View Full Version : My best friend died

06-18-2019, 06:09 PM
He and I had known each other since we were 11 years old in Middle school, waaaay back in the late 90's and early 2000's. He was only three months older than me and had just celebrated his birthday last week on the 9th. I called him today to see if he received the DVDs I sent him , and his sister answered it.

I knew right away that it had to be bad, because there really wasn't a reason for his sister to have his phone.

He died last Wednesday morning, and there is no word yet on why. I think it was heart related because he partied with yayo and drank energy drinks like water on the construction site.

I'm devastated in a way that not even the deaths of my grandma and favorite dog could affect me.

He was always there for me, no matter how bad I felt, and understood me better than my own family did.

He didn't even live long enough to get married and have kids.

I'm pissed off, grieving and completely devastated by this.

06-18-2019, 06:18 PM
That's terrible man, sorry for your loss.

A couple of weeks ago some guy who I hung out with a few times back in 2012-2013, died of a heroin overdose, he was a nice respectful dude too.

It's important that you are there for the family, it will help with the grieving process for everyone.

Long Duck Dong
06-18-2019, 06:37 PM
I knew right away that it had to be bad, because there really wasn't a reason for his sister to have his phone.

Similar situation happened to me recently. One of my best hunting buddy's wife answered his phone when I called to come get some decoys I had lent him. His wife NEVER answers his phone. I could feel the hairs rise on the back of my neck just at her tone and I almost knew he was dead, even though he hadn't been in the hospital or anything, to which his wife confirmed shortly into the conversation. He was 15 years older than most of our crew but he was the funniest, most energetic Asian guy I ever met. He also had some heart problems. I think high energy obese people have short lifespans. His daughter is a nationally ranked swimmer in the junior division. If she ever makes the Olympics, he won't be around to see her. Sad.

06-18-2019, 06:38 PM
My deepest condolences.
Very tough news bro. Do what you need to do to grieve. Celebrate his life. I'm sure your best bro would want you to

Smook A.
06-18-2019, 06:52 PM
Sorry for your loss man

Long Duck Dong
06-18-2019, 06:54 PM
It's kind of cliche but remember your friend wouldn't want you feeling too down over his loss. Try and remember some of the advice he's given you in the past , and follow it, even if it's not perfect lol. It will make you feel better.

06-18-2019, 06:54 PM
It sucks and there is nothing any of us can offer you to make you feel better.

As for the rest of you... please take note... energy drinks will cause your heart to give out... or they will give you cancer.

They are just about the worst ****ing thing you can put in your body in the whole damn world that is deemed as "safe" for consumption.


Long Duck Dong
06-18-2019, 07:00 PM

In a multitude of ways. I used to drink at least 2 a day. Then I got a kidney stone. I haven't had one since *knock on wood*. Might help that I also made a point of drinking a lot of water every day

06-18-2019, 07:23 PM
sorry for your loss OP.

06-18-2019, 07:24 PM
It sucks and there is nothing any of us can offer you to make you feel better.

As for the rest of you... please take note... energy drinks will cause your heart to give out... or they will give you cancer.

They are just about the worst ****ing thing you can put in your body in the whole damn world that is deemed as "safe" for consumption.

what about vitamin b12? i drink coffee everyday and take a multivitamin that has b12. i ask bc caffeine and b12 are like the major ingredients in energy dirnks.

06-18-2019, 07:32 PM
Stay strong dude.

Get counseling if you need it or just talk to other friends or family to get the support you need.

06-18-2019, 07:54 PM
what about vitamin b12? i drink coffee everyday and take a multivitamin that has b12. i ask bc caffeine and b12 are like the major ingredients in energy dirnks.

I'm not a doctor. I can't give you some "a-ha" moment answer, because I don't definitely know.

I just know there are too many reports about people suffering early deaths that are often tied to energy drink consumption. Far too many... for product lines that haven't been around that long, in the grand scheme.

They haven't been around long enough for there to be definitive answers as to why they're bad, I don't think...

