View Full Version : Am I the only one confused by the "lowry push"?

06-06-2019, 03:28 PM
I saw a video on instagram and it barely looked like anything. Idk maybe I only saw a not so great camera angle?

Can someone enlighten me?

06-06-2019, 03:30 PM
WHITE guy shoves a BLACK guy

need anything more?

06-06-2019, 03:31 PM
WHITE guy shoves a BLACK guy

need anything more?


It has to be more than that. I mean, we all know class/economics is the real problem in America.

Are we really supposed to be upset by an insane small "push" between two ultra-millionaires?

06-06-2019, 03:32 PM
it was an unnecessarily bloodthirsty, violent, and egregious act - the NBA should come down heavily on the warriors organization seeing it was one of their owners who was acting like a "thug."

warriors should be forced to forfeit game 4 and durant should be suspended for being a bitch.

Im so nba'd out
06-06-2019, 03:35 PM
NBA owner pushes player like he owns him as his property(like the way one would push their luggage off the table). Its right in front of your eyes.

WHITE guy shoves a BLACK guy

need anything more?
stick to making "l39ron" jokes, you expose yourself when you try to do more.:oldlol:

06-06-2019, 03:36 PM
Poor paktass

06-06-2019, 03:38 PM
They wanna ban him for life for what's obviously a light shove. Kuzma's shove on LeBron was proper.

Should the guy now get the same kind of punishment as Donald Sterling for what he did?

It's not much ado about nothing, but it's certainly overblown.

06-06-2019, 03:39 PM
33 second mark - it's a clear shove


Fan caught up in the moment

but it's a troubling sign for the Warriors - the fan reacted that way because he saw the Raptors are a big problem.. Somewhere in this fan's subconscious, the scene was familiar - he recognized the feeling of cheering for the inferior team and he wanted to push Lowry and the Raps out of the series.. sorry bud, it don't work like that... :oldlol:

06-06-2019, 03:39 PM
Im so nba'd out]NBA owner pushes player like he owns him as his property(like the way one would push their luggage off the table). Its right in front of your eyes.[/B]

stick to making "l39ron" jokes, you expose yourself when you try to do more.:oldlol:

I saw it and it was a weak, one arm "shove"...

I mean that's pretty pathetic to get upset about considering Lowry completely slammed himself into the other fans at probably 100x force than the "shove" from the Warriors part-owner...

I mean, when I saw the headlines I literally thought a fan shoved lowry onto the ground while he was standing nearby or something...

06-06-2019, 03:40 PM
33 second mark - it's a clear shove


Fan caught up in the moment

but it's a troubling sign for the Warriors - the fan reacted that way because he saw the Raptors are a big problem.. Somewhere in this fan's subconscious, the scene was familiar - he recognized the feeling of cheering for the inferior team and he wanted to push Lowry and the Raps out of the series.. sorry bud, it don't work like that... :oldlol:

Again, I saw it and it was a weak, one arm "shove"...

I mean that's pretty pathetic to get upset about considering Lowry completely slammed himself into the other fans at probably 100x force than the "shove" from the Warriors part-owner...

I mean, when I saw the headlines I literally thought a fan shoved Lowry onto the ground while he was standing nearby or something...

Sorry, but anyone upset by this is a complete pussi cuck

Im so nba'd out
06-06-2019, 03:41 PM
I saw it and it was a weak, one arm "shove"...

I mean that's pretty pathetic to get upset about considering Lowry completely slammed himself into the other fans at probably 100x force than the "shove" from the Warriors part-owner...

I mean, when I saw the headlines I literally thought a fan shoved lowry onto the ground while he was standing nearby or something...
It literally says on the ticket what can happen if you sit in the front row....they knew the risk.Being pushed at your job with the person facing no repercussions is not acceptable....i dont know what to tell you if you cant understand this

06-06-2019, 03:42 PM

06-06-2019, 03:42 PM
It's nothing more then a pissed off fan getting up in his feelings because his team is getting owned

If he wasn't the owner, he still would have shoved

bbbbut it's a big deal because he's white

06-06-2019, 03:43 PM
It literally says on the ticket what can happen if you sit in the front row....they knew the risk. Being pushed at your job with the person facing no repercussions is not acceptable....i dont know what to tell you if you cant understand this

If you want to go this route, then players shouldn't run and jump into people much smaller then them :confusedshrug:

Did you SEE the lady in yellow get completely hammered?

