View Full Version : [SHAMS] No one wants to trade for CP3, not even for free

06-19-2019, 12:47 AM

even some teams they [Houston] have called and offered CP3 as a dump, like we'll give you Chris for free, those teams are like no, we're good


06-19-2019, 01:17 AM
Banana Boat sinking. :roll: :roll:

First Melo, now CP0, hopefully seen LeBron. :applause: :applause:

06-19-2019, 01:19 AM
Like I said in the other thread, why would any team trade for a 34 year old, injury-prone malcontent who makes $40 million a year?

06-19-2019, 01:19 AM
that contract.........:roll: :roll: :roll:

hold this L
06-19-2019, 01:34 AM
I still don't understand what Morey was thinking with that contract...

06-19-2019, 01:35 AM
I still don't understand what Morey was thinking with that contract...

06-19-2019, 01:47 AM
I still don't understand what Morey was thinking with that contract...

Enter the mindset of the prostitutes op procures

06-19-2019, 02:10 AM
Enter the mindset of the prostitutes op procures
where's my $2k you owe me? :confusedshrug:

06-19-2019, 02:14 AM
It would have to be a bad contract for bad contract type deal.

Something involving derozan, wall, conley, etc..

Maybe the Lakers if they strike out on the top fas could take him in to cap space? I don't really know the math.

of course none of this works for the Rockets, who want to win NOW.

06-19-2019, 02:14 AM
Anyone surprised? I wouldn't be.

Rockets are going to have to roll with CP3 because they are stuck with him for 2 years. Watch them not be able to dump CP3 until his last year when he is in expiring year

Patrick Chewing
06-19-2019, 02:18 AM
Wonder if the State Farm guy will follow him to his new city.

06-19-2019, 02:19 AM
Anyone surprised? I wouldn't be.

Rockets are going to have to roll with CP3 because they are stuck with him for 2 years. Watch them not be able to dump CP3 until his last year when he is in expiring year
kblaze in shambles. he thot bottom tier teams would trade for cp3.

waiting for his response.

06-19-2019, 02:26 AM

06-19-2019, 05:36 AM
They recently made up a story pretending Bulls were considering giving up Markkanen for him. I laughed so hard.

I can only see them getting John Wall for him.

06-19-2019, 05:56 AM
They recently made up a story pretending Bulls were considering giving up Markkanen for him. I laughed so hard.

I can only see them getting John Wall for him.

Better not give up marks. I would be so pissed but as u said I don't see it.

06-19-2019, 06:06 AM
I still don't understand what Morey was thinking with that contract...

He went all in on CP3 because he was a great player at the time and it ALMOST paid off in 2018 so :confusedshrug:

Sometimes it just doesn't work out. CP3 is an analytics' guy's wet dream and he was the best player Houston could possibly get at the time.

06-19-2019, 06:33 AM
The crazy part about the Paul contract is Morey had an easy, if slightly unethical out. Les Alexander still owned the Rockets when Paul opted in and was traded with the wink wink promise of a max. He sells the team, el cheapo comes in before it's time to sign that contract. "Sorry, Chris. New owner wants to go in a different direction. My hands are tied."

If they hadn't gotten SO close to beating GS, I think this would've happened. But they did get that close and Morey's impulsive obsession with beating them kicked in and he said '**** it' thinking they'd be a lock for a title if they could just keep Paul healthy.

06-19-2019, 06:36 AM
Oh and can I just say Paul is so disappointing for letting himself go and not caring after getting that big last contract. There's no way in hell an all-time great declines as much as he did over 5 months unless he stops training and practicing as hard.

06-19-2019, 06:40 AM
I did not see his career ending this way. That contract is bad. Like maybe the worst one ever. He even beats the Rashard Lewis and Arenas deals.

06-19-2019, 06:44 AM
The only team capable would be Miami Heat at this stage and would probably need Houston to give a few nice things back. I'm thinking

Paul + Capela + 1st rounder for Waiters, Dragic and Whiteside

Whiteside is a nice expiring but they got Anderson and Bosh for that

06-19-2019, 06:49 AM
The only team capable would be Miami Heat at this stage and would probably need Houston to give a few nice things back. I'm thinking

Paul + Capela + 1st rounder for Waiters, Dragic and Whiteside

Whiteside is a nice expiring but they got Anderson and Bosh for that

Wow, that is actually a really nice trade at first glance

On second thought, I think it favors the Rockets (a ton of salary relief with Whiteside and Dragic expiring) without helping the Heat too much (sure they want to get out of Whiteside and Waiters, but it would take them out of the running for a max guy in 2020 AND 2021 I think.

06-19-2019, 07:27 AM
Wonder if the State Farm guy will follow him to his new city.

06-19-2019, 07:56 AM
I also feel this could be Bostons way out of the Hayward contract too

Paul + Capela for Hayward, Smart and a few 2nd rounders

06-19-2019, 10:10 AM
If CP3 really wants to go , it will be a buy out.
Lakers will wait until it happens.

Then Bron will have played with his three bro's in the NBA.

It's what makes the NBA GRRRRREAAAAAT

06-19-2019, 10:13 AM

06-19-2019, 11:23 AM

Players should be ashamed for doing this. It's not like when driving and selling the contact. It's not trying to defend a player backing you down physically or putting their shoulder into you.

That's just pure blatant soccer level flopping.

06-19-2019, 03:07 PM
Better not give up marks. I would be so pissed but as u said I don't see it.
Rocks probably just trying to drive up the price. I could see Bulls taking him on for next to nothing if Houston wants to just dump him. Really hope they don't.

Mr Feeny
06-19-2019, 03:11 PM
Players should be ashamed for doing this. It's not like when driving and selling the contact. It's not trying to defend a player backing you down physically or putting their shoulder into you.

That's just pure blatant soccer level flopping.

Yeah, that's blatant cheating.

06-19-2019, 05:56 PM
When the knicks turn it down.. That says everything