I wouldn't think coffee and b12 supplements would be the primary catalysts to early death. It's some overall combination of everything found in energy drinks. There is a ton of nasty shit.

06-18-2019, 08:21 PM
Duderonomy- op so sorry to hear / friendships are gold.

This year my first true love I wanted to marry / passed away.
She had MS as well as a brandy drinker... not a good combo.

Please reach out to his family , you will be better for it.

Im so nba'd out
06-18-2019, 09:05 PM
what about vitamin b12? i drink coffee everyday and take a multivitamin that has b12. i ask bc caffeine and b12 are like the major ingredients in energy dirnks.
Coffee is bad for you.Can lead to hypertension the silent killer.Can also lead to strokes and heart disease.

06-18-2019, 09:16 PM
Coffee is bad for you.Can lead to hypertension the silent killer.Can also lead to strokes and heart disease.

Big time. I don’t drink coffee anymore. Get more sleep. You will get better sleep with no coffee too. I think a lot of people drink coffee because it screws up their sleep so they are tired, which makes them drink coffee, which screws up their sleep...and the cycle continues

06-18-2019, 09:18 PM
I'm not a doctor. I can't give you some "a-ha" moment answer, because I don't definitely know.

I just know there are too many reports about people suffering early deaths that are often tied to energy drink consumption. Far too many... for product lines that haven't been around that long, in the grand scheme.

They haven't been around long enough for there to be definitive answers as to why they're bad, I don't think...

I wouldn't think coffee and b12 supplements would be the primary catalysts to early death. It's some overall combination of everything found in energy drinks. There is a ton of nasty shit.
I think its more the combination of taurine and guarana that makes it seriously unhealthy

Im so nba'd out
06-18-2019, 09:22 PM
Big time. I don’t drink coffee anymore. Get more sleep. You will get better sleep with no coffee too. I think a lot of people drink coffee because it screws up their sleep so they are tired, which makes them drink coffee, which screws up their sleep...and the cycle continues

Crazy how many people drink coffee/ice coffee everyday.Then we wonder why skinny people are dropping like flies to strokes and other ish like that :facepalm

btw it wont hurt as much in a couple weeks OP.I had 2 best friends die on me (1 was murdered after winning a fistfight) (1 was my childhood dog)

06-19-2019, 12:03 AM
i lost three close friends over the course of a few years just after hs. one drowned in lake michigan ****ing around drunk in the middle of the night, another killed himself street racing, and another got shot up on a street corner gang banging. all real, genuine dudes that u just KNEW had your back wherever u'd go. u know a genuine friend when u have one and that shit wrecks u when u lose them, especially in such stupid, reckless ways. i still remem the phone calls so vividly, i remember some of the exact words exchanged between myself and their fam/friends some fifteen years ago.

anyway, i feel ur pain, op.

Patrick Chewing
06-19-2019, 12:11 AM
i lost three close friends over the course of a few years just after hs. one drowned in lake michigan ****ing around drunk in the middle of the night, another killed himself street racing, and another got shot up on a street corner gang banging. all real, genuine dudes that u just KNEW had your back wherever u'd go. u know a genuine friend when u have one and that shit wrecks u when u lose them, especially in such stupid, reckless ways. i still remem the phone calls so vividly, i remember some of the exact words exchanged between myself and their fam/friends some fifteen years ago.

Don't take this the wrong way, but how was your friend a genuine guy when he was too busy gang banging and suffered the most obvious fate possible? Leaving family and friends such as yourself in a sorrowful state? Again, I'm sorry for your loss and don't take it the wrong way. Just curious as to how someone can be considered a genuine friend when he lived such a dangerous and reckless life that could have gotten even you killed.

06-19-2019, 12:25 AM
Don't take this the wrong way, but how was your friend a genuine guy when he was too busy gang banging and suffered the most obvious fate possible? Leaving family and friends such as yourself in a sorrowful state? Again, I'm sorry for your loss and don't take it the wrong way. Just curious as to how someone can be considered a genuine friend when he lived such a dangerous and reckless life that could have gotten even you killed.

no worries. he was a good dude for who he was, or for the cards he was dealt. i should probably be clear - the guy wasnt into the hardcore latino 'banging for the hell of it' phenomenon... he was about his money (drug dealing), and all of the damage that comes with that. i was young (and dumb) too, and hung around some questionable people... the definition of a true friend now differs from what it was back then to me. either way, genuine friends in any regard are one in a million so to speak.