Honestly this is just the media trying to get more views with clickbait titles and pointless "news"

Im so nba'd out
06-06-2019, 03:44 PM
It's nothing more then a pissed off fan getting up in his feelings because his team is getting owned

If he wasn't the owner, he still would have shoved

bbbbut it's a big deal because he's white
I cant picture any other race doing this....Everyone else can control their animal instincts except one group.Anytime i see fans rioting @ games its always one group....i've never seen the Chinese storm the field.

Control yourselfs...No wonder why there are so many police shootings...They lack self-control or maybe they just feel they're entitled to do what they want?

06-06-2019, 03:46 PM
I cant see any other race doing this....Everyone else can control their animal instincts except one group.Anytime i see fans riotings @ games its always one group....i've never seen the Chinese storm the field.

Control yourselfs...No wonder there are so many police shootings...They lack self-control

Is that why every time a hurricane hits somewhere it's one race doing all the vandalizing?

Control yourselves you animals

06-06-2019, 03:48 PM
If Spike Lee did this to Lowry at the Madison Square he would get a dlap on the wrist

Im so nba'd out
06-06-2019, 03:50 PM
Is that why every time a hurricane hits somewhere it's one race doing all the vandalizing?

Control yourselves you animals
The media controls what they want to show on the news.If i want to show that only moutain lions attack joggers and no other animals attack people.Then i can make the sheep believe it if i only show that.

06-06-2019, 03:50 PM
If you want to go this route, then players shouldn't run and jump into people much smaller then them :confusedshrug:

Did you SEE the lady in yellow get completely hammered?

Honestly this is just the media trying to get more views with clickbait titles and pointless "news"
WTF, people know exactly what they're getting by sitting in the first few rows.

"THE HOLDER OF THIS TICKET VOLUNTARILY ASSUMES ALL RISK AND DANGER of personal injury (including death) and all hazards arising from, or related in any way to, the Event, whether occurring prior to, during, or after the Event, howsoever caused and whether by negligence or otherwise."

It saids that on every event ticket.

Hey Yo
06-06-2019, 03:51 PM
I saw a video on instagram and it barely looked like anything. Idk maybe I only saw a not so great camera angle?

Can someone enlighten me?
He went out of his way to shove Lowry. There was no need touch him whatsoever. Lowry did a hell of a job avoiding that lady in the front row.

If you don't want to be run into by a player, then don't fvcking sit courtside.

06-06-2019, 03:51 PM
you guys are missing the real issue here.

the golden "straight thugs" warriors are an organization of goons and thugs from top-to-bottom. that white-collar thug who tried to injure lowry is just the tip of the iceberg.

I think the only solution is for silver to suspend curry klay and kd the rest of the series. what do you guys think?

Hey Yo
06-06-2019, 03:52 PM
If Spike Lee did this to Lowry at the Madison Square he would get a dlap on the wrist
Spike Lee isn't stupid enough to do that to a player.

Im so nba'd out
06-06-2019, 03:54 PM
If Spike Lee did this to Lowry at the Madison Square he would get a dlap on the wrist
He's not apart of the group that is known to do this....so he never would

He's been going to games for almost 30 years without any pushing incidents.He doesnt have neanderthal DNA in him like that owner.He has self-control

06-06-2019, 03:56 PM
It was nothing.



06-06-2019, 03:57 PM
Spike Lee isn't stupid enough to do that to a player.

But if he did lmaooo a slap on the wrist tops


Hey Yo
06-06-2019, 04:00 PM
But if he did lmaooo a slap on the wrist tops

Didn’t Drake like sizeup Draymond Green in game 1? Dude is hecklin NBA players like no others. He ain’t white though
Complete speculation.

Spike Lee's been heckling players for over 25yrs at courtside but knows better than to put his hands on a player out of anger. Like I said, he's not stupid.

06-06-2019, 04:04 PM
[QUOTE=Andrei89]But if he did lmaooo a slap on the wrist tops


06-06-2019, 04:13 PM
Poor paktass


06-06-2019, 04:55 PM
It wasn't major, but in any event still over the line of what's acceptable. Especially from an owner. If Lowry had shoved him back we'd have an entire news cycle about how a thug picked on a defenseless old white man.

06-06-2019, 05:04 PM
I saw a video on instagram and it barely looked like anything. Idk maybe I only saw a not so great camera angle?

Can someone enlighten me?
Pretty basic really. The NBA doesn't want another malice in the palace situation so they take this kind of stuff seriously. It wasn't a big push but it's enough of one to get you Punched in the face and if Lowery had of done that who knows who else jumps in on either side and then you have another incident.

06-06-2019, 05:30 PM
Again, I saw it and it was a weak, one arm "shove"...

