & Muslims... riling up, showing up, making sure you surround yourself with bodyguards and only muslims around and then BLASTING the **** out of Islam....

The video you showed for example, he appointed a time, where & when exactly he was gona do this "experiment", he made sure everybody knew, then waited for the crowd to pile up.... ofcourse, some muslims, showed up, mostly young rebelious kids, the sane/mature ones just said fukk it / not worth it / let the guy throw the koran as much as he likes or something... and then just kept playing volleyball with the Koran while talking about how Mohammad was a chimpanzee and that Muslims are primitive inbred retards that need to be erased and stuff....

"Why do Muslims react tho? If they ignore him then maybe he will stop?"

Nope, the guy literally WALKS INTO A CROWD OF MUSLIMS.... he chases / hunts muslims.... even those random ones desperately trying to get away from him on the streets.... he chases them with a camera and bodyguards... while throwing the koran on them and stuff.... like i said, watch some more of those videos....

How do you get away / ignore such a guy? If some random guy walks up to you, blocks your path, spits on your face, throws a "book" at you... eventually, i think you at least would say / do something...

..."He just threw a book".
"Nope, the guy literally WALKS INTO A CROWD OF MUSLIMS.... he chases / hunts muslims.... even those random ones desperately trying to get away from him on the streets.... he chases them with a camera and bodyguards... while throwing the koran on them and stuff.... like i said, watch some more of those videos...."

No, you lie again.... he is not going anywhere, he is surrounded by police in all videos because they want to harm him. They have no place in europe, they need to go home.

05-17-2019, 07:56 PM
just watched it...

that was hilarious. like animal reflex with these guys, hordes of retards snapping, too dumb not to take the bait.


05-17-2019, 07:57 PM
What a great man. Not all heroes wear capes.

05-17-2019, 07:59 PM
if a tall, caucasian christian such as myself went to one of the muslim countries in the middle east, and walked around, id find myself behind a camera with a large blade to my throat in no time...

yet we allow these savages into our countries, and pay for all their shit, on some PC guilt trip bullshit. What do we owe these people? kick em out... gone. done.

05-17-2019, 08:08 PM
Who the hell riots over a book being thrown?

LMAO @ trying to defend that.

I consider myself a Christian and if someone threw a bible, I wouldn't care.


05-17-2019, 08:09 PM
A cultural takeover by means of non-assimilation poses a huge threat.


Refusing to acclimate in a land that isn't your own is absolutely insane.

05-17-2019, 08:11 PM
The hilarious part is that Muslims who move to Latin America assimilate and become Christian, like Carlos Menem, former president of Argentina, Carlos Slim, Mexican businessman and one of the world's richest men, Shakira and Salma Hayek. Their immigrant ancestors assimilated, hardly any Muslims in LA yet there has been immigration from Muslim countries here. For some reason, they refuse to do the same in Europe or the US. :oldlol:

05-17-2019, 08:38 PM
:lol what a coward. I don't get triggered by trolls so I would have ignored him but you can't tell me he doesn't deserve a beatdown. :lol

05-17-2019, 08:43 PM
:lol what a coward. I don't get triggered by trolls so I would have ignored him but you can't tell me he doesn't deserve a beatdown. :lol

Nah, you would have been screaming your lungs out calling for his head and rioting with the rest of the savages. How dare the infidel disrespect Allah's holy book, amirite?

Then, after your holy rage was sated you would go home and fukk your wife-cousin.

Patrick Chewing
05-17-2019, 08:59 PM
The hilarious part is that Muslims who move to Latin America assimilate and become Christian, like Carlos Menem, former president of Argentina, Carlos Slim, Mexican businessman and one of the world's richest men, Shakira and Salma Hayek. Their immigrant ancestors assimilated, hardly any Muslims in LA yet there has been immigration from Muslim countries here. For some reason, they refuse to do the same in Europe or the US. :oldlol:

Latin America is not full of "White" cucks like we see in Europe and here.

Look at a country like Brazil. Those m'fers are savagely Christian. You better not be a Muzzie in Brazil talking all that "Assalahalamadingdong Al-KamalaHarris Obama hamala baladada" nonsense.

05-17-2019, 09:09 PM
Latin America is not full of "White" cucks like we see in Europe and here.

Look at a country like Brazil. Those m'fers are savagely Christian. You better not be a Muzzie in Brazil talking all that "Assalahalamadingdong Al-KamalaHarris Obama hamala baladada" nonsense.
I know right...bro, you speak Spanish and you know the Spaniards didn't pussyfoot around with the Muslims, you know what the Spanish last name Matamoros means right? If that were a city in the US, libtard SJWs would be screaming to rename the city, but no one says anything about changing the name of Matamoros, Tamaulipas :lol

05-17-2019, 09:14 PM
Latin America is not full of "White" cucks like we see in Europe and here.

