View Full Version : Just watched Bumblebee. Anyone like the Transformer movies?

05-23-2019, 01:25 PM
I liked it!

My son loves Bumblebee, so I watched it.

Transformers rule.

And I feel connected to them.


05-23-2019, 01:29 PM
https://i.ibb.co/PTn2K9Q/FB-IMG-1558632195196.jpg (https://ibb.co/DGyBh8p)

05-23-2019, 01:38 PM
Transformers 1 was ok.

2 and 3 were utter dog shit.

Bumblebee... IDK... heard good things but never saw it.


Did you slap Megatron around and tell him he's a bitch or did you just take his shit? For shame. You know you took it.

05-23-2019, 01:46 PM
Transformers 1 was ok.

2 and 3 were utter dog shit.

Bumblebee... IDK... heard good things but never saw it.


Did you slap Megatron around and tell him he's a bitch or did you just take his shit? For shame. You know you took it.


Oh, that's Megatron? See, that's how much I know right now.

I did see Transformers 1 with Shia and Fox and I liked it, but that's the only other Transformers movie I've seen until Bumblebee just now.

I took a picture with Shrek and the Donkey, but they made me talk to the Donkey in front of a crowd and he said I was country, so I upped it up a notch and started talking REAL red neck. They were laughing, but the blacks were nervous.

05-23-2019, 02:16 PM
Bumblebee was easily the best one of all of them. Main reason is that there was no dogs ****ing eachother.

Also Hailee Steinfeld was perfect.

05-23-2019, 02:27 PM
Bumblebee was my favorite of them all because they make you feel connected to the character which in this case is a robot. And they certainly make you feel more connected Hailee Stienfield as Charlie versus Shia LaBouef as Sam.

05-23-2019, 02:50 PM
Bumblebee is the best one by far. The robots actually looked like OG Tansformers. You could tell them apart, the action was easy to follow, and the plot was coherent. Bumblebee was everything Michael Bay's cluster****s weren't.

05-23-2019, 03:04 PM
Yeah, I liked it! It was pretty good imo considering how horrendous Transformers 2 and 3 were. I haven't seen anything after Transformers 3 until Bumblebee came along

05-23-2019, 03:04 PM
I'm liking the feedback here

I stopped watching after Transformers 2. The action scenes were too cluttered. The fight scenes looked like a metal scrap heap. This sounds a lot more watchable

05-23-2019, 03:19 PM
I'm liking the feedback here

I stopped watching after Transformers 2. The action scenes were too cluttered. The fight scenes looked like a metal scrap heap. This sounds a lot more watchable
Everything about Bumblee is better than the previous Transformer's movies. They should just use that as a reboot point and ignore all of Bay's movies. You can actually tell what's going on during the fight scenes, you care about the characters, and the plot wasn't retarded. John Cena's role was a bit shallow, but I'll forgive it.

Neckbeards might not like it though.

05-23-2019, 09:32 PM
That's cool that a lot of you liked it.

But I liked Transformers 1 and I like Shia Labeouf a lot, but I guess hating him is the in thing at the moment.

05-23-2019, 10:01 PM
I never played with the toys or watched the cartoons as a kid so I had no compass when I saw the first movie and thought it was fine. Second one was crap and third was somehow worse. Stopped watching after that one.

05-24-2019, 04:56 AM
1. Bumblebee

2. Transformers 1.

The rest are trash.

05-24-2019, 09:22 AM
Bumblebee was cool. It was definitely a more coherent, if not streamlined story than a few of the other movies, and certainly more heart.

05-24-2019, 06:50 PM
The Bubblebee one is legit because they are actually transforming into what they should and look like the actual G1 transformers instead of that dogshit first movie where megatron is a jet and soundwave isnt a tape recorder. The writers learned that accuracy is more important that some kid not understanding what a tape recorder is.

05-25-2019, 11:30 AM
first one was great. like most of us I'm a big fan of 2007 megan fox.

prime megan fox I think that was her best season.