View Full Version : Hunting for a 3 pionter in last seconds when you're down by 1 point...

06-12-2019, 09:26 AM
Shows just how far this league has gone down the uncreative and tunnel vision hole!

Up to that point the Raptors had shot:

7-31 from 3= 23%

30-53 from 2= 57%

21-27 from the line= 78%

I know in today's dumbed down league where players have ZERO go-to moves in the half court set and basically just settle for 25+ contested but mostly open heaves at the end of the shot clock has become the nauseating NORM but JESUS CHRIST you mean to tell me that down by only one point and shooting just 23% from the 3 point line the entire game that is the shot you are most comfortable with to end regulation?!?!?

Analytic virgin nerds always say "trust the math", so I say why the hell do you go against the math in the most important possession of the season or maybe offenses have become so one dimensional with the snooze fest "5 out" concept that they have lost their half court post up and mid range skills and can't run anything else? I'm guessing the latter.

Witnessing guys like Kawhi, Giannis and Dumbrook operate in the half court is really sad to watch with their robotic deer in headlights slow motion moves or out of control decision making, it truly shows a sad state of affairs that these guys are supposed to be top 5 players in the modern league when they don't even have a basic repertoire of go to moves to get decent shots off in the half court set.

06-12-2019, 09:35 AM
Kawhi tried to get into 2 point range but was double team blitzed by iggy, already having had klay on him. That's two all NBA defensive players.

So he had to pass...

And Lowry was open, dray was guarding gasol but made a perfect rotation. That was just GOAT defense.

For comparisons sake I dont think what they did to kawhi was legal in the 90s...illegal defense to totally leave your man and zone an area for the trap.

I know jordans 98 shot he was in pure single coverage, no blitz.

Apples and oranges...

06-12-2019, 09:43 AM
Do you not understand the concept of zone defense?

Hey Yo
06-12-2019, 09:48 AM
Kawhi tried to get into 2 point range but was double team blitzed by iggy, already having had klay on him. That's two all NBA defensive players.

So he had to pass...

And Lowry was open, dray was guarding gasol but made a perfect rotation. That was just GOAT defense.

For comparisons sake I dont think what they did to kawhi was legal in the 90s...illegal defense to totally leave your man and zone an area for the trap.

I know jordans 98 shot he was in pure single coverage, no blitz.

Apples and oranges...
Makes 2016 that more impressive.

06-12-2019, 09:51 AM
OP showing off his low bball iq

06-12-2019, 09:53 AM
Makes 2016 that more impressive.

LeBron was never double teamed lol... Iggy took him straight up.

Kawhis midrange was Jordan in that 4th quarter. He 100% wouldve hit a walk off without the zone blitz.

06-12-2019, 09:59 AM
Zone defense, which is NOT ALLOWED in the NBA in its purest college and international form thanks to the 3 seconds in the paint rule still leaves holes in the court for players to attack if they just cut aggressively and get to specific spots instead of standing 25+ feet away from the basket! Jerry Tarkanian just to call zone LAZY DEFENSE for a reason.

I know Kawhi doesn't have the quickness or hang time to get off that 20 footer against a hard double but when Van Fleet had the ball you see Green still stuck at the 3 point line instead of just cutting six feet in for a COMPLETELY OPEN SHOT close to the paint with 6'3 Curry as the closest defender. 3 POINTER TUNNEL MENTALITY!!!

Even Ms Laurie if he could've just cut inside the 3 point line to his right TOWARDS Van Fleet when Gasol had Draymond pinned down close to the paint he could've had an open 16 to 18 foot jumper as well. 3 POINTER TUNNEL MENTALITY!!!

The way to be beat zones has always been through active mid range cutters that expose the open gaps left by defenders guarding spots instead of players specially when the NBA clears the paint with the 3 second rule.

06-12-2019, 10:11 AM
Zone defense, which is NOT ALLOWED in the NBA in its purest college and international form thanks to the 3 seconds in the paint rule still leaves holes in the court for players to attack if they just cut aggressively and get to specific spots instead of standing 25+ feet away from the basket! Jerry Tarkanian just to call zone LAZY DEFENSE for a reason.

I know Kawhi doesn't have the quickness or hang time to get off that 20 footer against a hard double but when Van Fleet had the ball you see Green still stuck at the 3 point line instead of just cutting six feet in for a COMPLETELY OPEN SHOT close to the paint with 6'3 Curry as the closest defender. 3 POINTER TUNNEL MENTALITY!!!

Even Ms Laurie if he could've just cut inside the 3 point line to his right TOWARDS Van Fleet when Gasol had Draymond pinned down close to the paint he could've had an open 16 to 18 foot jumper as well. 3 POINTER TUNNEL MENTALITY!!!

The way to be beat zones has always been through active mid range cutters that expose the open gaps left by defenders guarding spots instead of players specially when the NBA clears the paint with the 3 second rule.
Nooooooooooooooooooooooo. This is NOT how it works! All defenders can get in the zone and lock hands and form a box blocking anyone from even entering it if they wished. As long as they have 1 foot out. So 3 seconds means NOTHING. It only means something if you force the defense to also cover the 3pt line. Now they can't do that. They can't lock arms and camp the paint. Now you may only have 1 or if you're very lucky 2 guys who can cover the paint. Can't lock hands and cover it without it being illegal defense now, can you?

The reason you see these haphazard threes is because the off ball offensive player is ALREADY STANDING THERE when they receive the ball. Meaning it's often an easier shot than running closer and pulling up suddenly with defenders collapsing on you for an 18 footer.