Look at a country like Brazil. Those m'fers are savagely Christian. You better not be a Muzzie in Brazil talking all that "Assalahalamadingdong Al-KamalaHarris Obama hamala baladada" nonsense.

Great respect for Latin America.

05-17-2019, 09:15 PM
Imagine whites calling anyone on the planet inbreds



Patrick Chewing
05-17-2019, 09:27 PM
I know right...bro, you speak Spanish and you know the Spaniards didn't pussyfoot around with the Muslims, you know what the Spanish last name Matamoros means right? If that were a city in the US, libtard SJWs would be screaming to rename the city, but no one says anything about changing the name of Matamoros, Tamaulipas :lol

It took 700 ****ing years, 700 years! But they did it. The Reconquista!

I was a History major in college. When I see the Muslim incursion that's happening now (via immigration), I see the same thing that happened a millennia ago. It pains me to say that history repeats itself, but it's a shame that now, the leaders of Europe are too afraid to speak up and do something about it. All in the name of political correctness and multiculturalism which is a failed project.

At first you had the Romans. Then you had Christian Europe. And finally, you have the Christian West aka the New World. Mankind has never been more advanced since the faith has spread. We have made leaps and bounds. All that is threatened now.

05-17-2019, 09:35 PM
5% of the population is cultural takeover?

The policy he is promoting is, that whether or not you're allowed as a foreigner in Denmark should be based on behavior and integration.
He's been on TV a lot recently and explains it as such:

-There is a problem with crime, behavior and opinions that work directly against Danish values, within foreigners of non western decent and people who are born by parents of non western descend. This group makes up just under 800K people, 8.8% of the total population.

Something I haven't looked into more closely, but I've heard referenced a few times, is that there's a catch to that number - if two people who both have parents of non western descend have a child, that child counts as Danish and does not figure into this statistic as both parents has Danish citizenship from birth. So no one really knows how many foreigners or descendants there are.
And just for good measure, 5% number of Muslims you refer to is also an estimate, as people don't register anywhere whether they're Muslim or not.

-Foreigners are guests and it's not wrong to expect more from guests.

-He wants to deport a large number of foreigners, who's behavior and beliefs he argues does not conform with Danish values and Danish society. A lot of these will be Muslims, as Denmark has taken in a lot of people from the Middle East and a lot of them commit crime or are extreme in their religious beliefs.

Why do I think he'll get elected? Because he's very pragmatic and direct in his message, like when he said in the debate a few nights ago, that if you believe that

1) Women and their opinions aren't worth as much as men.
2) There is something wrong with being gay, or that gay men shouldn't have gay sex and if they do should be punished.
3) Religion should affect or be above the law.

then you are too extreme in views that are directly against Danish values.

He also stated that he'd start deporting the worst first, foreigners who has either committed violent crime or raped, then he'd go for people foreigners who are just there and collect welfare while never having had a job.
These are views that quite a few people in Denmark agree with.

As for the Koran burning, yes it's very extreme, but while you argue there are places in the US where people would go crazy for burning the bible, there is no such place in Denmark and people don't want there to be for any religion. It's legal as well to burn it, so he argues that as long as someone wants to kill him for doing it and try to stop him through threats and intimidation, then he must keep doing it because in a democracy with freedom of speech you cannot let violence dictate what you can and cannot do.

Why is he interesting?
Like I mentioned earlier, he's become the most famous man in Denmark within the last 6 months, but I remember first hearing his name on a Danish poker forum over 10 years ago - a story about a law student who was taking pictures of people bicycling on the sidewalk in certain areas and stuff like that, only to publish the pictures on his site criminals.dk or something like
that :oldlol:

Apparently he had a head injury in 07, which causes him to take extreme offense when people don't follow the rules/law - hurt his frontal lobe or whatever it was called. The story that came out on this was that he's testified this himself in a court case a while back, it fits well with the story above too.

He's very intelligent - defense attorney who taught, I believe, civil law at Copenhagen University.

He's legit funny, at least per Danish humor.

He's very popular with kids and there is a chance his party might pick up a lot of votes over the next 10 years.

One thing is him burning the Koran, but the way he changes his rhetoric depending on how people speak to him has been absolutely absurd to see.

