View Full Version : grand canyon

05-28-2019, 05:53 PM

nough said about that ...

I have sky dived , but my fear of heights are pretty bad.
I fell off of two roofs.

Last year was in the Davis Mountains , shot a goat while on a 600' cliff.

I trust horses , and mules are much much safer / but that canyon ride looks
out of my league.

05-28-2019, 06:23 PM
i'd be scared shitless the entire way - wouldn't even be able to enjoy the view. you're best off just hiking up and down the trail as long as you're willing and able.

the vastness of the gc is so overwhelming when you're on either side's rim. it's obviously something that even the best taken photo can't replicate, but looking out and across it, you just get a strange feeling of zen and clarity. when you're in that moment of tranquility, nothing else matters. it's really something else. on top of that, depending on the time of day and weather, the shadows cast across it leaves it always looking entirely different even from the same spot.

05-28-2019, 06:55 PM
Flown over it many times, never been to actually see it on the ground. Just another item on my list.