View Full Version : Oscar Robertson arguing with congress about free agency being needed.

05-26-2019, 11:22 AM

First guy talking who heads the committee that ends up asking Oscar if he thinks hes worth more than 100K a year(the audience laughed when he said yes) is Sam Ervin. The souths chief lawyer fighting against segregation. He made his name fighting against Brown vs Board of education(desegregation of schools).

Its boring and I dont expect you to really...watch it. But its a little interesting.

They sent Oscar and a couple other players to get congress to block the NBA/ABA merger unless they allowed free agency to replace the competition the ABA provided...

These guys today owe all those guys a check. I dont even know who you send to make those arguments today. Probably end up Lebron and Chris Paul or something.....

They are lucky all this got taken care of then. Still took 17 years from there before anyone could just straight up walk without compensation. This is why the arguments against letting guys walk will never go anywhere. This was serious business at one time.

05-26-2019, 03:54 PM
That's actually pretty cool to watch. Can't inagine how the NBA would've turned out if Oscar and co decided not to fight for FA

05-26-2019, 04:23 PM
Great find.