I don't think it's about skin colour, slave owner mentality or the strength of the shove, but if Lowry shoved back at the same intensity he'd be banned for 10 games for violent conduct with the crowd. Therein lies the problem imo.

06-06-2019, 05:34 PM
If u look at it close every one around him puts their hand on him. Guy whose lap he's on has him by the jersey, the guy next to him is pushing his foot, the wife/woman pats him on back. The reason the push was different was it seemed malicious even tho dude visibly flinched when Lowry turned. I dunno why Lowry was laying on those people tho. It's funny how the seats have like shock absorbers.


06-06-2019, 06:40 PM
I don't think it's about skin colour, slave owner mentality or the strength of the shove, but if Lowry shoved back at the same intensity he'd be banned for 10 games for violent conduct with the crowd. Therein lies the problem imo.

It was clearly out of line. Dude is banned for a year. You can't do crap like that.

06-06-2019, 07:03 PM
It doesnt matter how hard the push was. The fan is a coward because he knows damn well he wouldn't try that shit if there wasn't security everywhere and people in between to protect him. F*ck that c*nt. I wish it was Ron Artest in there instead of Kyle Lowry.

Good on Kyle for keeping his composure though because he probably would have some major fines and a suspension for retaliating

06-06-2019, 07:04 PM
Complete clown. It'd be debatable maybe if Lowry was on his lap or something. But he wasn't even that close to him. White dude leans over and make it a point to put his hands on Lowry.

Another privileged ****** thinking he would receive zero repercussions.

06-06-2019, 07:09 PM
I cant picture any other race doing this....Everyone else can control their animal instincts except one group.Anytime i see fans rioting @ games its always one group....i've never seen the Chinese storm the field.

Control yourselfs...No wonder why there are so many police shootings...They lack self-control or maybe they just feel they're entitled to do what they want?

Why can

06-06-2019, 07:13 PM
the dude went out of his way to shove lowry and then went on to cuss him out. an nba court isnt a petting zoo, you dont get to touch these players especially in an aggressive manner. it wasn't a violent shove but the intent is bad enough.

Im so nba'd out
06-06-2019, 07:14 PM
[QUOTE=egokiller]Why can

06-06-2019, 07:26 PM
Its called poverty

A millionaire that you claim has animal instincts tapped Lowry and your answer is poverty. :roll:

Take the same population density and area where this is happening in chicago and compare it to the same pop density and area in the poorest location in India and tell us why the murders in that pop density/area in India that resembles the chicago ghetto are so much less.

06-06-2019, 07:59 PM
A millionaire that you claim has animal instincts tapped Lowry and your answer is poverty. :roll:

Take the same population density and area where this is happening in chicago and compare it to the same pop density and area in the poorest location in India and tell us why the murders in that pop density/area in India that resembles the chicago ghetto are so much less.

They can

06-06-2019, 08:04 PM
[QUOTE=warriorfan]They can

06-06-2019, 08:08 PM
So many excuses :roll:

Here's what happened:

WHITE guy shoves BLACK guy, is clearly out of line and deserves a ban which he gets but ofc it's gonna be way more

media, aka L3bron, see's his moment and jumps in making it seem so much worse then it is

you'd think punches were thrown the way this has blown up. But nope, it was a smug shove nothing more and nothing less. In the 90s this would have been looked down on, but nothing would have really came of it.

06-06-2019, 08:37 PM
It could have been a white guy being loved tapped by a black guy in the stands and calling him to be banned for life and the result is the same. The mindset that "this era I'm in is soft as fvck so I'm going to call for a life long ban" would still be present.

06-06-2019, 09:24 PM
How the hell is everyone bring up skin color in this thread? Are you all retarded sheep???

CLASS/ECONOMICS is the problem in America, not RACE. It's MONEY.

We saw a billionaire lightly shove an ultra-wealth millionaire LOL. CALL THE PRESSES!!!

Everyone here focusing on skin color is certified low-IQ.

06-06-2019, 10:29 PM
It wasn't out of hand by any means but it could have been. From the players perspective the intensity of the game itself could have changed the dynamic of that push. When you buy tickets to a game, even if you're the owner himself, you're no longer an owner you are a fan. All rules should apply. Without saying if it was Drake, or whoever, the league needs to protect the players.

I can see him maintaining his 6% ownership. He's valued at 2.2 billion and being banned will force his hand on selling perhaps despite buying in at $50 million and worth an investment of $250m.

06-06-2019, 10:40 PM
A ban should be okay, a fine of a couple hundred thousand is p ridiculous tho.

