View Full Version : One thing is evident - Warriors sweep Toronto with healthy KD...

06-10-2019, 09:54 PM

Mr. Jabbar
06-10-2019, 10:00 PM
100% sweep

06-10-2019, 10:02 PM
Durant had the Raptors shook. 11 points in 12 minutes playing at 40%.

06-10-2019, 10:08 PM
So they need 7 team USA players instead of 6 to win?

They extended the lead when Durant was out.

Walk on Water
06-10-2019, 10:11 PM

I agree with you Justin.

06-10-2019, 10:13 PM
Yeah, one good quarter defines everything. :rolleyes:

06-10-2019, 10:14 PM
Yeah, one good quarter defines everything. :rolleyes:
No, 3 years does

06-10-2019, 10:20 PM
It's an asterisk finals, always has been.

Warriors would not sweep, but they would win.

Indian guy
06-10-2019, 10:20 PM
lol no way

These Raptors are easily the best team GS has faced in the playoffs. And GS already lost 2 to LAC and 2 to HOU with KD in the lineup.

06-10-2019, 10:21 PM
lol no way

These Raptors are easily the best team GS has faced in the playoffs. And GS already lost 2 to LAC and 2 to HOU with KD in the lineup.

Sweep is an overreaction, I agree.

06-10-2019, 10:22 PM
lol no way

These Raptors are easily the best team GS has faced in the playoffs. And GS already lost 2 to LAC and 2 to HOU with KD in the lineup.

Yep. You can argue the Warriors would win. A sweep? Hell no.

06-10-2019, 10:25 PM
Believe whatever you want to in your alternate reality. In this one, the Warriors lose to the Raptors.

06-10-2019, 10:26 PM
They were only up 6 with plenty to go.

Kawhi was up 20+ before going down against the very same team. Please sit your stupid ass down.

06-10-2019, 10:27 PM
This will be the 3rd asterisk title in 5 years.

Walk on Water
06-10-2019, 10:27 PM
Believe whatever you want to in your alternate reality. In this one, the Warriors lose to the Raptors.

Warriors with KD are superior.

Toronto has not earned their respect.

06-10-2019, 10:28 PM
Warriors with KD are superior.

Toronto has not earned their respect.

Warriors with KD are superior to any team in history probably. That's why their titles are *

06-10-2019, 10:28 PM
OP with that solid inbred IQ

06-10-2019, 10:29 PM
I doubit it.. But yea they beat toronto if they are healthy in 5 or 6.. But those are the breaks..

TDOT is going to be live tonight..

06-10-2019, 10:30 PM
It's definitely a possibility.

Curry's putting up 33 on 61%TS without him in these series, now add another 30+ppg 60+%TS player who also makes them better defensively..

06-10-2019, 10:38 PM
Warriors with KD are superior.

Toronto has not earned their respect.

wtf, warrior with kd never a fair game at all.

06-10-2019, 10:40 PM
It’s the kinda thing that ruins the season in that you will never know.

Kd was a bitch for joining a team of that caliber to begin with but once he’s there the question becomes what it takes to beat them.

When it’s like this?

Kd out all but a few minutes, Klay misses a game, Cousins off an injury already tears his quad and Looney has a broken chest?

It’s just like....what’s the point of watching?

Can they still win? Yea. But it’s like a whole other team out there. There is nothing to settle because it’s not the matchup envisioned.

The warriors in question when the issue was could they lose....aren’t even playing. The only people who get anything out of it is a group of apparently low standard fans who want to see the W even if they know they didn’t have to prove to be the best.

And for fans...sure. They aren’t really gonna...care. But it’s like beating a guy on 2K when he’s got a busted controller. Even if his team is better....he obviously can’t use it at full capacity. Bragging about a win like that just shows a low standard. Cheering for a hurt star for the easier road is just lame.

I can’t imagine being excited if Barkley or Stockton or Payton went down so we got an easy finals.

What can we even prove vs the remnants of a great team? A role player...a supporting guy...that’s one thing.

An all time great is missing? Not dinged up. Watching on tv. Or multiple stars doing the same?

You’re still gonna be happy for getting the W but you know it’s kinda hollow. You want the chance to run it back and win for real if you’re a competitor. You have to hear for years that you shouldn’t have won otherwise.

06-10-2019, 10:47 PM

06-10-2019, 10:49 PM
Warriors with KD are superior.

Toronto has not earned their respect.

This dude was shitting on KD all the time and stanning Curry...now crying like a bitch for KD to come back :roll:

06-10-2019, 10:49 PM
the warriors beat the rockets and swept the blazers

everyone still had the warriors without kd....

06-10-2019, 10:50 PM
KD came out and shitted on this team not having played for 32 days and we are questioning if it would have been a sweep assuming both teams healthy? Damn right it would have been a sweep. They have 15 fvcking 3’s made and the 3rd qtr isn’t even over yet.

06-10-2019, 10:52 PM
[QUOTE=Kblaze8855]The warriors in question when the issue was could they lose....aren

06-10-2019, 11:05 PM
First you were complaining that KD making the Warriors unbeatable was ruining the season, now you're saying it's ruining the Finals that he's not there.

Make up your mind please.

Pretty common sense thing already covered.

A team being too good can make a season boring. But that doesn’t mean the answer is just breaking some guys legs. you want to see a team like that lose at full capacity so the winner is to be respected and praised for figuring it out. You can beat anybody with four guys hurt.

It’s like beating the Shaq/Kobe Lakers by one of them missing the series.

You won. Great.

But you didn’t figure anything out. The fans didn’t get to see the giant slayed.

The giant wasn’t available.

David vs Goliath gets told for thousands of years.

David vs the 6’3’’ guy who works out a bit doesn’t really enter mythical status.

I would rather this warrior team did not exist. But once it does if they get knocked off like this what do we even get from it? What is there to even talk about? What might have happened if we got a real finals?

It’s beating the guy who picked the best team when his controller has a missing button.

Yea he’s a bitch...but you didn’t exactly put him in his place now did you?

You can’t brag on half a win. Not without looking lame.

06-10-2019, 11:06 PM
So they need 7 team USA players instead of 6 to win?

They extended the lead when Durant was out.

Nice Dray n Klay level take there bro


06-10-2019, 11:56 PM
I doubit it.. But yea they beat toronto if they are healthy in 5 or 6.. But those are the breaks..

TDOT is going to be live tonight..

Not yet, cheater lover.

Not even your refs could help you.

Warriors would obliterate Rapes with KD.

06-11-2019, 01:04 AM
lol no way

These Raptors are easily the best team GS has faced in the playoffs. And GS already lost 2 to LAC and 2 to HOU with KD in the lineup.

But I thought the East was weak? Amazing how that suddenly changes...

06-11-2019, 01:16 AM
Hou has been the closest to figuring out the warriors with kd even if it

06-11-2019, 01:35 AM

06-11-2019, 08:30 AM
Yup so would most of the teams in the playoffs if they had the best player in the world. What's your point?

06-11-2019, 09:11 AM
And? Why shouldn

06-11-2019, 09:25 AM
They would, but the series without him seems to be a lot more entertaining. You actually don't know who will win.