View Full Version : These Warriors swept LeBron

Spurs m8
06-08-2019, 03:22 AM
Whilst Kawhi sits around and clowns them.....

Just when we thought LeExposed couldn't get exposed anymore this season...it happens hahahahha

06-08-2019, 03:23 AM

06-08-2019, 03:28 AM

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

06-08-2019, 03:32 AM
Lestans lives in the shitter. What a time. So desperate to cling onto any distraction. The only thing they could come up with is that MJ > Kawhi. No shit. Let

06-08-2019, 03:38 AM
LeFam avoiding this thread like the plague.

06-08-2019, 03:44 AM

06-08-2019, 03:44 AM
Lebron swept these Raptors lmao

06-08-2019, 03:46 AM
Lebron swept these Raptors lmao

Nope, Kawhi didn

Spurs m8
06-08-2019, 03:53 AM
I value the fam that always knew LeExposed was always fake hype and empty stats.

Cheers to you boys...the truth is coming to light more and more every day.

In 10 years the dude will laughed at as the fake that he is

06-08-2019, 03:59 AM
[QUOTE=egokiller]Nope, Kawhi didn

Spurs m8
06-08-2019, 05:35 AM
So agreed the Raptors got better and the Warriors worse lmao

The one thing we can agree on is LeRoid got exposed

06-08-2019, 05:47 AM
People in this thread are straight up f*cking retarded. You got people saying, "LeBron swept these Raptors." then people reply "Nope, Leonard didn't play for those Raptors teams." and I'm sitting here thinking "You realize Kevin Durant has missed all of the Finals games so far in this series?"

Instead of Leonard expending all his energy on offense to keep the Raptors in striking distant he'd be blowing it all on defense facing up against Durant if Durant were healthy. Do you not think this gives the Raptors an advantage or would've gave those LeBron teams one?

06-08-2019, 06:16 AM
People in this thread are straight up f*cking retarded. You got people saying, "LeBron swept these Raptors." then people reply "Nope, Leonard didn't play for those Raptors teams." and I'm sitting here thinking "You realize Kevin Durant has missed all of the Finals games so far in this series?"

Instead of Leonard expending all his energy on offense to keep the Raptors in striking distant he'd be blowing it all on defense facing up against Durant if Durant were healthy. Do you not think this gives the Raptors an advantage or would've gave those LeBron teams one?

Classic trolling.

Neither side is stupid enough to not realize Leonard/Durant dont matter. Just troll enough to act like it.