View Full Version : Why is curry struggling with a stacked roster?

05-31-2019, 05:58 PM
LeBron, MJ, Kobe never had a roster this stacked :confusedshrug:

05-31-2019, 06:05 PM
he's just not that good, i mean, he's really good, but he isn't an all time great like LeBron. zero impact on the defensive end. greatest shooter ever, sure, but he's never been able to beat a team of equal talent/greatness. he's only won when his team is stacked and much greater than the opposing team.

that's why LeBron crushed him 2016, Golden State was the better team, but not by much...and LeBron is great at beating teams like that. Curry isn't great like that.

05-31-2019, 06:58 PM
Curry lacks impact except for shooting which is his downfall he is not a good defender or rebounder or driving to the basket he is just a good shooter from 3 range

05-31-2019, 08:17 PM
Invasion of the Incels

05-31-2019, 08:50 PM
Struggling? How exactly is he struggling?

Steph has 6 straight games scoring 33+ with high efficiency.

Stacked is a bit iffy with Durant out.

06-01-2019, 12:46 AM
Struggling? How exactly is he struggling?

Steph has 6 straight games scoring 33+ with high efficiency.

Stacked is a bit iffy with Durant out.This. The bench is not nearly as good as the 15 or 16 teams and Iggy is not the same either.

06-01-2019, 05:42 PM
Struggling? How exactly is he struggling?

Steph has 6 straight games scoring 33+ with high efficiency.

Stacked is a bit iffy with Durant out.
By getting smoked by the Raptors (a real team unlike the Blazers) - and statpadding from the line while the game was out of grasp

Curry's points had no impact, and did nothing to put a dent in the Raptors momentum

He struggled mightily on the defensive end and didn't create for teammates at all

Just goes to show, when Dray and Klay play bad the Warriors can't hang, whereas Curry scores well but they get smoked

Curry has no ability to carry a team, and never will