View Full Version : How are so many achilles tendons getting blown out?

06-11-2019, 06:39 PM

John Wall.



MJ(Mean John)
06-11-2019, 06:42 PM

John Wall.




06-11-2019, 06:57 PM
Working out too young compared to past generations

06-11-2019, 07:00 PM
Our bodies and minds are developing faster than our support structures.

06-11-2019, 07:11 PM
You gotta stretch that shit.


06-11-2019, 07:26 PM
Maybe lifting weights isn

06-11-2019, 07:40 PM
[QUOTE=Atlantis]Maybe lifting weights isn

06-11-2019, 10:36 PM
It's not weight lifting. It's the advanced conditioning. We're developing athletes faster than out tendons and joints can compensate and keep up withIt might be the pace of the game getting faster than it's been in the past with the run and gun style that everyone is doing now, constantly changing directions puts pressure on that tendon.

06-11-2019, 10:42 PM
Boogie is a gigantic dude

Wall is a lowkey alchoholic and did his while drinking

KD has an unusual body structure and came back too soon from an injury

06-11-2019, 11:26 PM
It's not weight lifting. It's the advanced conditioning. We're developing athletes faster than out tendons and joints can compensate and keep up with

yea the excess weight lifting puts too much muscle on...so it outpaces joint and tendon strength resulting in imbalance.

jordan didnt lift weights til like '89. by then he was full grown.

it was more about functional strength back then...not just max reps in stationary robot position.

06-11-2019, 11:33 PM
yea the excess weight lifting puts too much muscle on...so it outpaces joint and tendon strength resulting in imbalance.

jordan didnt lift weights til like '89. by then he was full grown.

it was more about functional strength back then...not just max reps in stationary robot position.

KD's no weakling, but he's certainly not in any danger of being considered TOO muscular.

06-11-2019, 11:48 PM
It probably happened just as much but we are in the present and the past is forgotten.

Ewing tore it. Though I remember Ewing's injury, I didn't remember it was his Achilles until I Google past players who have tore it a few minutes ago. Yet at the same time I knew full well back then that that's what it was. It's just that it didn't have the same effect, registered the same way. After Kobe's injury it became a bigger level of conscious concern. At least from my point of view.

Durant would have probably been ok if he didn't come back so soon. And though people might disagree, I think Kobe's had a lot to do with the circumstances that the Laker's found themselves in, having to play so many minutes a game, and I think defending point guards. Those should had been two less added to the list.

Lodi Dodi
06-12-2019, 12:07 AM
I really don't think too much of these injuries in particular. But I do think that today's athletes put too much emphasis on muscular bulk rather than building fast twitch muscle fibers.

But it really does put some perspective on Kawhi sitting out despite being cleared to go last year. I think the GSW medical staff did a very poor job of thinking long-term by clearing KD.

06-12-2019, 09:58 AM
Shitty ass sneakers. :oldlol:

06-12-2019, 12:27 PM
Really tough to say...

Paul pierce outside of tanking year and last year in league was durable despite not being as in shape as tmac Kobe or Vince carter.

I dont know much about tendons but I agree todays athletes turn and move constantly more than yesteryear. Most athletes get hurt going east west not north south.

Also believe biomechanics is a big part of it. Theres a video that shows people like Derrick rose and KD have bad biomechanics while lebron Russell Westbrook had the best.

06-12-2019, 01:37 PM
Shitty ass sneakers. :oldlol:
That's what I'm thinking. I don't know but maybe strengthening your lower leg may help.

06-12-2019, 01:48 PM
more players need treetrunk legs like LeGoat

06-12-2019, 01:52 PM
more players need treetrunk legs like LeGoat

Also need treetrunk v*ginas like LeGOAT

06-12-2019, 05:46 PM

Spontaneous Achilles tendon rupture associated with long-term oral steroid use is not uncommon, particularly in older patients who use these drugs daily to treat systemic diseases. Rupture often results in a large defect, which complicates surgical repair. The authors review Achilles tendon rupture associated with systemic and local steroid use and present a case of rupture due to chronic oral steroid use in a patient with Addison's disease.

06-12-2019, 06:16 PM
What are you comparing to? Players busted achilles in the 70s, 80-sone, 90s too.

82 games plus PO in six months is no walk in the park

06-12-2019, 06:27 PM
Dominique Wilkins was the only one coming back strong following the injury. Even a fighter like Kobe couldn