06-06-2019, 10:46 PM
A ban should be okay, a fine of a couple hundred thousand is p ridiculous tho.
His net worth is $2.3 billion

Money is nothing though compared to the PR hits.

06-06-2019, 11:01 PM
His net worth is $2.3 billion

Money is nothing though compared to the PR hits.$500k seems like some arbitrary number though, idk how Silver wants to punish him tbh.

06-06-2019, 11:42 PM
it was an unnecessarily bloodthirsty, violent, and egregious act - the NBA should come down heavily on the warriors organization seeing it was one of their owners who was acting like a "thug."

warriors should be forced to forfeit game 4 and durant should be suspended for being a bitch.

:applause: close the thread.

06-06-2019, 11:49 PM
I cant picture any other race doing this....Everyone else can control their animal instincts except one group.Anytime i see fans rioting @ games its always one group....i've never seen the Chinese storm the field.

Control yourselfs...No wonder why there are so many police
shootings...They lack self-control or maybe they just feel they're entitled to do what they want?

They're the devil's race. Mentally disturbed. Dont even bother wasting your time arguing with the devil on this site. Master of deception and lies, twisting the narrative.

Gus Hemmingway
06-06-2019, 11:53 PM
They're the devil's race. Mentally disturbed. Dont even bother wasting your time arguing with the devil on this site. Master of deception and lies, twisting the narrative.

Are you black, son?

oh the horror
06-07-2019, 12:20 AM
It's nothing more then a pissed off fan getting up in his feelings because his team is getting owned

If he wasn't the owner, he still would have shoved

bbbbut it's a big deal because he's white


06-07-2019, 12:44 AM
How the hell is everyone bring up skin color in this thread? Are you all retarded sheep???

CLASS/ECONOMICS is the problem in America, not RACE. It's MONEY.

We saw a billionaire lightly shove an ultra-wealth millionaire LOL. CALL THE PRESSES!!!

Everyone here focusing on skin color is certified low-IQ.

Do you think he would've shoved a white player in a similar situation?

06-07-2019, 12:54 AM
tbh the dude would have shoved ANY Raptor, it's a dick move but Lowry demanding for a LIFE ban is over-fcuknig-reacting

he should just be forced to sit at the last back row forever

06-07-2019, 01:32 AM
Do you think he would've shoved a white player in a similar situation?
Do you think he wouldn't have is the bigger problem.

Walk on Water
06-07-2019, 05:56 AM
Like Van Gundy says, Lowry is coming at him 100 mph. What

06-07-2019, 06:02 AM
That dude has the whitest face I've ever seen...

You know that white nerd wouldn't dare lay his hands on Lowry or any other brother IRL, fake tough guy would get his shit pushed in in 2 seconds.

Fukk whitey mang :pimp:

06-07-2019, 06:24 AM
lowry such a baby...

be happy youre getting paid millions to dribble a ball, boy.

hold this L
06-07-2019, 07:06 AM
lowry such a baby...

be happy youre getting paid millions to dribble a ball, boy.
Kyle is the less annoying, fat, talented CP3.

06-07-2019, 07:58 AM
When you watch the vid Lowry crashed into the two people sitting next to the guy that shoved him, one of those people being a lady. Could it be that that was the owners wife Kyle crashed into and the guy was upset that Lowry did that?


06-07-2019, 08:01 AM
Whart could Lowry do tho?

I agree he should have turned around and beat his cracka ass to the ground, but then he would have opened himself up to legal action.

Any opportunity a white man has to take a black man's money he will jump on.

The law won't look favourably on a rich black man from Philly slapping a self fart sniffing white queer from San Fran.

Could be looked at as weak but played correctly by Lowry.

hold this L
06-07-2019, 05:52 PM
Lowry is essentially the slightly less annoying, fat, far less talented version of CP3. Not a surprise he's turning this into an issue.

06-07-2019, 06:49 PM
Lowry is essentially the slightly less annoying, fat, far less talented version of CP3. Not a surprise he's turning this into an issue.

The real issue here is that it could've turned into a Malice part 2 real quick. If players can't push fans, fans can't push the players. It's that simple. No matter how light or hard the push was. The implications could have been ENORMOUS. The league's name could have been ruined again just like that in an instant.

That is why this is such a big deal.

06-07-2019, 06:50 PM
Lowry is essentially the slightly less annoying, fat, far less talented version of CP3. Not a surprise he's turning this into an issue.

Exactly. Remember how he reacted to Gasol patting him on the head?

06-07-2019, 06:53 PM
Are you black, son?

I thought he was american indian?

Those damn white pilgrims!