View Full Version : Steve Kerr is very overrated coach

05-31-2019, 08:39 AM
And it's not just because he has basic bitch liberal opinions.

Plays low IQ Jordan Bell against high IQ Marc Gasol. Keeps losers like Looney and Pat McCaw around, instead of scoping up solid vets.

The real mastermind behind the 73 win Warriors was Luke Walton.

05-31-2019, 08:48 AM
Kerr sold his soul to the devil, that's the only way I can explain some cuck like him being as lucky and fortunate as he has

road jordan's coat to rings
gets hired and is lucky enough to end up with a curry/green/klay
fcking kevin durant then heads over

I've been saying it for a long time that their system is pure sh*t but somehow they make it work, raptors quite honestly made that game look very easy.

05-31-2019, 12:00 PM
No he isn’t

05-31-2019, 12:06 PM
Kerr's actually a great coach if you pay attention to details. His weakness is probably his lack of experience of some other more seasoned coaches but he has some very creative solutions to problems.

05-31-2019, 12:12 PM
Kerr is a good coach. The warriors ball movement and off ball movement is a thing of beauty. Before they got kd when Steph was out he had the warriors cruising through the playoffs without him. Kerr is fine

05-31-2019, 12:17 PM
Nah he's definitely top 3 coaches in the NBA and has been for 5 years.

05-31-2019, 12:33 PM
I think the team is suffering some burnout. They seem too casual and not as hungry/intense as usual.

05-31-2019, 01:01 PM
Kerr and the front office made some strategic mistakes during the season that are now coming back to haunt the team.

First of all you have Boogie Cousins who is basically a wasted roster spot on a team that has a relatively thin bench. The situation we have now was my main concern when he was signed. His prior injury made his usefulness in taking up minutes and alleviating teammates suspect to begin with. His style of play clashes with Golden State's strengths and he's unplayable against real contenders. Maybe the potential was too good to pass up at the time but it certainly isn't looking like a good decision now.

Next you have Jordan Bell. He fits the profile of a guy you could have predicted beforehand would be playing late in the season and unsurprisingly he is now finding minutes. The problem is that for some unexplained reason he wasn't given time during the regular season to practice with the starters and get his reps in during regular season games. This is a giant inexcusable mistake from Kerr.

In the regular season OT game Siakam was the guy who killed them. Since Siakam is killing them again now it would seem Kerr didn't learn anything from those earlier games.

Without question Kerr has done great things with the Warriors but his coaching is far from impeccable. Aside from introducing his motion offense system I find little remarkable in his coaching.

05-31-2019, 01:06 PM
he's a pretty good coach. once in a while i'll catch myself impressed by a play he drew up to get klay or steph an open look.

people are MASSIVELY overreacting bc Toronto won at home by a mere 9pts. Warriors played sloppy and unlike their usual selfs.