05-18-2019, 05:59 AM
At first you had the Romans. Then you had Christian Europe. And finally, you have the Christian West aka the New World. Mankind has never been more advanced since the faith has spread. We have made leaps and bounds. All that is threatened now.
what the actual fuсk

05-18-2019, 01:07 PM
The policy he is promoting is, that whether or not you're allowed as a foreigner in Denmark should be based on behavior and integration.
He's been on TV a lot recently and explains it as such:

-There is a problem with crime, behavior and opinions that work directly against Danish values, within foreigners of non western decent and people who are born by parents of non western descend. This group makes up just under 800K people, 8.8% of the total population.

Something I haven't looked into more closely, but I've heard referenced a few times, is that there's a catch to that number - if two people who both have parents of non western descend have a child, that child counts as Danish and does not figure into this statistic as both parents has Danish citizenship from birth. So no one really knows how many foreigners or descendants there are.
And just for good measure, 5% number of Muslims you refer to is also an estimate, as people don't register anywhere whether they're Muslim or not.

-Foreigners are guests and it's not wrong to expect more from guests.

-He wants to deport a large number of foreigners, who's behavior and beliefs he argues does not conform with Danish values and Danish society. A lot of these will be Muslims, as Denmark has taken in a lot of people from the Middle East and a lot of them commit crime or are extreme in their religious beliefs.

Why do I think he'll get elected? Because he's very pragmatic and direct in his message, like when he said in the debate a few nights ago, that if you believe that

1) Women and their opinions aren't worth as much as men.
2) There is something wrong with being gay, or that gay men shouldn't have gay sex and if they do should be punished.
3) Religion should affect or be above the law.

then you are too extreme in views that are directly against Danish values.

He also stated that he'd start deporting the worst first, foreigners who has either committed violent crime or raped, then he'd go for people foreigners who are just there and collect welfare while never having had a job.
These are views that quite a few people in Denmark agree with.

As for the Koran burning, yes it's very extreme, but while you argue there are places in the US where people would go crazy for burning the bible, there is no such place in Denmark and people don't want there to be for any religion. It's legal as well to burn it, so he argues that as long as someone wants to kill him for doing it and try to stop him through threats and intimidation, then he must keep doing it because in a democracy with freedom of speech you cannot let violence dictate what you can and cannot do.

Why is he interesting?
Like I mentioned earlier, he's become the most famous man in Denmark within the last 6 months, but I remember first hearing his name on a Danish poker forum over 10 years ago - a story about a law student who was taking pictures of people bicycling on the sidewalk in certain areas and stuff like that, only to publish the pictures on his site criminals.dk or something like
that :oldlol:

Apparently he had a head injury in 07, which causes him to take extreme offense when people don't follow the rules/law - hurt his frontal lobe or whatever it was called. The story that came out on this was that he's testified this himself in a court case a while back, it fits well with the story above too.

He's very intelligent - defense attorney who taught, I believe, civil law at Copenhagen University.

He's legit funny, at least per Danish humor.

He's very popular with kids and there is a chance his party might pick up a lot of votes over the next 10 years.

One thing is him burning the Koran, but the way he changes his rhetoric depending on how people speak to him has been absolutely absurd to see.
The guy is very very intelligent, he buries his opponents in interviews. And it's due to the simple fact that he has the truth behind him and history as well. The invaders are outbreeding the european population, while leeching of all benefits.... and on top of that are violent low IQ lowlifes.

I mean, the regular public knows this. They can't get shit, while the migrants get money and free housing.... How are you going to argue him then, with what facts, you don't have any!

All you have are lies against him, and this guy is very smart, you can't defeat him in a discussion. Of course, many people believe the media and their lies. We saw that with all the hit pieces on Trump. But it did not work. Will it work in Europe, perhaps, but it will be the end of europe if people don't wake up.

Sadly euros are a lot softer, and there are many dumb women/feminists who still believe the "good" in these invaders.

05-18-2019, 01:13 PM
only 25 years ago there was war in europe..... bosnian sajo of all people knows this won't end well.

and a lot have happened in 25 years, and not for the better for the people of europe, UK included, why do you think they wanted out of the EU?

05-26-2019, 12:45 PM
Here he is confronted by the devil herself :eek:


06-07-2019, 03:55 PM
only needed 0,2% more votes to get into parliament....damn. But he will get it next time.

in the meantime, what a great interview


Muslim BBC reporter gets triggered by Danish politician

06-07-2019, 04:06 PM
Bosnians are traitors to the European people, accepting the religion of their slave masters.

06-09-2019, 01:09 PM
Bosnians are traitors to the European people, accepting the religion of their slave masters.

