View Full Version : Bob Lazar will be on the Joe Rogan podcast tomorrow

06-19-2019, 10:52 PM
Will you watch?

06-20-2019, 01:19 AM

I will listen.

Smook A.
06-20-2019, 01:43 AM

I will listen.

06-20-2019, 01:44 AM
Why not both?

06-23-2019, 11:41 AM
Really fascinating guy. When he was talking about how they work on these crafts to reverse engineer it and having to take breaks often years till science can catch up it got me thinking. Whoever wins the AI race wins everything. AI will probably deem that technology obsolete crazy to think about

06-24-2019, 07:52 AM
I didn't listen to it all, but caught most of it in clips. I've always found Lazar interesting, because he's clearly smart enough to have had the job he proposes he had. And his story is mainly tech driven. It's also been pretty much the same forever.

However, in the out of sequence nature that I saw the interview, it was as shaky as I can ever remember hearing Lazar. A lot of pauses, a lot losing train of thought. I know there was a moment when he admitted to a pretty bad migraine he was going through, which Rogan sort of confirmed. I also heard Rogan mention getting him more liquor, but that sounded like a joke to me. I think it wouldn't have sounded as questionable had I heard the interview in sequence and in total instead of in clips.

I'm also not entirely comfortable with the documentary guy. A little too much finishing sentences, and just felt a little too invested.

I did then watch the documentary, and did find it really well done for the topic. The fact that Lazar's work was raided during it's making was interesting.

Mickey Rourke peppering the film with abstract narration periodically was an extremely Mickey Rourke thing to include.

06-24-2019, 08:03 AM
just started listening to it now. Between all the driving i gotta do today i'll probably finish it.

There is a 99% chance that this dude is totally full of sh*t. But the 1% chance makes it so damn entertaining. I wish it was true.

Patrick Chewing
06-24-2019, 08:27 PM
For as much as people want to believe him, his story and personal life have so many holes than one can only doubt what this man is saying. And for a guy who witnessed alien spacecraft from a different planet that would prove we are not alone, his memory is quite foggy. Even if he was working on alien technology some 30 years ago, this is something you don't forget.

Here's his educational bio from Wiki:

Education and qualifications

Lazar graduated from high school in the bottom third of his class and completed one science course, chemistry.[12]

Lazar took electronics courses in the late 1970s at Pierce Junior College in Los Angeles.

Lazar claims he has a master's degree in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a master's degree in electronic technology from California Institute of Technology (Caltech). There are no records of Lazar attending either MIT or CalTech.[9] Based on Lazar's high school academics, acceptance to MIT would be exceptionally rare. MIT usually accepts students from the top percentile who have taken many science courses.[7] In support of this discrepancy, no professor has come forward with a memory of Lazar, he was not in a yearbook, and he could not remember the year he obtained his master's. Further, Lazar was not a member of a professional body. MIT has no process to expunge a student record.[12] A ufologist, Stanton Friedman, uses these discrepancies to conclude that Lazar does not have an advanced degree.

Lazar's was a self-employed film processor based on bankruptcy documents.[7]


hold this L
06-24-2019, 11:13 PM
Why not both?
Don't always listen to Rogan but generally, he's good to turn on when you're at work.

06-24-2019, 11:48 PM
There’s a documentary I’m watching where he’s the central figure.

Area 51 and aliens and shit

06-25-2019, 12:36 AM
For as much as people want to believe him, his story and personal life have so many holes than one can only doubt what this man is saying. And for a guy who witnessed alien spacecraft from a different planet that would prove we are not alone, his memory is quite foggy. Even if he was working on alien technology some 30 years ago, this is something you don't forget.

Here's his educational bio from Wiki:

he's not credible at all. education and employment are not verifiable.

06-25-2019, 07:54 AM
he's not credible at all. education and employment are not verifiable.

His education is not verifiable but i think there were some docs that proved he worked for the gov, like a w2 from the US navy or something like that.

He was able to identify those strange biometric hand scanners before the public knew about them, the company that hires people to work on top secret projects, and certain individuals that worked in and around that site.

For a guy that was supposedly a bad high school student he knew a lot about advanced sh*t, like how gravity is really expressed versus the graviton particle theory which was more popular at the time.

Ultimately though, i tend to think he's full of sh*t. I think he did actually work for the gov for a brief period of time but wasn't working on aliens or any real high security project. He probably was some sort of a tech in secure facility as an independent contractor and that's it.

He came off as a liar in that recent documentary that came out.