06-12-2019, 10:20 AM
And LOL at Van Fleet dribbling the air out of the ball for 7 seconds WITHOUT ANY defensive pressure, talk about being scared sh!tless!!!

Zone space guarding has ALWAYS been around in the NBA, here's the Detroit Pistons defensive scheme in the late 80's against the Bulls:


You can CLEARLY see Pistons defenders standing 6 to 8 feet away from offensive players at the 3 point line just waiting until Jordan makes his aggressive drive at the top of the key or doubling him WITHOUT THE BALL in the low post, that used to be called "one foot in the paint defense" and it was completely legal. Also check out big guys like Laimbeer, Edwards and Salley playing free safety not guarding ANYBODY waiting to collapse the middle against any attack.

Jordan could still make those shots under the defensive pressure because he's a better quicker decision maker, athlete and creative scorer than Kawhi but what I'm saying is the Raptors STILL HAD OPTIONS besides a contested 3 pointer in the corner by Laurie!

06-12-2019, 10:23 AM
This has been a thing I've noticed at the end of games all season long, and in college as well. Analytics favoring a three point shot don't matter on a last possession, because then it's just the best shot you can get, when the score is less than three points difference. And often times the best shot is a two or getting to the foul line, not a contested three.

06-12-2019, 10:33 AM
Just because they shot badly from 3 as a team doesn't mean that Lowry shouldn't have attempted which seemed like an open corner 3 until Draymond got his fingertips on it.

As much shit as the Raptors are getting for that shot, Draymond deserves all the credit in the world for making the play.

06-12-2019, 10:41 AM
This has been a thing I've noticed at the end of games all season long, and in college as well. Analytics favoring a three point shot don't matter on a last possession, because then it's just the best shot you can get, when the score is less than three points difference. And often times the best shot is a two or getting to the foul line, not a contested three.
The best shot is the one you feel comfortable taking.

06-12-2019, 10:41 AM
That's all well and good KAri but if you look at that final play there IS NO OFF BALL MOVEMENT!!! Players are just standing there in specific spots while being closely guarded. You would think they would learn something from the Warriors on how to get open instead of hoisting low percentage 30 footers.

The only player moving was Laurie and he was boxing himself in that corner which Draymond knew what was coming beforehand. It doesn't matter if you apply man to man, real college zone or the NBA's pseudo clear the paint zone, if your offense is stagnant without variation (5 out crap) or movement like the Raptors were on that final play, you are going to be VERY EASY TO DEFEND which they were.

That's my gripe with this modern NBA, NO VARIETY!!! Look at the great teams like the Showtime Lakers, Celtics and 90's Bulls they could kill you from ANY SPOT ON FLOOR including the 3 point line which made them hel! to defend and would eat the modern pseudo NBA zone for breakfast if you went that route.

06-12-2019, 11:08 AM
Therein lies the root of the problem kings fan, NOBODY except for maybe Kevin Durant and gimpy kneed Shaun Livingston (of all people) seem to be comfortable taking open or contested 16-18 footers!

Almost the entire league right know feels more comfortable standing at the 3 point line and taking their chances on a shot that's going in just 36% of the time even while being COMPLETELY OPEN 85%+!!!

Another gripe of the modern game, where are the CREATIVE PASSING quick hitting pg's?!?!? It seems to me these guys have COMPLETELY died in the last 20 years and the score first high usage points of today have stagnated offenses more than they have helped them.

Like I posted earlier, Van Fleet, Green and Laurie are 3 point shoot first players that don't offer much else ion offense in terms of quick decision making, creative passing or scoring for that matter so it bails out the defense.

Why do you think the Warriors didn't pressure the ball against Van Fleet on the last possession, because they know he has NO INTENT on shooting it, is not a great passer and not a quick decision maker thus allowing them to set up and gang up against everybody else. Put Magic, Stockton, Isiah, MJ or Price in that situation and I GUARANTEE YOU the outcome is different.

Kawhi doesn't have the ball handling skills to go full court (like he should've), get a full head of steam and rise up for an 18 footer. Here's MJ showing you how it's done in 1991:


Full court pressure from Byron Scott 94 feet only to shoot it over the stretched arm of 7 FOOTER Vlade Divac, tied game!

06-12-2019, 11:17 AM
Raps weren't trying for a three.

Kawhi got doubled and the ball swung to Lowry who happened to be at the 3PT line. Nothing he could do except shoot.

If anything? Kawhi needs to get better at splitting doubles. He's high iq for the most part, but could improve in that area.

06-12-2019, 12:29 PM
The best shot is the one you feel comfortable taking.

That would literally be any shot for some players.

:kobe: (why is there no Westbrook smilie?)

06-12-2019, 07:08 PM
That would literally be any shot for some players.

:kobe: (why is there no Westbrook smilie?)

06-12-2019, 07:23 PM
there has never been much player movement for end of the game possessions.

06-12-2019, 08:35 PM
Witnessing guys like Kawhi, Giannis and Dumbrook operate in the half court is really sad to watch with their robotic deer in headlights slow motion moves or out of control decision making, it truly shows a sad state of affairs that these guys are supposed to be top 5 players in the modern league when they don't even have a basic repertoire of go to moves to get decent shots off in the half court set.

Kawhi is pretty good in the half court, but slow as you say.

When I watch 90s ball I am always reminded how quick and decisive all players were in the mid range area. You had to be quick because of the lack of spacing. Everyone could hit an open jumper or you weren't in the league, simple as that.

Most players today do not have instincts related to the high post.