Does anybody in this thread with the exception of Pauk/B Sajo have the faintest idea of the consequences of that individuals actions of tossing the Quran in the Hereafter?

Does anybody in this thread besides TheMan and pauk/bosnia those two have the faintest idea of what constitutes respect and reverence or how relationships are built on trust and not violating boundaries ?

Does any European nationalist understand that the land they inhabit is not truly theirs? That if belongs to the One who creates it?

Does the person in this thread understand that any woman who prefers kafir men and is engaged in a boyfriend girlfriend tango is engaged in two enormous sins? And that it's highly highly suspect that girl is Muslim since Muslim is something you DO...not where u are from.

Do the people in this thread screaming about inbreeding realize that right now in western countries men are sodomizing men and that incurred wealth from The Almighty in Sodom and Gomorrah?

Does the creature fiddy who is accusing people of being brainwashed and killing millions understand that the death toll incurred by Muslims is much less than Christian's or atheists ? Or that every society imparts cultural values on its citizens and it's a matter of finding the true ones? Does fiddy understand that atheism and materialistic dogmas flood the information age ?

Does the creature Barberschool understand the people who he considers inbred have survived harder lives with less resources thus perhaps a stronger demonstration of intelligence than third arbitrary reading writing Focused IQ?

Anyways that guy is probably going to attract more people to Islam.

And did t pols actually refer to Muslims as "low IQ". I guess being a physical form that owns fancy gadgets without a sense of honor or jealousy is what constitutes an educated civilized person in your mind eh?

06-09-2019, 01:34 PM
Why the hell are there muslims in Denmark in the first place? First you destroy the Greco-Roman culture south of the Mediterranean and now EUROPE. Moslems should thank these guilty white idiots for allowing their rapist pedo culture to continue.

06-09-2019, 03:07 PM
J$ broke my soul with that post. Im deeply regretful of my insults towards the religion of Islam. Brb going to a mosque, trying to repent my sins.


06-09-2019, 04:34 PM
Why the hell are there muslims in Denmark in the first place? First you destroy the Greco-Roman culture south of the Mediterranean and now EUROPE.

Greek-Roman culture was destroyed because they disobeyed Allaah Almighty.
Just like Egypt.
Just like Babylon.
Just like Ad.
Just like Thamud.
And the rest of the prosperous nations that perished.

And you want to talk about culture, Terahite? Really?
Have you not forgotten that Greeks, despite, some cool intellectual achievements, had polytheism and sodomy in their civilization?
Or that Romans literally used to put people in Colosseums for entertainment and had big wealth disparities?

Do you forget that Muslims MUST treat their guests well, they must treat the elderly well, they must treat aging parents well, they must abide by strict hygiene laws, they must make fair business transactions, they are forbidden from hunting animals for sport, that they do not waste resources or prayers on statues, that they are commanded to be just on the earth, that they must speak the truth, that they can not cheat people, that they can not gaze upon women who are not their wives lustfully, and many other commandments/prohibitions that lead to mankind and society's welfare.

No matter how many fancy buildings and cool gadgets people invent, they all have to experience death.

If they want to acquire true immortality, that can only be attained in submission to God's Will. And that's what Islam is.

Moslems should thank these guilty white idiots

Those "guilty" people of the Caucasian heritage and Muslims should be thanking the One who provided them all those bounties. Those people don't own anything. That land, that country was created, nourished, developed and exists only because Allaah allows it to exist.

Both parties, and myself should be grateful that Allaah allows us to live and should live lives in accordance with His Laws, for our own welfare.

And now that the Muslims have migrated to Europe, the Europeans have a chance to see the error of their fathers' ways and begin a new way of life that truly leads to salvation.

for allowing their rapist pedo culture to continue.

If you dare refer to a religion that has the DEATH PENALTY for adultery, LASHING for fornication, FORBIDS gazing upon the opposite sex lustfully let alone touching them, ALLOWS only for sex within marriage, generally DISCOURAGES men and women mixing, and ENCOURAGES chastity ...as "rape"---WHILE ENDORSING a culture that LEGALLY ALLOWS things where RAPE TAKES PLACE like PROM, BARS, NIGHTCLUBS, RAVES, with a DRUG CULTURE and a BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND CULTURE and women scantily clad without male guardians around and no severe penalties for fornication--then you are COMPLETELY CONFUSED.

If "rape" concerns you that much Terahite (and it should), WHY DONT YOU MAN UP AND PROTECT YOUR WOMEN?

As for "pedo" this has been discussed several times on these forums. That is part of the Arabian culture during their time to have girls move in with their husbands under their father's permission, at an early age. Living in the desert is NOT easy so the faster people get started making babies--the better.

