View Full Version : Do all desires bring suffering?

06-12-2019, 09:34 PM

06-12-2019, 09:34 PM
Probably accurate.

Boredom or suffering... pick one.

06-13-2019, 07:54 AM
Desires are not a bad thing. Yes there is that bittersweet feeling when you finish a delicious meal or enjoy intercourse with your wife or go to a vacation and it ends, but the balance we experience by witnessing the bad times adds to the pleasure of the former. And nothing in this life is forever.

We yearn for Paradise-- the realm of peace where the pleasure and happiness never ends.

As for desires themselves, Allah gave those to us. There's a wisdom behind them.

They just have to be attained ethically and within limits.

There is a hadith that says "the root of all evil is love of the world."

So yes in a way we should not be attached or used to those pleasures

And suffering is just a part of the worldly life. Suffering has benefits too.

- experiencing suffering makes you stronger
- experiencing suffering makes you not emotionally attached to the object of desire
- experiencing suffering can lead you to cry out to Allah .. which strengthens the connection between man and His Lord
- experiencing suffering can strengthen your compassion for others
- experiencing suffering is a chance to build patience for future tests
- experiencing suffering can lead to one questioning themselves in the way they live and make change
- experiencing suffering patiently is good for welfare in Hereafter