View Full Version : What exactly is spirituality?

Walk on Water
05-29-2019, 06:02 AM
It just seems like a cliche that I never understood. Some people say they don't believe in God but are spiritual. But let's be clear hear. What are we talking about? Does spiritual mean one thing or many things? It just seems like a cryptic word.

Is reading the bible a spiritual activity? Is walking in the woods spiritual? Is going to a museum spiritual? Is eating organic vegan food spiritual? What exactly does spiritual mean?

05-29-2019, 06:30 AM
Is your basement spiritual Simon? Must be time for a diaper change

05-29-2019, 10:15 AM
Get a soul

05-29-2019, 10:25 AM
If an individual is "spiritual", I think that means he perceives/acknowledges/believes in there being some element to existence which transcends the physical world. It may be within the context of a religion, or it may be an open/agnostic spirituality.

Patrick Chewing
05-29-2019, 10:33 AM
If OP had a brain, he wouldn't ask such questions. Parents were probably related, thus leading to his mental retardation state.

05-29-2019, 05:57 PM
If an individual is "spiritual", I think that means he perceives/acknowledges/believes in there being some element to existence which transcends the physical world. It may be within the context of a religion, or it may be an open/agnostic spirituality.

In addition to the acknowledgement of spiritual realities, it is the willing to explore or walk a path to foster harmony/connection with the Source of Creation and the creation itself and finding a unity among all living things--as well as abstaining and detaching from material things and purifying the heart/mind to a level as to see the True Reality.

05-29-2019, 06:01 PM
If OP had a brain, he wouldn't ask such questions. Parents were probably related, thus leading to his mental retardation state.
definitely sensing some inbred IQ from OP :eek:

05-29-2019, 06:11 PM
I think it’s rare for an atheist to refer to himself as spiritual. Usually its “spiritual but not religious.” Those people usually believe in a creator but don’t adhere to a religion.

05-30-2019, 03:15 AM
The OP really makes one think. We need more posters like him here on ISH.

06-01-2019, 06:58 PM
A waste of time for the most part.

What you wind up with are a bunch of assholes arguing whose fake deity is real, more powerful, actually exists. Followed by said assholes creating organizations to spread their brand of nonsense to non-critical thinking simpletons (of which there's no shortage of). Etc, etc, etc until you wind up with a bunch of morons wanting to fck their 1st cousins and/or ban abortion in all cases (including rape and incest) except for when live birth results in death of the mother.

06-01-2019, 07:19 PM
The fact that there is dark matter proves to me there's more in this reality than the dimension we live in.

So you can say that is my definition of spirituality

06-01-2019, 09:13 PM
A waste of time for the most part.

What you wind up with are a bunch of assholes arguing whose fake deity is real, more powerful, actually exists. Followed by said assholes creating organizations to spread their brand of nonsense to non-critical thinking simpletons (of which there's no shortage of). Etc, etc, etc until you wind up with a bunch of morons wanting to fck their 1st cousins and/or ban abortion in all cases (including rape and incest) except for when live birth results in death of the mother.

Your insults will be ignored and you will pay for it come the Reckoning. Unless you ask for forgiveness.

Preparing for what happens after death is an excellent use of time.

Spurs m8
06-02-2019, 11:13 PM
Words can't really describe it, and it isn't just one single thing.

But when you hit a certain point, you just feel it.