06-09-2019, 04:44 PM
J$ broke my soul with that post. Im deeply regretful of my insults towards the religion of Islam. Brb going to a mosque, trying to repent my sins.


A) Mock now, get your laughs in, stay stubborn in disbelief, die and enter the scorching blaze forever experiencing indescribable pain.


B) Cry now, change/mend your ways, turn back to your Creator and potentially experience everlasting peace/bliss.

06-09-2019, 05:00 PM
The guy is very very intelligent, he buries his opponents in interviews. And it's due to the simple fact that he has the truth behind him and history as well.

Oh, here we go.

You mentioned the "Truth".

What is the Truth, tomtucker?

Answer the question.

What is the Truth?
Why are we alive on this Earth?
Is there a God?
What happens after we die?
Where can we find these answers?
What is the purpose of life?
What is right or wrong?

Care to search for those answers?
Know where I'm going to advise you to start looking? :D

The invaders are outbreeding the european population, while leeching of all benefits.... and on top of that are violent low IQ lowlifes.

I mean, the regular public knows this. They can't get shit, while the migrants get money and free housing.... How are you going to argue him then, with what facts, you don't have any!

Do you forget to disclose a few details that
a) That the vast majority of wealth is still concentrated in the hands of the few, so why you biting into the whole lower/middle class vs immigrant battle? Shouldn't you be after the fat cats---the bankers tec?
b) The religion those migrants carry has strong laws AGAINST USURY/Interest which is the reason why there is a gigantic wealth/disparity in the first place. The same vehement dislike Jesus Christ/Isa (AS) had for the Pharisee moneylenders is still existent in Islam and one thing that can slowly cure the wealth disparity.
c) Those migrants who had to move out have experienced civil discord, colonialism, warfare, their resources depleted, brainwashing, subjugation from foreign military forces and colonial powers(although I don't blame the current generation) as well as being pitted against one another by Western puppet leaders. They are humans that need a place to live.

All you have are lies against him, and this guy is very smart, you can't defeat him in a discussion.

What is his agenda? The preservation of his people, yeah?
How is he going about it? By violently rejecting and mocking the thing that's going to lead to his preservation --- i.e. submitting to God's Will.

That's not smart...

Of course, many people believe the media and their lies.

Like yourself, tomtucker.

We saw that with all the hit pieces on Trump. But it did not work. Will it work in Europe, perhaps, but it will be the end of europe if people don't wake up.

EUrope's destruction was decreed before we were born. There isn't an iota of thing you can do to postpone it or hasten it---and that applies to all nations and all human lives. Nations rise and fall and it's within Allah's plan.

Sadly euros are a lot softer, and there are many dumb women/feminists who still believe the "good" in these invaders.

Those women/feminists still have somewhat healthy hearts and see very well that the "invaders" DO NOT possess the ingratitude, arrogance, corruption, injustice, oppressive, disbelieving ways of many of the residents that are in their host nation.

06-09-2019, 05:25 PM
You've got 1.8 billion Muslims being told by 2.2 billion Christians that they are following the incorrect path and going by the Quran instead of the Bible.

What does that tell you about religion?

Any way you try to spin it, either 1.8 billion are wrong or 2.2 billion are wrong.

If you try and say that one side is wrong, you come off looking like a fvcking retard because that means that the other side is condemned to hell. So an all loving God has half of the people he wanted to worship him going to hell? Good luck trying to get people to accept that as being fact. :lol

Ruh roh shaggy....what a predicament! :lol

06-09-2019, 06:05 PM
You've got 1.8 billion Muslims being told by 2.2 billion Christians that they are following the incorrect path and going by the Quran instead of the Bible.

What does that tell you about religion?

Any way you try to spin it, either 1.8 billion are wrong or 2.2 billion are wrong.

If you try and say that one side is wrong, you come off looking like a fvcking retard because that means that the other side is condemned to hell. So an all loving God has half of the people he wanted to worship him going to hell? Good luck trying to get people to accept that as being fact. :lol

Ruh roh shaggy....what a predicament! :lol

If there's any truth to the Abraham religions, id bet my money on the juden. All three religions have the same roots, i trust the oldest one.

I wonder what's J$ opinion on Judaism?

A) Mock now, get your laughs in, stay stubborn in disbelief, die and enter the scorching blaze forever experiencing indescribable pain.


B) Cry now, change/mend your ways, turn back to your Creator and potentially experience everlasting peace/bliss.

Hell's on earth, bro. Either way, i dont think God is a nice person anyway.