Turbo Slayer
06-19-2019, 12:27 AM
My condolences to you. I'm sorry for your loss. That must be a burden. If you need to talk to someone. I can help. Just know someone in this world loves you and likes you.

06-19-2019, 12:49 AM
My thing is the opposite. So many enemies, people I've had fights with in my youth, so many of them end up dying. And not even recently, but a couple of years later. Not even making it to their 20s. It's like I'm bad luck.

06-19-2019, 04:59 PM
Sorry to hear this, man. My condolences.

06-19-2019, 05:38 PM
That sucks man, Sorry for your loss.

My best friend is coming up on 10 years in July. Died in a motorcycle accident.

You don't really get over it, you just learn to cope with it more as times goes on.

Charlie Sheen
06-19-2019, 06:39 PM
Take your time to mourn the loss just don't get stuck there. This might sound insensitive to you right now, but it doesn't honor his memory to disrupt years of your life grieving. :cheers:

06-19-2019, 06:54 PM
You got to be feeling like shit right now, so accept my heartfelt condolences; hopefully you will live a full productive life.

06-19-2019, 07:25 PM
I think its more the combination of taurine and guarana that makes it seriously unhealthy

extreme amounts of sugar + people drinking it all day

06-19-2019, 07:38 PM
that processed sugar is the devil .. processed carbs, sugar etc .. everytime I cut that shit out, I feel and look like a completely different person .. the trick is cutting it out permanently .. must suck losing a childhood friend .. probably like losing a close family member .. sorry to hear that

06-20-2019, 12:42 PM
Sorry I'm not blaming energy drinks for his death I'm just saying 3 16 Oz's a day combined with working hard, smoking cigs, drinking hard and weekend partying doesn't lent to longevity. I'll contact the family in a respectable way and find out what happened to Matt.

Sometimes it tough i usually let things roll off my back but to really feel this upset reminds me I'm still human.

Thank you for the kind words, love my follow ishers . :cheers:

06-20-2019, 03:38 PM
Wtf who still use DVDs?

06-22-2019, 10:14 AM
dud how are you doing ???
give us an update ..

06-22-2019, 11:09 AM
Did you get the DVD

06-22-2019, 11:36 AM
dont do drugs kids

07-31-2021, 11:06 PM
Have you tried singing? Sometime writing song is good to help heart.

Miley Cyrus write wreckingball after friend death and she make lot of money

I hope she buy friend casket

Rip to your friend


08-01-2021, 01:46 PM
Sorry for your loss. Dealing with death is rough. Nothing helps except time.

08-01-2021, 07:27 PM
Is he your best friend? :(

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRTuUxLWvXUMmz6yUFjNc52f6cp70qIx 9lBog&usqp=CAU

08-02-2021, 05:35 AM
Don't take this the wrong way, but how was your friend a genuine guy when he was too busy gang banging and suffered the most obvious fate possible? Leaving family and friends such as yourself in a sorrowful state? Again, I'm sorry for your loss and don't take it the wrong way. Just curious as to how someone can be considered a genuine friend when he lived such a dangerous and reckless life that could have gotten even you killed.

Because you clearly lack a clue what the word genuine means. Has nothing to do what a person does for a living. Learn life my guy

08-02-2021, 09:23 AM
My thing is the opposite. So many enemies, people I've had fights with in my youth, so many of them end up dying. And not even recently, but a couple of years later. Not even making it to their 20s. It's like I'm bad luck.

understandable why you don't have friends.
Sorry for your mental failures.

09-05-2021, 08:23 PM
understandable why you don't have friends.
Sorry for your mental failures.

Ever notice what assholes some of these cats are lol They troll everything.