View Full Version : Should charges taken be a main stat?

06-01-2019, 12:34 PM
It can be considered basically like a steal...maybe even worth more since the offensive player also gets a foul. It is a turnover after all.

Should there be a charges per game stat like steals per game and wrap that into advanced metrics? People would care about more if it was emphasized.

For instance, Lowry has 15 charges taken these playoffs which is a huge number.

I guess the only issue is that some charges are subjective and could have been blocking fouls.

06-01-2019, 12:53 PM
youre right of its value, but i do fear players and refs would go for soft charges all the time from that point on, taking away from the game... like imagine the softest of hits called a charge even though he passed the ball long before contact, it would just be annoying.

06-01-2019, 07:04 PM
I wouldn't go as far as making it a prominent stat, but it would be nice for them to be tracked and considered into defensive conversation.

06-01-2019, 07:08 PM
"Kyle Lowry has drawn 15 charges thus far in the playoffs. The Kings and Blazers drew a total of 17 and 18 respectively the entire regular season."

Caught this on the "other" forum too.


06-01-2019, 07:08 PM
Just like blocks and blocks against there could be fouls and fouls against.

06-01-2019, 07:14 PM
"Kyle Lowry has drawn 15 charges thus far in the playoffs. The Kings and Blazers drew a total of 17 and 18 respectively the entire regular season."

Caught this on the "other" forum too.


Lowry > LeBron


06-01-2019, 07:51 PM
I dono, everyone already knows how many charges people take and mentions it. I dunno why they'd put it on a bball card or whatever.

Steals are live ball. Charges can turn into and 1s. Should fouls drawn be a Stat? Charges drawn goes into the offensive player's turnovers and fouls per game. I mean if you get inside and box someone out well and they go over your back is that a Stat they should keep too? Or what about when someone just gets elbowed in the face in the post they didn't really draw shit. Etc etc.

So imo they already do keep the Stat as u mentioned and people bring it up, as u did. But like putting it on bball reference or having a leader category on nba dot com. Like I said they already have the Stat it's just not celebrated as much as other things.

But they mention it on broadcasts, so it's out there. It's kinda like how many techs u have. It's important, people know, but it's not worth making a leader board.