06-10-2019, 01:52 AM
If there's any truth to the Abraham religions, id bet my money on the juden. All three religions have the same roots, i trust the oldest one.

I wonder what's J$ opinion on Judaism?

:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

I don't talk in opinions. I know damn well I am responsible for my actions and words in this life, so I'm not going to be playing guessing games or putting my takes on things. Authentic religious knowledge is a precious gift.

Calling others sheep, but buying into the Western Propaganda about "Abrahamic religions" and Islam being "Founded" by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in 622-- are nothing two humongous lies fabricated by Judeo-Christian to try to deceive people. They also leave out that in the Bible, Abraham travelled to Paran (Makkah) and they altered their book to neglect that Abraham and Ishmael rebuilt the Kabba, and they also leave out that one of the rituals in the Islamic Hajj--that is the walking back and forth in Safa and Marwah is in direct honor of one of Abraham's son's Ishamel's mother, HAGAR. They also have verses that foreshadowed Muhammad (PBUH)'s coming, (see Deut 18:18) but they like to debate that as well. Jews don't like the fact that Muhammad (PBUH) is not from their tribe. They don't like that at all.

How do Jews and Christians honor Abraham's son's mother, Hagar? Hint: they don't. One of them thinks they are special because they are from Isaac's lineage :oldlol: and the other's Scripture has been changed so many times, with basic beliefs being invented in Council of Nicaea and unholy fabrications of falsehoods like the Trinity--a direct contradiction to the Old Testament's stating of the Oneness of God.

Abraham (PBUH) came BEFORE Jews and Christians, so what is he?
What religion does he follow? He certainly did not talk about menorahs or dreidels or being the chosen people and he certainly did not believe in accepting a human jesus as his lord and savior or anything regarding crucifixes.

So what religion did he follow? Both Jews and Christians understand well within their scriptures that Abraham challenged his idolater father and Nimrod and destroyed idols of the townspeople. That he was a friend of Almighty Allah---his whole life of sacrifice in submission to Allah's Will.

You want to know who else destroyed idols and dedicated his life to worshipping Allaah alone?
Muhammad Ibn Abdullah (PBUH) and his companions in Makkah. So much so, that there's a prayer Muslims recite called Durood Ibrahim where people pray for Abraham (PBUH0 and Muhammad (PBUH). Every single salat. Where Muslims washed themselves up and stand and bow and prostrate to God, just as the previous people prayed before.

Muhammad (PBUH)'s people smashed idols in the Kabba after idolatry had seeped into Makkah and purified and reestablished the true religion of Pure Monotheism that was once there at the time of Abraham, having undergone corruption. They strived throughout their whole lives to re-establish the pure worship of the One God, Allah (SWT), that Abraham (PBUH) and every other Prophet also did.

As mentioned many times before Islam did not START with Muhammad (PBUH) rather it was the Final Revelation--it began with Adam (PBUH).

. The Qu'ran in the 3rd chapter recognizes the authenticity of the Taurat (torah) and the Injeel (evangel/gospel)---and also mentions that they have been changed by human hands--which is factually and historically true. The Qu'ran also has within it's 2nd chapter the story of the Children of Israel as an admonition to the Muslim people not to follow in the footsteps of the Jews who destroyed themselves. Mose's Followers (Bani Israel) DID NOT CALL themselves "JEWS" that was only AFTER the establishment of the Kingdom of Judah

And their followers submitted to God's Will too.

Jew is derived from Judah--hence they think they are chosen people (and they were for some time)--but their beliefs are incorrect as salvation is not exclusive to them. Christian is derived from Christ--and Christ's early followers were NOT CALLED Christians--they were called Apostles or Hawareen or Nasara.
Only Muslim means ONE WHO SUBMITS To God's Will.

Hell's on earth, bro. Either way, i dont think God is a nice person anyway.

Hell is an everlasting realm more painful than anything we can imagine.

All human beings if put together could not even create the wing of a fly.
Yet we see something as marvelous as the universe exist. Beautiful, glorious, orderly, harmonious celestial bodies and incredibly intricate magnificent atoms and everything in between. It Is awe inspiring.
That takes a much Higher Power.

And disbelievers project their own meanness onto that which they don't understand.

Don't forget that God doesn't need anybody, yet He gave the people you see LIFE, SENSES, FORM, BREATH, EXISTENCE, FOOD, WATER, INTELLIGENCE, FACULTIES, FRIENDSHIP, COMPANIONSHIP, GROWTH, EXPERIENCES, CLOTHING, VIRTUES, SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE, LITERACY, PROTECTION FROM SO MANY AILMENTS, THE LOVE OF OTHERS, THE HUMAN NATURE, AN INCLINATION TO TRUTH, and countless gifts. Gifts we can never pay back. And that He doesn't need to be worshipped. He doesn't gain anything from it.

