View Full Version : Liberal CNN poll respondents think Trump will be reelected. Impeach! Impeach now!

Long Duck Dong
06-05-2019, 05:28 PM
Mayday! Mayday! Impeach! Impeach him now!

Even liberal CNN viewers overwhelmingly think Trump will be reelected and rate the economy the best it's ever been since Clinton left office.


Better get him out office while you can my libby ISH friends

06-05-2019, 06:48 PM
Most libs also believed Clinton was gonna win too so...

Loco 50
06-05-2019, 06:53 PM
:oldlol:If gordo keeling over from a heart attack in the middle of his presidency puts a spotlight on the public healthcare crisis concerning obesity and brings about a cry for change, I'm all for it.

What a couple of dumb fvck parties. Republicans for re-electing an obese, impotent, imbecilic dinosaur and the candy ass dems for being so inept they couldn't beat the worst presidential candidate to ever run. :oldlol:

This country's leadership is an embarrassment and dumbasses like op are too stupid to do anything other than root for his team. :cletus:

God bless 'Merica.

06-05-2019, 07:12 PM
Seems like Trumpeters are calling for impeachment more than liberals themselves :oldlol:

My guess is they are trying to goad House Dems into an impeachment because they know Trump can't win 2020 on merits alone. They know Senate Republicans will never take down Trump no matter what so Trump would turn around and claim Senate cleared him of all wrongdoing. Then he will play the victim card by running his entire campaign on 2019 impeachment.

Primaries are 8 months away. It's too late for impeachment.. Let the other investigations run their courses. Let the tax returns come out in Deutsch bank scandal. Let Stone rat out Trump's dirty laundry. Subpoena Mueller to see if he shows up. Do everything short of impeachment, but light the punk up. Draw him up as a con-artist and a horrendous businessman who kept losing money & defaulting on his loans.

Patrick Chewing
06-05-2019, 07:16 PM
Goodness we could have a Right-Wing Conservative wave across the world in the next couple of years.

Le Pen is gaining steam again in France.

Look out for Giorgia Meloni in Italy who is taking a strong stance against globalism and unchecked immigration same as Le Pen.

And my boy Nigel Farage and his Brexit Party are gonna shake Parliament up in the next six months you just watch.