Literally, everything beautiful and nice you see---the love of a mother towards her offspring, the love and innocence of children, the beautiful brotherhood, the feelings of compassion, the love towards one's grandparents, the giving of charity--these are but gifts from The Most Merciful.

And The Almighty is reserving 99% of his Mercy for the Hereafter.

06-10-2019, 01:53 AM
just give it up j$, your leader married children.

that's not a lie.

06-10-2019, 11:57 AM
just give it up j$, your leader married children.

that's not a lie.
:biggums: you really trying to war with everyone on here? step ya trollin game up son, beginning to sound like patrick.

06-10-2019, 07:49 PM
Tomtucker, did you get to finding the answers to those questions?

What is the Truth?
What is the purpose of life?
What happens after one dies?
Is there a God? Who is He?
What's right, what's wrong?

06-10-2019, 07:53 PM
Alan will be humiliated.
by who *****? the false prophet muhammod that banged children?

i could never respect someone that slept with children. i dont give a fvck about cultural customs.

Jesus was real tho, and so is God.

they would never associate themselves with pedos.

06-10-2019, 08:24 PM
by who *****? the false prophet muhammod that banged children?

i could never respect someone that slept with children. i dont give a fvck about cultural customs.

Jesus was real tho, and so is God.

they would never associate themselves with pedos.

This is true.

06-11-2019, 08:48 AM
Don't forget that God doesn't need anybody, yet He gave the people you see LIFE, SENSES, FORM, BREATH, EXISTENCE, FOOD, WATER, INTELLIGENCE, FACULTIES, FRIENDSHIP, COMPANIONSHIP, GROWTH, EXPERIENCES, CLOTHING, VIRTUES, SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE, LITERACY, PROTECTION FROM SO MANY AILMENTS, THE LOVE OF OTHERS, THE HUMAN NATURE, AN INCLINATION TO TRUTH, and countless gifts. Gifts we can never pay back. And that He doesn't need to be worshipped. He doesn't gain anything from it.

Literally, everything beautiful and nice you see---the love of a mother towards her offspring, the love and innocence of children, the beautiful brotherhood, the feelings of compassion, the love towards one's grandparents, the giving of charity--these are but gifts from The Most Merciful.

And The Almighty is reserving 99% of his Mercy for the Hereafter.

In summary Jews== kuffars? K.

Also the Almighty gave us the cannabis plant and the knowledge how to synthesize meth. If everything is going according to God's plan, why are those substances shun upon in Islam world. Also if muslims were more righteous than the rest, how come most muslim countries are so underdeveloped?

by who *****? the false prophet muhammod that banged children?

i could never respect someone that slept with children. i dont give a fvck about cultural customs.

Jesus was real tho, and so is God.

they would never associate themselves with pedos.

Jesus was an imposer, ask Jeff.

06-11-2019, 03:15 PM
Why go into their slummy 3rd world neighborhoods to provoke them?

06-12-2019, 04:26 PM
In summary Jews== kuffars? K.

Also the Almighty gave us the cannabis plant and the knowledge how to synthesize meth. If everything is going according to God's plan, why are those substances shun upon in Islam world.

Correct, that knowledge was given.
So was the knowledge of black magic.
So was the knowledge of using fire.
So was the knowledge of weaponry.

So was the knowledge of articulate speech.

So was the knowledge of cooking. Chemistry.

And so on and so forth.

Question is, what's the intention behind using it? You can use fire to warm up stove or burn down a forest. Clearly one's right and one's wrong.

Drugs are disliked in Islamic world because they damage the intellect of the human being.

Also if muslims were more righteous than the rest, how come most muslim countries are so underdeveloped?

Righteous =/ prosperity in Dunya.

06-12-2019, 04:40 PM
by who *****? the false prophet muhammod that banged children?

Listen. The man you are speaking about is not what you claim he is. He, at age 25 married a 40 year old woman and stayed loyal to her for 25 years--and he stood up nights while married to Aisha (RA) to pray, as well as having wives of different ages. That's not the behavior of the nasty label you are accusing him of.

i could never respect someone that slept with children. i dont give a fvck about cultural customs.

While you talk about fornicating and triggering people on ISH, he was out there trying to fix society, trying to help woman, minorities, slaves out there against the oppression and evil customs of then-Pagan Arabia. He fought and strived tooth and nail to re-establish man's relationship with God. He went through unimaginable pain and torture to complete the mission. He was offered women, money, power to try to stop conveying the message of Pure Monotheism--but he declined. Arabia was a savage place of darkness, corruption, idolatry, pillaging and plundering before he was born, and after he left this Earth--it became the most intellectually and spiritually and morally elevated civilization the world would see for years. Women's rights, improved business ethics, orphan's rights, increased knowledge, higher etiquettes, higher morals, higher culture, the proper laws for a just society, the welfare of millions of people in the Hereafter, the re-establishment of Pure Monotheism (Islam), knowledge upon knowledge on all facets of life---these are just a short list of the long list of achievements he had with God's permission--so indisputable that Michael Hart, an Atheist, has him above St. Paul and Jesus in his list of Most Influential People. And his life has been studied so vigorously and is beloved and followed by 1/4 of the world.

Does he need your respect, Alan?

Jesus was real tho, and so is God.

they would never associate themselves with pedos.

Jesus will come down and destroy crucifixes and Jesus will never ever claim to be God or God's Son. Jesus and Muhammad (PBUH) had the same mission, to reestablish the true religion, pure monotheism (Islam) on this Earth---to shun false gods, and to worship the One True God, Allaah (SWT).

God loves Muhammad (PBUH) so much that He refers to him as "Prophet (PBUH)" throughout the Scripture. Muhammad (PBUH) will be the first one to enter Paradise.

And here you are, doing whatever you are doing, calling a man whose story you don't know despicable names.

Are you proud of yourself, Alan?

08-02-2019, 05:43 PM
Got him good.

High IQ wins again..... he is killing those left wing muzzie lovers.....:applause:


Rasmus Paludan interviewed by Hamish Macdonald of Australian Broadcasting Corporation (29.7.2019)

08-02-2019, 05:46 PM
Imagine whites calling anyone on the planet inbreds


Actually yes, Arabic Muslims suffer from generations of close inbreeding. Look it up instead of piggybacking stereotypes.

08-02-2019, 06:12 PM
Correct, that knowledge was given.
So was the knowledge of black magic.
So was the knowledge of using fire.
So was the knowledge of weaponry.

So was the knowledge of articulate speech.

So was the knowledge of cooking. Chemistry.

And so on and so forth.

Question is, what's the intention behind using it? You can use fire to warm up stove or burn down a forest. Clearly one's right and one's wrong.

Drugs are disliked in Islamic world because they damage the intellect of the human being.

Righteous =/ prosperity in Dunya.

Did God give bill gates the power to create microsoft mate?

08-02-2019, 06:27 PM
Did God give bill gates the power to create microsoft mate?

Of course.

People in technology get their inspiration "from nature" (which is really the creation of Allah (SWT)) as the computer possesses applications including but not limited to databases, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Calculator, Date/Time and many, many, many more etc. similar (but not really) to a human brain's cognitive functions of storing information, keeping tack of time, processing language, calculating functions etc.

We know the human brain is able to do mathematics, speak in various languages. We have seen passenger pigeons deliver letters to and fro people. Is the computer not an extension of these abilities with its programming, it's algorithms, and it's e-mail?

We know that the human body has, within it, electrical impulses in the nervous system--and this can also be observed in organisms like eels. Is not the discovery of electricity an extension of something already existing?

Who gave Bill Gates the brain in the first place?

Who gave humanity the plastic, copper wires, materials needed for microprocessor, electricity, and other components of the computer in the first place?

So Whom is all praise due to?

08-02-2019, 06:44 PM
The Quran (which was narrated by Muhammad) refers to Muhammad's life as "a beautiful pattern of conduct for anyone whose hope is in Allah" (33:21) and "an exalted standard of character" (68:4). Yet, thanks to Allah's extraordinary interest in his personal sex life (as immortalized in the Quran) the prophet of Islam had sex with just about anyone he pleased

Muhammad was married to thirteen women, including eleven at one time. He relegated them to either consecutive days or (according to some accounts) all in one night. He had sex with a 9-year-old girl and married his adopted son's wife (after arranging a quick divorce). On top of that, Muhammad had a multitude of slave girls and concubines with whom he had sex - sometimes on the very days in which they watched their husbands and fathers die at the hands of his army.

So, by any realistic measure, the creator of the world's most sexually restrictive religion was also one of the most sexually indulgent characters in history.

Some Muslims respond by denying the hadith itself, which is a mistake. The accounts of Muhammad sleeping with a 9-year-old are no less reliable than those on which the five pillars of Islam are based.